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94th Minute

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I do agree about the whole it's not team orders lingo when Kimi is quoted many times in interviews and says " I know what the team exspect of me ". makes you wonder what the FIa are up to really. Now the rain very commanding by Hamilition I'm not best fan of his however the way he won so well reminded me of schumacher style of win. However I wish I didn't waste two hours of my day watching it at 8am was a dull race.

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Is team ordering, what we so obviously saw yesterday, where without any attempt to stop the pass, Massa was allowed to overtake Kimi, to order the Ferraris in the way that would be good for the team.

Or is it banning, the ordering of a team memeber to do something like that, because each racer should be allowed to make their own decisions in the race?

Because if it is the 1st, then I have no idea why the FIA can't do anything about it (apart from rule 283-1: The FIA cannot, by choice, rule to disadvantage a Ferrari), I know there may be no proof that Kimi allowed the passing, and that it would be hard to find something conclusive; but whens that stopped them before, evidence is merely an inconvience to them. I can't help but feel that had the roles been reversed, and Hekki was letting Hamilton pass, a graphic would have popped up not too much later telling us the incident would be investigated following the race

If Hamilton gets pole at Brazil, and Massa is in second, whats the chance the FIA would spend the next 20 hours searching for a reason to have to penalise hamilton 10 grid places?

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I can't help but feel that had the roles been reversed, and Hekki was letting Hamilton pass, a graphic would have popped up not too much later telling us the incident would be investigated following the race

I agree, and on a seperate note, I'm also hoping that Kimi doesnt end up anywhere near Lewis for the Brazillian GP, because I have this horrible feeling he might "accidently" take him out. The same goes for Fred Alonso who has already stated he would help Massa win the title.

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Let me make this clear - I am a HUGE Hamilton fan.

But those whinging about team orders should remember that Heiki 'conveniently' let Lewis through earlier in the season when he was in a faster car and chasing a win. Lets not have short memories here.

Furthermore, if Massa is in the lead in Brazil, Heiki is in fifth and Lewis sixth would we want another 'convenient' pass? Of course we would.

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Hamilton's arrogance will cost him the title. If he keeps his act together, he should win, but his arrogance has got him enemies who wont give him the benefit of a doubt, like they did with Damon, and Barichello among others in their day. They'll not move over so easily for him, as they might for any of the others. Kubica, & Webber have crossed swords with him this season, and may be in a position to c**k it up for him

and last seasons spats, with Alonso could well come home to roost. both of um behaved like spoilt little brats. and you kick someone on yer way up, they allus get a chance to kick you. Alonso, like Hamilton is quite capable of it... could prove interesting methinks.

One other thang, had Hamilton been German, a lot on here would loathe him for his antics......

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bucksred, I'm surprised you're interested in F1 as I had you down as a motorcycle lover. Valentino Rossi is my hero, an absolute legend in our lifetimes :winner_third_h4h: ...........


I aint mate, I'm a biker, don't even like bike racing but if you push me Fast Freddie Spencer, King Kenny Roberts, and Randy Mamola were the masters on two wheels. anyone who could race big Z11's round American tracks and not fall off, then they're gods!! Everyone knows the old twin shock superbikes of the 70's and early 80's were evil handling bitches on the track. bad enough on the queens highway fer fox sake!!! :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression: Good fun though, Z11, kerker pipes, stage 1, deep brace swing arms, fork brace, drag bars, and a tight sphincter!! way ta go! :dancing6:

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Not confident at all of Hamilton winning it. To many people are against him winning it.

Massas accident the other week with Hamilton reminded me of the sort of thing that Damon Hill had to put up with at the hands of that German bloke - ole whatshisface.

And I cant help but think that a certain driver from a cold country who drives a red car might be asked to erm, accidentally drive his car into Hamsters to ensure glorious victory for Massa, Ferrari and the FIA.

Or maybe Fred "wonder chin" Alonso will have his revenge on McLarens golden boy and do it all himself.

I love conspiracy theories me.... :shifty:

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I aint mate, I'm a biker, don't even like bike racing but if you push me Fast Freddie Spencer, King Kenny Roberts, and Randy Mamola were the masters on two wheels. anyone who could race big Z11's round American tracks and not fall off, then they're gods!! Everyone knows the old twin shock superbikes of the 70's and early 80's were evil handling bitches on the track. bad enough on the queens highway fer fox sake!!! :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression: Good fun though, Z11, kerker pipes, stage 1, deep brace swing arms, fork brace, drag bars, and a tight sphincter!! way ta go! :dancing6:

Another legendary master of bikes, God Bless Him....


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Guest MaloneFM

Diddy Lewis Hamilton today got fifth in Brasil. On the last lap...on the last bend after the car on front got out of the way.

Philippe Massa won and thought he had done enough until.

Well done young man! Sports personality of the year? I should bleedin' well cocoa and all. He won't be at work nine o' clock tomorrow morning. Natch all night for him then.

Come on Obama.

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WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! GO LEWIS!!! I cant belive that finish, OMFG!! \o/ \0/ F1 CHAMPION!!! SOMEONE BUY GLOCK A ****** BEER!

I need a stiff drink or 9 :sun:

HAHA, did you see the Ferrari garage when Massa crossed the line? , they thought they won then the colour dropped from theire face as it sunk in they LOST! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Sports personality of the year without a doubt, sorry Olympic swimmers, but what you do fades into insignificance against what a f1 drivers goes though, especially to win a title

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Oh my ###### god can not believe it, All them late nights and early starts and today we have been rewarded for all of that. Well done Lewis you deserve it. I went crazy when Vettel passed then could not believe it when Glock slowed up. Absolutely amazing and dramatic.

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Guest MaloneFM

Timo Glock deserves a medal for getting out of the way to let him get 5th.

Watch the highlight and watch the pits as Massa crosses the line, his crew go nuts and then go EH?

One of the best things ITV has shown in years. Massa is gutted in every sense of the word. He was supposed to be jumoing around showering champagne everywere but you could see he just wanted to go home.

Another BRITISH champion has arrived! :englandsmile4wf:

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What a range of emotions - from nervousness throughout the whole race to absolute despair to screaming at the top of my lungs.

The producer will be proud that he got such a great shot of the emotions in both pit garages at the end - even though I'm a stalwart Hamilton fan I felt quite sorry for Massa's dad as millions around the world saw him be told that Hamilton came fifth.

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Glock and Trulli were the only two drivers still left on dry tyres and so Glock never let Lewis past at all. They were also the only 2 about 20 seconds off the pace on the last lap, so there is no conspiracy theory here, only a fantastic finish from Lewis and a stonking end to a brilliant season.

I have lost my voice, the neighbours have phoned up checking I wasnt being murdered due to all the screaming and I also spent the last 2 laps in tears.

I also feel we need a WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! For there being no more ad breaks on the F1 coverage anymore.

And Well done to Massa for being so gracious in defeat.

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