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What's The Chances Of Bringing Smoking Back To Grounds ?

Tall King Blox

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Nice try. The government makes around £10 billlion off smokers in taxes each year - over double what it pays for 'smoking related (i.e. ANYTHING) illness'. I take it that the rest goes to funding non-smoker legislation and more.

I smoke but football grounds are too crowded and I wouldn;t bother even if it was allowed (which it won't be!).

Where did you get these figures from? This seems to be the standard battle around the figures for and against smoking but how can the smoking illness numbers be accounted for as it's mostly intangible? Surely the biggest killer is the price - pack of 20 over £7 I saw the other day - how can people afford it?!

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Devils advocate............if Eastville was still standing...smoking allowed !

I was at a football ground with an open standing section for away fans and a gentleman was politely told by a steward, he could not smoke where he could see the game, this could just be a cross of the smoking and drinking laws but they made the points that have been made on this thread about smoking around people that dont want to.

Nought wrong with the pies mate.

My mrs's dad delivers them from Crewe himself.


So why the *smoke related obsenity* do we not have meat and potato pies?! [iMO the best thing to come out of the north]

My view is that there should be sections in every ground for smokers. Make those areas for over 16s only so as to comply with the age when you can legally smoke.

I thought it was raised to 18?


I dont' really have a stance on this, I always thought the smell reminded me of football, but, like nightclubs the smell of stale booze has replaced this. I don't have issues with people smoking and not smoking etc, I don't smoke but alot of my friends do - we're all early 20's and aren't too bothered by it all. That said I can understand where those against it are coming from.

Incidentally, most of us drive and like comedy

Think that's all areas covered!

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Nice try. The government makes around £10 billlion off smokers in taxes each year - over double what it pays for 'smoking related (i.e. ANYTHING) illness'. I take it that the rest goes to funding non-smoker legislation and more.

I smoke but football grounds are too crowded and I wouldn;t bother even if it was allowed (which it won't be!).

However, you don't take into account the associated societal costs of smoking related disease. Stat sick pay while people are treated for lung cancer. Disability benefits for people who can't work due to emphysema. Cost to businesses while employees off sick. I agree that the 'cost to society' argument is a bit thin, but I don't think the UK profits from smokers

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Nice one, love the little play on words at the end. Bedminster actually my good man. Try one of those NHS give up smoking kits. They're free and you get some cool stuff, so even if you don't want to give up, you win free stuff. Just a little gift from me to you for making me chuckle :D TBH now I'm an adult I wouldn't mind smoking so much in the stadium, it's just the kids I worry for.

Well spotted, thanks for the gift, and it's not christmas yet....when you said " you get some cool stuff" is it menthol fags ???
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Frankie Boyle is a total moron.

I think the word you want there is genius. :cool2:

Sad to say, the recent crop of Bristolian TV comics just aren't very funny. I've had more laughs from the Iraq War than I've had from Russell Howard, Marcus Brigstocke is dire and the least said about JLC the better.

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I started a thread the other week on another forum about comedians here's a list of my favourites.

Roy Chubby Brown

Billy Connolly

Lee Evans

Frankie Boyle

Sean Lock

Lee Mack

John Bishop

Kevin Bridges

Ross Noble

Jimmy Carr

Bill Bailey

Rhod Gilbert

Milton Jones

Micky Flanagan

Peter Kay

Agree with all of those , but would add Paddy McGuiness to that. Forget all the crappy TV stuff he does , I saw him live a couple of years ago at the Colston Hall and wasn't expecting much , but he was hilarious.

Seen Chubs about 7 or 8 times and he's brilliant but one of the funniest comedy gigs I've ever been to was Jim Davidson at Savas Club in Usk back in the early 90's. I couldn't breathe for laughing so much. Political Incorrectness at it's best !!

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However, you don't take into account the associated societal costs of smoking related disease. Stat sick pay while people are treated for lung cancer. Disability benefits for people who can't work due to emphysema. Cost to businesses while employees off sick. I agree that the 'cost to society' argument is a bit thin, but I don't think the UK profits from smokers

Fybromyalgia, stress, depression. The non copers in society. Target them. Genuinely get a grip. Can't think of anyone I have signed off long term on a smoking related issue. Absolute truth.

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Where did you get these figures from? This seems to be the standard battle around the figures for and against smoking but how can the smoking illness numbers be accounted for as it's mostly intangible? Surely the biggest killer is the price - pack of 20 over £7 I saw the other day - how can people afford it?!

The NHS's own estimate was around £1.5bn last time I looked. The duty revenue alone is over £11bn, and that ignores all the other tax revenue too. The cost to the NHS is a non argument.

You don't seriously think the government would allow smoking to cost the public purse money do you?

If people want to smoke let them smoke, they don't have the right to inflict it upon others and others don't have the right to tell them what to do with their own bodies.

There could be specific reserved smoking areas/rooms in public with no risk to non smokers whatsoever but the health nazis got their way.

Drinking is next, as you've seen recently with the thin end of the wedge being debated.

Apparently fun is being regulated in the next parliament.

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The NHS's own estimate was around £1.5bn last time I looked. The duty revenue alone is over £11bn, and that ignores all the other tax revenue too. The cost to the NHS is a non argument.

You don't seriously think the government would allow smoking to cost the public purse money do you?

If people want to smoke let them smoke, they don't have the right to inflict it upon others and others don't have the right to tell them what to do with their own bodies.

There could be specific reserved smoking areas/rooms in public with no risk to non smokers whatsoever but the health nazis got their way.

Drinking is next, as you've seen recently with the thin end of the wedge being debated.

Apparently fun is being regulated in the next parliament.

