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Craig Dawson Signing?


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I was at Forest, Blackburn and Leicester kidder.

I will go with my own judgement and that of my close friends & family whose opinion I value.

I’ve saw a couple of people on here say Skuse was our stand out player at Forest? What a load of crap. I take you all didn’t see many of our players continue to have a pop at him throughout the game as yet again the boy wonder let his man go?! Foster, Carey and Pearson chewing his ear time and again – I actually felt sorry for him (for a split second) but he was clueless to what he was supposed to be doing. Vintage Skuse.

Improved after the break (and no doubt after a ****** from Del) he looked neat and tidy but still offered nothing. Guardiola & Reid pissed all over Skuse and Pearson that day.

Anyone who understands the game will know Rochina should have been brought down prior to him reaching the box. Skuse simply wouldn’t take one for the team. 250 league games and no nous at all. With the score at 2-2 that was the turning point.

Leicester another limp first half. Agreed second half better but the man can’t protect/shield a defence on a regular basis like he should do – See Harry thread for many examples of him failing to do thus far this season.

All in all Skuse didn’t stand out in any of these games had no impact and/or effect on our play.

Albert has been our stand out performer while Wooly and Pearson have had decent little spells where they got themselves a couple of goals and assists. When will Skuse have his little spell and step up to the plate?

He is way down my pecking order for midfield positions. RB only for me.

Congratulations. I was also at those games...

Bearing in mind Andy Reid played on the left wing for Forest I'm not sure how he managed to 'piss all over Skuse'. I assume Skuse is meant to control the opposition's central midfielders as well as both wingers? The Forst game was an extremely boring one in which we offered nothing going forward, but at the same time weren't exposed at the back. I wouldn't have thought this would be the type of game that ends up with our defensive midfield player receiving any criticism.

He was better at 'shielding the defence' after the break at Leicester as in the first half he wasn't given that job! For some reason McInnes installed Morris to sit in front of the back four in the first half and after seeing 45 minutes (it should have been changed after 10) of Leicester walk through our midfield Skuse was rightly moved into a sitting role in front of the midfield and we looked a much more secure team thanks to it.

Not sure why you have mentioned Albert or Woolford? The last time I looked they played out wide and it goes without saying that they should be providing more assists and scoring more goals than a defensive midfield player. Fair enough if you don't think Skuse is good enough at doing that job, but to compare his goals and assists to Albert, Woolford and even Pearson who is given much more of a licence to get forward is ludicrous.

If you can come up with a better central midfield pairing without Skuse than I am all ears...

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I was at Forest, Blackburn and Leicester kidder.

I will go with my own judgement and that of my close friends & family whose opinion I value.

I’ve saw a couple of people on here say Skuse was our stand out player at Forest? What a load of crap. I take you all didn’t see many of our players continue to have a pop at him throughout the game as yet again the boy wonder let his man go?! Foster, Carey and Pearson chewing his ear time and again – I actually felt sorry for him (for a split second) but he was clueless to what he was supposed to be doing. Vintage Skuse.

Improved after the break (and no doubt after a ****** from Del) he looked neat and tidy but still offered nothing. Guardiola & Reid pissed all over Skuse and Pearson that day.

Anyone who understands the game will know Rochina should have been brought down prior to him reaching the box. Skuse simply wouldn’t take one for the team. 250 league games and no nous at all. With the score at 2-2 that was the turning point.

Leicester another limp first half. Agreed second half better but the man can’t protect/shield a defence on a regular basis like he should do – See Harry thread for many examples of him failing to do thus far this season.

All in all Skuse didn’t stand out in any of these games had no impact and/or effect on our play.

Albert has been our stand out performer while Wooly and Pearson have had decent little spells where they got themselves a couple of goals and assists. When will Skuse have his little spell and step up to the plate?

He is way down my pecking order for midfield positions. RB only for me.

Please don't tell me you think Pearson is better than Skuse?

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Wont happen , they'll probably get a 20K fine and UEFA will brush it all under the carpet.

Shame that this will make the news and not what was a very good England performance. UEFA will do sod all. Dawson and Caulker were both fantastic, just pray that Dawson comes here. Class act.

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Strange how one manager after another rolls up at Ashton Gate, and the single thing they all have in common is consistently picking Skuse.

Still, 'spose we all know better, eh!!

Good observation. Every manager sees something in Skuse and picks him. As the managers are professionals with a lot of experience in the game it's reasonable to assume they know more than we do.

However, if there was no disagreement, this forum would be pretty dull.

