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East End Racist Chants - Wtf?

Martyn Hocking

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sorry - but you implied that banter at the Aussies was racist. It isn't. And I'm afraid that there is no PC brigade that is going to call you a racist for dressing as a convict at an Ashes match or an Australian a racist for calling you a Pom. Unless I've missed something...

Yes ... the point. No matter. Far more important matters in the world to worry about.

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I really don't think I am. The stories never stack up...and they always appear in the same papers.... and the "PC brigade" is a term used to describe people who respect the sensitivites of others - as described by Robbo earlier in the thread from his experience of the NHS. I'm afraid it's a term often used by folk to dismiss anyone who calls their casual racism for what it is....

The trouble with that scenario and believe me I have been on many of these types of courses, they are usually designed by white middle class wannabees and most people attending these courses from a different ethnic background are embarrassed and feel more marginalised because many feel they are not allowed to join in and be treated the same as everybody else in that particular workplace and not having workmates excluding them from conversations, jokes and even sociialising in case they say something that might not be quite PC.

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The trouble with that scenario and believe me I have been on many of these types of courses, they are usually designed by white middle class wannabees and most people attending these courses from a different ethnic background are embarrassed and feel more marginalised because many feel they are not allowed to join in and be treated the same as everybody else in that particular workplace and not having workmates excluding them from conversations, jokes and even sociialising in case they say something that might not be quite PC.

I can't argue with your experience. It's not mine. I work in London surrounded by intelligent people from all backgrounds and from all over the world...and we all expect to be treated with consideration. Which isn't - in truth - at all controversial.

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Yes ... the point. No matter. Far more important matters in the world to worry about.

I think I've seen your point - and I'm afraid I've demolished it. Taunting Aussies isn't racist. End of.

But as you ended your post with a claim that we live in "age of intolerance and compensation culture" you clearly live in a different world to me.

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I'll make this final point as positions are quite entrenched. The whole Race Relations act does not concern RACE as you define it, I reiterate it also concerns the number of topics that you quoted from David Lloyds weekly blog entry. My main concern is not trying to justify racsim which cannot be justified, but to ask for an equal and proportionate response on behalf of other groups including ethnicity and sexuality for example. The verocity in which some posters have dismissed other groups interests, indicates to me that as a scoceity we are increasingly puitting certian groups on a pedastal at the expense of others. When really the legilation should be enforced equally as it is written on the statute and not picked at when it is in the interest of a solitary group.

I'm affraid much on here is the result of social conditioning and not a genuine interest in integration.

Yes, the race relations act does cover race, ethnicity and so on. As to your point about relative offensiveness, do you not think that calling someone a w** instead of black is more offensive than calling a Welshman a sheepshagger? Of course it is! Do gingers have a long history of violent abuse compared to Asians or blacks? I would suggest not. There is a reason that as a society we are more responsive to prejudice against certain groups. namely that they need protecting more! I'm a carrot cuncher but that is not as offensive as being called a c**n. Do you not see the difference?

Social conditioning is not a good thing. I would argue that racism is a form of social conditioning. I've said before, why do we need definitions of what's acceptable to say? You should know what you're comfortable with. If you don't, then don't speak!

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I can't argue with your experience. It's not mine. I work in London surrounded by intelligent people from all backgrounds and from all over the world...and we all expect to be treated with consideration. Which isn't - in truth - at all controversial.

I agree with the sentiment, but the reality I found was totally different, most people from different ethnic backgrounds were embarrassed and dismissive of these courses.

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Here you go then, mull this over.

A bunch of white kids beat up an Asian - Evening News Headline - "Racist Thugs beat up etc etc." Fair enough? OK let's reverse that and have the Asian kids beat up a white boy and you can guarantee the headline - "Muslim Thugs target etc etc." See the subtle difference? This kind of discrimination can be found in the 'news'papers every day, and it is this kind of propaganda that is being drip fed to the masses, continually. Fear, hate, hate, fear, drip, drip, drip.

Anyone think we'll win this Saturday?

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I think I've seen your point - and I'm afraid I've demolished it. Taunting Aussies isn't racist. End of.

But as you ended your post with a claim that we live in "age of intolerance and compensation culture" you clearly live in a different world to me.

1) I accept some people live very sheltered lifes in cosseted worlds and 2) I'm probably with the majority of the board in thinking 'small town in Wales' is as much unacceptable as 'small town in asia' assuming one sets the 'sensitivity threshold' at the 'offended' level some have about the EE songs. I would sing neither and don't care whether one judge contradicts another as to whether it's 'racist' - commonsense always prevails in the end.

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Ok, explain this one. I was there on Saturday in the EE and singing along with everyone else. Now accompanying my stepson Jude who is half Pakistani. Now as Jude was singing and bantering along with everyone else is he a racist?

Really cant wait to see how the do gooders answer this one :dancing2:

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I see the apologists for racist chants have now started a poll to 'prove' that they aren't racist.

