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Gary Johnson Fed Up With The Boo Boys!?


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No excuse for abuse - Johnson

Bristol City, 16:02, December 21, 2009

Gary Johnson has slammed the fans who abused him and the Bristol City players after they were held to a 1-1 home draw by Reading.

The Robins chief watched in horror as Paul Hartley's penalty was cancelled out by a late Simon Church equaliser to salvage a point for the Royals. It was the tenth goal City had conceded after the 80th-minute mark which has cost them valuable promotion points, while it ended their hopes of a first win at Ashton Gate for two months.

However Johnson was more upset with the level of abuse which came his way from some sections of the home support.

"Unfortunately, we have got some people out there that don't mind being abusive, let's say. Nobody has got an excuse for that," he told the Evening Post.

"We just have, as a club on and off the field, to keep going. We have to try to improve it when we can and we will. We will work morning, noon and night to improve it and see whether we can.

"The only improvement you can make is to make sure the opposition don't get the play at the end of the game that gives them the opportunity to score."

GJ - Please, please start listening - there are lots of improvements needed - not being so defensive and playing 5 players at the back at home? Playing with some width to get meaningful crosses in? Stop playing players out of position? Motivate every team member to give 100%!?

I have always been a GJ fan but must admit I no longer look forward to coming to the Gate - it's boring, predictable football and I leave every week feeling completely let down - I am not a moaner, I am a realist, there is a difference!!!

I agree personal insults are wrong but would suggest it's mostly down to pure frustration as you SIMPLY DON'T LISTEN!? Be careful though as you keep this up, it will cost you your job as without the fans, there is no football club.

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It's just more Blue Post spin, note how they treated Rovers defeat on Saturday as an opportunity to praise their loyal, uncomplaining (300) fans on the same page?

I doubt very much GJ's interview concentrated entirely on those who choose to abuse but that's how the Post reports it when we're involved.

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Agree with GJ. If you're gonna turn to up watch the game then ffs the least you can do is show some backbone and support the team, regardless of the result or performance.

There are no excuses for abusive fans, its pretty low and doesnt really help out the situation.

So if your girlfriend or wife came home and had a poor day at work would you give her abuse for it and boo her becuase she lost an account?? No, so why do it to your football club?

GJ does not need the fans to tell him how to manage the team and people suggesting he should listen to them probably need to get out more.

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I read GJ's complaints in the EP today and tbh I took little notice - deja view if you like. Gary Johnson complaints about the fans - shock horror :shocking:

Abuse is unacceptable but it will happen when unhappy fans feel that they have no other way of expressing thier anger.

Rather than winge about a few minority fans maybe Johnson should try to understand why he's taking such stick. Happy fans don't hurl abuse..... :doh:

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Agree with GJ. If you're gonna turn to up watch the game then ffs the least you can do is show some backbone and support the team, regardless of the result or performance.

There are no excuses for abusive fans, its pretty low and doesnt really help out the situation.

So if your girlfriend or wife came home and had a poor day at work would you give her abuse for it and boo her becuase she lost an account?? No, so why do it to your football club?

GJ does not need the fans to tell him how to manage the team and people suggesting he should listen to them probably need to get out more.

Spot on

The anti-GJ posts that have sprung up here because of a bunch of below average performances have been bewildering

Can you imagine what the cheery lot on here would be like if we were in the bottom 3?

The mind boggles

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Agree with GJ. If you're gonna turn to up watch the game then ffs the least you can do is show some backbone and support the team, regardless of the result or performance.

There are no excuses for abusive fans, its pretty low and doesnt really help out the situation.

So if your girlfriend or wife came home and had a poor day at work would you give her abuse for it and boo her becuase she lost an account?? No, so why do it to your football club?

GJ does not need the fans to tell him how to manage the team and people suggesting he should listen to them probably need to get out more.

I do support the team and never boo our own players - I simply remain silent at the end when I feel let down by tactics and or effort or a combination of both - that's my choice. I am also entitled to my views which I believe are those of a 'realist' and not a moaner. And just for the record, I have been a season ticket holders for many years so have seen many ups and downs.

