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Cheering When Johnson Went Off

A Horse With No Name

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Guest chefunk


I also want to know how many goals our creative midfielder has scored since he has been here. How many goals has Noble scored who is second choice to him? If a manager brings his son into the team you have to be prepared for insults! Even more so when he is useless! :bruce_h4h:


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No, you don't.

I also want to know how many goals our creative midfielder has scored since he has been here.

6 in the league.

How many goals has Noble scored who is second choice to him?

7 in the league.

If a manager brings his son into the team you have to be prepared for insults!

Why's that?

Even more so when he is useless!

The player who was the top assister in our promotion season and second only to McIndoe in our superb first season in the Championship is many things. 'Useless' is not one of them.

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I honestly don't see the big deal.

It's happened before, with LJ and it will happen again if he ever gets subbed.

the simple fact is, that if he was subbed when he was playing badly mofe often, then these "ironic cherers" wouldn't happen, however over the seasons, he continues to be picked/left on the pitch regardless of fitness/performance when other players are subbed or left out even if they are performing better.

If Gary doesn't like any ironic cheering, then perhaps he needs to look at why it has happened? He's the one who's created this situation.

GJ picks what he feels is his strongest side, he believes LJ is one of his best players.

You disagree with his decision, so you feel he has created this situation, by picking what he feels is his strongest team.

The point is LJ has good games, indifferent games and bad games - just like any player in any other team etc.

But he is rarely our worse player on the pitch, yet he is singled out for one reason and one reason alone.......he has the misfortune to be the managers son! Get a life you fool and wise up!

You create the situation by boo-ing a player you clearly hate, because in your opinion he's crap.

Well i can tell you now over the years we have had many, many, many more players that have been lesser players than LJ....did you boo them as well, as often, with such villification? I doubt it somehow.

I am no great LJ fan, but lets be a bit more balanced about all this, a bit more grown up about it all....and stop the witch hunts!


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So you feel the manager should base his substitutions on crowd reaction rather than what he believes is best?

I believe in each game, players not affecting the game (as he puts it), or those playing poor, not as good as others in that position, whichever, should be subbed.

On Sat specifically, I thought Gavin Williams was excellent, despite playing out of position, and as such should have stayed on.

Maybe fitness couldnt allow that, but its a repetative theme isnt it. By not substituting LJ more often, GJ is indicating he feels his son is always affecting the game or playing well. Which isnt the case.

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I think the ironic cheers were just what the doctor ordered as LJ will undoubtedly feel inspired to play out of his skin for us now, won't he, as will the rest of the team. I really don't know what goes through some peoples minds sometimes to do things such as that (not a lot i wouldn't of thought :tumbleweed: )? Exactly what does it achieve by doing it? Of course you pay your money so you've a right to make your day even more unenjoyable than you are already finding it!

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I believe in each game, players not affecting the game (as he puts it), or those playing poor, not as good as others in that position, whichever, should be subbed.

On Sat specifically, I thought Gavin Williams was excellent, despite playing out of position, and as such should have stayed on.

Maybe fitness couldnt allow that, but its a repetative theme isnt it. By not substituting LJ more often, GJ is indicating he feels his son is always affecting the game or playing well. Which isnt the case.

...in your opinion.

But not in the opinion of the manager who knows the fitness, tactics and instructions the team is playing to.

There is no reason why the manager would leave Lee Johnson on the pitch if he felt taking him off would benefit the outcome of the game.

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The player who was the top assister in our promotion season and second only to McIndoe in our superb first season in the Championship is many things. 'Useless' is not one of them.

Now look - you're letting facts get in the way here - and anyway, statistics can prove anything!! :surrender:

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Now look - you're letting facts get in the way here - and anyway, statistics can prove anything!! :surrender:

I agree lets base our arguments on ummm not facts and ummmm hearsay etc

Allright as fans we may not Know what the matchday tactics are, or players fitness, or latest injury's etc but we know better than GJ because.............

Please finish off the above sentance, without using facts or statistics or ant scientific methods etc


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Slightly...yes! But pales in to insignificance when compared to the abuse dished out to LJ......


Fair comment but the 'abuse' water off a ducks back I reckon - all LJ needs to do is keep his manager happy, and he's clearly doing that.

I honestly don't think most people who slag off LJ think he's in the team because his dad is the manager. The problem us 'non believers' have is that like many of his colleagues, he has ordinary, or downright crap games from time to time, yet is hardly ever subbed - the last one surely being a tactical 88th minute jobbie.

