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Why Did You Start Supporting City?

Randy Marsh

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I was brought up in Southampton and was a Saints fan until I was 8 and then my dad was working in Bristol so we watched a game against Port Vale and I just loved it and then we moved down to Bristol and have been a fan ever since. I've even picked up the Bristolian accent :laugh:

Edit: My dad and the rest of my family are still all Saints fans.

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got taken to a premier league swindon vs leeds game with a school trip, despite my dad/brother being city fans, and swindon lost 0-5, it was wet and cold and i didnt like it 1 bit!

my borther then took me to the gate for as game vs walsall, we won 4-0, goater scored i think, and it was sunny, i loved it, and have been a season ticket holder ever since, 2 wembley trips, 3 millenium statdium trips and umpteen away games and im hooked, if i ever reproduce i can guarentee another season ticket will be added!!

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I don't understand how you can change the team you support? I've been to other games (Barcelona, Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea etc) but didn't feel like a fan of them, just felt like I was watching a game of football. It will always be City for me, no matter how bad it gets, you just can't shake that connection, it's there forever! My first game was way back in 1992, City 2 Leicester 1 with Andy Cole scoring. The rest is history.

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Got hooked on football as a 7 year old watching Bobby Moore lift the World cup back in '66

Dad was from the East End of London so all his family where West Ham fans, but he'd moved to Weston-super-Mare by then, where I was born and raised. So when I started asking to go to see a 'proper' football match live, with no chance of a trip to Upton Park, he took me to Ashton Gate instead. January 1967 home to Wolves, sat on the wall in front of the enclosure by the dug-outs.

I think City won 1-0, I was hooked!

Cheers Dad. R.I.P

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Shut up you gas head.

I'm 15, been a city fan since forever. Nearly gone 100 home games without missing one now, also done over 50 away games. Plan on doing 15 this year minimum. Would NEVER change the team I support. You're not a fan in my eyes Randy.

Well get your eyes tested mate, I'm even gonna go away to Barnsley now, maybe probably not, which would make me just as much as a fan you too.

CITY CITY CITY clap clap clap :)

Edit - Also I am not a Gas head as I don't watch them anymore.

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In 1951, I was 10. My Uncle Maurice followed Rovers, my dad followed City. Uncle Maurice got in first and took me to Eastville. I was bored stiff. Don't even remember who they were playing. Next week my dad took me to AG. Without a dog track around the pitch, I was so much closer to the action. We played Newport County. Good tight game which was drawn 1-1. Never looked back after that. Even though I spent 20 years in the Midlands and watched all of the teams in the area, Villa were closest to where I lived, City's result was always the one I looked for first. Subsequently, I worked a lot abroad, saw Santos in Sao Paulo, Rotweiss in Essen and Coventry City in Japan, still City's result was always the one that counted. It's been a life of regular bouts of suffering, but once you're hooked, there's no going back.

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Old man started taking me wen I was 5 use to sit me on wall in the enclosure next to open end John shaw in goal rob Newman think terry cooper was manager . And the rest is history only team for me can't understand how u can more than one team if u moved from another city then maybe only BRISTOL CITY for me

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Dad took me to Ashton Gate to get tickets in the 60's. was shown around the ground coming up out into the Williams as it is now known, no Dolman then and Ayteo was Open End. Ticket was for seating on continuous bench around edge of pitch. Saw the Dolman being built. I can remember the great days of Galley scoring 3 on debut, Garland, Fear, Gibsons kicking and the many others since then. Privileged to be at Arsenal 1976, Coventry of same era, later Anfield 1994 and Palace 2nd leg semi stand out and there are many more.

I moved to Wales in 1986 and unfortunately still live here but I still travel both home and away, work permitting. I have 2 sons, avid City fans, cos that's where I took them as early as I could. Eldest had a mention at half time against Cardiff as he has just returned from Afghanistan, thanks Adam Baker. What a great return to AG he had, some of his friends are Cardiff fans, he went to school with one of their players! All this making it even sweeter!

I believe that's how City fans come about! It's breeding not convenience! I find it difficult somehow to come to terms with all those people walking out of Ashton Gate after the match talking about the team they have come to support, in a Cockney accent! Sorry can't get my head around our 'multi cultural society'. I think of going to the Cardiff stadium on occasions, the Asda is brilliant, just like Rovers - best thing that happened there was Greyhounds and Speedway!

Of course there were teams I admired as a schoolboy and probably still turn to those memories on occasions, Liverpool and Forest were mine although, I think Shankly and Clough had the biggest influence in those admirations.

Living on the outer edges of Bristol in my youth my classmates consisted of both City and Rovers fans, (one being Doug Hillard's son), so I was familiar with the actual rivalry on a daily basis. As for turning from Rovers to City? Makes sense, I would find it very hard to understand the other way around.

Yes I can honestly say, CITY TIL I DIE, through birth not choice but, the choice would have been easy to make!

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As a young 'un in the late 60's I was football mad. Played it nearly every day and games had no fixed time, it ended when everyone had to go in for lunch or tea.

An uncle of mine knowing I loved the game said he would take me to see a 'proper' game, in Bristol... a team called the r*vers :shocking:

Actually I didn't even know who they were, I was just excited about going to a real game.

