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The 'pleb' Affair.....

Mr Mosquito

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Well, if I had my way I'd remove the Bolshy Police from the gates of Downing Street and put the British Army in charge of the security there. If the Police can't or wont do the job without complaining about pay and conditions - because that's what this is really about - then select Army personnel and put them on the same enhanced rate of pay as the Police get for guarding the Downing Street gates.

Stick a lot of people in a uniform and they become jobsworths, which, I have to say, is pretty much what the enforcing of petty regulations about bicycles is.

I'm sure certain squaddies would behave likewise. They aren't thrilled with their pay and conditions either.

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Stick a lot of people in a uniform and they become jobsworths, which, I have to say, is pretty much what the enforcing of petty regulations about bicycles is.

I'm sure certain squaddies would behave likewise. They aren't thrilled with their pay and conditions either.

I'm pretty sure the Metropolitan 'Diplomatic' Police at those Downing Street gates are paid far far more than the average squaddie. I honestly cannot imagine a trained soldier behaving like those Police when on public guard duty.

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I'm pretty sure the Metropolitan 'Diplomatic' Police at those Downing Street gates are paid far far more than the average squaddie. I honestly cannot imagine a trained soldier behaving like those Police when on public guard duty.

Listen to yourself FFS, the superiors set the rules, the gate keepers enact those rules, failure to do so is a dereliction of duty, sackable or being moved to some other part of the organisation, it's really that simple and people like you and bullies like Mitchell might not like it but that is the way it works, really never had you down as a tory boy lackey.

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Listen to yourself FFS, the superiors set the rules, the gate keepers enact those rules, failure to do so is a dereliction of duty, sackable or being moved to some other part of the organisation, it's really that simple and people like you and bullies like Mitchell might not like it but that is the way it works, really never had you down as a tory boy lackey.

'Bullies' like Andrew Mitchell would have more respect for the Army at the Downing Street gates because he was in the Army !!!!! I think Downing Street would look better with razor wire in front of and behind the gates with a proper Army guard hut on the one side and a machine gun nest piled high with sand bags on the other side. Army guards to be in ceremonial gear with fixed bayonets.

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'Bullies' like Andrew Mitchell would have more respect for the Army at the Downing Street gates because he was in the Army !!!!! I think Downing Street would look better with razor wire in front of and behind the gates with a proper Army guard hut on the one side and a machine gun nest piled high with sand bags on the other side. Army guards to be in ceremonial gear with fixed bayonets.

So let me get this straight, firstly are you really suggesting that a tommy from the army would completely ignore his orders from a superior officers any differently than the police?, secondly that the same tommy's would have respect for ex-military man because he said "do you know who I am"?, I suspect many a soldier and many a police officer on gate duty have heard that particular arrogant rant many times before and will many times in the future and just ignored it because orders are orders and guess what the army and police are disciplined services answerable to their superiors, that is how it works.

I can just see you on guard duty at Camp Bastion and allowing in the first person shouting "do you know who I am"?, quickly followed by a big bang.

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I can just see you on guard duty at Camp Bastion and allowing in the first person shouting "do you know who I am"?, quickly followed by a big bang.

You've got me wrong, I'm the one with the itchy trigger finger when hassled or I might just 'trip and stumble' bayonet first into someone giving me any kind of abuse. :icecream:

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Well either that is hypocrisy at it's best or perhaps doffing yer cap to your new tory toff chums.

Andrew Mitchell is a controversial Tory MP that speaks his mind - I doff my cap to that. It's a great shame that Bristol lost one of it's best ever MPs in 1987 when we lost Labour's Tony Benn to a Tory nobody. You could find hypocrisy in this but I'd have voted for Andrew Mitchell or Tony Benn given the chance. I was looking at Andrew Mitchell's Wikipedia write up at the link below and to me he looks like a good MP...........


......certainly not an MP I would wish to see lose their job in cabinet.

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So if not hypocrisy, is your complaint that the police should have shot him for his abuse?.

My complaint is that Andrew Mitchell lost his cabinet post simply for putting the bolshy Police in their place. OK, as an ordinary citizen you might get tazered, beaten to a pulp, or arrested by the Police for doing the same but at least Andrew Mitchell stood up to them. I also agree with the Lib-Con Government cuts to Police numbers and I'd be very happy to provide assistance to the Government as to where cuts in Police spending should come. I would also like to see the Police and Police CPS lawyers involved in the Hillsborough corruption scandal sacked immediately with a show trial to follow.

