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Steve Coppell On Saturday


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I couldn't give a flying **** if Coppell was sharing a bottle of red with Tango in the Palarse boardroom, as long as he is here on 11th May. :bruce_h4h:

Now correct me if I am wrong on this one, but I have replayed all of last weeks press / media announcements and not one states anything other than Steve Coppell's contract as manager of Bristol City commences on Monday, May, 11th.

Now unless I have missed the obvious legal jargon or employment loophole my understanding is that technically our Stevie boy is classified as either being "unemployed" or "between posts." Now if as I strongly suspect this is the case up to midnight on Sunday, May, 10th Steve is free to do what he likes, when he likes, this "could" include participating in Aussie aerobics on Bondhi beach, climbing Katmandu, diving off of the Scilly Isles or even shopping for a bargain in the Pound Shop?

Whatever or whenever he has no legal obligation to carry out any duties connected to his up and coming role as manager of Bristol City and he is probably enjoying the last few days / weeks of "pressure free / mobile not constantly ringing" time before he finally joins us at Ashton.

So in conclusion if Steve chose to spend his Saturday afternoon at Griffin Park he did so totally of his own volition which is his just right in a free country, which incidentally is a right that our brave soldiers are presently fighting in foreign shores to ensure continues.

Additionally even when Steveie C.'s pop up calendar goes past May, 11th and instead of having his title at the Ascot job centre index as "unemployed" and his official title is Bristol City Manager then personally I have no issues with whatever he does with his time on Saturdays or any other day or night of the week as I have EVERY CONFIDENCE THAT GOING FORWARD HIS ACTIONS WHATEVER OR WHENEVER THEY MAY BE WILL BE TOTALLY PLANNED TO THE BETTERMENT OF OUR CLUB.

Rock on, Steve, in you we (or almost all of us!!!) believe.


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Now correct me if I am wrong on this one, but I have replayed all of last weeks press / media announcements and not one states anything other than Steve Coppell's contract as manager of Bristol City commences on Monday, May, 11th.

Now unless I have missed the obvious legal jargon or employment loophole my understanding is that technically our Stevie boy is classified as either being "unemployed" or "between posts." Now if as I strongly suspect this is the case up to midnight on Sunday, May, 10th Steve is free to do what he likes, when he likes, this "could" include participating in Aussie aerobics on Bondhi beach, climbing Katmandu, diving off of the Scilly Isles or even shopping for a bargain in the Pound Shop?

Whatever or whenever he has no legal obligation to carry out any duties connected to his up and coming role as manager of Bristol City and he is probably enjoying the last few days / weeks of "pressure free / mobile not constantly ringing" time before he finally joins us at Ashton.

So in conclusion if Steve chose to spend his Saturday afternoon at Griffin Park he did so totally of his own volition which is his just right in a free country, which incidentally is a right that our brave soldiers are presently fighting in foreign shores to ensure continues.

Additionally even when Steveie C.'s pop up calendar goes past May, 11th and instead of having his title at the Ascot job centre index as "unemployed" and his official title is Bristol City Manager then personally I have no issues with whatever he does with his time on Saturdays or any other day or night of the week as I have EVERY CONFIDENCE THAT GOING FORWARD HIS ACTIONS WHATEVER OR WHENEVER THEY MAY BE WILL BE TOTALLY PLANNED TO THE BETTERMENT OF OUR CLUB.

Rock on, Steve, in you we (or almost all of us!!!) believe.


He also said they werent going to announce it till the end of the season but all the press speculation made them bring it forward so that some fans could start digging him two weeks before he actually takes over.

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Hang on you are now way OTT, 1) try thinking a bit before following the sheep...In my opinion I reckon Coppell missed a trick last Saturday in not being at our last game of the season, 2) Right? 3) And if you and many others were being honest you probably thought the same.

But we can go on name calling all we like, 4) ''I'm a bigger fan than you etc..''.but believe me I hope as much as anyone that Coppell delivers what we want all as our new Manager...(that's manager not Messiah.)

5) Just need to retain a sense of reality, and perhaps we will get there.

1) I take it you consider yourself a great thinker then because everyone except you is coming from a different direction than you, so I guess the world and their dog is wrong and only you are right?

2) WRONG .... he doesn't work for us yet

3) NO, for reasons many people have very adequately posted in this thread.

4) So you are putting yourself forward as a great fan who is slagging off someone who hasn't actually joined us yet?

5) I think all but one poster on this thread have 'retained a sense of reality'. Congratulations on being the odd one out pal.


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I must admit i could not beleive my eyes when I saw this post, and even more so now that it's still going.

