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Farewell Robins Pub & Quba Ice (topics Merged)


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I believe not being able to smoke in the pub has done a lot of harm to the trade. When we could smoke in the pub 6 of us would go in and have a few beers and a couple of fags, When we could not smoke in any pub we started buying cans and meeting outside, you could still have the same crack for a fraction of the price. I wonder hpw many more have done what we did?? Judging by how many people are outside of the pubs byu ashton gate i would say a fair few.
I know I certainly do that. Before Xmas I brought 3 crates for £20, That will keep me going at home games until teh end of teh season. With £20 in the pub I couldn't even get pissed. I went for a pint in the DEH against Palace and paid £3 for a pint. For that price I can buy 4 cans. I do agree the smoking ban has had a effect on the pub trade but I think the main reason is the prices. Like tonight most people I know are staying in and having house parties because it's cheaper than going out to the pub. And for that you have to thank the likes of Asda and Tesco's
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My friends and I, mostly smokers, and usually heavy drinkers have all pretty much stopped going to the local in the past 4 yrs, the reason is the Smoking ban, Personally, I cant drink without a smoke, its just not possible and i don't want to stand outside in the cold like a leaper - end result is very little time/money spent in pubs for me now.

OK we are a little older now and supposed to be more responsible, but i bloody loved smoking in pubs! it was the atmosphere, now old traditional pubs have become sterile, strange places i would rather not frequent and don't.

I wish a compromise was reached before the total ban, more effective ventilation, designated areas, perhaps a little more tolerance.

People talk about the Health&Safety blah blah boring *yawns* but I sick to the back ***** teeth with this limp attitude, i can look after myself thankyou very much indeed, what about our culture???, our freedom??, our society?? Everything takes the back frickin seat over "what was good for economy" well our economy is shot to flippin bits and so is our culture now because profit, human right, political correctness, health&safety, immigration, equal opportunity, claim culture etc etc... has been far too important for this inept 5h1tty government than us as decision making individuals!

What can you do now? Absolutely bugger all.

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Not a mention of the smoking ban interestingly enough.

B*****ks the smoking ban never shut down all the pubs in Ireland or anywhere else. Peoples drinking habits did.

Used to own a shop over the road from The Robins so very sad to see it go as it was my lunchtime retreat !!

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The smoking ban was in affect from 2004 in Ireland.

The only way it 'worked' in Ireland was in shutting pubs down.

600+ closed in Ireland in the first couple of years of the ban there - rather alot, I think you'll agree, for a relatively small country.

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The only way it 'worked' in Ireland was in shutting pubs down.

600+ closed in Ireland in the first couple of years of the ban there - rather alot, I think you'll agree, for a relatively small country.

Actually that is quite scary facts, can be found here http://www.sadireland.com/over_600_pub_closures.htm I never looked it up before but a few trips to Ireland in 2004 (and comments from family) for me looked like it was having no affect. It seems that most started closing after 1 year of the ban being in place, 2005 on (which is what England is now seeing 2008), I stand corrected, I thought the ban was being blamed just because it was a new thing, but the facts from Ireland do back it up.

Being a smoker myself it does not bother me but I must admit you can still smoke in some bars here and it does feel like a luxury so to speak, bars that do not do food seem to allow it and with it being warmer the AC (always on) seems takes care of most of the smoke.

Looks like it does need to be looked at, maybe smoking pubs and non smoking pubs so customers can decide, would be interesting if they ran a trial to see which pubs did the best trade. Does not stop the fact it's an expensive hobby, especially in these harder times though...

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Actually that is quite scary facts, can be found here http://www.sadireland.com/over_600_pub_closures.htm I never looked it up before but a few trips to Ireland in 2004 (and comments from family) for me looked like it was having no affect. It seems that most started closing after 1 year of the ban being in place, 2005 on (which is what England is now seeing 2008), I stand corrected, I thought the ban was being blamed just because it was a new thing, but the facts from Ireland do back it up.

Being a smoker myself it does not bother me but I must admit you can still smoke in some bars here and it does feel like a luxury so to speak, bars that do not do food seem to allow it and with it being warmer the AC (always on) seems takes care of most of the smoke.

