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Ourgate 'n Paint'n....


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Is the answer Pekins, Bob?

No I'm afraid not I'm gonna have to offer it to jack and jill........they said 'polished chicken' no one gets to have a go on the Gold Run.

In fact the answer was Punjab Broiler which is in fact from India but was smuggled in to Japan by Mr Miyagi after filming the Indian version of the Karate Kid staring Tamwar Masood .

Better luck next time. Good night and god bless.

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What are all the hexagons for?

i trust the wall has been measured; so far there are 4 murals and looks like enough space for 3 more or 2.8 ;)

better than a white wall. lot of hard work whether relevant or not.

p.s. mind you I think I prefer my wall more.. bit more abstract !!

Jewels remain still gleaming...:innocent06:

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It looks like an after-thought, it smells like an after-thought and it ******* walks and talks like an after-thought.

I ******* despair.

Comedy lettering, with no hint of red, for 8 people whom without their act, we wouldn't have a club to support.

Looks like someone spunked the 8 against the wall

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