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The trouble is Del's been talking about it for months but that doesn't mean we are ever going to sign one.

yes it does, it mean he won't waste money on the likes of Andy Webster,

Its about find value you for money and a player that fits in with us but some people are too stupid to know this

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If you can come up with a better central midfield pairing without Skuse than I am all ears...

Morris & Elliot. Best partnership from a poor bunch.

Morris would offer bite and much needed leadership qualities not to mention his mass experience and ability to actually keep the ball. Skuse can offer none of this. Why Del has held JM back only he will know but if its legs he’s worried about then Cisse proved you don’t have to run around like a headless chicken (like boy wonder does) to protect a defence properly.

Marv despite his limitations would be in the engine room. He has impact in both boxes. Good in the air at defending balls in our box and gets on the end of things in the opposition box. He chucks his head in where it hurts & would take one for the team if needs be. Again Skuse can offer none of this.

Skuse has proved many times this season he can’t protect the defence like he should do (their’s proof here earlier in the thread) and when asked to play box to box he don’t contribute to any attacking play therefore offering nothing week in week out.

Jack of all trades mater of………

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Morris & Elliot. Best partnership from a poor bunch.

Morris would offer bite and much needed leadership qualities not to mention his mass experience and ability to actually keep the ball. Skuse can offer none of this. Why Del has held JM back only he will know but if its legs he’s worried about then Cisse proved you don’t have to run around like a headless chicken (like boy wonder does) to protect a defence properly.

Marv despite his limitations would be in the engine room. He has impact in both boxes. Good in the air at defending balls in our box and gets on the end of things in the opposition box. He chucks his head in where it hurts & would take one for the team if needs be. Again Skuse can offer none of this.

Skuse has proved many times this season he can’t protect the defence like he should do (their’s proof here earlier in the thread) and when asked to play box to box he don’t contribute to any attacking play therefore offering nothing week in week out.

Jack of all trades mater of………

You say Skuse can't pass but you praise Elliott. Jeez... :facepalm:

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You say Skuse can't pass but you praise Elliott. Jeez... :facepalm:

as well as saying Morris is our best option in midfield....based on what?? none of us have seen him play!

I think he is the worst midfielder we have ever bought (I dont really...but my opinion has about as much chance of being right as his)

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Skuse imo isn't as bad as some posters on here make out - however he's nothing like as effective as others would like to portray him.

He's somewhere in between, a solid and unspectacular all rounder who rarely let's the club down but is not not particularly good at anything.

He seems to get given long contracts, presumably not only because managers at the time must rate him but also so City could cash in if he has an outstanding spell and a bid comes in.

I'd like to see that bid come in to confirm that he is as highly rated elsewhere as he seems to be here. The reaction of both BCFC and the player to a potential move would be interesting too.

He's certainly not so outstanding that we should be aimimg him keep at all costs, and if he's considered such an asset the plan should be to look to cash in at a convenient time for the club before he's past his prime.

But in reality have City ever had a big bid for Skuse, and, to be honest, are we ever likely to? :dunno:

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Skuse imo isn't as bad as some posters on here make out - however he's nothing like as effective as others would like to portray him.

He's somewhere in between, a solid and unspectacular all rounder who rarely let's the club down but is not not particularly good at anything.

He seems to get given long contracts, presumably not only because managers at the time must rate him but also so City could cash in if he has an outstanding spell and a bid comes in.

I'd like to see that bid come in to confirm that he is as highly rated elsewhere as he seems to be here. The reaction of both BCFC and the player to a potential move would be interesting too.

He's certainly not so outstanding that we should be aimimg him keep at all costs, and if he's considered such an asset the plan should be to look to cash in at a convenient time for the club before he's past his prime.

But in reality have City ever had a big bid for Skuse, and, to be honest, are we ever likely to? :dunno:

stoke and reading we're rumoured to be intrested but thats about it I think, then again did Arsenal ever get big bids for Adams and Bould?

Some players teams will not bother chasing as they know they won't leave the club like Scholes and Giggs

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I've been a huge Skuse critic in the past but his performances towards the end of last season and the start of this one have been very good. He's shown what he's capable of in glimpses but does lack consistency (although to be fair, when I did criticise his performances, it was largely during the Coppell/Millen era's.) so hopefully he will maintain the form he's been showing for a good few months now. One piece of advice I would give him is to shoot more, he seems afraid to do it, but we all know he has a very good shot in him.

Him and Del played in the same position, so I'm not surprised that Skuse has done well since Del's been here.

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