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94th Minute

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Wow, just wow!!

Not overly great for the middle sections, some nice interactions, but nothing too spectacular; nothing compared to the last 2 laps at least,

What just happened, did Hamilton know that he could catch up the 6 seconds in 4 laps, but didn't want to risk being overtaken? Is the guy really that good?!

I know he's been accused of making stupid mistakes, which would cost him the championship, but the overtaking was almost perfectly done, and unlike Raikkonen when it went wrong, he didn't get angry, try and put down too much power, and end up nose first in a wall!!

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If there was ever any doubt that the FIA and Bernie Ecclestone are corrupt racist Ferrari loving snakes then here is the pure naked evidence at last!

I've been involved in motor sport for over 20 yrs and this incident was NEVER EVER EVER a 25 sec penalty when you consider the evidence, this is the most transparent and blatant abuse of power I've seen ever, it makes me almost gag with horror.

The Stewards are just Bernies cronies and do EXACTLY what he says, don't anyone think any different because trust me Bernie is a putrid megalomaniac who suffers from a sever case of short man syndrome and cares only for his own personal gains...IE Ferrari.

Bernie, you are a **** and we can all see it now.

You just killed F1

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Does it really matter if he did get a unfair advantage? Kimi crashed out anyways and would have done so even if Hamilton hadn't of cut the corner. The FIA are corrupt as **** and one thinks they are not kean for a black driver to be a world champion. Thing is they are so stupid they don't seem to realise that Hamilton has saved F1 until now. Maybe he should have his car painted red.

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I'm not a particular fan of Hamilton...infact i think he's a bit of an arrogant tw4t BUT that penalty iss a complete joke.

Hamilton slowed to allow Kimi to regain the first place he lost after Hamilton was FORCED into cutting the chicane because of Kimi's line...exactly as the rules tell him to do...so maybe Hamilton did gain a slight advantage but how the **** did he gain 25 secs worth of time :disapointed2se:

Suprisingly when Massa broke the rules in Valencia he was given a poxy fine...Hamilton's already been docked 10 places after the Canada incedent which also seemed pretty harsh and this takes the p155

This has really p155ed me off and i'm going to support Hamilton from here on in :englandsmile4wf:

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They gave him a drive through penalty, but as the race was finished he couldnt actually serve it, so thats where the 25 seconds comes from.

Am still bloody fuming about this.

Oh right...thanks!!

It would only happen to McClaren...****** ******* **** ******* ****** ** *** ***...i pray the appeal is succesfull!!

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Seriously, what do the FIA think they achieve from this kind of thing? Apparently Ferrari themselves didn't even appeal, so its not as if they were going to kick up a fuss. The FIA might think they're endearing themselves to the Italians, but they're going to **** off everyone else 10 times more- we may as well watch ****ing WWE! This from a Raikkonen fan by the way.

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One of the best races in ages and the FIA go and **** it right up. I'm just watching the highlights now and I'm still angry. Seriously would be surprised if most of the teams didn't want to form a breakaway championship.

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The GP yesterday was the first one I've watched for ages and even a non fan like me has to admit that it was exiciting - especially when the rain started towards the end. I even cheered when the other bloke hit the wall and crashed out.

If it was like that every race I might become a fan.

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Do you entirely own that domain? That's rather impressive if you do.

Your opinions on the F1 saga seem to mirror popular belief, and that will do your blog the world of good.

It will be interesting to read your views on the US Open final.

Oh and any mention of the BMW Championship?

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Redhyde is just pissed that Hamilton proved him wrong by being a great driver again this season :)

I've certainly been impressed with his wet weather driving this year though. But as last year he's had alot of luck in a great car. He's still done nothing to be considered "great"

Massa isn't great, Raikkonnen isn't, Heikki's less than special..even if you beat these guys it doesn't mean too much. He hasn't beaten these guys yet.

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For what it's worth I have also signed the petition not that I think that the FIA will do an 'about-face'.

I have been watching motorsports for nearly 50 years now (since first sat on top of the Morris Minor at Castle Combe) and I am absolutely disgusted by the decision to dock Lewis 25 secs for what was very quick thinking to avoid contact with Raikonen. Lewis is the probably best British driver since Mansell and the probably the potential to go much further than him.

I have nothing but contempt for the FIA, their actions are unbelievable and shocking. It has turned F1 into a laughing stock.

Back to Moto GP and World Superbikes for me, F1 stinks!

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