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Tyson On Gerken


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Maynard does challenges like that to cover the long ball, he very rarely goes in on the player, he always does it to essentially try and close down a clearance.

Tyson's tackles was clearly a red, i couldn't give a shite if he didn't mean to hurt Gerken but it was late, high, dangerous and reckless. That, to me, warrants a red card. If it doesn't to you then thats fine, but strange.

Also, if Maynard did that, he should go too, but as of yet he hasn't.

Maynards tackling is a worry, he caught gunter with a bad tackle within 10 seconds at forest earlier in the season which could have resulted in a red, also remember him injuring an Ipswich last season with a poor late tackle. He also goes in two footed alot aswell!

As for Tyson yesterday my thoughts were that it was late and reckless but not deliberate. It was one of those that can go either way and a red wouldn't have been harsh.

Also billy davies is a prik, his behaviour and hole persona is a disgrace. Bleating on about how his team are punchig well above their weight... Are they ****, the money they have spent they should be a lot closer to the top two than they are.

**** of the highest order!

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From my view (G Block/Dolman) it looked like a 50/50. I never thought Tyson was going to get there, but had i been Deano i would have been expecting a similar challenge coming in and if possible adjusted my body position to try and cushion the blow.

It was in no way either players fault, but it is one of those unfortunate things that can happen in football on a greasy surface.

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From my view (G Block/Dolman) it looked like a 50/50. I never thought Tyson was going to get there, but had i been Deano i would have been expecting a similar challenge coming in and if possible adjusted my body position to try and cushion the blow.

It was in no way either players fault, but it is one of those unfortunate things that can happen in football on a greasy surface.

I think that this is one of those where if it had been our player sliding in slightly late, we would naturally defend them in the same way Forest are defending Tyson? Only he knows if there was any intent and anybody who has played football at a reasonable level knows it is fairly to easy to go in cleanly to either hurt somebody or pull out - both challenges look fairly similar especially on a heavily wet pitch?

On the back of this however hearing the strong vocal support from the City fans was excellent - well done all as the noise around us in the Atyeo was very loud indeed - partisan, completely, but good to hear the passion is very much back as recent gloomy times.

As for Forest, they've done what we did in coming up and continuing to play with confidence. It'll be interesting to see how they cope with their second year in the Championship, as for me, they looked a fairly poor side yesterday - difficult to judge on one performance but not up to the challenge of some others up there who have looked much stronger all round?

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I think that this is one of those where if it had been our player sliding in slightly late, we would naturally defend them in the same way Forest are defending Tyson? Only he knows if there was any intent and anybody who has played football at a reasonable level knows it is fairly to easy to go in cleanly to either hurt somebody or pull out - both challenges look fairly similar especially on a heavily wet pitch?

On the back of this however hearing the strong vocal support from the City fans was excellent - well done all as the noise around us in the Atyeo was very loud indeed - partisan, completely, but good to hear the passion is very much back as recent gloomy times.

As for Forest, they've done what we did in coming up and continuing to play with confidence. It'll be interesting to see how they cope with their second year in the Championship, as for me, they looked a fairly poor side yesterday - difficult to judge on one performance but not up to the challenge of some others up there who have looked much stronger all round?

This is their 2nd year.

I agree with your first point. I'm willing to bet that if the boot was on the other foot most on here would be defending our player.

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I've read a lot on here about the Forest fans reaction to Deano's injury and I think with hindsight the small minority who showed disrespect are probably regretting their actions but in the heat of the moment the adrenaline caused a thought deficiancy. I've been going to AG now for nearly 40 years and have been in various parts of the ground when an opposition player has been strechered off to the chorus of "Your going home in an Avon ambulance" or whistles of derision, and yes I have joined in at the time and felt bad once I had calmed down and thought about it. Football just like this country hasn't always been or always will be politically correct. As for Forest and their fans, I still like them now as I did when Cloughie was in charge, their team of the late 70's early 80's showed what could be achieved by a (and meaning no disrespect to them) smaller club given the right manager and circumstances. Unfortunately nowadays the top 4 places in the Prem are almost a monopoly.

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erm, i dont follow, nowhere in my post did i compare the two teams :/ fwiw, its patently obvious that cloughies team was far superior, they went on to win the European cup, this current one ( whilst a good one for this league ) hasnt even reached the Premier League yet!

and one I hope doesnt reach said league, that "team" of yours is the dirtiest I have seen at the Gate, including the Cardiff, Plymuff, & Reading teams, who either think they are, or as good as dammit Derby games. Indeed you make Scumfords dirty shower look clean.

Cloughie would be spinning in his grave. Gemmill has a hardman but fair, he wouldnt have made that challenge which is you you lot dont get. This team aint fit to clean the great sides boots, specially the dirty scumbag Tyson, or your poxy manager..

with luck, see you lot at the Gate next season..:devil:

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I'll probably be in the minority on this one, but from my view it looked like two players entilted to go for tha ball and Gerkin go their first. I don't believe Tyson to be a malicious kind of player. In fact I only think the ref booked him because the crowd were goind crazy at Tyson.

Will have to see a replay first to be sure though.

I can agree with your post as it was a 50/50 challenge. However, Gerken kicked the ball with his foot and Tyson's foot hit his head. IF Gerken had headered the ball away then fair enough BUT he kicked it away and felt the effects of Tyson's boot in his face which was late and knocked him unconsious. This was as red as my blood. Im sorry for the 50/50 but he was very late and he obviously done damage by breaking his cheek and collar bone!

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