The question I would ask you having seen the team go backwards so badly over recent weeks and months, is can you really say with confidence that we have a happy, motivated team of players, who are well organised and happy with their management? Do you think they are enjoying being played out position and with the way the team are being set up to play at home with such negative tactics? Do our strikers enjoy always receiving the ball with their back to goal? Why are we bringing good players in and them managing to make them look poor or very average?

As you say though "I need to get out more" and clearly must be watching different games to you every week but as you say the management clearly know what they are doing?

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Spot on

The anti-GJ posts that have sprung up here because of a bunch of below average performances have been bewildering

Can you imagine what the cheery lot on here would be like if we were in the bottom 3?

The mind boggles

I trust we won't be finding out. Will we?

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All these posts knocking GJ are getting a little tiresome now!

If you've had a crap day at work and someone gives you some abuse I suppose all the keyboard warriors on here would take it lying down? I wouldn't, and I don't blame GJ for having a whinge. If the fans are having a whinge, then I don't see the problem with GJ having a pop back.

We're all grown ups, surely we can handle a bit of stick coming back? If it's personal, which I guess it is, then fair shout to him.

I don't think anyone is happy with the style of football right now, the lack of genuine wide players, the leaking of late goals etc etc - but ffs, personal abuse against the bloke is bang out of order.

We're 10 days away from the transfer window opening, lets give GJ a chance to get in the players then that can help us improve the squad.

We've come a long way in a short time, lets remember (and thank God!) where we are after so many years of under achievement. If the squad isn't improved next month then me, and the others that are backing GJ may well have to reconsider, but until then I'm right behind the bloke.

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if people are hurling personal insults and abuse at Johnson from behind him in the Williams then he has every right to complain and those supporters should be dealt with and ashamed of themselves.

So.. what 'abuse' are we talking about here?

Calling the manager a shortarsed clueless cockney **** is one thing and anyone saying that should be out of the ground.

Saying 'sort it out' or 'you don't know what you're doing' doesn't qualify as abuse in my book but I have heard third hand rumours that people have been slung out on his say so for saying that sort of thing..

So - does anyone have personal experience of the this abuse? - I flit around the ground POTD to be honest, and I haven't heard anything worse than any manager has had to put up with.

If he's saying that he's above being given pelters then he's in the wrong game and I cannot believe that a manager of (53?) years of age hasn't experienced crowd displeasure before.

So - foul, personal abuse about him and his family one thing, saying he's lost the plot is something else in my opinion.

Comments anyone?

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I agree that there is no need for the personal insults he gets from the few at the front in the williams, but why does he time and time again resort to turning around and getting involved in a slanging match with them? Its beggers belief that a professional manager cannot control his emotions.

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So.. what 'abuse' are we talking about here?

Calling the manager a shortarsed clueless cockney **** is one thing and anyone saying that should be out of the ground.

Saying 'sort it out' or 'you don't know what you're doing' doesn't qualify as abuse in my book but I have heard third hand rumours that people have been slung out on his say so for saying that sort of thing..

So - does anyone have personal experience of the this abuse? - I flit around the ground POTD to be honest, and I haven't heard anything worse than any manager has had to put up with.

If he's saying that he's above being given pelters then he's in the wrong game and I cannot believe that a manager of (53?) years of age hasn't experienced crowd displeasure before.

So - foul, personal abuse about him and his family one thing, saying he's lost the plot is something else in my opinion.

Comments anyone?

In GJ's illustrious managerial career he has been in charge of Newmarket town,Cambridge,Kettering town, Latvia and Yeovil town (quite clearly none of them with huge fan expectaion or pressure).

I think GJ's issues are that although being 53 his actual lack of expereience when it comes to managing a club with a larger vocal fan base that arnt affraid to air there views is starting to show.

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I know some people who sit behind the dug out and apparently there is some guy there who is constantly having a pop at GJ, and has been for some time. These particular people think this bloke has something wrong in his head. There are one or two on here who seem to me to post in a similar manner i.e. cannot post without being abusive and aggressive. It wouldn't surprise me if one poster in particular is the guy behind the dug out. Behaving in this way is not only out of order but demeans people that do have reasoned arguments to put, but negates any sensible argument the perpetrator of said abuse may have.

