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Sod - Bbc Radio - Stupid Question


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I heard he walked away when asked a question? What did they ask him?


The sheer awkwardness of the moment made me laugh. Essentially he was asked "Do you have the fight for this?" with reference to any other experience of bad times at clubs. He then told the reporter it was a stupid question and there was about 20 seconds of awkwardness before the interview ended abruptly!!

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It was a stupid question "have you got the fight for this" he ain't exactly going to come out and say "no I havnt"


Dude, its the media.


So many of the questions are always like this.


As a football manager you need to learn not to get into a s####y about them.

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I know he gets slated for the interview style but that is SOD,


However the interviewer was trying to ask questions that fans want answers too, to walk away was p**s poor


I am hacked off but I dont recall any empathy for the fans, to not try and show a little understanding in that situation is unprofessional.


Weve all seen managers apologise for a single poor performance, to only take nice questions and walk away from the tough questions is crap


Poor show IMO Mr OD, very poor show

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He has to say yes - "we are all up for the fight...the team, the manager, the board" - he walked off like a big kid, which also ties in with Lansdown (junior) who sounded like a very weak figure on this mornings Radio Briz!


We are in a mess !

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It was a stupid question "have you got the fight for this" he ain't exactly going to come out and say "no I havnt"

The questions will always be bland.

The interviewer can hardly say... Sean that was so Shit, what are you going to do about it because you are looking clueless.

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I think it was a fair enough question. Lets face it for the whole of the interview to that point he was talking about a "good/great performance"... if he can't see that we are bottom of the league for a reason then how can we be sure he has got any "fight" for the situation. Nothing has changed week on week. Something major needs to change very soon or well be looking at losses at Carlisle and the following game, and the following game...


For context, I, up until tonight, would consider myself an S'OD supporter and advocate more time.

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Fair play to him, it was a cliched stupid question. He may as well of asked "are you good enough to do your job properly".


His record answers that one i'm afraid.


it was a stupid question but SOD's petulant reaction will not help his cause, he should have said "of course I have" and called him a**** under his breath at the end of the interview.

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Fair play to him, it was a cliched stupid question. He may as well of asked "are you good enough to do your job properly".

And Sean would have replied "no I am not as I am not doing the RIGHT things at the RIGHT time and the Processes I adopt are not working. My behaviors have been pretty bad recently and I apologise for walking off the radio this evening"


SHIP him out ffs !

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I think he was asked 'have you got the stomach for this' and he said stupid question. Interviewer said I'm only asking if you can call on past experiences. SoD just kept on saying stupid question over and over and with awkward silences. The questions asked before were all quite fair 'what do you say to the players etc' and I just got the impression SoD was giving stupid answers if I am honest, almost like he was above answering them and trying to be clever, something like 'prepare for Saturday' and 'makes no difference how I prepare following a win or defeat'.

No doubt he is under a lot of pressure but to be totally frank he didn't help himself much by walking out of the press conference. I know he doesnt like the media but i hope he doesnt act like this when the board talks to him. I don't know what happened after as I arrived home and didn't listen any further.

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Fuming at SOD and his sloping shoulders. About time he took responsibility for poor performance after poor performance.

To label tonight's showing as an excellent performance is an insult and to then walk off like a stroppy little brat because you're asked a difficult question?

I've been a SOD supporter since day one but he's making it harder and harder to defend him.

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Fair play to him it was a stupid question, I'd rAther him not answer it then feed us a load of bullsh!t

The whole interview was bullsh!t !!! Apparently it was an excellent performance against an accomplished side. Honestly don't know what planet he's on at the moment.

First half they looked like a non league team and a good team would have gone in at HT 2 or 3 up.

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