He is in the London area to settle his son back, his son having returned from the US. He has some down time on a Saturday afternoon and decides to take in a game. Does he A) make a 20 - 50 minute drive across the city he is already in and go to a ground where he can be in and out without being bothered by too many people, and then a 20 - 50 minute drive home. Or B) drive 2 hours to another city go into a ground where everyone wants to speak to him and ask him shed fulls of questions, and have the local press after him for interviews, so it's going to take ages to get away from the ground and then have a 2 hour drive home. Tell me which one would you do, particulary that the club 2 hours away are not paying you yet !!

The orgional poster should have looked at the Yeovil team sheet for the game, which shows Gavin WILLIAMS playing, who just happens to be a city player. Also Scott MURRAY was a sub.

He will know Scotty from Reading and may have been speaking to him about his wealth of experience with us.

So not only is SC watching our players, he also gave himself the chance to speak to someone with great background knowledge of the club and all in his own time, to me this suggests more than a little commitment to our cause.

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On reflection I was out of order in doubting Coppells commitment, I accept that, and yes he is entitled to indulge himself with his son / family, no question, of course he is. But I felt the occasion of the last game of the season to be an ideal oppurtunity to 'unveil' our new manager, and as I have said a chance for Coppell to run the rule over the playing staff in a competitive match.

But the fact that he was apparently at the Brentford match instead was to me a bit baffling to say the least. Several reasons have been given and one at least might be correct.

However I suspect that BCFC would have wanted Steve to meet the fans, and with all the extra revenue that would have generated too.

I have taken a lot of stick, fair enough I probably deserved it, but not the insults and abuse, after all it is a Forum when I last looked. But all those that have had a go I would bet most of you in some way felt that SC not being at AG but Brentford was a bit dissapointing. Don't worry you can still be a City fanrolleyes.gif

Fair comment and well said.

I think all that can be said has been said. End of.

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spudski, on 26 April 2010 - 09:45 PM, said:

This is True,he was at Brentford, my friend was sat next to him. I'm seeing him Sunday next, i'll see what he had to say.

Whether i share it on here, is another thing....

oh go on

I met my friend on Sunday, and asked about what Coppell and he spoke about. Not a lot to be honest, as my mate felt it best to leave the guy alone. Between chit chat, when he did offer SC congratulations on his new post, with the words 'Bristol City are a good club with a good team'. SC's response was 'yes, you're right about THE CLUB'.

My friend said that the response alluded that he was impressed with the Club but not so much the team...Whether it was tongue in cheek...who knows?

Read into that what you like...perhaps we will see a major shake up during the summer. Should be quiet a fun few months, if so.

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Is there any way we can remove posters on this forum who prove through their comments to be such numpties, that it would make all our lives much happier if they weren't around to say such silly things and wind everyone up?!?

Put Them On Ignore?

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TMOR is spot on. What does SC think he's up to? And all this talk of family first is a lot of fluffy nonsense.

Personally, I think if he wants to be seen as seriously committed to the cause SC should divorce his wife, disown his kids, give his house away to charity, and henceforth sleep on a camp bed in his office at Ashton Gate so he can be at the club's beck and call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As for the argument he hasn't even started work for us yet and isn't being paid by us, so what? Frankly, for the honour of managing this great club of ours he should be prepared to work without pay. It would be the least he could do in recognition of the selfless dedication of fans like TMOR, who give up their time for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoons and even have to pay admission.

In fact, now I've thought it through whilst typing this, forget all the above. On reflection, watching Brentford instead of us is downright dereliction of duty and as clear a demonstration that we have picked the wrong bloke as you could see. Sack him for gross misconduct and look for a replacement. Oh hang on, we can't sack him: we don't actually employ him yet. Perhaps that's why he had the gall to think that his time was his own on Saturday. Well, cancel his contract, then. Even if it does cost SL a bomb in compensation, we'd be well out of it.

Bloody hell: some people defy belief. A bad start? Give me strength.

You're giving him a day off on a leap year? I thought we wanted a committed manager. disapointed2se.gif

This one year rolling contract lark makes me laugh.

If you're one of the people who think this is any less commitment then say a three year deal you definitely don't understand it.

Try thinking of it this way.

It's a permanent contract. It has a one year notice period.

That's a more serious commitment than almost any of us on here makes to an employer and it in no way shows less commitment than a fixed term contract of two or three or even five years.

As for Steve Coppell being at Brentford, who cares? He isn't being paid yet, he has some time with his family and son and how he chooses to spend it is his business not ours.

Looked the other way around, it's also a far more committed stance from the employer than most of us have!

For what it's worth I do share TMOR's concern about Coppell's committment. His son must be in his twenties at least. How hard is it to get off a plane and drive home?

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As I understand it Coppell is a private guy and wouldn't probably divulge too mush even to your friend, but please spare us from the Speculation that Coppell does not think too much about the team and their will be a major shake up this summer. Not an awful lot wrong with the squad IMO a few good signings is all we need.