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I know some people who sit behind the dug out and apparently there is some guy there who is constantly having a pop at GJ, and has been for some time. These particular people think this bloke has something wrong in his head. There are one or two on here who seem to me to post in a similar manner i.e. cannot post without being abusive and aggressive. It wouldn't surprise me if one poster in particular is the guy behind the dug out. Behaving in this way is not only out of order but demeans people that do have reasoned arguments to put, but negates any sensible argument the perpetrator of said abuse may have.

Sounds like the fans around him should be asking (telling) him to shut up, rather than leavin it to GJ.

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a fight nearly broke out where i sit in Atyeo block C last week, as there is always this old chap with glasses who constantly moans at Lee Johnson EVERY game (and pretty much everything else) ended up with 2 blokes shouting at him to shut up and someone got up and confronted him.

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In GJ's illustrious managerial career he has been in charge of Newmarket town,Cambridge,Kettering town, Latvia and Yeovil town (quite clearly none of them with huge fan expectaion or pressure).

I think GJ's issues are that although being 53 his actual lack of expereience when it comes to managing a club with a larger vocal fan base that arnt affraid to air there views is starting to show.

Well, he got sacked by Kettering and Cambridge so whilst their expectations might not have been that high, you'd imagine some fans would have been a bit vocal towards him just before the end?

I just don't know if his ego has got the better of him, or if he's getting some vile personal abuse - just asking..

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Personal abuse, abusing their families or swearing at Johnson or Millen are clearly unacceptable BUT on the massive inflated wages that they are on (Just think about their 300 / 400K a year compared to a fireman, a staff nurse, etc.) then when we as Season ticket holders are not happy with what is being dished up then for that sort of money they have to accept criticism - Unfortunately it goes with the territory my old son.

I would observe that when everything is yankee doodle and going swimmingly then he laps it up, but, when things are not quite so clever...............

Oh dear, dummies out

Sorry but he has to grow up (no pun intended) and realise that he is being well paid for a job that 20 / 30 years ago when he was a jobbing midfielder playing for Cambridge and Millen was a stopper at Watford neither of them could have dreamt of.

Unfortunately with the perks you also have to expect some pain - if you do not produce. Then if you still think that you are right you act accordingly it is not good sense to go on the attack of those criticizing, surely revenge is a dish best served cold.

We all have our own views and we are all entitled to them - AS LONG AS THEY ARE MADE IN THE CORRECT MANNER.

I just hope that SL is somewhere taking notice of the marked ground swell of opinion that things are not right both on the pitch and off it and is working to get these issues sorted asap (with or without Johnson and Millen).

At the end of the day MOST people want the same thing - City to be succesful, but there are times when their frustrations have to be vented and as I have stated before "It goes with the territory Gazza"

If you cant take it on those wages then there are other options

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If previous rumours etc are true I expect the abuse Johnson is moaning about is a fan asking him why we have no wingers.

Or telling him that the performance is not very good.

The constant moaning about supporters by Johnson is ridiculous imo. He is paid a very nice sum to manage the club. We pay to our hard working pounds to watch. Perhaps he should try not to hype up expectations so much in a pre-season.

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Personal abuse, abusing their families or swearing at Johnson or Millen are clearly unacceptable BUT on the massive inflated wages that they are on (Just think about their 300 / 400K a year compared to a fireman, a staff nurse, etc.) then when we as Season ticket holders are not happy with what is being dished up then for that sort of money they have to accept criticism - Unfortunately it goes with the territory my old son.

I would observe that when everything is yankee doodle and going swimmingly then he laps it up, but, when things are not quite so clever...............

Oh dear, dummies out

Sorry but he has to grow up (no pun intended) and realise that he is being well paid for a job that 20 / 30 years ago when he was a jobbing midfielder playing for Cambridge and Millen was a stopper at Watford neither of them could have dreamt of.

Unfortunately with the perks you also have to expect some pain - if you do not produce. Then if you still think that you are right you act accordingly it is not good sense to go on the attack of those criticizing, surely revenge is a dish best served cold.

We all have our own views and we are all entitled to them - AS LONG AS THEY ARE MADE IN THE CORRECT MANNER.

