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Anybody else feel it's going backwards?

Only a few topics started...The same people posting...But lots of viewers.

We are all Bristol City fans, and we all have different points of view. We all want the best for the Club. And we all have different ways of expressing our joy or disbelief.

However...Of late, and i am guilty of it myself. A lot of personal abuse and case's of one upmanship, and people trying to put one over on others.

Can we not, contribute thoughts whether positive or negative, without calling one another names or just plain abusing one another.

If you don't agree with what someone say's, either ignore it or contribute a debate, rather than just name calling.

Or...Agree to disagree.

I'm sure more people would decide to contribute if this forum wasn't so hostile.

I'm also sure that i'll get some abuse for posting this. But hey...Like i said, we all want what's best for the Club, and we are all managers, coaches, Directors and Chairman behind our keyboards, but at the end of the day, we are all just fans.

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I totally agree with you!!

It used to have good banter, and was a joy to look at, and now people are scared to post because they keep getting slagged off.

Can people stop saying "Thats total BS" and "Thats not true" and "I doubt that" because ok, sometimes people get things wrong, but if someone said they e.g. had dave wealen in their taxi, then unless you where with the man, it is possible and probably likely

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Yes, it's going downhill. It has been doing so slowly for a long while. It's a consequence of having increasing member numbers and the internet being more and more pervasive.

Too few thought out posts making interesting points, too many clever people turning every other thread into a Robbored bashing session oblivious to the fact that he absolutely loves it.

And no, it's not the mods fault before someone suggests that, posters ought to police themselves a bit more.

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Yes, it's going downhill. It has been doing so slowly for a long while. It's a consequence of having increasing member numbers and the internet being more and more pervasive.

Too few thought out posts making interesting points, too many clever people turning every other thread into a Robbored bashing session oblivious to the fact that he absolutely loves it.

And no, it's not the mods fault before someone suggests that, posters ought to police themselves a bit more.

Couldn't agree more. It seemsas if there's more words written than ever before but increasingly less said. Just the same old shit repetaed again and again.

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This is strange i was talking to me son earlier on how negative this forum has become, people seem to come here just to make sly comments and slag eachother off.

I recently put my first thread on here and got alot of bad replies because they didnt really read the headline properly. all i wanted was to make a discussion but a few had to make silly comments. It Makes me feel like not posting on this forum again. after 40 odd years of following city i got alot of things to say but i feel i just cant be assed on here.

maybe the negative times under gary johnson has caught on permanently to this forum, thats when all this bitching seemed to have begun.

in the old days we used to just go to the game, win or lose we would go back down the pub, discuss the game, get on with life. Theirs no need for all these arguments.

Say someone makes a new thread about not liking a player. why cant we just share our own opinions on that player/manager or anything else. all you have to do is just say you disagree and give your views. no need for all these bad personal comments.

looking forward for saturdays game, i will be singing me head off again


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Good artical, i agree with everything you say! this forum has been in decline for ages imo, there are to many know it alls who are quick to judge people and ofcourse call them names! I've been targeted by a small group for ages now, everything i say seems to get attacked even if its perfectly legit! some people need to grow up.

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Its laughable, just after posting a comment on here i look on another thread and notice that ive been called a "****ing idiot" and "a ****". there is no need for that sort of abuse atall!!! ive never felt so insulted in all my life. coming onto this forum and speaking openly about somthing is becoming increasingly difficult, i shouldnt have to feel intimidated by my own supporters! shame on you and to hall with this forum!!

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Anybody else feel it's going backwards?

Only a few topics started...The same people posting...But lots of viewers.

We are all Bristol City fans, and we all have different points of view. We all want the best for the Club. And we all have different ways of expressing our joy or disbelief.

However...Of late, and i am guilty of it myself. A lot of personal abuse and case's of one upmanship, and people trying to put one over on others.

Can we not, contribute thoughts whether positive or negative, without calling one another names or just plain abusing one another.

If you don't agree with what someone say's, either ignore it or contribute a debate, rather than just name calling.

Or...Agree to disagree.

I'm sure more people would decide to contribute if this forum wasn't so hostile.

I'm also sure that i'll get some abuse for posting this. But hey...Like i said, we all want what's best for the Club, and we are all managers, coaches, Directors and Chairman behind our keyboards, but at the end of the day, we are all just fans.

I could not agree with you more. No two people are going to agree and some of the digs at people is out of order. We all support the same team so lets all be united no matter what our opinion.
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I agree that is has become boring and repetitive and that too few posters dominate threads.

