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The 'pleb' Affair.....

Mr Mosquito

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This 'Plebgate' affair is really dragging on. Chief Tory Whip Andrew Mitchell is clinging to his job - apparently - despite sustained calls for him to be sacked over disputed claims he called Police officers "Plebs" in a foul-mouthed outburst. :worship2:

As far as I know, the word 'Pleb' is Latin and was not used out of context in relation to a Government minister refering to Police. Wading in now is Ken Mackaill, chair of the West Mercia Police Federation calling for the foul mouthed Tory Toff minister Andrew Mitchell to be sacked. The bare faced cheek of a gobshite West Mercia Police spokesman - with absolutely no democratic mandate - calling for the resignation of an elected Government minister !!!!!! Does Ken Mackaill and his West Mercia Police force believe themselves to be beyond reproach for the number of corrupt Toff CPS lawyers that do their bidding ????!!! :icecream: Why haven't the West Mercia Police arrested the corrupt former Labour Party Home Secretary Jacqui Smith for fraudulent expense claims from our taxes?

As far as I'm concerned, Pleb basher Andrew Mitchell should keep his job and Ken Mackaill, chair of the West Mercia Police Federation, should be sacked forthwith to help meet the target of a 20% spending reduction for West Mercia Police Plebs and for failing to arrest and charge Jacqui Smith who resides well within the West Mercia Police force area. Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell would certainly get my vote if I lived within his Parlaimentary Constituency - good show Sir. :worship2:

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This 'Plebgate' affair is really dragging on. Chief Tory Whip Andrew Mitchell is clinging to his job - apparently - despite sustained calls for him to be sacked over disputed claims he called Police officers "Plebs" in a foul-mouthed outburst. :worship2:

As far as I know, the word 'Pleb' is Latin and was not used out of context in relation to a Government minister refering to Police. Wading in now is Ken Mackaill, chair of the West Mercia Police Federation calling for the foul mouthed Tory Toff minister Andrew Mitchell to be sacked. The bare faced cheek of a gobshite West Mercia Police spokesman - with absolutely no democratic mandate - calling for the resignation of an elected Government minister !!!!!! Does Ken Mackaill and his West Mercia Police force believe themselves to be beyond reproach for the number of corrupt Toff CPS lawyers that do their bidding ????!!! :icecream: Why haven't the West Mercia Police arrested the corrupt former Labour Party Home Secretary Jacqui Smith for fraudulent expense claims from our taxes?

As far as I'm concerned, Pleb basher Andrew Mitchell should keep his job and Ken Mackaill, chair of the West Mercia Police Federation, should be sacked forthwith to help meet the target of a 20% spending reduction for West Mercia Police Plebs and for failing to arrest and charge Jacqui Smith who resides well within the West Mercia Police force area. Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell would certainly get my vote if I lived within his Parlaimentary Constituency - good show Sir. :worship2:

May I suggest Gobbers on this occasion you perhaps canvas BCFC fans for instance who used the type of colourful language (without uttering the word pleb) attributed to Mitchell to or at the police at matches and have been arrested for it before deciding whether this knob head should keep his job, Cameron and a few failed former tories are just about the only people in the tory party supporting him at the moment.

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May I suggest Gobbers on this occasion you perhaps canvas BCFC fans for instance who used the type of colourful language (without uttering the word pleb) attributed to Mitchell to or at the police at matches and have been arrested for it before deciding whether this knob head should keep his job, Cameron and a few failed former tories are just about the only people in the tory party supporting him at the moment.

....I take your point but the main condemnation of Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell is coming from Ken Mackaill of the West Mercia Police. Let's remember that the West Mercia Police failed to condemn or arrest one of their own corrupt force area residents - namely the former Labour Party Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. Labour Party Home Secretary Jacqui Smith should have been prosecuted for her fraudulent expense claims from our taxes as you or I would have been.

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....I take your point but the main condemnation of Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell is coming from Ken Mackaill of the West Mercia Police. Let's remember that the West Mercia Police failed to condemn or arrest one of their own corrupt force area residents - namely the former Labour Party Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. Labour Party Home Secretary Jacqui Smith should have been prosecuted for her fraudulent expense claims from our taxes as you or I would have been.

fraud was made on both sides if all were prosicuted then there would be no govenment at all no need to pick on one Labour person as I can bang on about the countless tories that have failed to be proscuted too

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Jacqui Smith got her comeuppance at the general election, the only analogy between this and the MP's expenses scandal I can see is yet again the ******* idiots who run our country still don't get it, the electorate have had enough of these horrible bullying shithouses who just think they can get away with behaviour like this and get away with it, those days should be over once and for all.