I just hope that SL is somewhere taking notice of the marked ground swell of opinion that things are not right both on the pitch and off it and is working to get these issues sorted asap (with or without Johnson and Millen).

At the end of the day MOST people want the same thing - City to be succesful, but there are times when their frustrations have to be vented and as I have stated before "It goes with the territory Gazza"

If you cant take it on those wages then there are other options

Let's be honest, these guys probably get a lot more abuse (including physical) compared to GJ, and they paid a pittence in comparison.

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Did any of this "abuse" or "booing" take place during the game ?

I cant admit to hearing any great levels of this during the game, the usual stands were trying to get behind the team and Manager - no need for "personal insults", but is someone shouting something like "Johnson you're clueless" branded as a peronal insult ???

But after the full time whistle, now that IN MY OPINION is when some kind of reaction could be deemed as justifiable.

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"The only improvement you can make is to make sure the opposition don't get the play at the end of the game that gives them the opportunity to score."

And there's one of the main problems summed up in GJ's own words - we try to stop the opposition. How about we try to do something positive instead of this negative and quite obviously flawed tactical counterpunching?

Agree with GJ. If you're gonna turn to up watch the game then ffs the least you can do is show some backbone and support the team, regardless of the result or performance.

Conversely perhaps those that aren't going to turn up and support the team should shut up and listen when people who do that regularly want to comment on just how bad it is to watch instead of trying to tell them that they must be wrong?

Anyway I doubt very much this was personal abuse, I suspect as usual it was Johnson over reacting to perfectly fair and accurate criticism.

During the game isn't a good time to give that but it's hardly unique to BCFC, so grow up Gary and answer the critics by sending out a team that is actually worth us turning up to watch.

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I do support the team and never boo our own players - I simply remain silent at the end when I feel let down by tactics and or effort or a combination of both - that's my choice. I am also entitled to my views which I believe are those of a 'realist' and not a moaner. And just for the record, I have been a season ticket holders for many years so have seen many ups and downs.

The question I would ask you having seen the team go backwards so badly over recent weeks and months, is can you really say with confidence that we have a happy, motivated team of players, who are well organised and happy with their management? Do you think they are enjoying being played out position and with the way the team are being set up to play at home with such negative tactics? Do our strikers enjoy always receiving the ball with their back to goal? Why are we bringing good players in and them managing to make them look poor or very average?

As you say though "I need to get out more" and clearly must be watching different games to you every week but as you say the management clearly know what they are doing?

And there's one of the main problems summed up in GJ's own words - we try to stop the opposition. How about we try to do something positive instead of this negative and quite obviously flawed tactical counterpunching?

Conversely perhaps those that aren't going to turn up and support the team should shut up and listen when people who do that regularly want to comment on just how bad it is to watch instead of trying to tell them that they must be wrong?

Anyway I doubt very much this was personal abuse, I suspect as usual it was Johnson over reacting to perfectly fair and accurate criticism.

During the game isn't a good time to give that but it's hardly unique to BCFC, so grow up Gary and answer the critics by sending out a team that is actually worth us turning up to watch.

I Don't live in Bristol now, Nibor, so I take your point about my rights and validity of view as a fan. All i'll say is i'm gutted I cant attend games anymore, I would love to see a crappy performance at AG, the same way a 50 yr old virgin would shag anything with a pulse. So I get a little frustrated when 'hard done by' fans didn't get the experience they wanted, almost like GJ does it deliberately to annoy them. Some people just don't know when they've got a good thing going, they are spoiled.

OK, I doubt GJ is going to sit here and tell you everything is fine though, its not.

I'm sure though the person most qualified to rectify this is the man himself, We must allow him the time he needs to sort it, he deserves that doesn't he?

A lot of fans are so proud to point out we need width and flair and players to play in their right position, but this is hardly a ground breaking discovery is it? Aye its not ideal players get played out of position, somtimes they can adapt sometimes they cant, thats not GJ fault if they fail. But its his responsibility to put it right and he will. We've seen great football under him, stylish football attacking and creative, but this is down to the players on the pitch, not GJ. So this is why i get tired of the GJ out threads and all the other useless drivel i hear on here.

