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The 'pleb' Affair.....

Mr Mosquito

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They should've just nicked Mitchell for swearing at them, as they'd nick you or I if we did the same.


I really can't see him lasting much longer, as this story doesn't seem to go away. The only problem is the party have dug their heels in and now don't want to be seen as backing down. Not sure why DC has backed him, but he has usually been weak in dealing with internal disciplinary action. I'm not a great fan of the way police conduct themselves, but as a neutral observer, I can't see that they did anything wrong and Mitchell's version of events is shaky to say the least. He could have done himself a huge favour by admitting what he said at outset.

On a side note and talking about the police, I found this story quite bizarre today ...


I found the incompetence quite amusing at first, but the poor old guy must have been terrified. Anyone would be shocked (no pun intended) at being randomly tasered by the old bill on their way to the pub, but it must be so much worse when you can't see what's going on. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that he had also suffered 2 strokes previously, so the outcome could have been much worse.

We've still had no statement from the jobs-worth Police about what exactly they said to Andrew Mitchell. I suppose Andrew Mitchell can think himself lucky that he's not blind and having to carry a white stick. Those Police could then have 'mistaken' that white stick for a Japanese Katana sword thus giving them the excuse to tazer him. I believe that the Police involved in setting up Andrew Mitchell for an argument should be sacked for gross mis-conduct. Is their job that tough that they haven't got the energy to open a gate for a minister of state?

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We've still had no statement from the jobs-worth Police about what exactly they said to Andrew Mitchell. I suppose Andrew Mitchell can think himself lucky that he's not blind and having to carry a white stick. Those Police could then have 'mistaken' that white stick for a Japanese Katana sword thus giving them the excuse to tazer him. I believe that the Police involved in setting up Andrew Mitchell for an argument should be sacked for gross mis-conduct. Is their job that tough that they haven't got the energy to open a gate for a minister of state?

What about the policeman that jumped into Bristol docks in freezing water in December to save a bloke. Is he a jobsworth gestapo type, god forbid a toff snob type? Or is your anti police bile only for the the newspaper headline policing that sensationalises everything, for whatever their aims maybe.

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What about the policeman that jumped into Bristol docks in freezing water in December to save a bloke. Is he a jobsworth gestapo type, god forbid a toff snob type? Or is your anti police bile only for the the newspaper headline policing that sensationalises everything, for whatever their aims maybe.

That's excellent and I hope the Bristol Policeman you mentioned got a well deserved commendation. My anti police bile is for the corrupt Police and corrupt CPS lawyers that blight our country and all too often get away with it. For example, let us hope that the corrupt Police and corrupt CPS lawyers involved in the Hillsborough cover up get prosecuted with the same extreme prejudice that they've shown for the supporters of Liverpool FC.

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What about the policeman that jumped into Bristol docks in freezing water in December to save a bloke. Is he a jobsworth gestapo type, god forbid a toff snob type? Or is your anti police bile only for the the newspaper headline policing that sensationalises everything, for whatever their aims maybe.

Nah Gobbers would refuse help and rather drown on principle, because he probably has principles somewhere there, but god knows what they might be, in fact I suspect he dosen't either.

Prompt an insane rant about Cromwell or John Barleycorn.

I thought everybody had read the official log of the incident, so here we go.


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Nah Gobbers would refuse help and rather drown on principle, because he probably has principles somewhere there, but god knows what they might be, in fact I suspect he dosen't either.

Prompt an insane rant about Cromwell or John Barleycorn.

I thought everybody had read the official log of the incident, so here we go.


An excerpt from the coppers version of events you gave the weblink to........

"Whilst on duty at *** tonight (Wed 19th Sept) on a 1400-2200 hrs between the hours of 1800-2000 I had to deal with a man claiming to be the chief whip and who I later confirmed to be such and a Mr Andrew Mitchell.

"Mr Mitchell was speaking to PC ******** demanding exit through the main vehicle gate into Whitehall.

"PC ******** explained to Mr Mitchell that the policy was for pedal cycles to use the side pedestrian exit. Mr Mitchell refused, stating he was the chief whip and he always used the main gates."

