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What's The Chances Of Bringing Smoking Back To Grounds ?

Tall King Blox

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I've seen better...

John Bishop, Lee Evans, Russell Howard

You're joking right? John Bishop for one is clearly not a comedian.

Current funniest: Rhod Gilbert, Jack Dee and the regulars on ISIHAC, Milton Jones and the master of comic timing that is Roy Chubby Brown.

And if you want confrontational then Frankie Boyle has his moments,

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I started a thread the other week on another forum about comedians here's a list of my favourites.

Roy Chubby Brown

Billy Connolly

Lee Evans

Frankie Boyle

Sean Lock

Lee Mack

John Bishop

Kevin Bridges

Ross Noble

Jimmy Carr

Bill Bailey

Rhod Gilbert

Milton Jones

Micky Flanagan

Peter Kay

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the worst thing about smoking in areas like football grounds is how selfishly inconsiderate it is. if you wanna have a smoke in a designated smoking area (where the only other people there are also voluntarily giving themselves cancer) then fine, no issue with that, but what right do you have to give the person / child next to you cancer? smoking ban in places like that is a godsend, and should be extended to other communal areas like bus shelters etc asap, in my opinion

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I've seen better...

John Bishop, Lee Evans, Russell Howard

Are you ******* serious?! None of those comedians are even funny, let alone funnier than Bill Hicks

The only reason I can think of to bring back smoking in football grounds is to piss off pious ex-smokers preaching about how disgusting a habit it is. The fact is, if you get a season ticket for you and your kid and it turns out all the season ticket holders around you smoke, then said child is breathing in their smoke for 90 minutes, 23 times a year. If it were a pub (and I think the smoking ban in pubs has been good) you could go elsewhere. You just paid hundreds of £ for a season ticket you're kind of stuck there

I'm an ex(ish) smoker and I would like nothing more than to go back to smoking daily but the fact is it's not good for you and it costs an absolute fortune so I'd rather spend my cash on something more healthy and wholesome... Like alcohol

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the worst thing about smoking in areas like football grounds is how selfishly inconsiderate it is. if you wanna have a smoke in a designated smoking area (where the only other people there are also voluntarily giving themselves cancer) then fine, no issue with that, but what right do you have to give the person / child next to you cancer? smoking ban in places like that is a godsend, and should be extended to other communal areas like bus shelters etc asap, in my opinion

The smoking ban does cover bus shelters, it just never gets enforced! Any structure which is more than 50% enclosed; I believe the floor is included in that so as long as it has a back and a roof you can't smoke in it

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I started a thread the other week on another forum about comedians here's a list of my favourites.

Roy Chubby Brown

Billy Connolly

Lee Evans

Frankie Boyle

Sean Lock

Lee Mack

John Bishop

Kevin Bridges

Ross Noble

Jimmy Carr

Bill Bailey

Rhod Gilbert

Milton Jones

Micky Flanagan

Peter Kay

Wonder how many of those smoke?..................

Lets face it the main reason for the indoor smoking ban was to devoid employee claims under HSE laws...............blame & claim culture raising its head again........thank you the good old USA :ill:

as for comedians - Bill HIcks was the greatest along with possibly Steve Wright - er....thank you good old USA :bored:

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The problem is no one is being really truthful about the causes and effects of smoking - if Bristol was a totally smoke free zone and not one person smoked in the city there would still be 100's of deaths recorded as caused by cigarette smoking every year in Bristol. Why ? Simply put every time someone dies of certain diseases (whether the person smokes or not) it is recorded as a partial death caused by smoking.

As for those crying about 2nd hand smoke killing them etc... there is still no proof of this, beyond tons of hysteria and scaremongering by antitabaco groups there is still no proven cause/effect. I have seen parents through hissing fits over e-cig vapour that is nothing but water vapour (less than you would get boiling the kettle) because they are so brainwashed into thinking their poor kid is going to keel over and die because of the evil man puffing on his "cancer stick".

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I started a thread the other week on another forum about comedians here's a list of my favourites.

Roy Chubby Brown

Billy Connolly

Lee Evans

Frankie Boyle

Sean Lock

Lee Mack

John Bishop

Kevin Bridges

Ross Noble

Jimmy Carr

Bill Bailey

Rhod Gilbert

Milton Jones

Micky Flanagan

Peter Kay

No Stewart Lee? Wowzers. He's the best right now.

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You're joking right? John Bishop for one is clearly not a comedian.

Current funniest: Rhod Gilbert, Jack Dee and the regulars on ISIHAC, Milton Jones and the master of comic timing that is Roy Chubby Brown.

And if you want confrontational then Frankie Boyle has his moments,

Frankie Boyle is a total moron. Sean Lock and Jimmy Carr are decent too.

