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94th Minute

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I've certainly been impressed with his wet weather driving this year though. But as last year he's had alot of luck in a great car. He's still done nothing to be considered "great"

I get the distinct impression that he could win every GP and you'd find it hard to consider him great but never mind.

What's your gripe with him - genuinely interested cos for me he comes across as a decent role model and a sensible kid?

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I get the distinct impression that he could win every GP and you'd find it hard to consider him great but never mind.

What's your gripe with him - genuinely interested cos for me he comes across as a decent role model and a sensible kid?

I think the standard of driving in F1 is really low. I really don't consider anyone great at the minute.

You have 4 cars that can win the title. Lewis's teamate is 6th..somehow. Raikkonen is performing the worst i've ever seen him.

For Hamilton read Klitschko. They might be the best..but that doesn't say much and it's really hard to get excited about low standard sport and being the best at it.

I think his dad is a great role model by giving his kid every chance in the world. Lewis, not so much.

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Got a Ferrari?

Not quite good enough at driving?

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Oh man, thats hilarious :rofl2br:

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Taken from another forum, but interesting nonetheless

Onboard cameras of the whole thing, sort of gives a new perspective


I love the on-board camera footage, there was some awesome driving by both Kimi and Lewis, how did they not collect each other i just don't know. :o

Anyhoo, Absolute clear evidence that this was a totally fair and LEGAL manoeuvre, Lewis is the clear winner here.

The Stewards should be utterly ashamed of themselves, but I'm 100% confident this will be rectified and Lewis will have his win reinstated with the Stewards sacked on corruption charges.

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Anyhoo, Absolute clear evidence that this was a totally fair and LEGAL manoeuvre, Lewis is the clear winner here.

The Stewards should be utterly ashamed of themselves, but I'm 100% confident this will be rectified and Lewis will have his win reinstated with the Stewards sacked on corruption charges.

Not sure, but seems your not being serious here,

Its clear from the footage that lewis was side by side with the ferrari going into the corner, where he got cut onto the chicane, he had to make that manoover to avoid the crash...surely thats Kimis fault, he shouldn't have driven in such a way to force Lewis off the track, had he not ;eft the track...ignoring that both cars would have been out of the race; his advantage would have been greater than ending up 3 feet behind Kimi.

So at least in my mind he did nothing wrong.

Also the stats apparently show that Lewis was 6kmph slower crossing the line, how is the advantage there not back with Kimi??

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You can see Lewis watching his right mirror avidly after the chicane to allow Kimi back through. What was he then meant to do? Wait until he was half a mile down the road before attempting to catch him up again?

If Kimi hadn't of planted it in the wall, would have been interested to see the stewards' interpretation of his later trip across the run off area where he clearer used it to gain speed.

On that note, it looks like Kimi just got frustrated and attempted going too fast just as the rain got harder and even Lewis slowed down.

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I think you mean Kimi passing him, but Massa is sadly just trotting out the party line.

Its clear the people that run the FIA just want a procession of cars with no racing eachother allowed. The end to the race in Spa was one of the most exciting I can remember for quite a while, and its such a shame that it has been overshadowed by all this b***ocks and corruptness since.

I hope Lewis stuffs the Ferraris this weekend in Monza, and that the appeal on the 22nd gives the right result. While I'm quietly confident about the first statement, and somehow cannot see how the points deduction will be reversed.

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I can see both sides of the arguement to be honest. He was catching Kimi quite easily and no doubt would have got past him within the next few corners regardless of whether he'd cut the chicane or not. However, if he'd slowed down and taken the chicane rather than cutting it, it's doubtful he would have been in position to overtake him on the next corner. Either way the punishment was very very harsh, but I can't see it being overturned.

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Ferrari team cocks up, so Ferrari president launches scathing attack on anything but the circuit:


Whilst I would love to see more overtaking, I don't begrudge street circuits in particular - after all, the cars are DESIGNED not to be easy to overtake. So it's hardly the fault of street circuits on their own.

Furthermore, I hate the constant calls from drivers for smoother surfaces etc. etc.

Back in the day it was part of racing to control a car on any track. I find it hard to believe that the likes of Fangio, Moss and Lauda would have whinged that a track was 'too bumpy'.

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Having only watched the first qualifying, looks to be a decent track, and all the front runners seem to be pretty close, should make for a good race

Does anyone know of a way that I could watch the race, in full, just a bit later on? I don't have anyway to record off the tv at the moment, although that would have been ideal!

Do Itv have a way to get to the highlights page without seeing a headline along the lines of 'a and b crash out, as c reigns supreme; FIA inquiry into mclarens dirty dirty cheating pending'

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You will either have to try and avoid any form of media until the rerun later on Sunday, or do what I will be doing, have an early night, get up, watch the race and then go get some more sleep.

I don't think I could bear it if I hadnt watched it live, because I would end up finding out what had happened.

I always prefer it live anyway.

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You will either have to try and avoid any form of media until the rerun later on Sunday, or do what I will be doing, have an early night, get up, watch the race and then go get some more sleep.

I don't think I could bear it if I hadnt watched it live, because I would end up finding out what had happened.

I always prefer it live anyway.

If i don't watch it live, i will spoil it for myself by checking..can't help it. so i have to stay up or get up early etc.

Massa is so bad, hope Hamilton gets a couple of retirements to make it more interesting.

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Was having one of those shouting "COME ON!!!" at the telly moments at half past stupid o clock this morning.

I think I was driving those final few corners of Lewis's lap with him, and am really looking forward to the race tomorrow morning. Just not looking forward to the half 5am race start.

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Was having one of those shouting "COME ON!!!" at the telly moments at half past stupid o clock this morning.

I think I was driving those final few corners of Lewis's lap with him, and am really looking forward to the race tomorrow morning. Just not looking forward to the half 5am race start.

See i don't care enought to watch qualifying at whatever o'clock. They repeat anythign interesting at the start of the show. And if you try to get up when the race starts..you tend to miss the first lap (i.e. usually the exciting bit!)

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Not long woke up now so will be staying up to watch it. Not sure the neighbours are going to be happy with me shouting at my TV at stupid o'clock in the morning.

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