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Ourgate 'n Paint'n....


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He also mentiond that the remaining part of the wall could be left open for others to come and make their mark, so eastenders get in touch with the community trust ASAP. o

Why should they? They asked for information regarding it etc, and received next to no information. The club knows who sprayed in the east end etc, but they would rather pay people to do it.

What on earth does any of this has to do with the community? Where are the kids, the homeless people, the people with disabilities they are meant to help?

Just looks like a jolly boys outing to me for anyone who can spray paint.

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Alright Robin, just saying. I'm not sure the homeless/kids or disabled could do a better job of painting. There was a "fun day" at the weekend for the community to attend so let's use any excuse to beat the club up.

It's certainly not ideal but it's better than it was before. Who knows what is gonna happen with the other half of the wall, the guy just said to me the fans could get involved if they wanted to. Oh and they are not getting paid for it either.

Ps: some of those piccys look familiar Cider Head! Been on Facebook have we? ;0)

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I've just been down to have a look and one of the guys stopped me to have a chat about it. It seems they are getting little of no guidance from anyone re: what to paint.

Each piece is done by a different artist. Obviously the lions one was orchestrated by Sean, the guy in the robin suit (or crazy frog as he's known on here) is by another guy and Inkie spparently came down from London for 3 hours sprayed his name and then buggered off.The guys doing it are aware of the critisum but as I say they are getting little help, for instance, I asked the guy about comemerating our history and he said he'll be writing something about the "Bristol 8" later. I obviously corrected him and let him know that any stick they have received thus far will be nothing up to that if he writes the "Bristol 8". I explained the meaning and have hopefully guided him in the right direction. But with him not knowing anything about football and no one pointing him in the right direction this is how mistakes happen.

The guys I have spoke to had to correct the date on the Lions bit and have filled in between that and Inkies piece with 1897 in big red and white numbers with a scarf wrapped around it. They are also doing a piece with parts of the badge. They had just finished the unicorns and he was talking about the knights helmet part of the badge. He also mentiond that the remaining part of the wall could be left open for others to come and make their mark, so eastenders get in touch with the community trust ASAP. I felt for these guys as they just seemed to have been shoved out in the cold and told to get on with it with no help from the CT or the club. It looks better now the blanks have been filled in and apart from Inkie just using it to leave his tag, it's starting to look more City related. If I can get the Picts off my photo stream and work out how to post them before work I'll do so

The pity is their talent is being wasted. The Community Trust can still put the brakes on this project and ask fans what they want to see painted.

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Alright Robin, just saying. I'm not sure the homeless/kids or disabled could do a better job of painting. There was a "fun day" at the weekend for the community to attend so let's use any excuse to beat the club up.

It's certainly not ideal but it's better than it was before. Who knows what is gonna happen with the other half of the wall, the guy just said to me the fans could get involved if they wanted to. Oh and they are not getting paid for it either.

Ps: some of those piccys look familiar Cider Head! Been on Facebook have we? ;0)

Its not any excuse to beat the club up, but surely asking what designs would be wanted, what would be put up etc. Would fans want a picture of atyeo, bob taylor, the robin, a crest, etc etc

Look in the programme, it says about the hall of fame etc. None of that is screaming city, it just looks like stokes croft etc.

Last i heard they were getting paid, so that must had changed. Its a shame as they look like they are seriously good artists, but its not what was said in the programme.

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No problem cider head, I was gonna try and post them anyway.

I agree that if the club wasnt gonna take a hands on approach to this the fans should have been included. As I said, it's looking better than it was with just the lions and the inkie tag. I think people get a bit carried away with themselves. The club/community trust didn't have to do any of this, as it happens the idea was a good one even if they could have got the details better. Their was a community event organised and I'm guessing it was a bit of a damp squib so unless you attended it it's hard to critise the club for that

There may still be a chance to add something to the wall or maybe there is something else planned for that part. Let's hope so, it would be great to see Scotty or big John by that entrance.

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I fail to see any real connection to any of it. It is, well, rubbish really. Why bother?