You know that's spot on Nibor, have occasion to disagree but fags and booze pales into comparison cost wise to the country and the NHS , to the 'mental health' and obesity problems we're confronting. Goes much deeper but I type one fingered.

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Out of respect for others... I appreciate not having to inhale someone elses smoke.

I like a drink, but i'm not allowed to during a game.

If you can't go 45 mins without a ciggie, then i'd have a serious word with yourself.

Also out of respect for lost their lives at Bradford... I wouldn't want smoking to return.

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Out of respect for others... I appreciate not having to inhale someone elses smoke.

I like a drink, but i'm not allowed to during a game.

If you can't go 45 mins without a ciggie, then i'd have a serious word with yourself.

Also out of respect for lost their lives at Bradford... I wouldn't want smoking to return.

Wasn't about then but this, hillsbrough and heisel (the liverpool Juventes final so excuse spelling) transformed the way football is watched. A good point well made sir

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Out of respect for others... I appreciate not having to inhale someone elses smoke.

I like a drink, but i'm not allowed to during a game.

If you can't go 45 mins without a ciggie, then i'd have a serious word with yourself.

Also out of respect for lost their lives at Bradford... I wouldn't want smoking to return.

Awful. Coming from up there originally I know a few who were at that game. One friend was sat in the open end, to the right of the fire. He's never going to forget that day as long as he lives and his worst memory is seeing people burning who were scrambling for safety. Some didn't make it, and my friend remembers one old man who wasn't fast enough to escape and knew it, so he just sat in his seat and waited for the flames. Imagine seeing that at a football game. People arguing about money spent in the NHS or raised in tax really do miss the point, which is firstly about safety and then as a much smaller point, about a better environment. Never, ever again.

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So`s fishing and real fishing; a lot of things can give you cancer including the fumes from the disgusting filthy car you drive around all day, do us a favour and use your bike or walk.

Its all but killed off the pub trade which are a shadow of what they used to be; another pc boring shackle, for some reason put on the decent working class; do you know them?

recession and breweries killed the pub trade, plus chain pubs like weatherspoons prepared for the smoking ban and understood before it that there were a huge amount of people out there who didn't want to eat/drink in a smoke filled pub. It's a culture thing, if we went back to smoking in pubs now then they'd lose more than they'd gain. If you really love the pub and you really love smoking then you won't find it hard to leave your beer for five minutes and have a smoke outside, that's what I do and I don't mind...
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Been to a few Beijing Guoan games over here, where smoking is still allowed.

Forgot just bad it is breathing in the crap of other peoples habits for 2 hours. Coming home wreaking of stale nicotine...right through to underclothes (how does that happen). And having a sore throat to boot!

Banning smoking in public places is one of the best things to happen in recent years.

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Don't smoke, won't smoke and hate the stale smell of other peoples fags on my clothes.

BUT, whenever I catch the smell of someone smoking it always takes me back to the terraces at Ashton Gate and is a smell I will forever connect with football and the great days of winning promotion to the proper First Division.

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However, you don't take into account the associated societal costs of smoking related disease. Stat sick pay while people are treated for lung cancer. Disability benefits for people who can't work due to emphysema. Cost to businesses while employees off sick. I agree that the 'cost to society' argument is a bit thin, but I don't think the UK profits from smokers

Smokers die younger - so they costs the country less (especially the NHS) - duties,profits and salaries for shop staff, tabacco companies, freight, distribution plus the fact that the smoker dies younger so less pension payments, less long term care (when they get old - and the associated costs when they succumb to illness as age takes it toll). The costs to society/NHS is a terrible argument for smokers and drinkers because financially it does not exist, emotionally and physically - well that's a whole new ball park.

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Several pubs around glos have had serious fires which started in the kitchen areas are we next to see these areas banned from football grounds on safety grounds? steep steps in the Williams, East End and Dolman stands also pose a saftey risk are these too going to have limits/regulations put on them.

As prev poster said would you rather sit in a car with someone smoking or a pipe from the exhaust in through the window, only one would guarantee to kill you.

People who moan at the smell and danger to there health quite happily walk past a row of stationary traffic without telling the drivers to switch their engines off.

Football has become to tarty and is dieing a death because of it.

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Several pubs around glos have had serious fires which started in the kitchen areas are we next to see these areas banned from football grounds on safety grounds? steep steps in the Williams, East End and Dolman stands also pose a saftey risk are these too going to have limits/regulations put on them.

As prev poster said would you rather sit in a car with someone smoking or a pipe from the exhaust in through the window, only one would guarantee to kill you.

People who moan at the smell and danger to there health quite happily walk past a row of stationary traffic without telling the drivers to switch their engines off.

Football has become to tarty and is dieing a death because of it.

It's not just about health... it just friggin stinks if you are a non smoker.

Transport is pretty much a nessesity. Trying to compare smoking with transport fumes is just rediculous imho...no disrespect.

Smoking is purely a selfish act. Smokers need to get over the fact and stop moaning.

Drinkers have to abide by laws.

It's an addiction. Like drugs and alcohol.

The only reason Tobacco is allowed these days, is because of the revenue it brings into the Government.

If someone found it now, and it was new, and brought it into the country like any other addictive drug then it would be banned.

Why smokers think they have a right to blow their smoke and effect how non smokers feel, is beyond me.

To someone who doesn't smoke, it's the same as having someone stood next to you continually farting...it's that anti social and selfish. Why don't smokers understand that?

I've got mates who i sit with in the pub and they are up and down every 15 mins to have a ciggie... I just don't get it.

As for smoking around non smokers... how would the smokers feel if i started shooting up in front of them every 15 mins? I seriously can't see the difference... both are just addictions... however enjoyable.... are purely selfish.

If people want to do it fine...just do it in areas that don't effect others... simple.

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