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watch it.

the best comedian that ever lived.

Twice within twenty four hours that we agree, Duck.


Shocked that Jim Jeffries didn't get a mention in the list of current comedians. He's crude, but god he's funny. Tim Minchin at the other end of the scale is supremely talented.

And of the 'TV comedians' its between Sean Lock and Jon Richardson for me.

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I have, without reservation have to question your username, St. Pauls ? just a stab !

Nice one, love the little play on words at the end. Bedminster actually my good man. Try one of those NHS give up smoking kits. They're free and you get some cool stuff, so even if you don't want to give up, you win free stuff. Just a little gift from me to you for making me chuckle :D TBH now I'm an adult I wouldn't mind smoking so much in the stadium, it's just the kids I worry for.

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So`s fishing and real fishing; a lot of things can give you cancer including the fumes from the disgusting filthy car you drive around all day, do us a favour and use your bike or walk.

Its all but killed off the pub trade which are a shadow of what they used to be; another pc boring shackle, for some reason put on the decent working class; do you know them?

Surely nobody believes that nonsense about the smoking ban killing off the pub trade?

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Surely nobody believes that nonsense about the smoking ban killing off the pub trade?

No, rent and beer prices and in some instances the drink drive laws have killed of the pubtrade, as well as cheap supermarket alcohol prices

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Please forgive this post if it's been posted before, but for me, avin a fag and watching city was always.......bloody needed, i know i will get destroyed for this but being a smoker and watchin the City seemed the way forward, dont know what to do....Give up smoking ( Nearly said fags, but could imagine the abuse ) or give up city, i had a bollocking last year in the dolman, lost the plot, nerves on end so rolled up n sparked up, not to be anti social, my head went..So, to all you non smokers, Do you still love me ?

My view is that there should be sections in every ground for smokers. Make those areas for over 16s only so as to comply with the age when you can legally smoke. The complete ban on smoking - as we have now - is health fascism. For those with a hard line view on what's happened to smokers, just remember that the health fascists will be after drinkers next and then those same health fascists will then dictate what you can and can't eat etc and then who you can and can't marry. We supposedly live in a 'free country' but it doesn't seem so free to me given how the government tell us how to live our lives at every opportunity.

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We supposedly live in a 'free country' but it doesn't seem so free to me given how the government tell us how to live our lives at every opportunity.

We do live in a free country, however it's not very free if non-smokers have to pay tax to fund a smoker's treatment in hospital as a result of them smoking.

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Zero hope. It’s government legislation and there is no chance that football grounds would be given an exemption. If by some miracle there was some sort of exemption, it would probably mean having a segregated area just for smokers. The club wouldn’t be keen on this as it’s an extra cost / inconvenience.

Also relaxing the rules would have support from smokers, but non-smokers would be definitely against it. As a non-smoker I’m not interested if smokers are increasing the chances of serious illness as it their choice. What I object to is the awful smell that seeps into your clothes. It’s also worst in a football ground on windy days, as if you’re sitting / standing down wind, there is no escape from the fumes.

Those desperadoes, who can’t last 45 minutes without a puff, could always try an electronic cigarette. These are legal in non smoking areas.


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My view is that there should be sections in every ground for smokers. Make those areas for over 16s only so as to comply with the age when you can legally smoke. The complete ban on smoking - as we have now - is health fascism. For those with a hard line view on what's happened to smokers, just remember that the health fascists will be after drinkers next and then those same health fascists will then dictate what you can and can't eat etc and then who you can and can't marry. We supposedly live in a 'free country' but it doesn't seem so free to me given how the government tell us how to live our lives at every opportunity.

Well, can I perhaps pose the reverse of this question? If you were sat at Ashton Gate (for the sake of this argument you're a non-season ticket holder in unreserved seating) and the smoking ban had never come in and you're happily puffing away on a cigarette. The prevailing winds are blowing back into the chap behinds face and he taps you on the shoulder and asks you to put it out or move. Do you? I think that debate is valid for pretty much any scenario to be honest- not saying there's a wrong and a right but surely the rights of someone not to be exposed to smoke is at least as great as the right of someone to smoke? I'm an occasional smoker these days but as a result I really notice the stink on my clothes when I've had a couple of cigs, that's before we consider the health implications

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We do live in a free country, however it's not very free if non-smokers have to pay tax to fund a smoker's treatment in hospital as a result of them smoking.

Nice try. The government makes around £10 billlion off smokers in taxes each year - over double what it pays for 'smoking related (i.e. ANYTHING) illness'. I take it that the rest goes to funding non-smoker legislation and more.

I smoke but football grounds are too crowded and I wouldn;t bother even if it was allowed (which it won't be!).

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