LJ should be the best player in the team because he has the most influential role and (correct me if i'm wrong anyone) probably has the ball more than anyone else as we build up play from the back through him.

I don't think he's good enough for that - just my opinion.

GJ is the professional and of course knows the game inside out - however, sometimes even the best coach is wrong in the eyes of some fans, and in the case of LJ's pitchtime, a fair few disagree.

Who could see the logic in Sven picking Theo Walcott for the England squad ahead of established Prem strikers for 2006, but surely he knows more about the game than any of us?

I think people would be split over LJ whether he was related to the manager or not, because you either like how he plays or you don't.

I think if he wasn't on the pitch we would play differently, and pose more of a threat further up the pitch. Just my opinion, which is shared by many and derided by an equal number.

In summary, those of us who argue over LJ don't have opposing views on every other topic. He's just one of those players!

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Fair comment but the 'abuse' water off a ducks back I reckon - all LJ needs to do is keep his manager happy, and he's clearly doing that.

I honestly don't think most people who slag off LJ think he's in the team because his dad is the manager. The problem us 'non believers' have is that like many of his colleagues, he has ordinary, or downright crap games from time to time, yet is hardly ever subbed - the last one surely being a tactical 88th minute jobbie.

LJ should be the best player in the team because he has the most influential role and (correct me if i'm wrong anyone) probably has the ball more than anyone else as we build up play from the back through him.

I don't think he's good enough for that - just my opinion.

GJ is the professional and of course knows the game inside out - however, sometimes even the best coach is wrong in the eyes of some fans, and in the case of LJ's pitchtime, a fair few disagree.

Who could see the logic in Sven picking Theo Walcott for the England squad ahead of established Prem strikers for 2006, but surely he knows more about the game than any of us?

I think people would be split over LJ whether he was related to the manager or not, because you either like how he plays or you don't.

I think if he wasn't on the pitch we would play differently, and pose more of a threat further up the pitch. Just my opinion, which is shared by many and derided by an equal number.

In summary, those of us who argue over LJ don't have opposing views on every other topic. He's just one of those players!

Far too sensible a response for many on here. "You don't rate Lee Johnson - it can only be because he is the managers son" seems to be the stock response on here by the same few people. And all because a small minority of posters believe that he is only in the side for that reason. Whenever anyone writes a reasoned and non-abusive post pointing out that he is OK in a midfield 5 in front of the back four as he keeps the ball moving but is not good enough at this level to be the main man in a four because he gives the ball away too often in that system, doesn't like making a tackle and doesn't make driving runs either at or beyond the opposition centre half (like Andy Reid, a real quality midfield player, did for Charlton against us at the Gate last season) it simply gets ignored. Because all it seems some people can point to are a few statistics that do not paint the whole picture or just simply the fact that GJ picks him so he must be brilliant. Some people use sarcasm to back up Lee Johnson's inclusion rather than opinion based on what they have seen. So let's be honest, there is just as big a minority of abusive idiots backing Lee Johnson as there is slating him. Everybody else simply has an opinion.

GJ also picked:-

Bas Savage

Andy Smith

The centre half (Barnett?) from Hull who was useless (and that was in place of Carey who clearly isn't useless)

Kelly Youga

Osei Sankofa

Does that make them brilliant?

A quick edit, because it is worth mentioning, I and many others who are not Lee Johnson's biggest fans hope he has a stormer tonight and gets on the scoresheet. And I also hope he has a stormer when I go up to Barnsley to watch him Saturday too.

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Fair comment but the 'abuse' water off a ducks back I reckon - all LJ needs to do is keep his manager happy, and he's clearly doing that.

I honestly don't think most people who slag off LJ think he's in the team because his dad is the manager. The problem us 'non believers' have is that like many of his colleagues, he has ordinary, or downright crap games from time to time, yet is hardly ever subbed - the last one surely being a tactical 88th minute jobbie.

LJ should be the best player in the team because he has the most influential role and (correct me if i'm wrong anyone) probably has the ball more than anyone else as we build up play from the back through him.

I don't think he's good enough for that - just my opinion.

GJ is the professional and of course knows the game inside out - however, sometimes even the best coach is wrong in the eyes of some fans, and in the case of LJ's pitchtime, a fair few disagree.