For all of her faults his feet wouldn't have touched the ground under Thatcher, Cameroon is a weak prime minister who bends more than a eucalyptus tree in the breeze.

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So what's it to be, one lying Copper or a lying politician? Someone is clearly lying about what was said and both are in a position of trust. One has to be sacked, lets put the vote to the nation Xfactor style, perhaps drag Simon Cowell out of the closet one more time for the final say.

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So what's it to be, one lying Copper or a lying politician? Someone is clearly lying about what was said and both are in a position of trust. One has to be sacked, lets put the vote to the nation Xfactor style, perhaps drag Simon Cowell out of the closet one more time for the final say.

Simples really, the lying politician has already admitted that he committed an offence against the old bill by swearing, the wording is immaterial, although I thought 2 coppers heard the actual wording and to be honest it's not a term you will hear in every day life but certainly the sort of word that a public school bully/tory would definately use.

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Simples really, the lying politician has already admitted that he committed an offence against the old bill by swearing, the wording is immaterial, although I thought 2 coppers heard the actual wording and to be honest it's not a term you will hear in every day life but certainly the sort of word that a public school bully/tory would definately use.

I just find it laughable that the media has given this story so much publicity. You've got to wonder why the coppers didn't just open the main gates for Andrew Mitchell and doff their caps - I would have if I was on £100,000+ per year as a diplomatic protection copper. Had Andrew Mitchell ridden his bike on the pavement through the side gate that could have been wrong as well in the eyes of those coppers.

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I just find it laughable that the media has given this story so much publicity. You've got to wonder why the coppers didn't just open the main gates for Andrew Mitchell and doff their caps - I would have if I was on £100,000+ per year as a diplomatic protection copper. Had Andrew Mitchell ridden his bike on the pavement through the side gate that could have been wrong as well in the eyes of those coppers.

Mitchell is not a particularly popular member of his own party. Imagine if one of his Tory parliamentary colleagues alerted the media to this confrontation! :o

Just sayin....

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I just find it laughable that the media has given this story so much publicity. You've got to wonder why the coppers didn't just open the main gates for Andrew Mitchell and doff their caps - I would have if I was on £100,000+ per year as a diplomatic protection copper. Had Andrew Mitchell ridden his bike on the pavement through the side gate that could have been wrong as well in the eyes of those coppers.

Couldn't agree more. Those coppers were just being bolshy. Mitchell's mistake was to lie, afraid of the consequences. He should have just come clean from the start instead of trying to squirm out of it. As for that self-important prig from the West Mercia police, he should just butt out, it's nothing to do with him.

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Couldn't agree more. Those coppers were just being bolshy. Mitchell's mistake was to lie, afraid of the consequences. He should have just come clean from the start instead of trying to squirm out of it. As for that self-important prig from the West Mercia police, he should just butt out, it's nothing to do with him.

That is so funny, it is not a mistake at all, it is what the ruling classes/public schoolboys are educated to do from birth, NEVER ADMIT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG & DENY EVERYTHING, even Jeffrey Archer still believes and claims his innocence, anyway this ******* guy must be pretty useless his only real support apart from the gutless Cameroon is from ex failed tories, the rest of the party appears to hate him.

To be honest the cops should have carried out the best traditions of the old Met and beat the crap out of him, having said that as an ex public schoolboy & tory, he would probably have got off on that but still complained that he never had a chance to put gimp mask on or his orange in his mouth or that they never tried to asphyxiate him before completion.

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That is so funny, it is not a mistake at all, it is what the ruling classes/public schoolboys are educated to do from birth, NEVER ADMIT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG & DENY EVERYTHING, even Jeffrey Archer still believes and claims his innocence, anyway this ******* guy must be pretty useless his only real support apart from the gutless Cameroon is from ex failed tories, the rest of the party appears to hate him.

To be honest the cops should have carried out the best traditions of the old Met and beat the crap out of him, having said that as an ex public schoolboy & tory, he would probably have got off on that but still complained that he never had a chance to put gimp mask on or his orange in his mouth or that they never tried to asphyxiate him before completion.

pretty much spot on,

theres be more u turns from this govenment then there are round abouts in milton keynes,

Sooner they are gone the sooner the country can get back on its feet instead of taking from the poor and giving to the rich like the tories always do and always have done

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pretty much spot on,

theres be more u turns from this govenment then there are round abouts in milton keynes,

Sooner they are gone the sooner the country can get back on its feet instead of taking from the poor and giving to the rich like the tories always do and always have done

Yep and end up with New ******* Labour again, spending 5 years individually trying to make themselves the nouveau riche (or new money) whilst the country goes down the shit pan once more and they systematically **** over the working man (who part bank rolls the party) and see the gap between rich and poor widen (like last time they were in power) ******* hypocrites every single one of them.

