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Seems right to be talking about such events in a topic about Spa

No doubt that was stupid by Hamilton, losing the spot from the start you have to understand the want to get it back though; but how, how in any way shape or form is it fair to give the same penalty to Massa, who ran off the track in order to get in a position to spin Hamiltons car, costing him all positions to the back of the running, as Hamilton going off the track, and by virtue taking any cars to the outside of him??

On seems like a sad fact of racing, that if a car is to understeer, cars outside will be effected, the other is verging on cheating, massa caused him to spin, surely the penalty should be to go behind him again

I'm not best pleased

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hate hamilton he's a cocky shit, today proved that alonso is by far the best driver around just lacks the car, i predict hamilton will bottle it yet again.

And who are you to call someone who has in all likelihood achieved more in his life than you, a 'cocky little shit'? Its one of the saddest traits of the British, that far too many can't see another person be successful without jealousy making them want to put them down.

There is nothing he does to show such a statement, apart from having the self belief to won races, he is undoubtedly one of the best drivers out there at the moment, his racing in the wet proves this; surely you can agree that the best show their true credentials in the hardest conditions; to be fair to Alonso he had a great race, and is a good driver, but to say you hate Hamilton, and say he can't be the best driver through it, and to like someone arrogant enough to walk away from his constructor, because he wasn't the biggest name there; shows how moronic the comment really was

Anyway back to the race; I switched off when it said that 2 and 14 were under investigation, because after watching the replays a good few times, it was obvious that bourdais had merely held the inside line leaving the pits, it was then Massa's aggressiveness that caused the spin, as he decided he was too good for the rules anymore, and could barge others off the track.nBut with bourdais taking a presious point from Ferarri, and making a title decider on the last day of the season that tiny bit less likely; he had to be dealt with.

Reminds me of the elders in Hot Fuzz a bit too much

Before this race I really did like Massa, I wanted Hamilton to win the title, but if he had to lose it to anyone, then Massa was as good as any; but the sheer arrogance shown by his driving today has really annoyed me, it seems that he knows ferarri are chosen by the FIA to win the title, and all he has to do is use his immunity from prosecution of cheating to get high enough in the standings so the points can be given.

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And who are you to call someone who has in all likelihood achieved more in his life than you, a 'cocky little shit'? Its one of the saddest traits of the British, that far too many can't see another person be successful without jealousy making them want to put them down.

There is nothing he does to show such a statement, apart from having the self belief to won races, he is undoubtedly one of the best drivers out there at the moment, his racing in the wet proves this; surely you can agree that the best show their true credentials in the hardest conditions; to be fair to Alonso he had a great race, and is a good driver, but to say you hate Hamilton, and say he can't be the best driver through it, and to like someone arrogant enough to walk away from his constructor, because he wasn't the biggest name there; shows how moronic the comment really was

Anyway back to the race; I switched off when it said that 2 and 14 were under investigation, because after watching the replays a good few times, it was obvious that bourdais had merely held the inside line leaving the pits, it was then Massa's aggressiveness that caused the spin, as he decided he was too good for the rules anymore, and could barge others off the track.nBut with bourdais taking a presious point from Ferarri, and making a title decider on the last day of the season that tiny bit less likely; he had to be dealt with.

Reminds me of the elders in Hot Fuzz a bit too much

Before this race I really did like Massa, I wanted Hamilton to win the title, but if he had to lose it to anyone, then Massa was as good as any; but the sheer arrogance shown by his driving today has really annoyed me, it seems that he knows ferarri are chosen by the FIA to win the title, and all he has to do is use his immunity from prosecution of cheating to get high enough in the standings so the points can be given.

oh so you didn't see hamilton driving like a lunatic at the start then?? He gave alonso no respect when they were team mates, with alonso being a world champion he deserved it. What is all the fuss about hamilton anyway he ain't that good, what him choke yet again.

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I agree he didn't have to do what he did at the start but it was his enthusiasm and wanting to win that got the better of him, he had the wrong attitude that he would do anything to get the victory and it backfired he was lucky Massa didn't score more points however that Schumacher-esque move was out of order by Massa.

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oh so you didn't see hamilton driving like a lunatic at the start then?? He gave alonso no respect when they were team mates, with alonso being a world champion he deserved it. What is all the fuss about hamilton anyway he ain't that good, what him choke yet again.