"I had to deal with a man claiming to be the chief whip" ???!!!!!!....as a diplomatic protection officer I'd have known who Andrew Mitchell was - and his position in government - and I would have opened the main gates for him on his request. What was the copper doing at the gates of Downing Street not knowing who the members of government are that he's assigned to protect? I was led to believe that the coppers are public servants - that copper was being bolshy and obstructive and his statement proves his attitude.

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Oh well, the Metropolitan Police's 'finest' have now got their way and forced Andrew Mitchell to resign. Andrew Mitchell was - actually - one of the best MPs in the House of Commons. Is this country now a Police state rather than a Parliamentary democracy? It really does seem as if the Police call the shots in this country and I'm writing as a citizen that would jump with joy if the Metropolitan Police were to 'accidentally' Tazer Tony Blair, Kenneth Clark or Peter Mandelson.

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I bet you are jumping for joy tonight Gobbers.

Your new friends the Toffs have today jailed Trenton Oldfield for 6 months, the man who dared to interupt their precious Old School Boat Race, that nobody outside of the Westminster Bar gives a toss about.

The Toff games are deemed too precious to interrupt and only a severe prison sentence will send a clear message to the oiks not to interfere again.

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I bet you are jumping for joy tonight Gobbers.

Your new friends the Toffs have today jailed Trenton Oldfield for 6 months, the man who dared to interupt their precious Old School Boat Race, that nobody outside of the Westminster Bar gives a toss about.

The Toff games are deemed too precious to interrupt and only a severe prison sentence will send a clear message to the oiks not to interfere again.

Well, Toffing Hell !!!!!!! :D Quite honestly, I really don't believe that the Toffs would like me as their friend. As for Andrew Mitchell, he is one of Parliament's best MPs - a shame that Bristol hasn't got an MP of his calibre. The last calibre MP that Bristol had was Tony Benn and that was 25 odd years ago !!!!!!

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Well, Toffing Hell !!!!!!! :D Quite honestly, I really don't believe that the Toffs would like me as their friend. As for Andrew Mitchell, he is one of Parliament's best MPs - a shame that Bristol hasn't got an MP of his calibre. The last calibre MP that Bristol had was Tony Benn and that was 25 odd years ago !!!!!!

Precisely why do you asset that Andrew Mitchell is one of parliament's best MPs? That's a claim I don't even think andrew Michell would make. And he's pissed half the time! (allegedly)

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Precisely why do you asset that Andrew Mitchell is one of parliament's best MPs? That's a claim I don't even think andrew Michell would make. And he's pissed half the time! (allegedly)

Andrew Mitchell's got character and he's come to my attention as being a thoroughly decent chap. :D As he's ex army I really think there would have been absolutely no problem with the gate being opened for him had the check point been manned by army personnel instead of Police. Had I been there I would have either saluted him or doffed my cap while opening the gate. I'd also have probably cracked a joke about the death penalty needing to be re-introduced for EU loving traitor MPs. :banana:

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Andrew Mitchell's got character and he's come to my attention as being a thoroughly decent chap. :D As he's ex army I really think there would have been absolutely no problem with the gate being opened for him had the check point been manned by army personnel instead of Police. Had I been there I would have either saluted him or doffed my cap while opening the gate. I'd also have probably cracked a joke about the death penalty needing to be re-introduced for EU loving traitor MPs. :banana:

He is by definition the type of toff snob you hate.

Got enlisted via a short service limited commission basically between school and uni, and got paid for it. Atmy career my arse. Top of the range toff snob is this boy! You should by all rights hate the jumped up dick Gobbers

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He is by definition the type of toff snob you hate.