Who could see the logic in Sven picking Theo Walcott for the England squad ahead of established Prem strikers for 2006, but surely he knows more about the game than any of us?

I think people would be split over LJ whether he was related to the manager or not, because you either like how he plays or you don't.

I think if he wasn't on the pitch we would play differently, and pose more of a threat further up the pitch. Just my opinion, which is shared by many and derided by an equal number.

In summary, those of us who argue over LJ don't have opposing views on every other topic. He's just one of those players!

Far too sensible a response for many on here. "You don't rate Lee Johnson - it can only be because he is the managers son" seems to be the stock response on here by the same few people. And all because a small minority of posters believe that he is only in the side for that reason. Whenever anyone writes a reasoned and non-abusive post pointing out that he is OK in a midfield 5 in front of the back four as he keeps the ball moving but is not good enough at this level to be the main man in a four because he gives the ball away too often in that system, doesn't like making a tackle and doesn't make driving runs either at or beyond the opposition centre half (like Andy Reid, a real quality midfield player, did for Charlton against us at the Gate last season) it simply gets ignored. Because all it seems some people can point to are a few statistics that do not paint the whole picture or just simply the fact that GJ picks him so he must be brilliant. Some people use sarcasm to back up Lee Johnson's inclusion rather than opinion based on what they have seen. So let's be honest, there is just as big a minority of abusive idiots backing Lee Johnson as there is slating him. Everybody else simply has an opinion.

GJ also picked:-

Bas Savage

Andy Smith

The centre half (Barnett?) from Hull who was useless (and that was in place of Carey who clearly isn't useless)

Kelly Youga

Osei Sankofa

Does that make them brilliant?

A quick edit, because it is worth mentioning, I and many others who are not Lee Johnson's biggest fans hope he has a stormer tonight and gets on the scoresheet. And I also hope he has a stormer when I go up to Barnsley to watch him Saturday too.

Two good posts, personally I thought that Lj put in his most innefective performance so far this season against Norwich and was desperate to see Williams moved inside. It wasnt that he was playing crap or having a shocker it was just that he wasnt up to the level of the game. He may have done the basics right but so would any other midfielder in this league and what another better player would have delivered to that game was a little bit of vision and patience to play a clever ball through much like how Trundle and Maynard linked up, playing clever passes and retaining possesion in attacking positions. Lj got the ball around a bit but I can't say that he played a clever or notable pass when we were in an attacking position v Norwich.

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Fair comment but the 'abuse' water off a ducks back I reckon - all LJ needs to do is keep his manager happy, and he's clearly doing that.

I honestly don't think most people who slag off LJ think he's in the team because his dad is the manager. The problem us 'non believers' have is that like many of his colleagues, he has ordinary, or downright crap games from time to time, yet is hardly ever subbed - the last one surely being a tactical 88th minute jobbie.

LJ should be the best player in the team because he has the most influential role and (correct me if i'm wrong anyone) probably has the ball more than anyone else as we build up play from the back through him.

I don't think he's good enough for that - just my opinion.

GJ is the professional and of course knows the game inside out - however, sometimes even the best coach is wrong in the eyes of some fans, and in the case of LJ's pitchtime, a fair few disagree.

Who could see the logic in Sven picking Theo Walcott for the England squad ahead of established Prem strikers for 2006, but surely he knows more about the game than any of us?

I think people would be split over LJ whether he was related to the manager or not, because you either like how he plays or you don't.

I think if he wasn't on the pitch we would play differently, and pose more of a threat further up the pitch. Just my opinion, which is shared by many and derided by an equal number.

In summary, those of us who argue over LJ don't have opposing views on every other topic. He's just one of those players!

I understand your argument, you make some very good points. I believe we do need to strengthen the side, and agree LJ is prob not going to take us forward as a team, but he is not the only one. Sproule has been poor so far this season, and right side of midfield needs a look at as well as other areas.

Call me old fashioned but i feel it is really poor to single out a player and shout abuse. What do his fellow team mates make of this, is it good for morale? If a player or the team is playing badly i will sing my heart out and hope they repond in a positive way. Does that make me a bad person?


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I understand your argument, you make some very good points. I believe we do need to strengthen the side, and agree LJ is prob not going to take us forward as a team, but he is not the only one. Sproule has been poor so far this season, and right side of midfield needs a look at as well as other areas.

