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Luis Suarez


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Utter bollocks.

It's not though is it. Should it come out that this is what happened, then Suarez will have been ignorant rather than racist (and that is still a big if!) however if in another country, where you yourself are employed, it is deemed unacceptable of course you must respect that.

However comments suggesting Suarez is the best player in the league and implying that the reason Evra was believed is because he is managed by Ferguson of course confirm the huge bias in your posts. Laughable.

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One of our principles of law is that ignorance isn't a defence. He and Liverpool could have shown far more class on this matter. FAR more class.

Exactly as several football journo's, pundits and Paul Mcgrath recently stated the wearing of the T shirts supporting Suarez was pathetic and ill advised, surely the wearing of anti racism T shirts would have been far more appropriate a la Chelsea, than the Liverpool FC we are the victims whiny protest.

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It's not though is it. Should it come out that this is what happened, then Suarez will have been ignorant rather than racist (and that is still a big if!) however if in another country, where you yourself are employed, it is deemed unacceptable of course you must respect that.

However comments suggesting Suarez is the best player in the league and implying that the reason Evra was believed is because he is managed by Ferguson of course confirm the huge bias in your posts. Laughable.

But the word (Negrito) has no meaning in English.

It's more ignorant on the part of the FA to tell Suarez what he means when he speaks his own bloody language.

Well, it will be interesting to see if the same charges are brought against Evra after he called Suarez a "south american" with the obvious implication that that made him different or inferior and then insulted Suarez in spanish. That will be laughable...

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But the word (Negrito) has no meaning in English.

It's more ignorant on the part of the FA to tell Suarez what he means when he speaks his own bloody language.

Well, it will be interesting to see if the same charges are brought against Evra after he called Suarez a "south american" with the obvious implication that that made him different or inferior and then insulted Suarez in spanish. That will be laughable...

If you called 100 different black british men a "negrito" I'd imagine 100 of them would react very angrily.

As for your second point, has this been confirmed? Has Suarez suggested this? Evra admitted to it? neither? Liverpool's ridiculous comments that Evra should be punished for insulting him in Spanish are only relevant if it is racist. There is nothing wrong with calling someone a c ** t on the paying field. Emotions are running high and it's a competitive sport, you get on with it and shake hands after. However bringing race into it is of course a different matter, The Terry situation is the perfect example of this, no one is objecting to Terry calling Ferdinand a c ** t (except maybe Ferdinand!) but by saying black first implies that it is a "double insult" if you like. You're not just a c ** t Ferdinand, you're a black one. A vile remark that should see the England Captain face a hefty spell on the sidelines.

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If you called 100 different black british men a "negrito" I'd imagine 100 of them would react very angrily.

As for your second point, has this been confirmed? Has Suarez suggested this? Evra admitted to it? neither? Liverpool's ridiculous comments that Evra should be punished for insulting him in Spanish are only relevant if it is racist. There is nothing wrong with calling someone a c ** t on the paying field. Emotions are running high and it's a competitive sport, you get on with it and shake hands after. However bringing race into it is of course a different matter, The Terry situation is the perfect example of this, no one is objecting to Terry calling Ferdinand a c ** t (except maybe Ferdinand!) but by saying black first implies that it is a "double insult" if you like. You're not just a c ** t Ferdinand, you're a black one. A vile remark that should see the England Captain face a hefty spell on the sidelines.

So who is the ignorant one then? The 100 WRONG black men or the Spanish speaker?

I'm going to start getting really insulted when someone calls me mate now and blame everyone for being ignorant to the fact that I find it insulting. Exactly the same warped logic.

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So who is the ignorant one then? The 100 WRONG black men or the Spanish speaker?

I'm going to start getting really insulted when someone calls me mate now and blame everyone for being ignorant to the fact that I find it insulting. Exactly the same warped logic.

Bloody hell I agree with that wsm **** tansley.