That is pretty desperate guys - guilty conscious perhaps?

Hats off to the likes of AJ Sylvester, Jordan Tansley, Dave L, Cornelius, Milo, Red Badger and Robbored for standing up to the moronic majority on here.

I thought we had said goodbye to racism at AG years ago - sadly not. Some posters I had previously rated have revealed a very ugly side to their characters on this thread.

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Jesus. This exact same thread is trotted out every six months, and the replies always follow the same templates (It's the same as making fun of the Welsh / Not it's not, it's to do with skin colour / What about Gingers / Not the same / Here's a legal definition of 'race' / It's political correctness gone maaaad / It's not as bad as it was in the 70's etc etc etc)

No matter how you justify it after the fact, through semantics, clever analogies, Daily Mail rants or hand-wringing, the bottom line is if you're singing a chant about race or about skin colour, you're part of the problem.

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I see the apologists for racist chants have now started a poll to 'prove' that they aren't racist.

That is pretty desperate guys - guilty conscious perhaps?

Hats off to the likes of AJ Sylvester, Jordan Tansley, Dave L, Cornelius, Milo, Red Badger and Robbored for standing up to the moronic majority on here.

I thought we had said goodbye to racism at AG years ago - sadly not. Some posters I had previously rated have revealed a very ugly side to their characters on this thread.

Keep telling yourself how right you are, its amusing.

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So it's ok to taunt a nation (welsh) or individual (Coppell) providing its not about race or skin colour. Double standards to me matey.

If I'm one you're critising for my opinion I'll make it clear if, in any of the four cases, it causes distress to an individual or group then that taunting is unacceptable.... so try not to adopt the moral high ground. End of.

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I see the apologists for racist chants have now started a poll to 'prove' that they aren't racist.

That is pretty desperate guys - guilty conscious perhaps?

Hats off to the likes of AJ Sylvester, Jordan Tansley, Dave L, Cornelius, Milo, Red Badger and Robbored for standing up to the moronic majority on here.

I thought we had said goodbye to racism at AG years ago - sadly not. Some posters I had previously rated have revealed a very ugly side to their characters on this thread.

people like you and the rest can really **** off - I have actually suffered real racism - so **** off until you know what your talking about

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people like you and the rest can really **** off - I have actually suffered real racism - so **** off until you know what your talking about

That doesn't mean you are the only one who has the right to have an opinion about racism. I have never suffered from racism but I know it disgusts me.

To be honest, sitting in the Williams near the Atyeo, we can never hear the East End's chants anyway so it's all a bit irrelevant. We are too busy actually watching the football and supporting our team to worry about shouting unfunny things at the opposition fans.

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I see the apologists for racist chants have now started a poll to 'prove' that they aren't racist.

That is pretty desperate guys - guilty conscious perhaps?

Hats off to the likes of AJ Sylvester, Jordan Tansley, Dave L, Cornelius, Milo, Red Badger and Robbored for standing up to the moronic majority on here.

I thought we had said goodbye to racism at AG years ago - sadly not. Some posters I had previously rated have revealed a very ugly side to their characters on this thread.

I don't think it's fair to label all of the people who have argued the opposite to our veiw as moronic. Some replies on here have been, I'll agree.

Personally I think it's pretty simple. If you use a persons race, colour, ethnicity or nationality as a negative means to discriminate then that is racist.

The motivation behind those chants may not have been to cause hurt and embarrassment to the asian population of Leicester, but the underlying meaning behind these chants cannot be ignored and brushed under the carpet as "banter".

Riaz, you may not feel this is comparitive to the racist abuse you have personally suffered, But would you not acknowledge that if you get rid of the supposedly minor instances of racial discrimination, people are even less likely to accept the EDL/BNP bullshit that is slowly threatening to come to the fore?

Personally, I think the songs are racially motivated, therefore racist. Even if you or anyone else doesnt think it's racist, It is most certainly distasteful, lacks any intelligence and humour and has no place in a civilized society. the example has been used already, but would you talk like that to anyone away from football? football gives you freelance to abuse anyone, for any reason?

that's the fundamental problem with "the country" not the "muzzy's" not the "PC brigade" Not the "toffs" and not the "Politicians".

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people like you and the rest can really **** off - I have actually suffered real racism - so **** off until you know what your talking about

Here Here.

To be honest you can experience worse racism virtually every day of the week on Eastenders or Coronation Street by the way they overtly stereotype black and asian characters and millions of people watch it.

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Also as there are so many in favour of not stereotyping and being prejudice, why doesnt anyone leap to the defense of Robbored being constantly labelled as 'ginge'.

As far as I know the gingers are a race too.

Though I can't speak for every poster on this forum, I have on a few occasions tried to pull SC_RED and Esmond Millions Bung up on the personal abuse they dish out to robbored including the use of the word ginge.

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