As per normal they have a chance to do something really well and royally **** it up. This is why lots, myself included, will never ever get involved with anything officially organised by the club.

A piss up and brewery springs to mind

But wasn't this organised by the community trust and not the club as such?

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No problem cider head, I was gonna try and post them anyway.

I agree that if the club wasnt gonna take a hands on approach to this the fans should have been included. As I said, it's looking better than it was with just the lions and the inkie tag. I think people get a bit carried away with themselves. The club/community trust didn't have to do any of this, as it happens the idea was a good one even if they could have got the details better. Their was a community event organised and I'm guessing it was a bit of a damp squib so unless you attended it it's hard to critise the club for that

There may still be a chance to add something to the wall or maybe there is something else planned for that part. Let's hope so, it would be great to see Scotty or big John by that entrance.

Not being rude mate but the community trust did say they were going to consult fans fully. they didnt end result is we have lions and funny shapes on a wall painted by people who were not fans.

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I fail to see any real connection to any of it. It is, well, rubbish really. Why bother?

As per normal they have a chance to do something really well and royally **** it up. This is why lots, myself included, will never ever get involved with anything officially organised by the club.

A piss up and brewery springs to mind

It's easy to criticise, but you need to get involved if you feel strongly. How many critics on here went down to AG on Saturday to have their say and influence what appears on the wall? It's not finished yet, so it's not too late to get involved... if you can't be arsed then you get what you deserve!

Just my point of view!

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Not being rude mate but the community trust did say they were going to fans consult fully. they didnt end result is we have lions and funny shapes on a wall painted by people who were not fans.

Maybe the fans they did consult liked lions and funny shapes!

It has all gone a bit quited considering the advertising it was given on the Club website and national TV. Maybe they realise the boob they have made with this subway wall they have created

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It's easy to criticise, but you need to get involved if you feel strongly. How many critics on here went down to AG on Saturday to have their say and influence what appears on the wall? It's not finished yet, so it's not too late to get involved... if you can't be arsed then you get what you deserve!

Just my point of view!

Thank you for your input Mr Lloyd :innocent06:

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It's easy to criticise, but you need to get involved if you feel strongly. How many critics on here went down to AG on Saturday to have their say and influence what appears on the wall? It's not finished yet, so it's not too late to get involved... if you can't be arsed then you get what you deserve!

Just my point of view!

Maybe if We were canvassed in the first place? Just an idea!

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It's easy to criticise, but you need to get involved if you feel strongly. How many critics on here went down to AG on Saturday to have their say and influence what appears on the wall? It's not finished yet, so it's not too late to get involved... if you can't be arsed then you get what you deserve!

Just my point of view!

I'd rather look at it that the Club had ample opportunity to discover what, typically, the fans would like to have seen on that wall - in fact they only need look across the pitch to one corner of the ground from their office in AG to get some idea.

Therefore whilst I personally couldn't be arsed to go down and lend my input, I do think it was not beyond reason to expect something better than what we've currently got, given the free inspiration that has already been provided by the artists in the East End.

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Haha bloody brilliant read that. Grown men getting upset over spray paint on a breeze block wall.

Other than getting the date wrong fair play to the people responsible for brighten up a WALL.

Admittedly the crazy frog thing is a little random but so what! It looks far better than it did and let's be honest if this new ground is given the

green light what ever is painted will be builders rubble in a couple of years anyway.

Maybe this OTT backlash has something to do with the forza EE massive not being involved or consulted first!

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Haha bloody brilliant read that. Grown men getting upset over spray paint on a breeze block wall.

Other than getting the date wrong fair play to the people responsible for brighten up a WALL.

Admittedly the crazy frog thing is a little random but so what! It looks far better than it did and let's be honest if this new ground is given the

green light what ever is painted will be builders rubble in a couple of years anyway.

Maybe this OTT backlash has something to do with the forza EE massive not being involved or consulted first!

Yeh, shame on us grown men for expressing an opinion on something that could have been done far better and if done right could have given us as fans something to be proud of. Tut tut.

By the way, I sit in the Dolman and am not part of this 'massive' that you describe.