Call me old fashioned but i feel it is really poor to single out a player and shout abuse. What do his fellow team mates make of this, is it good for morale? If a player or the team is playing badly i will sing my heart out and hope they repond in a positive way. Does that make me a bad person?


I agree that it's not just centre mid that needs strengthening although I do think it's the most important position on the pitch so ought to be the priority - just like a goalscorer should have been last January (water under the bridge!)

Good to get behind the team, and whilst I know there are some who just want to pitch in at LJ every match, I do think most critics would accept having it shoved down our throats if he turned it round - just think we need better in that position.

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I understand your argument, you make some very good points. I believe we do need to strengthen the side, and agree LJ is prob not going to take us forward as a team, but he is not the only one. Sproule has been poor so far this season, and right side of midfield needs a look at as well as other areas.

Call me old fashioned but i feel it is really poor to single out a player and shout abuse. What do his fellow team mates make of this, is it good for morale? If a player or the team is playing badly i will sing my heart out and hope they repond in a positive way. Does that make me a bad person?


The problem is LJ is the only one of the underperforming players who does't get dropped or even subbed (sat was a token gesture not a meaningfull substitution). What do his fellow team mates think of that?, it's bound to cause dissent and be bad for morale. What has Wilson done wrong or Noble or Williams its always the same players that are sacrificed not LJ and therein lies the problem. I will support every player who wears the shirt but won't support the ones who bottle it. LJ is a bottler but he appears bombproof, he couldn't lace the boots of the likes of Gerry Gow who wasnt much bigger. Is that old fashioned enough for you?

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The problem is LJ is the only one of the underperforming players who does't get dropped or even subbed (sat was a token gesture not a meaningfull substitution). What do his fellow team mates think of that?, it's bound to cause dissent and be bad for morale. What has Wilson done wrong or Noble or Williams its always the same players that are sacrificed not LJ and therein lies the problem. I will support every player who wears the shirt but won't support the ones who bottle it. LJ is a bottler but he appears bombproof, he couldn't lace the boots of the likes of Gerry Gow who wasnt much bigger. Is that old fashioned enough for you?

I'm not slating you mate thats a good post but to be honest the players there won't have any issues with their good mate Lj not being dropped for bad performances because if they did they would be "upsetting the dressing room" or "not allowing their manager to manage" and then surely kicked out of our club.

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The problem is LJ is the only one of the underperforming players who does't get dropped or even subbed (sat was a token gesture not a meaningfull substitution). What do his fellow team mates think of that?, it's bound to cause dissent and be bad for morale. What has Wilson done wrong or Noble or Williams its always the same players that are sacrificed not LJ and therein lies the problem. I will support every player who wears the shirt but won't support the ones who bottle it. LJ is a bottler but he appears bombproof, he couldn't lace the boots of the likes of Gerry Gow who wasnt much bigger. Is that old fashioned enough for you?

Wilson is not a central midfield player, Noble could be the answer but is vey injury prone so i am not sure he is the long term fix, Williams also is worth a try he is starting to look like a good player.

I am not adverse to making changes, but i also am not privy to players tactics, training, who's fit who's injured etc. GJ is the man to ask about these minor details - Einstein! GJ by the way picks the team and makes the substitutions as well etc

I agree with you on one thing though........Gow was a master!

I take it from your post you were one of the morons shouting abuse at LJ? Really clever are'nt you? ehh!!!!!


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GJ picks what he feels is his strongest side, he believes LJ is one of his best players.

You disagree with his decision, so you feel he has created this situation, by picking what he feels is his strongest team.

The point is LJ has good games, indifferent games and bad games - just like any player in any other team etc.

But he is rarely our worse player on the pitch, yet he is singled out for one reason and one reason alone.......he has the misfortune to be the managers son! Get a life you fool and wise up!

You create the situation by boo-ing a player you clearly hate, because in your opinion he's crap.

Well i can tell you now over the years we have had many, many, many more players that have been lesser players than LJ....did you boo them as well, as often, with such villification? I doubt it somehow.

I am no great LJ fan, but lets be a bit more balanced about all this, a bit more grown up about it all....and stop the witch hunts!


Please find any where I have brought his relationship with the manager into it? I haven't, and I don't because and that's just a cheap pop without actually looking into why I don't rate the player, if you can't construct a valid counter point, then perhaps you should leave it to those that can/do.