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My complaint is that Andrew Mitchell lost his cabinet post simply for putting the bolshy Police in their place. OK, as an ordinary citizen you might get tazered, beaten to a pulp, or arrested by the Police for doing the same but at least Andrew Mitchell stood up to them. I also agree with the Lib-Con Government cuts to Police numbers and I'd be very happy to provide assistance to the Government as to where cuts in Police spending should come. I would also like to see the Police and Police CPS lawyers involved in the Hillsborough corruption scandal sacked immediately with a show trial to follow.

Here Gobbers, your new toff mates are dreaming up some more cracking ideas http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-20044862

You'd be forgiven if you thought you were looking at a news story from the 17th century, amazing how your old boys network view the world we live in.

I suppose we should all know our place as your favourite Tory pin up boy said, but alarmingly the Toffs are being even more outspoken than usual now about how they view the working class plebs of society.

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Here Gobbers, your new toff mates are dreaming up some more cracking ideas http://www.bbc.co.uk...litics-20044862

You'd be forgiven if you thought you were looking at a news story from the 17th century, amazing how your old boys network view the world we live in.

I suppose we should all know our place as your favourite Tory pin up boy said, but alarmingly the Toffs are being even more outspoken than usual now about how they view the working class plebs of society.

As a 'plebeian' I know my place in society and that's as a shit stirrer. :smartass:

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My complaint is that Andrew Mitchell lost his cabinet post simply for putting the bolshy Police in their place. OK, as an ordinary citizen you might get tazered, beaten to a pulp, or arrested by the Police for doing the same but at least Andrew Mitchell stood up to them. I also agree with the Lib-Con Government cuts to Police numbers and I'd be very happy to provide assistance to the Government as to where cuts in Police spending should come. I would also like to see the Police and Police CPS lawyers involved in the Hillsborough corruption scandal sacked immediately with a show trial to follow.

You are now not only talking your usual nonsense but talking out of your arse, Mitchell was the bolshy one in this incident and Mitchell is the only person firmly put in his place (the back bench) the police for once were carrying out the instructions from their superiors, that is their job FFS. Perhaps if this well educated toff that you have taken to your heart, firstly told the truth from day one, apologised properly instead of a sniveling concoction excuses and then lied into the bargain perhaps just perhaps he would still be the chief whipper and Ed the red wouldn't be enjoying a 8 point lead in the polls, this incident has damaged the government and especially Cameroon, so not all bad news.

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You are now not only talking your usual nonsense but talking out of your arse, Mitchell was the bolshy one in this incident and Mitchell is the only person firmly put in his place (the back bench) the police for once were carrying out the instructions from their superiors, that is their job FFS. Perhaps if this well educated toff that you have taken to your heart, firstly told the truth from day one, apologised properly instead of a sniveling concoction excuses and then lied into the bargain perhaps just perhaps he would still be the chief whipper and Ed the red wouldn't be enjoying a 8 point lead in the polls, this incident has damaged the government and especially Cameroon, so not all bad news.

Perhaps the Tories should sack all the Met Police at the Downing Street gate and their Met Police superiors as I have sympathy for Andrew Mitchell on this issue. I don't understand why the British Army has not been given the job of guarding the gates. This Lib-Con administration is far from perfect but it's a lot more honest than the Brown and Blair Liebour administrations.

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Perhaps the Tories should sack all the Met Police at the Downing Street gate and their Met Police superiors as I have sympathy for Andrew Mitchell on this issue. I don't understand why the British Army has not been given the job of guarding the gates. This Lib-Con administration is far from perfect but it's a lot more honest than the Brown and Blair Liebour administrations.

The army would have done exactly the same, carried out orders, it's what they do.

Your extreme hatred of the police has really tipped you over the political precipice on this one, tory boy.

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The army would have done exactly the same, carried out orders, it's what they do.

Your extreme hatred of the police has really tipped you over the political precipice on this one, tory boy.

I wouldn't normally vote Tory but I'd definately vote for Andrew Mitchell if lived in his constituency - a case of voting for the person not the party. One of the real problems in politics in this country is the fact that we lack individual MPs with the character to stand their ground. Unfortunately, we haven't got enough calibre politicians like Andrew Mitchell and now the Police have helped get him sacked from the cabinet by grassing him up for giving them some verbals. There are too many 'YES' men and women in politics as it is.

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I wouldn't normally vote Tory but I'd definately vote for Andrew Mitchell if lived in his constituency - a case of voting for the person not the party. One of the real problems in politics in this country is the fact that we lack individual MPs with the character to stand their ground. Unfortunately, we haven't got enough calibre politicians like Andrew Mitchell and now the Police have helped get him sacked from the cabinet by grassing him up for giving them some verbals. There are too many 'YES' men and women in politics as it is.

i wouldn't vote for him I'd lead him to a dark ally and walk away and let him get what he deserves

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I wouldn't normally vote Tory but I'd definately vote for Andrew Mitchell if lived in his constituency - a case of voting for the person not the party. One of the real problems in politics in this country is the fact that we lack individual MPs with the character to stand their ground. Unfortunately, we haven't got enough calibre politicians like Andrew Mitchell and now the Police have helped get him sacked from the cabinet by grassing him up for giving them some verbals. There are too many 'YES' men and women in politics as it is.

