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Good artical, i agree with everything you say! this forum has been in decline for ages imo, there are to many know it alls who are quick to judge people and ofcourse call them names! I've been targeted by a small group for ages now, everything i say seems to get attacked even if its perfectly legit! some people need to grow up.

From the person who, in another thread, uses the terms - Spineless, Horrible & Faggots about his fellow supporters!


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From the person who, in another thread, uses the terms - Spineless, Horrible & Faggots about his fellow supporters!


Bar BS3 - don't respond to Original Red, he's digging for exactly this - even though I entirely agree with you.

His posts on Match Day threads bring out the very worst of some forum posters, but he is blind to the fact that he is predominantly the cause.

He suggested to me a few weeks ago that I had no right to challenge his authority & knowledge because he had more posts than me. This despite the fact I have been reading this forum since I was at secondary school over 13 years ago and I can actually post a sentence that contains correct grammar and spelling.

Its' the little things...

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From the person who, in another thread, uses the terms - Spineless, Horrible & Faggots about his fellow supporters!


Oh, the same 'fellow supporters' who call me a ****ing idiot and the C word? after being target for so long and after being called such names anger has a right to take over, somthing i expect you and people like you to not understand.

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i actually feel sorry for the mods running this site.

they get a lot of stick for locking/not locking threads but people dont realise that without them their is no forum.

The irony is that in comparison to other forums, the modding is really light on here.

The banning stick would be out on my watch, I tell ya! boxing.gif

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Oh because I wrote Its' as opposed to It's.

Wind your neck in and take a look at yourself before you have the audacity to have a go at my spelling and grammar.

At least I can hold my hand up when I make an error - you're just an oblivious idiot.

It's people like you that make me question the value of democracy and the ability to vote - I dread to think what goes through your mind on a general election and how you decide to cast your vote.

Actually, just thinking of that makes me shudder shutup.gif

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Oh, the same 'fellow supporters' who call me a ****ing idiot and the C word? after being target for so long and after being called such names anger has a right to take over, somthing i expect you and people like you to not understand.

If you give abuse out which more than one person has said on here you do on a regular basis you must expect it back, stop be a child and lets getting back talking about football and not you because you have chucked your toys out. How long you get for lunch breaks at school these days.

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Oh because I wrote Its' as opposed to It's.

Wind your neck in and take a look at yourself before you have the audacity to have a go at my spelling and grammar.

At least I can hold my hand up when I make an error - you're just an oblivious idiot.

It's people like you that make me question the value of democracy and the ability to vote - I dread to think what goes through your mind on a general election and how you decide to cast your vote.

Actually, just thinking of that makes me shudder shutup.gif

Hit a nerve did i? :laugh:

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If you give abuse out which more than one person has said on here you do on a regular basis you must expect it back, stop be a child and lets getting back talking about football and not you because you have chucked your toys out. How long you get for lunch breaks at school these days.

If giving an opinion is classed as 'giving out abuse' then i question how long you get for school lunch breaks, not me?

isnt it funny that the same people who give me abuse are the same people saying i give out abuse? I wonder?

new headline: I dont agree with Originals comments which means original is 'giving out abuse' and i am now going to target him and take digs at every opportunity!

What was the word? oh yes, PRICELESS!

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There is an irony that a thread discussing the decline of this forum is deteriorating into a slanging match.

its a small group of people who want to get there way, which i refuse to make possible! they want to hound me out and everyone else who doesnt agree with them. there motive is to make posters abide by their ruls and their rules only!

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If giving an opinion is classed as 'giving out abuse' then i question how long you get for school lunch breaks, not me?

isnt it funny that the same people who give me abuse are the same people saying i give out abuse? I wonder?

new headline: I dont agree with Originals comments which means original is 'giving out abuse' and i am now going to target him and take digs at every opportunity!

What was the word? oh yes, PRICELESS!


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its a small group of people who want to get there way, which i refuse to make possible! they want to hound me out and everyone else who doesnt agree with them. there motive is to make posters abide by their ruls and their rules only!

Mate, with respect, GET A GRIP!

It's just a daft football forum, for God's sake.

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There is an irony that a thread discussing the decline of this forum is deteriorating into a slanging match.

You're absolutely right redfred - and it sums up exactly what is wrong.

Like most things in life now, the minority spoil it for the majority.

I tend to keep quiet and post very rarely but it infuriates me what some posters have turned this place into.

I have no right to declare what 'type' of forum this should be and 'what should be said' however some people just cause unnecessary friction without contributing to debate and have dragged down what was a well loved and frequented forum.

Maybe I was raised differently and I have the ability to actually debate and discuss, without just dismissing valid and constructive comments with 'witty' one liners and emoticons.

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its a small group of people who want to get there way, which i refuse to make possible! they want to hound me out and everyone else who doesnt agree with them. there motive is to make posters abide by their ruls and their rules only!

Here's some advice from someone who has had masses of abuse over the years on this forum.

Try not to be abusive in return, simply either ignore it or ask them why they are being abusive.

My thinking has always been that those who resort to personal remarks or abuse simply don't have the debating skills to respond in any other way. Bear in mind that we have many different levels of education and intelligence.

Live and let live.

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its a small group of people who want to get there way, which i refuse to make possible! they want to hound me out and everyone else who doesnt agree with them. there motive is to make posters abide by their ruls and their rules only!

Take a step back my love. It'll do you the world of good, and us

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Here's some advice from someone who has had masses of abuse over the years on this forum.

Try not to be abusive in return, simply either ignore it or ask them why they are being abusive.

My thinking has always been that those who resort to personal remarks or abuse simply don't have the debating skills to respond in any other way. Bear in mind that we have many different levels of education and intelligence.

Live and let live.

Interesting points you make there rob, i tend to agree with you. these people do it continuously which is what gets to me, i can take the odd bit of Criticism here and there but to constantly harass somone is pretty low.

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Now this thread is going the same way...This is plain ridiculous.

This is a Bristol City forum. Lets talk about Football. It's not about me,me,me....

Some people really do need to get a grip.

It takes a bigger man to walk away. When someone say's...'And let them win'...you know their are problems.

Instead of feeling like the hard done by person, sit back and realise how childish this all is.

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Now this thread is going the same way...This is plain ridiculous.

This is a Bristol City forum. Lets talk about Football. It's not about me,me,me....

Some people really do need to get a grip.

It takes a bigger man to walk away. When someone say's...'And let them win'...you know their are problems.

Instead of feeling like the hard done by person, sit back and realise how childish this all is.

What a hypocrite, your the 1 who was dishing out the personal insults calling me a efing idiot if i remember rightly? unbelivable.

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