Got enlisted via a short service limited commission basically between school and uni, and got paid for it. Atmy career my arse. Top of the range toff snob is this boy! You should by all rights hate the jumped up dick Gobbers

I'm pragmatic about the situation this country is now in after 13 years of the pseudo-socialist lawyer/ college lecturer led Labour Party. A Labour Party that screwed the ordinary English working man into the ground over a 13 year period while getting the country into massive debt. A Labour Party that helped themselves to our taxes to the extent that the Labour Party High Command are all now £millionaires. At least Camoron has got the message about the EU and getting out of it, the Labour Party would embroil us further. I far prefer the Lib-Tories in power to New Labour even though I really do not like Liberals.

From the point of view of the Police service, they should be the first to remember that Tories keep grudges for years. The Miners brought down a Tory government in 1974 and but 10 years later the Tories destroyed the Miners' Union. I bet the Tories will keep a grudge against those coppers that didn't open the gate for Andrew Mitchell and against the coppers that were so outspoken against Andrew Mitchell. That's the way Tories operate and have operated over the past few hundred years.

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I'm pragmatic about the situation this country is now in after 13 years of the pseudo-socialist lawyer/ college lecturer led Labour Party. A Labour Party that screwed the ordinary English working man into the ground over a 13 year period while getting the country into massive debt. A Labour Party that helped themselves to our taxes to the extent that the Labour Party High Command are all now £millionaires. At least Camoron has got the message about the EU and getting out of it, the Labour Party would embroil us further. I far prefer the Lib-Tories in power to New Labour even though I really do not like Liberals.

From the point of view of the Police service, they should be the first to remember that Tories keep grudges for years. The Miners brought down a Tory government in 1974 and but 10 years later the Tories destroyed the Miners' Union. I bet the Tories will keep a grudge against those coppers that didn't open the gate for Andrew Mitchell and against the coppers that were so outspoken against Andrew Mitchell. That's the way Tories operate and have operated over the past few hundred years.

to be honest, I take very little interest in politics any longer, all parties seem to blurr into middle ground nowadays, and those that don't conform to the old boys club quickly get removed from positions of significance. I am sad to say I have not voted in years, broken promises, lies and out right deceit from all party's with a position of power has been the way government has run from the year dot.

I have some respect for Farage, how he would change if he ever got a position of power in a active government who knows, power goes to the head pretty quickly. Your ideals and outspokenness are very easy things to get away with when attacking from a minority party, if UKIP ever got in power, (which will never happen) I would like to see how quickly he changed.

So, I just look at the fact, I could be living in some equally corrupt 3rd world country and just disappear if I disagreed with what the government said, at least I have some sort of freedom of speech here, even if it isn't listened to! Over all, not too much to complain about, there are no utopias out there unless you are pretty damn wealthy!

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to be honest, I take very little interest in politics any longer, all parties seem to blurr into middle ground nowadays, and those that don't conform to the old boys club quickly get removed from positions of significance. I am sad to say I have not voted in years, broken promises, lies and out right deceit from all party's with a position of power has been the way government has run from the year dot.

I have some respect for Farage, how he would change if he ever got a position of power in a active government who knows, power goes to the head pretty quickly. Your ideals and outspokenness are very easy things to get away with when attacking from a minority party, if UKIP ever got in power, (which will never happen) I would like to see how quickly he changed.

So, I just look at the fact, I could be living in some equally corrupt 3rd world country and just disappear if I disagreed with what the government said, at least I have some sort of freedom of speech here, even if it isn't listened to! Over all, not too much to complain about, there are no utopias out there unless you are pretty damn wealthy!

The Utopia I see out there is a Utopia for lawyers, European Unionists and Labour Party has beens. It's no coincidence that with the Labour Party being run by and for the benefit of lawyers that the lawyers have gained most from the last Labour government. Brand spanking new courthouses the length and breadth of our land; we're signed up to the European Human Rights Act so that lawyers can make a fortune representing the Rights of foreign terrorists, illegal immigrants and serial criminals at the expense of the indigenous law abiding population; and, of course, the European Union project where the pseudo-socialist Labour Party High Commanders - Lord Neil Kinnock and Lady Catherine Ashton etc - can now strut around Europe as 'socialist' aristocrats.