Looks like it does need to be looked at, maybe smoking pubs and non smoking pubs so customers can decide, would be interesting if they ran a trial to see which pubs did the best trade. Does not stop the fact it's an expensive hobby, especially in these harder times though...

The thing with Ireland is that every other shop is/was a pub, even the smallest of villages would have half a dozen pubs so it is understandable that a few will be lost along the way mainly due to the fact that peoples drinking habits are changing, even in a drinking mad country like Ireland.Been in some great boozers in parts of rural Ireland mind, where you can buy an inner tube for your bike or a box of Daz along with your pint of Guinness!

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Quba Ice is shutting as well.

Really?! Bloody hell, that's terrible. I see winter is difficult for them but you'd hope Jasper would hold out for a good summer.

Speaking of the problem in general, I remember getting back from West Brom on Boxing Day a year ago and going to 139 North (aka Spotted Cow) to drown our sorrows. It was my local by default because it was the only one that was still just a pub. Anyway, half the taps were dry and all the spirits were out. I used to talk to the landlord quite often and offered to go to the corner shop next door and buy a bottle of Vodka and let him sell it at a profit. He told me the brewery would fine him for anything he hadn't bought from them, so he was forced to buy at their prices and according to their deliveries. All these places exist(ed) at the breweries convenience, not the locals, and if the money's not in it, they'll just cash in the land and to hell with the existing custom. I assume the Robins is brewery owned and going the same way.

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I know alot of Framers and they hate Tesco's if your on a contract selling your milk for an average of 19p per litre to tesco's, tesco's now have you tied in so they can access your accounts at any time, so they can see how much more than can crush you, They cancel contracts at a moments notice and leave you high and dry. Tesco's and other global giants are destroying the communitys we all live in

How many jobs have the big supermarkets created in say the past 5 years versus job losses in the farming industry?

Communities are changing - most people would i'm afraid rather be able to afford to feed their family than protect the profit margins of a farmer.

Sad but true.

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Whether the smoking ban has had as big an an effect as some landlords will tell you is debatable.

The old landlord of 139 degrees North (what someone else called 51 degrees I think, Spotted Cow as it is again now) said he spent something like 8 grand having the large covered frame concreted into the back garden for the smoking ban. It looked like a knee jerk reaction at the time and sure enough the new owners tore it back out and seem to be busy regardless.

So, whether or not the smoking ban had an effect, the reaction of traditional pub owners was undeniable and those that got it wrong have gone. Sadly, 'getting it right' since the ban seems to involve plastering everything in classy wallpaper, selling overpriced food as a main function and targeting a different type of local, if indeed you could call them local.

There should be a 'proper' boozer in the Tobacco Factory / Hen and Chicken area and it's a sad state of affairs that there isn't.

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Yep, my local has shut I have been told. Went down two days ago and it was in darkness so I thought it was a private function, but was told by a neighbour the owners have called time.

Really sad to see the old lady go (pub that is) so will have to find a new local.

R.I.P Robins pub. Hope to see you again soon.



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I'm very sorry to read that QUBA ICE is closing as well as The Robins. QUBA ICE was one of the finest places in South Bristol to have a pre-match pint and a credit to the people that ran it. A bad start to the New Year with so many City related businesses closing. It's about time that the overpaid idiots that run this country got a grip on this economic situation before we're all thrown out of work.

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A debate on the current financial climate, and its casualties.

is this really the city forum???

It's all Bristol City FC related pre/post match businesses closing so this topic is very relevant to this main forum. Also, it's about time that the overpaid idiots that run this country got a grip on this economic situation before we're all thrown out of work and none of us can afford to watch this football club.

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It's all Bristol City FC related pre/post match businesses closing so this topic is very relevant to this main forum. Also, it's about time that the overpaid idiots that run this country got a grip on this economic situation before we're all thrown out of work and none of us can afford to watch this football club.