Go on distorting the facts (as ever) it must be lonely in Red Goblin world.

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"With Mitchell's resignation, the Police Federation was triumphant and the press were jubilant. But in fact the Tory chief whip had been brought down on the say-so of a police force who may have leaked their own log, and on evidence which was only corroborated by a rather strange email from a man who claimed to be an eye witness, who later told us he was not there."

Source: http://www.channel4.com/news/andrew-mitchell-plebgate-police-cctv-downing-street

....well, 2 months later, it now seems that an elected Government minister lost his job due to Police lies and corruption.

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"With Mitchell's resignation, the Police Federation was triumphant and the press were jubilant. But in fact the Tory chief whip had been brought down on the say-so of a police force who may have leaked their own log, and on evidence which was only corroborated by a rather strange email from a man who claimed to be an eye witness, who later told us he was not there."

Source: http://www.channel4.com/news/andrew-mitchell-plebgate-police-cctv-downing-street

....well, 2 months later, it now seems that an elected Government minister lost his job due to Police lies and corruption.

Corrupt Tory politician taken down by corrupt Police, love it.

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Who would've believed it? The police guilty of lying and setting people up.


"A policeman has been arrested for suspected involvement in leaking details of former chief whip Andrew Mitchell's foul-mouthed outburst towards officers patrolling Downing Street.

The officer was arrested on Saturday and taken to a London police station. He was bailed Sunday to return on a date in January and has been suspended from duty."

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/officer-arrested-over-plebgate-leak-030658455.html

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"A policeman has been arrested for suspected involvement in leaking details of former chief whip Andrew Mitchell's foul-mouthed outburst towards officers patrolling Downing Street.

The officer was arrested on Saturday and taken to a London police station. He was bailed Sunday to return on a date in January and has been suspended from duty."

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/officer-arrested-over-plebgate-leak-030658455.html

A piece of silent CCTV footage, a bitter public school tory MP (who incidentally admitted committing an offence against the officers, just denied 1 word and now denies everything) and a supportive best FRIEND who happens to be a Ch4 political reporter, a one sided Ch4 report, another tory MP (a colleague who works with Mitchell in the whips office, but hates Mitchell's guts) who leaked the bogus email to the press, a police officer who has lied and will no doubt pay the price. You couldn't make it up, all Ch4 have done is muddied the waters even more. I think the word is karma a bitter lying politician and a bitter lying policeman.

The mistake was they should have arrested him in the first place and let the court decide (not forgetting the obligatory slap whilst in custody) the good news all around is that the once cosy relationship between the old bill and the tories is in tatters, no more Maggies army here and with 2 years of demos and riots to come I think the tories might have to man the barricades themselves.

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A piece of silent CCTV footage, a bitter public school tory MP (who incidentally admitted committing an offence against the officers, just denied 1 word and now denies everything) and a supportive best FRIEND who happens to be a Ch4 political reporter, a one sided Ch4 report, another tory MP (a colleague who works with Mitchell in the whips office, but hates Mitchell's guts) who leaked the bogus email to the press, a police officer who has lied and will no doubt pay the price. You couldn't make it up, all Ch4 have done is muddied the waters even more. I think the word is karma a bitter lying politician and a bitter lying policeman.

The mistake was they should have arrested him in the first place and let the court decide (not forgetting the obligatory slap whilst in custody) the good news all around is that the once cosy relationship between the old bill and the tories is in tatters, no more Maggies army here and with 2 years of demos and riots to come I think the tories might have to man the barricades themselves.

A very fair summation there, Emb, me old mate.

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As I said when this story first broke, bolshy coppers with a political agenda. Their attempt to de-stabilise a democratically elected government, like them or not, is an absolute disgrace. In a different era those coppers fabricating evidence, as seems all too common these days, would have been sent to the Tower and forgotten about. Another step towards a police state.

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As I said when this story first broke, bolshy coppers with a political agenda. Their attempt to de-stabilise a democratically elected government, like them or not, is an absolute disgrace. In a different era those coppers fabricating evidence, as seems all too common these days, would have been sent to the Tower and forgotten about. Another step towards a police state.

**** me mate in your world there would be no room in the tower it would be just another overcrowded prison full up with democratically elected former and present government mp's (war criminals etc) and expenses thieves, they would have to build a new prison or use the houses of parliament because that would be almost empty because there can not be many honest ones left.

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