The best for me would be Boris to challenge Dave for the tory party leadership and beat him and then win the next election, at least we could have a ******* great laugh as we pass through the U bend of the shit pan.

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pretty much spot on,

theres be more u turns from this govenment then there are round abouts in milton keynes,

Sooner they are gone the sooner the country can get back on its feet instead of taking from the poor and giving to the rich like the tories always do and always have done


This link provides a lengthy list of how Labour MPs screwed the taxpayer in the expenses scandal, Blair, Balls, and Cooper amongst them. Let's face it they left the country in such a mess that winning the last election was a poisoned chalice for the Tories..on a hiding to nothing.

The Telegraph did the country a great service in exposing MPs of both parties, a wonderful advertisement for a free press. Referring to a previous post of yours I think Parliament should have been dissolved at the time and MPs should have put their records on expenses before the electorate. Personally I think the work done by the Telegraph on this issue ranks alongside that of George Soros who exposed the complete insanity of the ERM, forced us out, ushered in a period of sustained growth outside of the ERM, and made it virtually impossible for us to joined the doomed Euro project.

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This link provides a lengthy list of how Labour MPs screwed the taxpayer in the expenses scandal, Blair, Balls, and Cooper amongst them. Let's face it they left the country in such a mess that winning the last election was a poisoned chalice for the Tories..on a hiding to nothing.

The Telegraph did the country a great service in exposing MPs of both parties, a wonderful advertisement for a free press. Referring to a previous post of yours I think Parliament should have been dissolved at the time and MPs should have put their records on expenses before the electorate. Personally I think the work done by the Telegraph on this issue ranks alongside that of George Soros who exposed the complete insanity of the ERM, forced us out, ushered in a period of sustained growth outside of the ERM, and made it virtually impossible for us to joined the doomed Euro project.

George Soros is a huge proponent of european integration. Surprised to hear you praising him Marshy.

His actions in Black Wednesday cost the UK taxpayer £3.4bn incidentally.

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Yep and end up with New ******* Labour again, spending 5 years individually trying to make themselves the nouveau riche (or new money) whilst the country goes down the shit pan once more and they systematically **** over the working man (who part bank rolls the party) and see the gap between rich and poor widen (like last time they were in power) ******* hypocrites every single one of them.

The best for me would be Boris to challenge Dave for the tory party leadership and beat him and then win the next election, at least we could have a ******* great laugh as we pass through the U bend of the shit pan.

I agree nether party are fit to run the country any more I don't trust any of them the toff rich boy club tories the pass the buck labour or the weasel lib dems who sold their souls,

I agree with boris he gets things done and doesn't care who he upsets in doing it its about time we had some one with some bollocks running things,

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George Soros is a huge proponent of european integration. Surprised to hear you praising him Marshy.

His actions in Black Wednesday cost the UK taxpayer £3.4bn incidentally.

Well I didn't say I was in favour of every idea he supports. The £3.4b by the way was a hit well worth taking and one that could have been avoided if we'd had a floating exchange rate and not been tied in to an unrealistic peg. The same kind of peg, in the form of the Euro, that is now suffocating large parts of Europe.

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I agree nether party are fit to run the country any more I don't trust any of them the toff rich boy club tories the pass the buck labour or the weasel lib dems who sold their souls,

I agree with boris he gets things done and doesn't care who he upsets in doing it its about time we had some one with some bollocks running things,

Give em chance Bud they've only been in power 3 years, New ******* Labour blamed the tories right up to the moment they lost the last election, about 15 years worth.

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I agree nether party are fit to run the country any more I don't trust any of them the toff rich boy club tories the pass the buck labour or the weasel lib dems who sold their souls,

I agree with boris he gets things done and doesn't care who he upsets in doing it its about time we had some one with some bollocks running things,

Boris Johnson is an exceedingly rich boy Tory !

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Boris Johnson is an exceedingly rich boy Tory !

but he's comical and his actions speak louder then his toff background, I thought he'd be a laughing stock when he became mayor of london but he's be pro-active and done a great job he's one of the very small list of MP's etc I actually like

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but he's comical and his actions speak louder then his toff background, I thought he'd be a laughing stock when he became mayor of london but he's be pro-active and done a great job he's one of the very small list of MP's etc I actually like

Done a great job in promoting himself I agree.