Too many people take themselves too seriously and appear to have had a sense of humour by-pass.

The subject matter needs to be broadened

My suggestion would be to have a non City related thread of the day e,g Royal Wedding where all kinds of opinions could be expressed without people getting wound up / name calling.

Also perhaps we could limit the number of posts by am individual per day hopefully this would persuade people to engage their brain before typing

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I hardly post anymore, I don't really see the point when I voice my opinion on a matter then get threatening pm's, it's a discussion board about Bristol City for gods sake!!!!

Same here.

Very rarely post. Late 90's when the forum first started under the leadership of the club, it was excellent and I was posting all the time. Now there seems to be keyboard warriors out there that would abuse you on here yet if they met you face to face would crap themselves! Don't get me wrong, the Mods do a thankless task and do it well, but I think more people can hide behind virtual names and feel safe and get away with it.

I reply to some posts, like this one, but even then, I type a reply and think, whats the point and close the web page down.


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Threads like this have been appearing for as long as I can remember.

The fact is that life in general is "never as good as it used to be". An example being the topic about full backs where even the likes of Craig Woodman are remembered fondly in comparison to the current incumbents. Anyone looking at the situation objectively would see that clearly McAllister is a much better player than Woodman (or even Bell) but our memories become clouded and things in the past seem better than they were.

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Totally agree. Although I've only made 3 posts, I've been a reader of the forum for a long time (and a supporter since the early 1960s.) I haven't made many comments because although there is usually good debate, there is also often abuse by others who don't share your views. Also, so of the topics are very repetitive.

On the other hand, perhaps people such as myself should contribute more? If all the guest readers don't made an effort to join in, nothing will change. So, WATCH OUT FOR SOME INTERESTING (?) POSTS FROM PONGO88!!

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People seem to think it's only in recent times that threads have been hijacked with bickering, name calling & one-upmanship but I remember well the "heated" debates surrounding Tinnion & Wilson's tenures here, split loyalties over the Lansdown & Davidson lef eras & not to mention the forced closure of the forum back when Pulis was in charge & death threats emanated from here. History isn't all sweetness & light.

I'm sure I remember postings from last century that said this forum isn't what it used to be ;)

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People seem to think it's only in recent times that threads have been hijacked with bickering, name calling & one-upmanship but I remember well the "heated" debates surrounding Tinnion & Wilson's tenures here, split loyalties over the Lansdown & Davidson lef eras & not to mention the forced closure of the forum back when Pulis was in charge & death threats emanated from here. History isn't all sweetness & light.

I'm sure I remember postings from last century that said this forum isn't what it used to be ;)

Just thinking that myself. Just when were these halcyon days that some seem to remember?

I can recall many a heated debate about all manner of topic. One about Steve Torpey sticks in my mind along with another about Tinnion's appointment. Former forum users have taken umbrage and stopped posting. Richieb, Redtop and Edson to name just three.

There have always been personal attacks and the 'attack the post,not the poster ' maxim has rarely applied. If there is a difference nowadays its the the higher portion of replies that have become vindictive with an aggressive tone. Thats a sad development imo.

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Its laughable, just after posting a comment on here i look on another thread and notice that ive been called a "****ing idiot" and "a ****". there is no need for that sort of abuse atall!!! ive never felt so insulted in all my life. coming onto this forum and speaking openly about somthing is becoming increasingly difficult, i shouldnt have to feel intimidated by my own supporters! shame on you and to hall with this forum!!

Not sure which thread you mean but I've noticed you get alot of personal stick generally. No idea why, you are as much entitled to your opinion as the next man.

The abuse above is completely out of order and should be an automatic warning for those posters if the 'attack the post not the poster' rule is to be enforced.

As for those posters who follow Robbored round looking to chastise him, it's long become tedious and ruins what could otherwise be interesting threads.

The forum has never changed much - there have always been strong disagreements and bickering andit is usually the fatigue of the individual posters that makes them go off in a huff.

Having said that there are a number of prolific posters who are missed and whose return would be welcomed - no idea if they are banned or if they'd even want to return.

What's most missed though is the humour and I put the current malaise, if there is one, down not only to City's poor performances but the time of year.

People tend to be suffering from colds, the lack of daylight, financial pressures of Christmas coming etc. round about now and this shows itself in a generally more grumpy, impatient, and critical forum.

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