Ignorance is not an excuse even if the 100 black men are in the majority, just because they don't understand Spanish is not saurez' s fault. And assuming what it means is even worse, they are then accusing him of racism through a word they don't understand or know the meaning of..... Much like you sent me off because I am black argument. If you don't know the word how the hell do you know it is racist? And assumption is not a valid reason

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So who is the ignorant one then? The 100 WRONG black men or the Spanish speaker?

I'm going to start getting really insulted when someone calls me mate now and blame everyone for being ignorant to the fact that I find it insulting. Exactly the same warped logic.

Who are you to say whether or not it's offensive? If I heard someone call another man "negrito" I would deem it to be racist, ill-informed perhaps, but still racist. So as I've said, whether or not Suarez was racist or not (and you seem to be absolving him of this based on...nothing?) if it turns out it was a mis-understanding it's unfortunate but as he is employed here he must respect that. It would be the same should this happen to an English footballer abroad.

And receiving lectures on warped logic by a Liverpool fan (or is it Bristol City?) whose hatred for Ferguson is so high he suggests he somehow affected an independent ruling on such an important matter really is irony. You're an entertaining poster at times but you should certainly talk less.

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So who is the ignorant one then? The 100 WRONG black men or the Spanish speaker?

I'm going to start getting really insulted when someone calls me mate now and blame everyone for being ignorant to the fact that I find it insulting. Exactly the same warped logic.

So who is the ignorant one then? The 100 black men or the Spanish speaker that made a comment that in the native tong of the country he is in would be considered racist?

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So who is the ignorant one then? The 100 black men or the Spanish speaker that made a comment that in the native tong of the country he is in would be considered racist?

Negrito is not a word in English. It doesn't really even translate properly into English. So the 100 Black men would all be making assumptions. A very dangerous thing to do.

If some of them knew of the word, maybe they could educate the other men as to its meaning before shouting racist!

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Who are you to say whether or not it's offensive? If I heard someone call another man "negrito" I would deem it to be racist, ill-informed perhaps, but still racist. So as I've said, whether or not Suarez was racist or not (and you seem to be absolving him of this based on...nothing?) if it turns out it was a mis-understanding it's unfortunate but as he is employed here he must respect that. It would be the same should this happen to an English footballer abroad.

And receiving lectures on warped logic by a Liverpool fan (or is it Bristol City?) whose hatred for Ferguson is so high he suggests he somehow affected an independent ruling on such an important matter really is irony. You're an entertaining poster at times but you should certainly talk less.

Oh Phil, let's take it back a stage then as you have seemingly not read the insightful posts of a South-American-Spanish speaker on this very thread.

The word Negrito translates to "little black man" but that is indicative of the descriptive nature of Spanish as opposed to some kind of racially motivated slur. The nearest comparison the Spanish speaking poster could make to an English word was "mate".

Negrito, as TRL rightly points out, has no meaning in English. It is a Spanish word. Because it sounds like the taboo N-word people are mistakenly assuming (ignorance) that it means the same. I am taking my opinion from the people who speak the language.... Not some suits in power.

The people who are persisting with the idea that the word Negrito is racist are the ignorant ones. It has been explained in a patient and understanding way by an everyday speaker of the language... Can't say fairer than that.

Oh and for clarity, I am a Bristol City fan. Even if I wasn't also a fan of Liverpool I think the evidence would always point me to support Suarez in this.

And Ferguson is a nasty cheat who gets away with too much...

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But the word (Negrito) has no meaning in English.

It's more ignorant on the part of the FA to tell Suarez what he means when he speaks his own bloody language.

Well, it will be interesting to see if the same charges are brought against Evra after he called Suarez a "south american" with the obvious implication that that made him different or inferior and then insulted Suarez in spanish. That will be laughable...

As I said on a previous post a lot about this case is almost certainly about 'implied permission', I suspect if Suarez repeated the word after Evra told him HE thought it was insulting, then Suarez is the ignorant one.

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