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Sports personality of the year without a doubt, sorry Olympic swimmers, but what you do fades into insignificance against what a f1 drivers goes though, especially to win a title

What get paid £millions!! Hard life

Take away the great car and he wins nothing

Chris Hoy for Sports personality

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What get paid £millions!! Hard life

Take away the great car and he wins nothing

Chris Hoy for Sports personality

In a way F1 drivers are sort of athletes when you consider what there body goes through during a race. First of all you have all them G Forces to contend with and then you got the mental side to contend with and all the concentration levels needed. You start to think what your having for tea and then your into a wall. It's truly amazing how they manage to drive at them speeds then think about everything else they need to think about.
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In a way F1 drivers are sort of athletes when you consider what there body goes through during a race. First of all you have all them G Forces to contend with and then you got the mental side to contend with and all the concentration levels needed. You start to think what your having for tea and then your into a wall. It's truly amazing how they manage to drive at them speeds then think about everything else they need to think about.

Alot of what you said is right

But you need great concentration levels and be mentaly right

what ever sport you play if you want to be at the top

I'm sure as Tiger woods is about to take a 8 foot putt

hes not thinking whats for tea :icecream:

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well done Lewis!! would of been interesting to hear the Toyota team radio the last couple of laps

You don't think they have checked things like that before now?

People should stop with the conspiracy theories, as I said Glock was still on DRY tyres and was waaaay off the pace. Lewis kept his head and got round him when he lost it on that last but one corner due to him having no grip in the wet. He also hadnt changed his tyres for 35 laps, and so they were completely worn down as well as the wrong type for a wet race.

I hope all the "Did Glock let him past" comments arent going to spoil a fantastic win after a season nearly ruined by interference from Stewards and the FIA.

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Well done Lewis. As the standings show he's clearly had the best driver car combination this year individually. But well done him.

Is it sporting personality (achievement) of the year by a Brit? Not at all, because this year there's not been much competition for him in F1. Hoy all the way.

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sorry Olympic swimmers, but what you do fades into insignificance against what a f1 drivers goes though

Seriously? Getting up at 4am every day to train before going off to a proper job and then training again in the evening, all for peanuts. Compared to a F1 driver getting paid millions to drive a car. Yeah, you're right, F1 drivers have it much tougher... :noexpression:

People should stop with the conspiracy theories

Agreed. Just like the theory that the FIA were going out of there way to stop Hamilton winning the championship.

Anyway, that was a great race and Hamilton is a deserved World Champion. Well done Lewis! :winner_third_h4h:

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F1 drivers have a massive amount to contend with. G forces as high as 5 times the force of gravity on their necks, coming inches close to barriers which at 200mph could wreck or even take your life, a constant battle with other drivers who are trying to do exactly the same thing, I can't imagine it being easy. To all those who believe Hamilton only won it because of his car, you've got to bear in mind he hammered his team mate Kovaleinen in the same car, and Ferrari had a just as competitive car with Massa and the former world champion Raikonnen, who Hamilton also beat. On top of that he also matched Fernando Alonso almost perfectly last year, and he's a two time world champion. And after reading through some of the comments on here, I have to say that Hamilton did deserve his penalty in Spa for what it's worth.

Just for the laughs: http://i38.tinypic.com/34i1bnp.jpg

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It's not real Sunday driving though. They should have pensioners going around at 35MPH and a few tractors and horse boxes...

:winner_third_h4h::worship2::clapping: A great victory for Lewis Hamilton but how would he do with the various arseholes on the track that clog up our roads on Sundays? That's the real world of driving. :whistle2:

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What get paid £millions!! Hard life

Take away the great car and he wins nothing

Chris Hoy for Sports personality

I have respect for the Olympic athletes, but c'mon Chris Hoy for SPOTY? :rofl2br: What skill is involved in peddling reaaaaly fast? please...that would be... hardly any. ...Oh and take away Chris's super duper engineered £500k lotto funded bike and he too would win nothing so don't try that one!

Anyway, its a common misconception among the misinformed that its the 'car' that wins it. This is just babble spouted by people who don't understand F1. Ferrari had the best car this season, but they didn't have the best driver, hence Lewis is WC.

Seriously? Getting up at 4am every day to train before going off to a proper job and then training again in the evening, all for peanuts. Compared to a F1 driver getting paid millions to drive a car. Yeah, you're right, F1 drivers have it much tougher... :noexpression:

Agreed. Just like the theory that the FIA were going out of there way to stop Hamilton winning the championship.

Anyway, that was a great race and Hamilton is a deserved World Champion. Well done Lewis! :winner_third_h4h:

F1 drivers are among, if not the fittest sportsmen in the world. Yes they get paid a lot of money and with good reason, its far more interesting than watching someone cycle round a bloody circle! ANYONE can do that really, but only the select few get to race, let alone WIN an F1 championship.

Swimmers and bike cyclists don't risk their life every single time the get strapped into their bike/or swimwear, F1 drivers do, the worst that can happen to a swimmer is the get stinging eyes Aww didumms are you poor ickle eyes hurtsy? Awww.