With all these pubs shutting around bs3, and i can see a few more going the same way, i think the DEH will get even busier on match days, money going directly to bcfc yes but will the lack of competition around the ground push up prices even more

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As sympathetic as i am to the sad news about the robins, i fail to see how a debate on the current financial climate, is really relevant to a forum which is supposed to be city talk only. You should not state that it is, on the basis that it has affected pre-post match experiences. If that was in fact the case, any single occurence on matchday could be called "city talk". I need to use a car to get to, and return from, games, can we all sit around and debate the need for greener fuels?

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Really?! Bloody hell, that's terrible. I see winter is difficult for them but you'd hope Jasper would hold out for a good summer.

Speaking of the problem in general, I remember getting back from West Brom on Boxing Day a year ago and going to 139 North (aka Spotted Cow) to drown our sorrows. It was my local by default because it was the only one that was still just a pub. Anyway, half the taps were dry and all the spirits were out. I used to talk to the landlord quite often and offered to go to the corner shop next door and buy a bottle of Vodka and let him sell it at a profit. He told me the brewery would fine him for anything he hadn't bought from them, so he was forced to buy at their prices and according to their deliveries. All these places exist(ed) at the breweries convenience, not the locals, and if the money's not in it, they'll just cash in the land and to hell with the existing custom. I assume the Robins is brewery owned and going the same way.

Smoking Ban,cheap supermarket prices, drinking habits are all factors of course.Interesting point about 'holding out for a good summer'. We have not had a good summer for two years, which has affected the pub trade, as well as many other leisure industries in the UK. To the end of August 08, we had 17% less sunshine hours than in 2007, which is bound to have an affect on peoples going out, drinking etc. With the state of the euro aginst the pound, maybe more people with stay in the UK this summer, and drink more beer, in the sun! We're due some!

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Ohh what a shame Jasper was always such a nice guy, and the food there was brill, also always liked drinking in a pub with a pic of me and my mates up on the wall, in the Promotion celebrations. Thats such a shame that a great reasturant has shut far better than the now poncy Hen & Chicken

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Ohh what a shame Jasper was always such a nice guy, and the food there was brill, also always liked drinking in a pub with a pic of me and my mates up on the wall, in the Promotion celebrations. Thats such a shame that a great reasturant has shut far better than the now poncy Hen & Chicken

Agreed and also agree about the Hen & Chicken. I used to quite like the Hen and Chicken before it was done out, pool tables and loads of screens to watch the footie on. Now it's all gone Bohemian with students buying their drinks on Mummy's credit card. Only been in there the once since and that was once too often.

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The only way it 'worked' in Ireland was in shutting pubs down.

600+ closed in Ireland in the first couple of years of the ban there - rather alot, I think you'll agree, for a relatively small country.

Sorry Noggers but incorrect. The majority of pubs that closed in Ireland were in the country areas where the landlord sold his licence to a developer who then transferred it to his new project in Dublin, Cork, Galway etc. The Landlord was able to command prices into the millions for the purchase of his licence so why keep working a run down pub when the money men come knocking. Nowt to do with smoking ban but with the "Celtic Tiger" economy . Know this first hand from my business in Ireland that dealt with many of the said developers.

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Cant believe Quba Ice is going, its such a laid back boozer to drink in before a game, at this rate I'm going to be running out of places to go to have a pre-match beer.

I suppose the only going thing about these two going is that all their customers will go elsewhere, hopefully helping the other local pubs to survive the recession.

BTW - I am a non-smoker and I think the ban was completely unnecessary especially as a lot of pubs/restaurants already had smoking/non-smoking sections. More heavyhandedness from Nanny State.

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I suppose the only going thing about these two going is that all their customers will go elsewhere, hopefully helping the other local pubs to survive the recession.

BTW - I am a non-smoker and I think the ban was completely unnecessary especially as a lot of pubs/restaurants already had smoking/non-smoking sections. More heavyhandedness from Nanny State.

Not necessarily a given that drinkers will just go to another pub, I used to be a regular at the S&C but when that mysteriously caught fire I couldn't find a pub that had quite the same feel as the S&C did so stopped. I know of many S&C regulars that have also stopped going to pubs before games now the S&C is gone. I suspect many regulars from this pub will go the same way.
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