I saw him driving motivated to win, I saw him take the inside line ON the race trace to try any overtake Kimi, I saw him overtake Massa; then I saw Massa take the inside line OFF the race track, to get the right line to drive into Hamilton, I'm not saying it was bad tactics by Hamilton, and on a cold track, it was a terrible choice to attempt to drive that aggressively, but you seem to have got aggressiveness mistaken with cockyness; has he come out and said that its not his fault, or it wasn't his mistake...no, he's down to earth, and can accept he was wrong.

Why should he deserve less respect than Alonso, just because Alonso is the reigning champion, he doesn't deserve respect for throwing his toys out of the pram when Hamilton got the same amount of attention as him. So who really is more cocky, someone who makes mistakes and can admit they were wrong, or someone who believes that him winning the world championship makes him the center of the constructors attentions?!

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Reading, and seeing pictures on the BBC just makes this whole race seem more and more corrupt, its now 4 points they have given to Massa, and at least 4 points taken from Hamilton, assuming that he wouldn't have gotten any points without the drive through, which I think was overly unfair.

But Massa, the pictures on the BBC show clearly him driving into the side of Hamilton's car, how can that only need a drive through penalty?! And then he drives into Bourdais, and the frenchman gets given the penalty, for being in the way?? This season is getting stupid now

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Reading, and seeing pictures on the BBC just makes this whole race seem more and more corrupt, its now 4 points they have given to Massa, and at least 4 points taken from Hamilton, assuming that he wouldn't have gotten any points without the drive through, which I think was overly unfair.

But Massa, the pictures on the BBC show clearly him driving into the side of Hamilton's car, how can that only need a drive through penalty?! And then he drives into Bourdais, and the frenchman gets given the penalty, for being in the way?? This season is getting stupid now

even jackie stewart has branded the cocky little shit arrogant now, all this fame has gone to his head, people will love it when he blows the title yet again, oh well at least he can go back to his pussycat doll for comfort. What a #######.

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even jackie stewart has branded the cocky little shit arrogant now, all this fame has gone to his head, people will love it when he blows the title yet again, oh well at least he can go back to his pussycat doll for comfort. What a #######.

Naturally, from the same person who comes up with the logic that a F1 champion deserves to be treated as king, should come up with the opinion that Jackie Stewart's opinion on Hamilton stands better than anyone who hasn't won 3 Championships...guess you'll have to wait for Schumacher to form an opinion though

Actually what he seemed to have said, was that his attitude towards the first corner was Arrogant; very different from calling him a "cocky little shit", he's actually one of his biggest supporters, I doubt he would believe that he has the ability to be one of the greatest drivers if he though such things of him

Hamilton has also openly admitted that its his fault and that it was a mistake, he is still relatively new to the sport (second season) he will make mistakes, as being championship leader going into the last 3 races is a huge pressure situation; I think it was wrong of Stewart to call his mistake arrogant though, arrogance shows thought process; I'm sure it was just his instinct to win...arrogance was shown by Massa

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Reading, and seeing pictures on the BBC just makes this whole race seem more and more corrupt, its now 4 points they have given to Massa, and at least 4 points taken from Hamilton, assuming that he wouldn't have gotten any points without the drive through, which I think was overly unfair.

But Massa, the pictures on the BBC show clearly him driving into the side of Hamilton's car, how can that only need a drive through penalty?! And then he drives into Bourdais, and the frenchman gets given the penalty, for being in the way?? This season is getting stupid now

I haven't been calm enough to comment about the race until now. I totally agree with what you say. I know in the past there have been battles, wouldn't want it any other way but they were 'fair fights', now all the FIA seem to do is wait until the end of the race and then depending on who finishes where, they decide the final outcome and aren't very subtle about it.

I actually thought when I was told about the Massa/Bourdais points situation on Sunday afternoon that I was being wound up. Unbelievable and grossly unfair.

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How any Englishman could want a foreigner to beat one of us is beyond me but anyways on to today's race. Hamilton on Pole, I wonder what the FIA have up there sleeves today to **** Hamilton up and hand the title to Massa and Ferrari. Really can't believe Massa gets away with so much yet Hamilton gets penalised for the slightest thing. All I can see is the FA want the Championship to go down to the last race to keep it exciting unlike previous years where it used to be wrapped up early on leaving the remaining races pointless and will do everything they can to make that happen.

The sooner someone comes up with a breakaway Championship away from the corrupt FIA the better.

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