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Well I didn't say I was in favour of every idea he supports. The £3.4b by the way was a hit well worth taking and one that could have been avoided if we'd had a floating exchange rate and not been tied in to an unrealistic peg. The same kind of peg, in the form of the Euro, that is now suffocating large parts of Europe.

Indeed, the £3.4 billion hit in the early 90s was well worth taking because the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) - where the Pound Sterling was tied to the Deutsche Mark - was the predessor of the €Euro currency area that this country very wisely stayed out of due to us being hit so hard with our ERM membership. Although, I understand that EU loving traitors Tony Blair and the Tory drunken braggart Kenneth Clark would have taken us into the €Euro no matter what.

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fraud was made on both sides if all were prosicuted then there would be no govenment at all no need to pick on one Labour person as I can bang on about the countless tories that have failed to be proscuted too

No ifs no buts, Labour's Jacqui Smith should have been prosecuted for her £116,000 fraud at taxpayers' expense. Others have been sent to prison for far less......

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Come on Gobbers are really going try to defend this gutless lying ***** now?


I really can't see him lasting much longer, as this story doesn't seem to go away. The only problem is the party have dug their heels in and now don't want to be seen as backing down. Not sure why DC has backed him, but he has usually been weak in dealing with internal disciplinary action. I'm not a great fan of the way police conduct themselves, but as a neutral observer, I can't see that they did anything wrong and Mitchell's version of events is shaky to say the least. He could have done himself a huge favour by admitting what he said at outset.

On a side note and talking about the police, I found this story quite bizarre today ...


I found the incompetence quite amusing at first, but the poor old guy must have been terrified. Anyone would be shocked (no pun intended) at being randomly tasered by the old bill on their way to the pub, but it must be so much worse when you can't see what's going on. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that he had also suffered 2 strokes previously, so the outcome could have been much worse.

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Come on Gobbers are really going try to defend this gutless lying ***** now?


As I said before a couple of bolshy coppers on a power trip trying to stop him doing something he'd done lots of times previously. And as for the sanctimonious Cooper and Balls, a couple who 'flipped' the designation of their second residence three times to maximise expenses, words fail me..

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Come on Gobbers are really going try to defend this gutless lying ***** now?


Apparently, according to a reply to the Telegraph article you gave the link to, Andrew Mitchell's been using the main gate for ages. This time he asked to be let out of it on his bike, and the bolshy coppers said "no". They said "no" for no reason other than to impress on him their power in the face of what they see as government cuts.

Has anyone ever dealt with a Police Officer recently? Many will tell you they victimise, stereotype, and behave badly. I have no doubt that this is what happened to Andrew Mitchell.

We've had a statement from Andrew Mitchell, yet not from the jobs-worth Police about what exactly they said to Andrew Mitchell.

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As I said before a couple of bolshy coppers on a power trip trying to stop him doing something he'd done lots of times previously. And as for the sanctimonious Cooper and Balls, a couple who 'flipped' the designation of their second residence three times to maximise expenses, words fail me..

What do you expect, as I keep pointing out to people the main thrust of New ******* Labour doctrine was, let's make ourselves as rich as most tories whilst we are in power and boy were they good at it, just ask Tony.

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Red Goblin is now sympathising with the corrupt, lying Toffs?

I realise this is possibly the worst scenario for Goblin, the sworn Toff and Copper hater, yet he appears to be firmly in bed with the Champagne quaffing Toff pin up boy.

As a corrupt plod hater and pseudo-socialist hater I wasn't going to stand by and let Andrew Mitchell take a battering on the Internet. Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell deserves my support for his outburst and I wasn't going to stand by without comment when Ken Mackaill of the hopelessly corrupt West Mercia Police force and Labour's Ed Milipede - the pseudo-socialist muppet - were taking cheap shots at him.

Quite honestly, I'm the type of plebeian that would have been quite happy to doff my cap to the Tory government minister Andrew Mitchell after opening the main gates for him. Especially considering the fact that all my job involved was to hang around with a machine pistol and be paid £100,000+ per annum !!!!!! I'm hoping for the bolshy coppers that were too idle to open the gates to lose their jobs, I'd also be delighted if Ken Mackaill of the corrupt West Mercia Police force and Labour's Ed Milipede lost their jobs as well. Sack 'em all - wasters the lot of 'em. :dancing6:

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