Anyway the days came and went and I didn't get to go but the next time I saw him he said the same thing, with the same result. And the next time and... ad infinitum.

Then one day a friend said he was going with his dad to Bristol to watch a football match. He said he was allowed to take a friend and so I went with them.

I thought we were going to see r*vers. It wasn't until his dad was talking about The City that I asked where we were going.

"We're going to Ashton Gate", he said, "to watch Bristol City. How about that?!" How about that indeed :yahoo:

I don't even recall the game but I loved the atmosphere and the excitement. So that was my introduction to proper football.

Only had City as my team from that moment but it was close... I could've ended up a sad-sag :rolleyes:

It taught me a valuable lesson though, never trust anything a gash fan says.

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My old man took me when I was 6.

His old man took him when he was 6.

And my old man's, old's man's old man (my great grandad), took him when he was little.

Add to that my old man's brothers (my uncles) took their kids (my cousins) when they were little.

So it's a family thing, going back to the 1910's.

Also, this boxing day is the 20th anniversary of my first ever City match!


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Fathers, friends etc? I initially was a Rovers fan when Holloway was there, used to go up all the time but then when it all went tits up I fell out of love with the club. I then started to follow Man United but unfortunately the distance meant I had to stick to Skysports, which was not enjoyable! After realising I was missing out on live football I heard City were a decent side (this was about 2003) and started going down every week - was ace - but eventually stopped going again.

Got my first season ticket when we went up to the Championship and got one for the next season hoping we'd be in the prem, was gutted when we lost to Hull but thankfully came up with a plan to get the club to refund the money ;):) I still went down a few times after that, but once GJ had gone and the Coppell debacle I said enough was enough and last season started following Swindon. That was great. But alas I'm not too sure how they'll do this season so have decided to come back to my home :) Last two results swayed me big time!

I expect a few will be the same kind of thing but how did you guys get into City?


On the 19th of November 1977 my team, Liverpool FC, who were outstanding at the time, only made a draw, at home, to Bristol City who were just above the relegation line. Sitting with the morning paper on the 20th I changed team. Next weekend we beat Boro 4-1 with Royle scoring all four. Never looked back.

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In 1947, Daddy darling took me to the gate. I remember a lot of noise and excitement. The only bigger noise I remember was the air raid sirens from the war. I was blessed with living through the Atyeo era.

There can be no other team !

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It was an easy choice for me. Grew up in Bower Ashton Terrace three doors down from Wedlocks. My mum worked in the Supporters club so I saw my first game at home to Halifax in 1983. First away game was Chester in May 1984.

I went to 80% of the games home and away during the 1990s and my first complete season was 1996-97.

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Fathers, friends etc? I initially was a Rovers fan when Holloway was there, used to go up all the time but then when it all went tits up I fell out of love with the club. I then started to follow Man United but unfortunately the distance meant I had to stick to Skysports, which was not enjoyable! After realising I was missing out on live football I heard City were a decent side (this was about 2003) and started going down every week - was ace - but eventually stopped going again.

Got my first season ticket when we went up to the Championship and got one for the next season hoping we'd be in the prem, was gutted when we lost to Hull but thankfully came up with a plan to get the club to refund the money ;):) I still went down a few times after that, but once GJ had gone and the Coppell debacle I said enough was enough and last season started following Swindon. That was great. But alas I'm not too sure how they'll do this season so have decided to come back to my home :) Last two results swayed me big time!

I expect a few will be the same kind of thing but how did you guys get into City?


your not a true city fan then :/
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Because my Dad took me to Ashton Gate when I was about 7 or 8 and I never looked back! I think it was around the time when Joe Jordan was mananger, (second spell), as I remember Agostino, Seal, Shail etc playing & we won, (Cant remeber the score or opposition though!!!) :city:

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On the 19th of November 1977 my team, Liverpool FC, who were outstanding at the time, only made a draw, at home, to Bristol City who were just above the relegation line. Sitting with the morning paper on the 20th I changed team. Next weekend we beat Boro 4-1 with Royle scoring all four. Never looked back.

I always thought Royle's 4 was in a midweek game - must be my age. Why City? Cos my Dad and his brother were City fans and travelled from Bath regularly to see football at Ashton Gate. My first game? Think it was in season 71/72? (we lost 2-1 to Fulham).

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I was born in Bristol in 1966, some of the family are City, some Rovers and I was taken to both as a kid.. My folks moved to Sussex when I was 10 and all the kids at school supported the likes of Man U, Liverpool chelsea and not too many fans of the local side Brighton.. I didn't like the way they took the pee out of the way I spoke and as City was a top flight team when I was at school, City was my team..

So I have stuck by them for all my time and it is a fact that the first match I went too was at the gate..

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My grandad was a regular down the Gate from the 1920s. My mum/dad, auntie/uncle used to go down in 1950s. My dad was a City supporter, I remember him going in 1970s. My gran used to live in Beckington Road, Knowle (off Redcatch Road) and you could see (especially the flood lights) and hear the ground from there.

I've always supported City, even though I've only had a season ticket since 2007

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Lived in Bedminster all my life (only 18 years). Dad always supported England (went to every home game, many away) so never had money for club and country. Took me down the gate aged 7 for a 1-1 draw vs Port vale in 2001. Never looked back. I love the club and love the rustic stadium to the not so famous history

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