In my opinion, the riots we're seeing in Greece with the European Union having all but destroyed the economy of that country - via bribing Greece's corrupt politicians to sign up for the €Euro currency project - will soon spread to Spain, Portugal and Italy. The ones in the front line in Greece are the Police - they're the ones getting the Molotov cocktails thrown at them while the Greek politicians bow and scrape to Angela Merkel, the IMF and the EU. If you're a Policeman it really is in your interest to take an interest in what's going on in Europe as this country isn't that much further down the line from Greece.

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Andrew Mitchell's got character and he's come to my attention as being a thoroughly decent chap. :D As he's ex army I really think there would have been absolutely no problem with the gate being opened for him had the check point been manned by army personnel instead of Police. Had I been there I would have either saluted him or doffed my cap while opening the gate. I'd also have probably cracked a joke about the death penalty needing to be re-introduced for EU loving traitor MPs. :banana:

You think someone nicknamed 'Thrasher', who is a merchant banker (in both senses of the word) and thinks having a 'long tiring day' is going for a 3-hour lunchbreak in one of London's most expensive curry houses sounds like a thoroughly decent chap?

Also, of course, as Cammy's chief whip he ensured Tory MPs didn't rebel when European legislation passed through the Commons and didn't kick up a fuss when Cammy went back on his referendum promise. In short, he is what you'd call an "EU loving traitor MP".

I honestly wonder what has happened to you RG. More of this sort of servile carp and you'll have to change your name to Blue Goblin.

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You think someone nicknamed 'Thrasher', who is a merchant banker (in both senses of the word) and thinks having a 'long tiring day' is going for a 3-hour lunchbreak in one of London's most expensive curry houses sounds like a thoroughly decent chap?

Also, of course, as Cammy's chief whip he ensured Tory MPs didn't rebel when European legislation passed through the Commons and didn't kick up a fuss when Cammy went back on his referendum promise. In short, he is what you'd call an "EU loving traitor MP".

I honestly wonder what has happened to you RG. More of this sort of servile carp and you'll have to change your name to Blue Goblin.

I have to say I am as baffled as you as to the whereabouts of the Real Red Goblin. Next we will see leaked photos of Red Goblin stood surrounded by his toff chums in a Bullingdon Club photoshoot.

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You think someone nicknamed 'Thrasher', who is a merchant banker (in both senses of the word) and thinks having a 'long tiring day' is going for a 3-hour lunchbreak in one of London's most expensive curry houses sounds like a thoroughly decent chap?

Also, of course, as Cammy's chief whip he ensured Tory MPs didn't rebel when European legislation passed through the Commons and didn't kick up a fuss when Cammy went back on his referendum promise. In short, he is what you'd call an "EU loving traitor MP".

I honestly wonder what has happened to you RG. More of this sort of servile carp and you'll have to change your name to Blue Goblin.

There you go again with your left/right and red/blue political paradigm. When will you understand that there's no real big difference of aim between the collective interests of Ed Milipede and David Camoron? They both support the banksters, corporate interests and EU interests that are at the expense of a great many individual voters.

I'm well aware that Andrew Mitchell's a Toff but in many ways he's broken ranks and was acting as a free individual at the Downing Street gates if only for a few seconds - he's said sorry, lost his cabinet post etc - and generally been well punished for saying what many think. The fact remains that if I was an armed copper on a £100,000+ salary at the gate I would have doffed my cap and followed his instruction - because I would have known who he was.

Anyway, the left/right political paradigm trick was well exposed on Fox News by the enlightened young U.S. ex Obama voter shown below :cool2: ........


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There you go again with your left/right and red/blue political paradigm. When will you understand that there's no real big difference of aim between the collective interests of Ed Milipede and David Camoron? They both support the banksters, corpoarte interests and EU interests that are at the expense of individual voters.

I'm well aware that Andrew Mitchell's a Toff but in many ways he's broken ranks and was acting as a free individual at the Downing Street gates if only for a few seconds - he's said sorry, lost his cabinet post etc - and generally been well punished for saying what many think. The fact remains that if I was an armed copper on a £100,000+ salary at the gate I would have doffed my cap and followed his instruction - because I would have known who he was.

