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Disappointed In Sod Reaction


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Great win last night agaonst the gas celebrated in a slightly over the top way by some over exuberant supporters tarnished by press frenzy for a story aided and abetted by some do gooders. Hopefully the fa will see it for what it is. If they feel that therevis a case I will be gutted and hope they see fit to look at footage of rovers supporters running at the disabled section of the williams another storm in a tea cup but far worse.

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I think as a few others have said it takes little intelligence to understand what Sean was saying when he refers to the 'disappointment with the fans'. We seem to be dissecting his every word at the expense of 'the point' which is that the actions at the end overshadowed what was a terrific match and a terrific night. And the words of john Ward seem to echo, fairly closely, what Sean was saying.

I think the Police probably could have stopped that pitch invasion by having a line across the foot of the Dolman with or without horses; they instead chose to give a level of leeway to a relatively minor number of amoebas because let us not forget that is what they are; You put a bunch of amoebas together and you get a level of brain power sufficient to make a wrong 'decision'.

I have sat in the all stands at AG down the years and the least enjoyable was the Dolman because there always seemed a small number of foul mouthed morons who you could see were only intent on seeking trouble. I hope the filth get banned for life.

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Hmmm I just watched the BBC Interview and he just says 'both sets of fans were a disappointment'.

Sorry SOD but that is bollocks, the issue with the pitch invasion and Rovers surging etc is a minority of the crowd.

Seems he cant wait to stick the boot in sometimes (yes I appreciate the irony of that statement!).

It's clear to see that he is referring to the pitch invasion, spitting, coin throwing etc, not the atmosphere.

SOD seems to care more about this club than some of our own fans do as only a moron would accept the behaviour after the game and even during as acceptable. Coin throwing has to be one of the scummiest and most cowardly way to act at a football match, highly dangerous and always done with distance between the thrower and the victim. Spitting is also disgusting and all that guy in our stand did was made us look like thugs and degenerates.

I honestly couldn't care less if the thug element of our club is banned and my views are shot down by them and their mates, Bristol City is not their club, it's our club and the club itself doesn't condone these actions so if they can't respect the wishes of the club then they aren't true fans at all.

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SOD has come in for some criticism from some, in his time here before the game and for his comments after the pitch invasion. And I think it is fair to say, he is no Brian Clough, just yet. But give him time, and a green sweater, and let us see him taking a couple of swipes at the kiddies*, next time they choose to invade the pitch. Or, maybe he will need to win a few pots before trying this (cuffing kiddies ears, not sporting green tops). Two jpt cups in a row, perhaps?

*Kiddies. Get on you tube if you're not sure what I'm referring to, tap in Brian Clough/ hits fans. Then try tapping in 'Hillsbrough' and 'fences' and '96' and 'dead' Do a bit of research. And keep off the pitch.

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