I'm pretty certain GJ has plans to tweak the team and adjust things, move players about GJ has proved he runs a tight ship and history suggests beyond any doubt this works it.

I don't want any other manager at AG, GJ is the right man to take us forward and I look forward to many many years under his leadership.

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dont you think that there are more than a few round the ground who would give him stick if he was stood bye them peopl e pay good money to watch dire football wot dose he expect . will he not speak again for a while? :disapointed2se:

Umm support? :doh:

Maybe we should change the word 'Football supporters' to 'football expecters'?

Yes, I expect a win dam you! my ticket clearly guaranteed us winning playing one touch passing and no long ball ...I'm disgusted!!!!!1 Where's Anne Robinsons email address... :winner_third_h4h:

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CiderHider - For the last 18 months the standard of football has been getting worse and worse, the good performances have longer and longer in between them, and all that on the backdrop of massively increased spending, hard times financially for fans and a nice fat five year deal for Sir Gary. He's having a row with a fan every home game, he sulks away from the press and sends Millen out to tell us that width is a myth and worst of all he hasn't once done or said anything to give us confidence that he can see the problem that _vast_ majority of city fans can see in how we are playing. Under those circumstances the criticism is fair and it is childish for him to complain about it. Instead of hitting out, GJ should be acknowledging the criticism and quietly getting on with fixing it.

Every city fan has a right to comment even if they can't see the games but trust me although I know how hard it is to be away and unable to get to games it is more frustrating to have to watch that shit and then get told by someone who hasn't seen it that we are moaning about nothing. We aren't.

Nobody is really suggesting he should be sacked. Everybody will be delighted if he turns it around. But let's be clear - the person with the responsibility for the squad, the performances, and the current poor relationship with the fans is Gary Johnson - nobody else.

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CiderHider - For the last 18 months the standard of football has been getting worse and worse, the good performances have longer and longer in between them, and all that on the backdrop of massively increased spending, hard times financially for fans and a nice fat five year deal for Sir Gary. He's having a row with a fan every home game, he sulks away from the press and sends Millen out to tell us that width is a myth and worst of all he hasn't once done or said anything to give us confidence that he can see the problem that _vast_ majority of city fans can see in how we are playing. Under those circumstances the criticism is fair and it is childish for him to complain about it. Instead of hitting out, GJ should be acknowledging the criticism and quietly getting on with fixing it.

Every city fan has a right to comment even if they can't see the games but trust me although I know how hard it is to be away and unable to get to games it is more frustrating to have to watch that shit and then get told by someone who hasn't seen it that we are moaning about nothing. We aren't.

Nobody is really suggesting he should be sacked. Everybody will be delighted if he turns it around. But let's be clear - the person with the responsibility for the squad, the performances, and the current poor relationship with the fans is Gary Johnson - nobody else.

Who was really surprised when Reading scored ????? there was even a element of who cares couldn't even be bothered to listen to the Twentyman phone/text in afterwards..... The football is so dire and boring that matches are just blending in together no matter who we play the standard of play just gets worse,as others have said he isn't paid peanuts the lack of team play and any formation to put the opposition on the back foot against Reading was clearly missing. The fans have paid out been told get behind the team support the World cup new ground bid this is all ok but somewhere the football here and now has to do the talking,i will clap the players when deserved i don't boo or lately even get angry when more points get throwned away.The worse thing now is just getting so use to expecting a dour clueless display with out a soft penalty to City ,Bradleys goal line clearance and somebad misse's +saves same against Ipswich it would have been 3 defeats on the bounce at home..... I don't expect Gary to be sacked but at least accept people pay a lot of money in bloody hard times and have a right to express their feelings , to be honest we aren't a top 6 side 10th/11th at best maybe, it won't be the end of the world if Sno and Saborio go a new winger is needed more than a player who can't seem to adapt to Championship pace. Saborio started ok at Coventry and has the odd few flashes but seems to fade ,now is the make or break time to define the season perhaps a dramatic turn round but certainly not a repeat of last seasons collaspe. G J Hero or villain ? see what happens ? as he said judge me at the end of the season !

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