I don't rate Lee Johnson, plain and simple,

I don't believe him to be a creative enough player in the team and have felt that since start of last season, he's fairly effective from set pieces and collecting the ball from the defence, but that's about it, in League 1 he was good enough, but at this level, he doesn't do enough and isn't good enough for a team that is too push for promotion this season.

We have had the constant problems of having quality goal scoring forwards over the last few season, with good records prior to joining City, in Jevons, Byfield, Trundle and Maynard and for one reason or enough they have failed to get the goals to date. Since promotion most of the midfield has been replaced and strengthed and yet the problem is still there, from Central Midfield we are not creative enough, despite Elliott who does more than his job and on many an occasion carried Lee Johnson last season I believe.

What doesn't help is when you have players such as Noble, not a 90min player but more than capable of influcencing and creating attacks for 30-40mins as a sub, but rarely gets the chance, Nick Carle who was messed about in midfield until found his form when he finally got his chance in the middle, but had to be sold to finance a forward signing, but wasn't replaced, Gavin Williams who were are told is one of the best midfielders in this divsion, but doesn't get his chance in his best position.

The Large Majority of other players in the squad, do get subbed when not performing well and apart from whoever is in Goal (understandably) and Carey (who's Mr Consistent) everyone else in the team gets taken off when knackered or when they are not performing or influencing the game in a positivite manner, this doesn't happen with LJ? apart from in the last 2/3 mins once a season where Gary just seems to be making a point to the fans more than anything else.

What also doesn't help is that Lee Johnson wasn't 100% fit for much of last season by his own confession, yet other players where were doing well, would get taken off early, despite Lee being a poor player in the team.

He does have as many bad games as other players, maybe not more, maybe not less however when others do not perform, they get taken off or dropped, all we should be asking is for fairness, when that doesn't happen people notice. Hence this and many many many other threads like this.

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You've missed his point entirely. Nothing to do with selection, something to do with substutions...


I unfortunately missed Saturday, so can't comment on Saturday's performances, but just going on the census of 7/8 people I've spoken to.

It does appear to be the case that is similar to what has happened in the past and at times continues to happen.

Other players, who appear to be playing well will get taken off before Lee Johnson will get taken off.

Regardless of what has happened previous, he played for 40+ games in a failed promotion season, therefore his place in the team should be as up for discussion as any others, when an "attacking midfielder" gets one goal all season, people are going to be looking for the manager to replace that player, it's about ambition and progressing and no player should be immune to that.

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Wilson is not a central midfield player, Noble could be the answer but is vey injury prone so i am not sure he is the long term fix, Williams also is worth a try he is starting to look like a good player.


Wilson has played Sub Roles in Central Midfield many times, and seems can play anywhere but is not a natural position for him which is Right Back.

Williams Best Position is said to be Central Midfield, for somone who is rated as "supposedly" one of the Best Midfielders in this divsion, surely he should get a chance there if/when others aren't performing.

as for Noble, he's no 90min player, however if after 60mins, things aren't going well, THEN he's an excellent player to be able to bring on in central midfield to influcence the game, if only he got the chance if/when others aren't performing.

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Please find any where I have brought his relationship with the manager into it? I haven't, and I don't because and that's just a cheap pop without actually looking into why I don't rate the player, if you can't construct a valid counter point, then perhaps you should leave it to those that can/do.

I don't rate Lee Johnson, plain and simple,

I don't believe him to be a creative enough player in the team and have felt that since start of last season, he's fairly effective from set pieces and collecting the ball from the defence, but that's about it, in League 1 he was good enough, but at this level, he doesn't do enough and isn't good enough for a team that is too push for promotion this season.

We have had the constant problems of having quality goal scoring forwards over the last few season, with good records prior to joining City, in Jevons, Byfield, Trundle and Maynard and for one reason or enough they have failed to get the goals to date. Since promotion most of the midfield has been replaced and strengthed and yet the problem is still there, from Central Midfield we are not creative enough, despite Elliott who does more than his job and on many an occasion carried Lee Johnson last season I believe.

What doesn't help is when you have players such as Noble, not a 90min player but more than capable of influcencing and creating attacks for 30-40mins as a sub, but rarely gets the chance, Nick Carle who was messed about in midfield until found his form when he finally got his chance in the middle, but had to be sold to finance a forward signing, but wasn't replaced, Gavin Williams who were are told is one of the best midfielders in this divsion, but doesn't get his chance in his best position.

