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What's The Chances Of Bringing Smoking Back To Grounds ?

Tall King Blox

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I`m poor and have given up watching MY team for smoking and a bottle of brandy as I cannot afford both.

Choices eh? Booze over priced, ciggies over priced football over priced.

I think my order if I was into ciggies would be, drop the fags, drop the football drop the drink. Luckily, I don't smoke so have a far bigger disposable income than a smoker.

I only found out the price of fags recently, I'm not entirely sure how people can justify buying them if they are on a low income. Terrible thing addiction, murders your wallet.

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Never smoked much at footie, but I don't half miss not being able to smoke in a pub, and still think that a pub's management/landlord should be able to decide if it wants to be smoking or non-smoking, then people can make an informed choice of pub. I wouldn't see anything wrong in having a smoking area in AG for those who want to watch and have a fag, would be intersting to see what the take up would be. It will never happen though, the way things are going the only place you will be able to smoke will be in your own home :help:

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You see the problem is that you light up and a result of which is that you breathe your smoke all over me. I enjoy a drink a result of which is I need to urinate. I doubt you would like me pissing all over you.

Tone, Tone, so disappointed. There was I thinking all those jokes were created by that creative, comedy spark that only a few can lay claim to. And then you repeat this lame , tired old response. Go on make up a line of your own. Bet I'll wet myself. See I've done a pun there , not so hard is it? Could argue that's a double entendre but probably pushing my luck.

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Choices eh? Booze over priced, ciggies over priced football over priced.

I think my order if I was into ciggies would be, drop the fags, drop the football drop the drink. Luckily, I don't smoke so have a far bigger disposable income than a smoker.

I only found out the price of fags recently, I'm not entirely sure how people can justify buying them if they are on a low income. Terrible thing addiction, murders your wallet.

Like most everything else the TAX murders our wallets and those who spend and give to the Euro our hard earned pennies. Unfortunately they seem to like spending our money on sh1te so dont expect it to change in our life time.

Can remember when beer was 1/11p a pint (less than 10p) and ten cigs the same; and petrol was 4/11 (less than 25p A GALLON(5 litres) which by the way we still buy however much it is.

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Do you drive a car ?

Hey you don't need to convince me - if there was a demand for non-smoking bars and pubs there would have been some, fact is there were not. Business follows the money and cater for the public's demands. I have used the car argument against others, hell i'd put a week of me in a car with the windows done up smoking non-stop for a week against you spending just 10 minutes with your exhaust fumes piped back into your car - any bets who's going to walk away ?

But at the end of the day you are on the losing side of the debate, and it's only going to get worse. http://dickpuddlecote.blogspot.co.uk/

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Tone, Tone, so disappointed. There was I thinking all those jokes were created by that creative, comedy spark that only a few can lay claim to. And then you repeat this lame , tired old response. Go on make up a line of your own. Bet I'll wet myself. See I've done a pun there , not so hard is it? Could argue that's a double entendre but probably pushing my luck.

Give the guy a break, masks peace of the day
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Hey you don't need to convince me - if there was a demand for non-smoking bars and pubs there would have been some, fact is there were not. Business follows the money and cater for the public's demands. I have used the car argument against others, hell i'd put a week of me in a car with the windows done up smoking non-stop for a week against you spending just 10 minutes with your exhaust fumes piped back into your car - any bets who's going to walk away ?

But at the end of the day you are on the losing side of the debate, and it's only going to get worse. http://dickpuddlecote.blogspot.co.uk/

Read your post, reverse and start again, ( car joke )
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Hey you don't need to convince me - if there was a demand for non-smoking bars and pubs there would have been some, fact is there were not. Business follows the money and cater for the public's demands. I have used the car argument against others, hell i'd put a week of me in a car with the windows done up smoking non-stop for a week against you spending just 10 minutes with your exhaust fumes piped back into your car - any bets who's going to walk away ?

But at the end of the day you are on the losing side of the debate, and it's only going to get worse. http://dickpuddlecote.blogspot.co.uk/

Strangely enough though we keep the cars and ban the fags; cars are doing more damage to the whole planet than smoking will ever come close to.

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Give the guy a break, masks peace of the day

Ok mask , but the clues in the name and I don't patronize smokers. They damage themselves and other peoples clothes apparently, but other than that cause very little harm. The arguments will go on but the evidence is questionable.

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Ok mask , but the clues in the name and I don't patronize smokers. They damage themselves and other peoples clothes apparently, but other than that cause very little harm. The arguments will go on but the evidence is questionable.

My post was a purely personall question, twas never intended to bring the wrath of the forum to bear....that said i friggin likes a fag during a game cos it calms me, or used to, my respect to all non and now users of the deadly nicotine drug, luckily there is hope.....tis called the tobbacco factory, where you will be fed bullshit without a fag in sight (Cigarette )
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Have a referendum on it.

Non smokers will win .

All the smokers will be too busy looking for the smoking area outside in case they have to do some work.

If you think it's tough in the UK then see what's happening here in Australia.


Tasmania was the first Australian state to introduce a total indoor smoking ban in January 2006.[6] As of 1 January 2008, smoking in cars with passengers under the age of 18 is banned and will incur a $110 on the spot fine.[7] In 2012, Tasmania moved to ban the purchase of tobacco for anyone born after the year 2000. This would make Tasmania responsible for the toughest smoking bans in the world and eventually lead to its prohibition on the island state.[8]

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Have a referendum on it.

Non smokers will win .

All the smokers will be too busy looking for the smoking area outside in case they have to do some work.

If you think it's tough in the UK then see what's happening here in Australia.


Tasmania was the first Australian state to introduce a total indoor smoking ban in January 2006.[6] As of 1 January 2008, smoking in cars with passengers under the age of 18 is banned and will incur a $110 on the spot fine.[7] In 2012, Tasmania moved to ban the purchase of tobacco for anyone born after the year 2000. This would make Tasmania responsible for the toughest smoking bans in the world and eventually lead to its prohibition on the island state.[8]

I am english...my heart is english...my lungs are ****ed....Next ? ( ausie *****)
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Used to hate it as a kid when some bloke in front lit up and i got to enjoy all the smoke in my face. Never smoked but as others have said, 90 mins (probs more like 2 hours with ht, added time etc) without a fag is a bit sad.

I have, without reservation have to question your username, St. Pauls ? just a stab !
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You see the problem is that you light up and a result of which is that you breathe your smoke all over me. I enjoy a drink a result of which is I need to urinate. I doubt you would like me pissing all over you.

Stick to your shit jokes Tone.

And if theres anything more annoying than a patronising ex-smoker, I've yet to come across it.

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Tell me about it. Woman at work who used to smoke 20 a day for 20 years recently gave up.

Now I get:

"I cannot believe you smoke" "what are you doing to your body?" "oh my god, you stink".


She's believed all the hype, but probably needed to in order to give up. The big lie is that you only smoke because you're addicted; whereas most smokers I know really enjoy it but can easily go several days without it.

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