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But wasn't this organised by the community trust and not the club as such?

Tom, Bristol City Community Trust is a registered charity and 2 of its 4 trustees are Jon Lansdown and Guy Price. David Lloyd did the interviewing for the paid positions. A link on the official site shows the trust as being in association with, among others, Bristol City FC. Its registered office is Ashton Gate Stadium.

I dont think you can dissociate the club from the trust.

The aims of the trust are "assisting in the education of children within the Bristol area through the use of the game of football and other sports".

Its a very laudable objective, however I'm not sure how paying Inkie and a few others to paint a wall assists in the education of children and I'm not sure how the game of football is being used to that end.

So far as whats been painted is concerned, well if some people have a good time then great. Its just a wall that previously had zero aesthetic qualities anyway.

But if the aim was in any way to promote a greater feeling of Bristol City around the ground, well it doesnt come close to achieving that, and art is highly subjective but my opinion is its up there with Tracey Emins bed.

You could say, particularly given the Trust's stated objectives, that those on here and other forums moaning about it are being a bit precious. On the other hand, a lot of work went into the East End art and you would think it would have been common sense for the club/trust to have contacted those people, in good time, to involve them in the project. If kids and others have been involved in the actual painting then fine, they could still have done so, but perhaps under the guidance of somebody who actually knows a little bit about Bristol City.

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What I find amazing is what appears to have happened, that is let the artists have no direction from someone who knows about the heritage and history of the club.

It's easy to turn on the fans and say, they did not turn up and give guidance but am I the only one who thinks that not one person within the club doesn't know the heritage and history or if there is someone, no one made them available to the artists to consult?

Were the artists given access to the east end to see the work in there? Were the artists given a copy of the programme which showed examples of the work in the east end?

No consultation with the fans and it appears no consultation with the artists to give them an idea of what is/isn't appropriate.

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Yeh, shame on us grown men for expressing an opinion on something that could have been done far better and if done right could have given us as fans something to be proud of. Tut tut.

By the way, I sit in the Dolman and am not part of this 'massive' that you describe.

Sort of sarcastic childish response I've come to expect on here.

Us fans something to be proud of? Maybe it is me because I just couldn't give a toss about some graffiti on a carpark wall. And that was my original point. Why do grown adults care So much. It's brightened up a otherwise dull area of the carpark and I would suspect 99% of the people slating the work and making a mountain out of a mole hole wouldnt dream of actually getting their behinds down the Gate to have a active role.

Bottom line is what ever they would put on the wall someone would of been complaining and slating the work.

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Sort of sarcastic childish response I've come to expect on here.

Us fans something to be proud of? Maybe it is me because I just couldn't give a toss about some graffiti on a carpark wall. And that was my original point. Why do grown adults care So much. It's brightened up a otherwise dull area of the carpark and I would suspect 99% of the people slating the work and making a mountain out of a mole hole wouldnt dream of actually getting their behinds down the Gate to have a active role.

Bottom line is what ever they would put on the wall someone would of been complaining and slating the work.

Had you not attempted to belittle the thoughts of 'grown men' and you'd had a modicum of respect for what the artists in the East End have achieved, and could have achieved with the car park wall given half a chance, then perhaps you'd have got a more reasoned response. I apologise for dropping down to your level.

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Sort of sarcastic childish response I've come to expect on here.

Us fans something to be proud of? Maybe it is me because I just couldn't give a toss about some graffiti on a carpark wall. And that was my original point. Why do grown adults care So much. It's brightened up a otherwise dull area of the carpark and I would suspect 99% of the people slating the work and making a mountain out of a mole hole wouldnt dream of actually getting their behinds down the Gate to have a active role.

Bottom line is what ever they would put on the wall someone would of been complaining and slating the work.

Sarcasm met with sarcasm, you got exactly what your post deserved.

What did you expect?

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Haha bloody brilliant read that. Grown men getting upset over spray paint on a breeze block wall.

Other than getting the date wrong fair play to the people responsible for brighten up a WALL.

