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Bristol City Win Race For Maynard (many Merges)


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Some Stats on Last season for Maynard for those statto sad sacks like myself:


Apps 25(3); Shots on(off) 48(23); HW 1; Assists 0; Goals 15; Y 1; R 0

By way of comparison, I though I would look at Trunds stats(both score for fun at L1 level - both cost us a LOT of money)

Apps 22(16); Shots on(off) 23(22); HW 3; Assists 2; Goals 5; Y 2; R 0

I also chose Trunds, because he had a similar amount of apps as Maynard.

What it does show you(and this isn't a criticism of LT who I like very much), is that he hits the target with approx 67% of all his efforts; Trunds is less than 50%.

What does it tell us? - **** Knows

This is the most interesting stat as far as I'm concerned. It suggests that given a whole season at league one level, he might get close to 30 goals- more than enough to suggest he could cope in the championship.

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This is the most interesting stat as far as I'm concerned. It suggests that given a whole season at league one level, he might get close to 30 goals- more than enough to suggest he could cope in the championship.

Trundle scoring record was prolific at Swansea but we know what happened we he came here. Badly struggled.

We can quote all the stats in the world but we'll only know if he's good enough if and when he plays.

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Trundle scoring record was prolific at Swansea but we know what happened we he came here. Badly struggled.

We can quote all the stats in the world but we'll only know if he's good enough if and when he plays.

Yes but I've seen people saying 'he only got 15 goals last season' and suggesting that his record is no better than Jevons, which considering his appearences doesn't seem to be entirely fair. Also, as Maynard is only 21 you'd expect him to improve still further, as opposed to LT who you'd think was already at the peak of his powers by the time he joined us.

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It reminds me, if it was needed, that Trundle did not get enough shots away last season. This makes an interesting comparison, albeit that they are playing at different levels.

True, he didn't get enough shots away, but the question also begs.... What was the main problem last season? That our strikers didn't score enough? Or that the supply line to them wasn't good enough? Bit of the first, maybe, and it should also be argued that the strikers should also be making their own chances, but for me the main problem was not creating enough chances, particularly from the right wing, where Sproule just didn't do enough (although I'm happy for another Statto to shoot that theory down).

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Maynard sign, but I wish/hope other areas were being concentrated on as well.

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Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Maynard sign, but I wish/hope other areas were being concentrated on as well.

They will be concentrated on as soon as we get the strikers in (hopefully maynard today or tommorow and the unkown european) then i think we could see a centre half and possible a winger come in.

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Anyone know if his goal stats include any penalties. If not then the goals per game ratio is even more impressive. He looks like a much better acquisition that the other two. GJ realises that a good dressing room contributes a lot of extra points per season and quite rightly puts a lot of emphasis on personality and attitude. I imagine he feels a bit relieved that the two players he nearly signed showed their true colours before a deal was sealed.

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True, he didn't get enough shots away, but the question also begs.... What was the main problem last season? That our strikers didn't score enough? Or that the supply line to them wasn't good enough? Bit of the first, maybe, and it should also be argued that the strikers should also be making their own chances, but for me the main problem was not creating enough chances, particularly from the right wing, where Sproule just didn't do enough (although I'm happy for another Statto to shoot that theory down).

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Maynard sign, but I wish/hope other areas were being concentrated on as well.

Sure, we did not create enough tap-in chances last season and obviously the crossing was a big reason for that. I don't have any stats on Sproule but can't recall too many assists (the cross for mcIndoe's header v Sheff U stands out).

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I lost count of the number of times the ball went across the goal less than 6 yards from the line - and we had no one going for the ball or stood in the wrong place (aside from Byfield now and then).

Similarly, the quality of runs off the ball was poor all season - again, Byfield was the best by far at doing that but not often enough.

Players like meteb, Mifsud and Maynard are able to address the above, but we don't have any players who can do that currently.

LT is excellent when attacking with the ball at his feet and I think that's what the team had to get used to last season - give him the ball at his feet around the area and let him get on with it. No good pumping balls in the air or chest height or expect him to run onto a pacy through ball.

If we can get someone like Maynard in, it will give us a lot more options.

I think I've written that almost word for word on here before.

The goal poacher who lives in the 18 yard box and attacks the ball in there is exactly what we're lacking and if Maynard is signed he provides that plus pace.

How many of those chances he actually converts will come down to technique and I've not seen enough of him to judge that.

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Not sure if this has been posted before (and cant be bothered to run through each page to check as busy at work) but found this on my Sky Sports Mobile page. Not sure how new this is mind.....


Crewe spokesman Rob Wilson told the Sentinel "No fee has been agreed yet but we are in talks. Once that is sorted out, then they will be given permission to speak to Nicky"

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I'm sat at home at the moment with a broken leg...ive done nothing but watch sites for info!

I found this Crewe fans view on the Maynard move...dunno if you guys have seen it or not...


Oohh the Aldi jibe was below the belt. Has he not tried their chocolate brioche?, because once you have theres no going back.

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Not sure if this has been posted before (and cant be bothered to run through each page to check as busy at work) but found this on my Sky Sports Mobile page. Not sure how new this is mind.....


Crewe spokesman Rob Wilson told the Sentinel "No fee has been agreed yet but we are in talks. Once that is sorted out, then they will be given permission to speak to Nicky"

Fairplay to Matthews, all he had to say was positives about us.

Always liked the lad......... Call him Nicky call him, Matthews could secure us this deal....

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I'm sat at home at the moment with a broken leg...ive done nothing but watch sites for info!

I found this Crewe fans view on the Maynard move...dunno if you guys have seen it or not...


Like playing in Scotland? GJ is a no name not up and coming manager? What planet is this Crewe supporter on?

If Maynard has any ambition he will see this as decent move at this point in his career. Sure his agent might possibly be able to engineer a move to the Prem for him, but he will play week in week out for us and if he continues to score like he has done so far not only would it be the missing piece for our promotion efforts, i reckon there would be an England U21 call up down the line as well.

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