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Check These Cheeky Barstewards Out

john shaws hair

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Looks as though the Sags board are full of excuses again Hiicksy.

But what would you expect.

Conference standard team, fans and ground.

This is the funniest thread i have ever read, i am glad the pig snatching rent boys are not going to Cheltenham, even if they were i could not see any rivalry between Gloucester and Cheltenham Rent Boy Reserves!

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Can't get that one but assume something along the lines of,

"Bristol Rovers FC announce they are finally going into liquidation and putting the Bristol public out of their misery after boring them senseless and tarnishing the good name of their City for decades."

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Can't get that one but assume something along the lines of,

"Bristol Rovers FC announce they are finally going into liquidation and putting the Bristol public out of their misery after boring them senseless and tarnishing the good name of their City for decades."


Posted on: Fri 30 May 2008

The following is a statement released by Bristol Rovers on Friday afternoon:

The directors of Bristol Rovers Football Club have recently been made aware that the preferred student accommodation provider negotiating the stadium regeneration is no longer able to progress the project.

As a result the club has entered into negations with an alternative provider.

A further statement will be made next week.

:rofl2br: :rofl2br: :rofl2br:

Bob the builder he can fix it bob the builder yes he can not :winner_third_h4h: :winner_third_h4h: :winner_third_h4h:

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Posted on: Fri 30 May 2008

The following is a statement released by Bristol Rovers on Friday afternoon:

The directors of Bristol Rovers Football Club have recently been made aware that the preferred student accommodation provider negotiating the stadium regeneration is no longer able to progress the project.

As a result the club has entered into negations with an alternative provider.

A further statement will be made next week.

:rofl2br: :rofl2br: :rofl2br:

Bob the builder he can fix it bob the builder yes he can not :winner_third_h4h: :winner_third_h4h: :winner_third_h4h:

:rofl2br::rofl2br::rofl2br: Can you hear the Dwarf man sing NOO NOO

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They aint happy bunnies over on the Gas forum :D

What a joke of a club - the muppet show.

I've left them alone for the last couple of days.

It's like walking down the street and picking on the bloke who lives in a shed and has a broken down capri.

They've fallen on hard times, their board has lied to them, their half decent players (which are scant) will probably leave, their stadium is falling apart.

I think another season near the foot of L1 and possibly a relegation battle is ahead.

Where's all the joy from celebrating our play off defeat now then??

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of fans.

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We do have a stadium thanks, and a new one on the way+2 claiming 4th? You must be very proud

6 players? Try reading the web sites

Yes, I do have a season for next year thanks.


Are you sure about that oh saggy one??!!!

Funny how he/she/it has crawled back under whatever stone it lives under as soon as the latest stadium re-generation (WTF??!) news comes out

It's all gone quiet over there!



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Take no notice, the whole of Bristol's now a Gas Free Zone now that the Gas are now officially 'Cheltenham Rovers FC'.....


Loving that banner you've now got! :clapping:

...Cheltenham Rovers?!

More like Cheltenham Reserves if you ask me! :whistle2:

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They are all up in arms about the lack of communication and shite PR from the club.

Didn't that Gas supporting reporter from the EP go to them as head of PR - can't remember her name now.

What you put around comes around luv......

This is getting better and better :D

What, Kirsty "completely impartial" Pugh? The one who wrote all the pro stadium pieces in the Evil Post before moving across to Rovers?

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They aint happy bunnies over on the Gas forum :D

What a joke of a club - the muppet show.

And they say the editor of Vitalfootball who broke the story has been banned from their forum. Banned for spamming!!! he did not even post the story on the forum....

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I have also been told from someone who is working on the new ground that will never happen,

That there is no way in a million years that it can be done in two years, it will take at least 3 years minimum. They are only saying 2 to keep the fans happy.

I working for a rather large building consultancy in town and heard pretty much exactly the same today.

Despite everything that Rovers are saying in public, it seems that it's going to be a good few years until everything is actually singed and ready to build,

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I was so mad when I saw that photo that I made a promise I'd sneak into their NEW stadium with a stained old bedsheet with something witty written all over it... Just a dream I suppose...

(I really need to stop this now... sorry... just enjoying myself so much... really wish he's come back... Really.)

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Guest MaloneFM


What a lot of biting, jolly well done to all concerned for making a prank a much bigger story than it deserves to be. Still, all fodder for the Evil Post eh chums and the part timers are more than relieved that they are now having an easier life.

But if you want to get your revenge in. Do it first.

One night several years ago uncle learned the final act in the story of Eastville stadium was about to unfold. The last Greyhound meeting was thursday nght and the bulldozers due on monday. This left three nights of an unguarded stadium.

That night I took my camera and my Yorkshire Terrier (gay dog if you will but he bit like a shark) off to visit Eastville for the last time.

After pushing the dog under I climbed over the gate and we were off over the unmown pitch which the dog promptly peed on. We got to the greyhound track and ran about a bit, I took a few pictures of him running like a small greyhound and a very nice one of him on the greyhound podium with a city scarf behind him.

We went to the Tote end and another picture with the scarf on the fence and the final act...he crouched down and snipped one off.

If someone could tell me how to get the pictures scanned I would love to show you all.

So ladies and gentlemen stop nashing the teeth, lying at rest at the bottom of uncles garden, is the dog the crapped on the Tote end.

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Guest MaloneFM
Take a look at this posting from her on the sags site ;


For those that don't care, most of you, this is a thread to commemerate the 11 years since they stole the rugby ground and the best players since they have been there to mark thier moving to Cheltenham staying put.

One that spings to mind is:

Stan D Notbuilt

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So no Premier League, no Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal? and yet you deserved it so much didn't you?

Suck it up you bunch of losers.

Check out our site for the answer to that, you'd be amazed at how many Reds have some on to defend your shocking defeat. Ironic that I use the word 'defend' when that's exactly what you didn't do. Still, cheered up a dire weekend, thanks.

Dwarfy on another wind up.

Oooooooooooh Dwarfy come out and plaaaaaay yyyyyy :tumbleweed:

cheer up Dwarfy, at this rate you'll be playing Chamberlains shower of shit, and AFC Wimbledon will be above you.

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