Or maybe Chris Hoy might graze his knee...ouch. :noexpression:

F1 is very dangerous too, once slip, a lapse of thought and you break bones and kill people, Senna got his brain skewered on his steering column if anyone needed reminding.

We've not had a F1 champion since Hill in 1996, thats 12 yrs, in which time we have won various Olympic medals. I think credit wherre it is due, Lewis is the youngest ever F1 champion, he deserves the award on merit alone.

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I have respect for the Olympic athletes, but c'mon Chris Hoy for SPOTY? :rofl2br: What skill is involved in peddling reaaaaly fast? please...that would be... hardly any. ...Oh and take away Chris's super duper engineered £500k lotto funded bike and he too would win nothing so don't try that one!

Anyway, its a common misconception among the misinformed that its the 'car' that wins it. This is just babble spouted by people who don't understand F1. Ferrari had the best car this season, but they didn't have the best driver, hence Lewis is WC.

F1 drivers are among, if not the fittest sportsmen in the world. Yes they get paid a lot of money and with good reason, its far more interesting than watching someone cycle round a bloody circle! ANYONE can do that really, but only the select few get to race, let alone WIN an F1 championship.

Swimmers and bike cyclists don't risk their life every single time the get strapped into their bike/or swimwear, F1 drivers do, the worst that can happen to a swimmer is the get stinging eyes Aww didumms are you poor ickle eyes hurtsy? Awww.

Or maybe Chris Hoy might graze his knee...ouch. :noexpression:

F1 is very dangerous too, once slip, a lapse of thought and you break bones and kill people, Senna got his brain skewered on his steering column if anyone needed reminding.

We've not had a F1 champion since Hill in 1996, thats 12 yrs, in which time we have won various Olympic medals. I think credit wherre it is due, Lewis is the youngest ever F1 champion, he deserves the award on merit alone.

Which made it all the sweeter!
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Anyway, its a common misconception among the misinformed that its the 'car' that wins it. This is just babble spouted by people who don't understand F1. Ferrari had the best car this season, but they didn't have the best driver, hence Lewis is WC.

So stick lewis in a Toyota or Red Bull Renault

and he would still be world champion?

I think not

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F1 drivers are among, if not the fittest sportsmen in the world. Yes they get paid a lot of money and with good reason, its far more interesting than watching someone cycle round a bloody circle! ANYONE can do that really, but only the select few get to race, let alone WIN an F1 championship.

Swimmers and bike cyclists don't risk their life every single time the get strapped into their bike/or swimwear, F1 drivers do, the worst that can happen to a swimmer is the get stinging eyes Aww didumms are you poor ickle eyes hurtsy? Awww.

Or maybe Chris Hoy might graze his knee...ouch. :noexpression:

F1 is very dangerous too, once slip, a lapse of thought and you break bones and kill people, Senna got his brain skewered on his steering column if anyone needed reminding.

We've not had a F1 champion since Hill in 1996, thats 12 yrs, in which time we have won various Olympic medals. I think credit wherre it is due, Lewis is the youngest ever F1 champion, he deserves the award on merit alone.

I'm not denying that being a F1 driver is very hard, you have to be super fit, and there's no way that the average man off the street could do it, but to say that it's a tougher life than an olympic swimmer is just laughable.

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I'm not denying that being a F1 driver is very hard, you have to be super fit, and there's no way that the average man off the street could do it, but to say that it's a tougher life than an Olympic swimmer is just laughable.

It would be impossible for me to say which is tougher, i know swimmers, particularity ones with Olympic aspirations have to train to the point of tedium to be competitive, I cant think of nothing more boring than swimming lengths every day for 5 hours for their entire lifes, so credit to these guys.

Anyways, Lewis is SPOTY 2008, he's winning the polls and is odds on with all the bookies. :icecream:

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:winner_third_h4h::worship2::clapping: A great victory for Lewis Hamilton but how would he do with the various arseholes on the track that clog up our roads on Sundays? That's the real world of driving. :whistle2:

How would he do batting through the forests at 120 with trees a few yards either side him. That takes real balls.

Actually I expect he would do pretty well as he seems a natural. Not many racers have made good rally drivers - Jim Clark did well, Stirling Moss too.

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How would he do batting through the forests at 120 with trees a few yards either side him. That takes real balls.

Actually I expect he would do pretty well as he seems a natural. Not many racers have made good rally drivers - Jim Clark did well, Stirling Moss too.

I know what you mean, I'm not trying to lessen Mr Hamiltion's fantastic achievement but it does take real bollux and many changes of underpants on a rally circuit. :rofl2br:

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I know what you mean, I'm not trying to lessen Mr Hamiltion's fantastic achievement but it does take real bollux and many changes of underpants on a rally circuit. :rofl2br:

Which is why Valentino Rossi who does that and Motorcycle racing is for em a much bigger star and talent.

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