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What's The Chances Of Bringing Smoking Back To Grounds ?

Tall King Blox

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It's not just about health... it just friggin stinks if you are a non smoker.

Transport is pretty much a nessesity. Trying to compare smoking with transport fumes is just rediculous imho...no disrespect.

Smoking is purely a selfish act. Smokers need to get over the fact and stop moaning.

Drinkers have to abide by laws.

It's an addiction. Like drugs and alcohol.

The only reason Tobacco is allowed these days, is because of the revenue it brings into the Government.

If someone found it now, and it was new, and brought it into the country like any other addictive drug then it would be banned.

Why smokers think they have a right to blow their smoke and effect how non smokers feel, is beyond me.

To someone who doesn't smoke, it's the same as having someone stood next to you continually farting...it's that anti social and selfish. Why don't smokers understand that?

I've got mates who i sit with in the pub and they are up and down every 15 mins to have a ciggie... I just don't get it.

As for smoking around non smokers... how would the smokers feel if i started shooting up in front of them every 15 mins? I seriously can't see the difference... both are just addictions... however enjoyable.... are purely selfish.

If people want to do it fine...just do it in areas that don't effect others... simple.

Spot on. The car fumes argument is laughable. Currently that is pretty much the only way we transport anything.. until battery power is perfected.

Smoking is just a individual choice to allow yourself to poison yourself. Seems to me, all smokers and excessive drinkers should have a whole chapter for themselves in the Darwin awards!

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Spot on. The car fumes argument is laughable. Currently that is pretty much the only way we transport anything.. until battery power is perfected.

Smoking is just a individual choice to allow yourself to poison yourself. Seems to me, all smokers and excessive drinkers should have a whole chapter for themselves in the Darwin awards!

yep and car fumes poison the world, no choice, fact.Car fumes kill; smoking may, fact.

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If someone wants to smoke I dont care if they want to smoke as long as it's away from me so I'd have to say if you have to smoke THAT badly then you must be unemployable as I doubt any employer is happy with you leaving your workplace every half hour to smoke.

It's banned for the comfort of the majority, football isn't relaxing. It never has been. Smoking or not you're still going to stress through the same issues the team are having as the rest of us are.

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The problem is the smokers are selfish and don't appreciate people around them.

It's not banned simply because it's bad for you, it's the effect on people around you. Why should someone stood next to you or behind you at football have to breathe in your horrible fumes? Why should they have to go home stinking of your cigarette smoke?

As a non smoker the smoking ban is the best thing that ever happened. Going to the pub is much more enjoyable, as is football and night clubs!

My biggest issue with smokers though, why the hell are you ENTITLED to smoking breaks at work? I know people that go out at least 10 minutes of every hour, in a 7 hour day that's over an hour spent not working!

As for alcohol they will put prices up to stop binge drinking, and rightly so if you see the state of 18 (some younger) year olds in a town centre EVERY Saturday!

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As a non smoker the smoking ban is the best thing that ever happened. Going to the pub is much more enjoyable, as is football and night clubs!

Im asthmatic and the smoking ban has stopped me going to certain pubs n clubs because all the smokers stand together at the entrance and puff away. if im leaving i have to walk through a mass a smokers and it sets my asthma off. i preferred it when they could smoke inside, groups of friends wouldn't all have one at the same time like they do now

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Given our recent home performances we need to legalize cannabis and allow it to be smoked at Ashton Gate. Hey man, does it really matter that we're losing again.....chill man.......and look what I found growing at Ashton Vale.....


Im over that like a rash. Brilliant thinking

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That will be gone in 5 mins. Gotta be an ounce

ooooooooooooooooh, gotta love the real smokers, but i thinks all that greenn stuff makes you parranoid !!i said all that ****** green stuff makes you parranoid, it makes you parranoid, oid oid oid, or was that just a rumour againt me, parranoid, how did we not get on today ? take care peeps, it's gonna be a long haul,.....keep the faith x
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Im asthmatic and the smoking ban has stopped me going to certain pubs n clubs because all the smokers stand together at the entrance and puff away. if im leaving i have to walk through a mass a smokers and it sets my asthma off. i preferred it when they could smoke inside, groups of friends wouldn't all have one at the same time like they do now

Have a word with the bar manager then, it is illegal to stand in the entrance smoking.

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Smoking is a disgusting and filthy habit and it will never be allowed in football stadiums anymore than it will be re-introduced in pubs and restaurants. Here posts a reformed smoker and giving up the cancer sticks was best thing I ever did.

+1 - jacking in fags (fnarr) was one of the best decisions of my life

If someone sat down next to you and farted, you'd be pretty pissed off, wouldn't you? But a fart won't give you cancer, doesn't leave mess and doesn't make you stink for ages after*

There's more chance of City and the Gas being in the prem together than the smoking ban being reversed

*well, mine don't anyway

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Like most everything else the TAX murders our wallets and those who spend and give to the Euro our hard earned pennies. Unfortunately they seem to like spending our money on sh1te so dont expect it to change in our life time.

Can remember when beer was 1/11p a pint (less than 10p) and ten cigs the same; and petrol was 4/11 (less than 25p A GALLON(5 litres) which by the way we still buy however much it is.

Try coming over here to Qatar, fags and petrol are dirt cheap

Mind you, you can't smoke anywhere and you're barely allowed to drink

Still, can't have everything I guess :violin:

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Try coming over here to Qatar, fags and petrol are dirt cheap

Mind you, you can't smoke anywhere and you're barely allowed to drink

Still, can't have everything I guess :violin:

Will you still be out there for the World Cup ?

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