Anyway, the left/right political paradigm trick was well exposed on Fox News by the enlightened young U.S. ex Obama voter shown below :cool2: ........


Jesus you really have become a lackey haven't you.

Firstly his instruction was wrong and had been superseded by a new instruction and what he may have done in the past was irrelevant, secondly who was he? pretty much a nobody in terms of how the country is run, he was selected to become a bully boy (whip) because that is what he was best at and what his toff education drummed into him and you have just self promoted his arrogance "do you know who I am"?, sorry mate nobody knows who you are and nobody ******* cares, just do what you are told, it's designed for your security, if you have a problem complain to the person who changed the instruction and not the people carrying out the instruction, because it has to be remembered that the instructions on the gates are decided well above the pay grade of the police officers operating the gate and they will have been told 'I don't care what gate they have used in the past, this is the new instruction and you will enforce it, if not you will be directing traffic in Regent Street', that is the one and only reality.

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Jesus you really have become a lackey haven't you.

Firstly his instruction was wrong and had been superseded by a new instruction and what he may have done in the past was irrelevant, secondly who was he? pretty much a nobody in terms of how the country is run, he was selected to become a bully boy (whip) because that is what he was best at and what his toff education drummed into him and you have just self promoted his arrogance "do you know who I am"?, sorry mate nobody knows who you are and nobody ******* cares, just do what you are told, it's designed for your security, if you have a problem complain to the person who changed the instruction and not the people carrying out the instruction, because it has to be remembered that the instructions on the gates are decided well above the pay grade of the police officers operating the gate and they will have been told 'I don't care what gate they have used in the past, this is the new instruction and you will enforce it, if not you will be directing traffic in Regent Street', that is the one and only reality.

This country is fast becoming a Police state with the Police calling the shots at all walks of life and that's what really underlies this 'plebgate' affair. The Tories have become alarmed at the sheer cost of this Police state and want a 20% cut to the Police budget. Police are getting bolshy over the proposed cuts and Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell got to meet a few of these bolshy coppers at the gates of Downing Street. That's how it seems to me.

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There you go again with your left/right and red/blue political paradigm. When will you understand that there's no real big difference of aim between the collective interests of Ed Milipede and David Camoron? They both support the banksters, corporate interests and EU interests that are at the expense of a great many individual voters.

I'm well aware that Andrew Mitchell's a Toff but in many ways he's broken ranks and was acting as a free individual at the Downing Street gates if only for a few seconds - he's said sorry, lost his cabinet post etc - and generally been well punished for saying what many think. The fact remains that if I was an armed copper on a £100,000+ salary at the gate I would have doffed my cap and followed his instruction - because I would have known who he was.

Anyway, the left/right political paradigm trick was well exposed on Fox News by the enlightened young U.S. ex Obama voter shown below :cool2: ........


Ah, Fox News that bastion of impartiality.

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Ah, Fox News that bastion of impartiality.

@ 1 minute 13 seconds - the Fox News presenter really does change tact. The young lady hit a nerve because she highlighted who really controls the likes of Republican Bush and Democrat Obama in the U.S. just as the same interests control the likes of Tory Camoron and Labour Milipede in this country. Welcome to the new Western World order - beam me up quick Scotty. :surrender:

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This country is fast becoming a Police state with the Police calling the shots at all walks of life and that's what really underlies this 'plebgate' affair. The Tories have become alarmed at the sheer cost of this Police state and want a 20% cut to the Police budget. Police are getting bolshy over the proposed cuts and Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell got to meet a few of these bolshy coppers at the gates of Downing Street. That's how it seems to me.

You may be correct, well apart from the police state bit, unfortunately the police have few if any weapons to fight back with unlike the union backed workforce and they are only doing what other workers are doing in the face of cuts and job losses.

The bolshy coppers you talk of were doing what their superiors had ordered them to do end of, thats the way it works and most likely in the terms I previously described, be honest would you risk your job by ignoring a direct order from your bosses?, especially for an arrogant lying bully boy toff?.