The Large Majority of other players in the squad, do get subbed when not performing well and apart from whoever is in Goal (understandably) and Carey (who's Mr Consistent) everyone else in the team gets taken off when knackered or when they are not performing or influencing the game in a positivite manner, this doesn't happen with LJ? apart from in the last 2/3 mins once a season where Gary just seems to be making a point to the fans more than anything else.

What also doesn't help is that Lee Johnson wasn't 100% fit for much of last season by his own confession, yet other players where were doing well, would get taken off early, despite Lee being a poor player in the team.

He does have as many bad games as other players, maybe not more, maybe not less however when others do not perform, they get taken off or dropped, all we should be asking is for fairness, when that doesn't happen people notice. Hence this and many many many other threads like this.

So, given all that, what is your conclusion as to why the manager chooses to leave Lee on the pitch at times when you would take him off?

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He does have as many bad games as other players, maybe not more, maybe not less however when others do not perform, they get taken off or dropped, all we should be asking is for fairness, when that doesn't happen people notice. Hence this and many many many other threads like this.

I think it comes down to consistancy of selection and substitutions. I personally find the goalkeeper situation odd. I get why people don't understand LJ not ever coming off. We don't have a consistant policy, it depends on the player. Some players have a chance to take a shirt, some players automatically get it, some are only ever stop gap players. Some players don't get taken off, some do.

But GJ has said why he doesn't take LJ off ever if we're losing. Because he can always do something from a free kick corner or in open play. Well all players can do something, however LJ has alot of the time, which is why GJ trusts him not because he's his son which isn't the issue with the sensible posters but because he's consistantly delivered over a long period of time for his manager.

Is it time to look at that trust at this level. Undoubtedly, LJ isn't the dominant force he was at league 1, which is why we're clearly looking at the position, but he's a competant midfielder until we find someone GJ believes to be a better bet.

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Wilson has played Sub Roles in Central Midfield many times, and seems can play anywhere but is not a natural position for him which is Right Back.

Williams Best Position is said to be Central Midfield, for somone who is rated as "supposedly" one of the Best Midfielders in this divsion, surely he should get a chance there if/when others aren't performing.

as for Noble, he's no 90min player, however if after 60mins, things aren't going well, THEN he's an excellent player to be able to bring on in central midfield to influcence the game, if only he got the chance if/when others aren't performing.

I agree with your post, both Noble and Williams - both or either should be given a chance in the central midfield slot.

In response to your previous post you have not stated LJ is never subbed cos he is the managers son (my apologies) however many on here have said just that, my only point ,and this is not a dig at you, is that i feel as supporters we are never privy to all the team tactics and all that goes on behind the scenes etc.

I really feel GJ picks what he feels is his best team and makes substitutions according to this, it is his job on the line


And i will never understand so called fans boo-ing they're own players!


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So, given all that, what is your conclusion as to why the manager chooses to leave Lee on the pitch at times when you would take him off?

it's a mystery to be honest, manager weakness or naivety? alot of managers do it and have their favorites , it was the same few years back with Danny Wilson/Lee Peacock, sometimes managers feel that a player can still do something, despite many not seeing what?....which follows on nicely too

But GJ has said why he doesn't take LJ off ever if we're losing. Because he can always do something from a free kick corner or in open play. Well all players can do something, however LJ has alot of the time, which is why GJ trusts him not because he's his son which isn't the issue with the sensible posters but because he's consistantly delivered over a long period of time for his manager.

I can understand he reasoning behind free kicks/corners, however is Lee REALLY that good at set pieces? alot of the time he plays his dinking ball in from free kicks, but is he doing anything that others can't do? his corners are fairly good, however when you have players with the aerial ability of Adebola, McCombe and Carey isn't it more about their ability in the air than LJ's delivery???

This is another point that grates me, I honestly find it hard to believe or understand that Johnson is a better at Set Piece's than McIndoe? maybe he is, maybe he isn't, however looking back at Last Season, 2 of the best free kicks I can remember where in the 2 in the play-offs when LJ wasn't involved?

I just don't get it at times, but as I said earlier, all managers have their fav's, as Johnson has with many of his ex-Yeovil players, but no one can deny that Central Midfield is a position that SERIOUSLY needs improving and promptly if the club are as serious about promotion this season as they said.

The reason, people have issues with Lee Johnson's role in the team, isn't down to one simple reason, it's a down to a number of reasons as people have said that gradually build up to reactions such as that on saturday, regardless of how loud/quiet it was.

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