Admittedly the crazy frog thing is a little random but so what! It looks far better than it did and let's be honest if this new ground is given the

green light what ever is painted will be builders rubble in a couple of years anyway.

Maybe this OTT backlash has something to do with the forza EE massive not being involved or consulted first!

You went on one about the open day and the yellow and blue shirts. You were right about that and this is not that much different

You may just not understand the potential of it. This might not have been as good as SN12's world famous carnival in july but I cant see what is wrong with wanting club fans, kids and the local community working together.

This is not melksham towns conigre or those pitches up bowerhill camp. Here was chance to celebrate a bit of the clubs history and maybe take a bit of pride in what was done.

You are very wide of the mark regarding the EE work as those who organised it would only take part if all fans had a chance to get involved. All fans first all fans in or all fans out..

The community trust did say fans will be fully consulted. Simple question to fans crazy frog and shapes or John Atyeo and the robin and suspension bridge would have been a good start.

The forza EE massive thing was ditched some time ago mate.

Respect to Melkshams forest Pig and whistle reds.

Sort of sarcastic childish response I've come to expect on here.

Us fans something to be proud of? Maybe it is me because I just couldn't give a toss about some graffiti on a carpark wall. And that was my original point. Why do grown adults care So much. It's brightened up a otherwise dull area of the carpark and I would suspect 99% of the people slating the work and making a mountain out of a mole hole wouldnt dream of actually getting their behinds down the Gate to have a active role.

Bottom line is what ever they would put on the wall someone would of been complaining and slating the work.

You are a grown man who spent a lot of time on this forum moaning that you couldn’t listen to another grown man talk for ten minutes unless you bought a replica shirt. 99% of the people slating it maybe couldn’t have an active role but they could have input. Just like it would have been good to have fans input into something you obviously cared about.

Bottom line is you wont know without asking.

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Had you not attempted to belittle the thoughts of 'grown men' and you'd had a modicum of respect for what the artists in the East End have achieved, and could have achieved with the car park wall given half a chance, then perhaps you'd have got a more reasoned response. I apologise for dropping down to your level.

Not trying to belittle anyone Fred.

Just baffles me why you and others care so much about a carpark wall being painted, BTW you still have not even attempted to explain why you care so much,although you have instead decided to start bickering like a school girl.

I'm happy to listen Fred try and explain the importance of this artwork for the uneducated and confused. Me.....

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Sarcasm met with sarcasm, you got exactly what your post deserved.

What did you expect?

Sacasm? I said It found it funny that men were getting so upset over painting a breeze block wall. No sarcasm it's genuine.

I expected what I got abuse and silly answers which is usually the way when you swim against the tide on here. So many seem to care. I don't and just wanted a grown up to explain to me what the importance of this wall actually is.

It must hold some importance otherwise so many would be getting so upset.

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What we have here imo is a general malaise with the club and the people that run it.

It seems whatever the club does results in us the fans critisising the club, I include myself in that group.

The resentment runs deep with our hard earned going to players that maybe don`t deserve it resulting in fans having a go at nearly everything the club does including splashing paint on a wall that will probably be buried under a supermarket in a couple of years.

But hey thats what forums are for.........having a moan

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Sacasm? I said It found it funny that men were getting so upset over painting a breeze block wall. No sarcasm it's genuine.

I expected what I got abuse and silly answers which is usually the way when you swim against the tide on here. So many seem to care. I don't and just wanted a grown up to explain to me what the importance of this wall actually is.

It must hold some importance otherwise so many would be getting so upset.

I can't promise that I'm a grown up but here goes:

  • It's walking through the Winterstoke car park, looking up at the wall and thinking "I'm home"
  • It's looking at the "tags" and thinking "I'm part of that"
  • It's seeing Murray with his hand to his ear, wheeling away, and thinking "I was there and it sure did shut those sheepshaggers up"
  • It's seeing the AG 8 and thinking "But for the grace of god (and those 8 chaps)...."
  • It's having a bit of pride about the place.
  • It's knowing that away supporters will see it and go "Interesting place this"

Alternatively, we could have a few lions and some bloke's name in orange letters.

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