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@ 1 minute 13 seconds - the Fox News presenter really does change tact. The young lady hit a nerve because she highlighted who really controls the likes of Republican Bush and Democrat Obama in the U.S. just as the same interests control the likes of Tory Camoron and Labour Milipede in this country. Welcome to the new Western World order - beam me up quick Scotty. :surrender:

She has a good argument, although I've no doubt she was put on Fox just to slag off Obama, not necessaily the Republicans too. I suppose you could say we're at the point where politics has virtually been privatised.

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There you go again with your left/right and red/blue political paradigm. When will you understand that there's no real big difference of aim between the collective interests of Ed Milipede and David Camoron? They both support the banksters, corporate interests and EU interests that are at the expense of a great many individual voters.

I'm well aware that Andrew Mitchell's a Toff but in many ways he's broken ranks and was acting as a free individual at the Downing Street gates if only for a few seconds - he's said sorry, lost his cabinet post etc - and generally been well punished for saying what many think. The fact remains that if I was an armed copper on a £100,000+ salary at the gate I would have doffed my cap and followed his instruction - because I would have known who he was.

Acted like a free individual by losing his temper and displaying his class prejudice towards someone (an ordinary woman PC who would've been on much less than the figure you quote) he obviously thinks is below him???!

He acted like a prat, but it wasn't a big deal and that wasn't what cost him his job. What cost him his job is - like many politicians - he just couldn't be honest about what he said. Instead he tried to suggest that the two police constables who witnessed the tirade were lying.

Now, I've been around enough to realise that coppers write all sorts of fantasy in their notebooks, but in this case I firmly believe the female plod. The reasons are manifold:

A) She had no reason to lie. It was a minor incident, Mitchell accepted a verbal caution and departed without making any further hassle.

B) Even his own friends say it is the sort of thing he might say. As a bad tempered snob, it had his hallmarks.

C) Had it be a fantasy, the PC might try to make up all sorts of coarse language that 'Thrasher' had used, but she would be unlikely to put 'pleb'.

D) A strong rumour suggests it came to press attention when Mitchell himself told a parliamentary colleague about it, this colleague passed the story on and soon it found its way, to the media.

For all these reasons, it was his own party's 1922 Committee who 'resigned' him.

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This country is fast becoming a Police state with the Police calling the shots at all walks of life and that's what really underlies this 'plebgate' affair. The Tories have become alarmed at the sheer cost of this Police state and want a 20% cut to the Police budget. Police are getting bolshy over the proposed cuts and Tory Toff Andrew Mitchell got to meet a few of these bolshy coppers at the gates of Downing Street. That's how it seems to me.

we are nowhere near a police state,

North Korea is a police state

China is a police state,

You say somthing like that to the people in power in those countrys and you are likely to go "missing"

To call this country a police state is laughable at best, Our police have little to no weapons to fight the crime on the street

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we are nowhere near a police state,

North Korea is a police state

China is a police state,

You say somthing like that to the people in power in those countrys and you are likely to go "missing"

To call this country a police state is laughable at best, Our police have little to no weapons to fight the crime on the street

Not sure we are a police state, but we certainly are a surveillance state. If we were ever to become a police state, we would certainly in trouble.

I believe we are the most heavily videoed, photographed nation on earth. Don't be surprised if we become a police state, but without the populous disappearing! Too hard to do that with all the camera's!

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Acted like a free individual by losing his temper and displaying his class prejudice towards someone (an ordinary woman PC who would've been on much less than the figure you quote) he obviously thinks is below him???!

He acted like a prat, but it wasn't a big deal and that wasn't what cost him his job. What cost him his job is - like many politicians - he just couldn't be honest about what he said. Instead he tried to suggest that the two police constables who witnessed the tirade were lying.

Well, if I had my way I'd remove the Bolshy Police from the gates of Downing Street and put the British Army in charge of the security there. If the Police can't or wont do the job without complaining about pay and conditions - because that's what this is really about - then select Army personnel and put them on the same enhanced rate of pay as the Police get for guarding the Downing Street gates.

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