However he has according to your 'friend' tongue in cheek or not has alluded that the team is not good enough without even seeing them play ...Top Coach?whistle.gif

I'm only relaying what was said, and only what i'm willing to share on an open forum.

You tend to 'presume' a lot... How do you know he hasn't watched City play? Whether 'live' or on DVD or at the Training ground...And in your opinion you think we need just a few good signings? We were good enough to turn around a season, avoid

relegation and finish 10th again. Too me, that is not 'a good team', but an average Championship side.

A good team, is one that will get promoted and stay up.

How can you question SC being a 'Top Coach' from an assumption on your part...?

Sorry, but we will have to agree to disagree.

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For what it's worth I do share TMOR's concern about Coppell's committment. His son must be in his twenties at least. How hard is it to get off a plane and drive home?

you know the details of why he went to meet his son then?

perhaps he thought it was a good oppurtunity to see his son before he starts his new job that will take up all his time and that he hasn't actually started yet. How long is it since he last saw his son as you seem to know exactly why he went to meet him?

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So theres more of what Coppell didn't actually say. Come on Spudski is your friend an imaginary friend? or are you gonna tell us all, I think you at least owe us that, we won't tell a soul.

I presume a lot, now that's funnyrofl2br.gif

I wasn't questioning Coppels coaching prowess, but if he has watched us live you can bet your friend and others would have spotted him.

Training Ground or DVD ...Evening Post?

Don't make yourself look an even bigger fool.

I don't owe you **** all. Read the whole thread through. You're clutching at straws, because you feel hard done by. Wise up, innitially you made a stupid comment , so get over it and move on.

My 'friend' sits in the Directors box at Brentford. His capacity at the Club is none of your business. I purely confirmed at the beginning of this thread that SC was at Brentford. I posted later, that i may comment on what was said between my friend and SC who was sat next to him. I posted what i feel is appropriate for an open forum, that is not in any way encroaching on my friends privacy. To which the rest of his conversation with SC was private.

So in short...Gel on, get over it and start taking Omega 3...apparantly it's good for the brain.

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Bull Shit Then don't quote ANY of the supposed converstaion if it is as contencious as the ''Club is OK but the team is crap'' scenario supposedly uttered by SC to your friend.

And theres more apparently, but you do not wish to betray your friend. Well I for one think you should have said nothing and not give yourself the look of a man in the ''know'' on here, perhaps I have rumbled you and hence the tantrum outburst again with the personal insults...

If you want a gullible readership ring the Evening Post, perhaps they could take you onfingerscrossed.gif

PS I know and have conversations with directors of a League 2 club, and they tell me things I would never repeat on a football forum, I suppose there are also others on here that are privvy to similar, the reason they are is that they dont blurt it out on footie forums No?

Think what you like matey...I'll quote what i like thankyou. I don't need to justify my posts to you or anyone. However your misconceived idea that i want to look like a man in the know is so far removed from the truth it's laughable. I meet more pro footballers, managers, Directors etc, through the capacity of my business, than you've eaten Pot noodles.

Confirming SC was at Brentford 'makes me in the know?' FFS :disapointed2se:

You've quoted... ''Club is OK but the team is crap'' I didn't quote that, neither did SC. He replied that the Club was good but didn't comment on the team. I said 'read into that what you like'.

I come on here for a bit of light relief. But then get a fck wit moran like you, who feels hard done by, because of your own stupid comments, and feel the need to justify the error of their ways, by banging on and on and on...Let it go will you. Talk about dog with a bone.... :disapointed2se:

Get your facts right before making stupid quotes again.

I'll leave you to have the final word, which i'm sure you will enjoy. For it's like talking to one of those Chav polyester wearing brainless morons that appear on the Jeremy Kyle show...I really can't believe i support the same Team as you :disapointed2se:

Enjoy the next season and i look forward to all your next posts regarding the non commital of Steve Coppell.

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So reading Millen's interview it seems that Coppell was flying out to the US to meet his son so probably took in a game near the airport before his flight left.

Not waiting for his son whose old enough to drive himself home at all then.

Anyway. Welcome to Bristol Steve. Expect a lot of this sort of crap during your time here but try to understand its just a couple of idiots in a sea of support.

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Think what you like matey...I'll quote what i like thankyou. I don't need to justify my posts to you or anyone. However your misconceived idea that i want to look like a man in the know is so far removed from the truth it's laughable. I meet more pro footballers, managers, Directors etc, through the capacity of my business, than you've eaten Pot noodles.

Confirming SC was at Brentford 'makes me in the know?' FFS disapointed2se.gif

You've quoted... ''Club is OK but the team is crap'' I didn't quote that, neither did SC. He replied that the Club was good but didn't comment on the team. I said 'read into that what you like'.

I come on here for a bit of light relief. But then get a fck wit moran like you, who feels hard done by, because of your own stupid comments, and feel the need to justify the error of their ways, by banging on and on and on...Let it go will you. Talk about dog with a bone.... disapointed2se.gif

Get your facts right before making stupid quotes again.

I'll leave you to have the final word, which i'm sure you will enjoy. For it's like talking to one of those Chav polyester wearing brainless morons that appear on the Jeremy Kyle show...I really can't believe i support the same Team as you disapointed2se.gif

Enjoy the next season and i look forward to all your next posts regarding the non commital of Steve Coppell.

Great entertainment - keep it up! Over to you 'Ten Minutes of Rough' ... snack.gif

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Think what you like matey...I'll quote what i like thankyou. I don't need to justify my posts to you or anyone. However your misconceived idea that i want to look like a man in the know is so far removed from the truth it's laughable. I meet more pro footballers, managers, Directors etc, through the capacity of my business, than you've eaten Pot noodles.

Confirming SC was at Brentford 'makes me in the know?' FFS :disapointed2se:

You've quoted... ''Club is OK but the team is crap'' I didn't quote that, neither did SC. He replied that the Club was good but didn't comment on the team. I said 'read into that what you like'.

I come on here for a bit of light relief. But then get a fck wit moran like you, who feels hard done by, because of your own stupid comments, and feel the need to justify the error of their ways, by banging on and on and on...Let it go will you. Talk about dog with a bone.... :disapointed2se:

Get your facts right before making stupid quotes again.

I'll leave you to have the final word, which i'm sure you will enjoy. For it's like talking to one of those Chav polyester wearing brainless morons that appear on the Jeremy Kyle show...I really can't believe i support the same Team as you :disapointed2se:

Enjoy the next season and i look forward to all your next posts regarding the non commital of Steve Coppell.

:rofl2br::rofl2br::rofl2br: i havent laughed at the city forum like this for a long ttime. keep it goin boys TMOR your turn :chant6ez:

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Fck wit moron, chav polyester wearing brainless morons, crikey you are really racking up the insults, looks like yous been rumbled old spud 'ead. Wanna confess that in truth you havn't a friend at all at Brentford, probably no friends at all with a temper like that. You know I've seen dozens like you that I have had the good fortune to feel their collars, and they too scream insults and in the end all they want is their Mommy's tit pacifier.gif

And if you are still standing listen up...I do believe in Coppell...but however I think he should have cast his eye over our existing playing squad before the end of the season. Now either you accept that as my opinion or not but it is my opinion, so think before you post such cowardly keyboard talk or you will be mashedshifty.gif


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So reading Millen's interview it seems that Coppell was flying out to the US to meet his son so probably took in a game near the airport before his flight left.

Not waiting for his son whose old enough to drive himself home at all then.

Anyway. Welcome to Bristol Steve. Expect a lot of this sort of crap during your time here but try to understand its just a couple of idiots in a sea of support.

I suspect the second line was a dig at me.

I thought that Steve was meeting his son who was re-locating to Britain. Perhaps, the son is, but Steve has to go to the States to make sure he gets to the plane on time?? pacifier.gif

Either way, unlike the last manager, we can see that Coppell is putting his son before the team. This really concerns me.

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Either way, unlike the last manager, we can see that Coppell is putting his son before the team. This really concerns me.

That depends on your view of the previous managers son, some would say that he did put him before the team by playing him most weeks.

Not sure how Coppell can be accused of putting his son before the team when he is not in charge of the team yet, if Coppell ever says 'can't make Saturday's game cos I am going to play golf with my son' I will share your concern, however until the 11th of May he can do what he likes'.

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I suspect the second line was a dig at me.

I thought that Steve was meeting his son who was re-locating to Britain. Perhaps, the son is, but Steve has to go to the States to make sure he gets to the plane on time?? pacifier.gif

Either way, unlike the last manager, we can see that Coppell is putting his son before the team. This really concerns me.

Tbf he hasn't officially started yet and said these were pre-arrangements that were already in place to see his son which he does not see very often. I found it very strange when I first heard he wouldn't be at our final games but after hearing why this is the case I don't quite see why it is an issue.

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Wow theres some real sillyness over this issue. No doubt since first contact SC has been watching and re-watching vids of every B.C.F.C match. So to say he isn't up to speed seems unlikely.

He is not 'showy' and doesn't like to cause a fuss.

For example: I know for a fact that he turned down his regular fine dine with SJM when Rogers was sacked as he thought it was inappropiate and may stir up unncessary misinterpretations of intent: in a 'club chairman sacks manager has cozy meal with former manager' way. Even though the 'date' had been booked months in advance as it was a normal regular meeting between the two..

He is a total footballing professional and whilst -I suspect- he may not have always dreamed as a boy of managing Bristol City he will be 110% committed to the club and loyal to the team and supporters. I honestly thought you lot would be better than the last shower....

Come on guy's. put this s.h.i.t.e away and get behind the club the team and especially new manager. !

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