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Pre Match Q&a

Bristol Rob

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Said it elsewhere and I'll say it here

Even I'm a tad scared that people are currently blinded by our league position and have therefore stopped worrying about the seemingly dangerous path our club is currently going down in terms of the type of fan it wants to see at our club.

There is space for everyone, the club would do very well to remember that, as its that type of fan that would still turn up and support the club when we aren't doing so well on the pitch.

Well said Dolly. Now let's who's going to slag Dolly off as a fascist paranoid yob...

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I've been concerned for sometime that the current excellent situation on the pitch is shrouding deeply worrying aspects off it.

To have someone normally as measured and closely connected to the club as Dolly saying this is a wake up call.

I think it's positive that the meeting was held but the comments made, answers given (and not) and language used only serve to further concern me.

When anything is at its best its amazing what propaganda can achieve.

One Team

Dolly and CH are rightly concerned, remember these are fans that have bent over backwards, walked a million miles and been to countless meetings over many, many years for the benefit of fans and the club they love.

We should all take note of off field activities by BS and not let our current success on the pitch distract from that;

Is promotion at any cost ok, maybe we should talk to our friends across the channel about that.

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The former "Eastenders" must have priority on everything.

They should have the pick of seats, whilst reserving the right to complain about cost and make continual digs towards the club.

If you are lucky, then you should feel priviliaged to sit along side them, so stop your whining and be grateful that you may be allowed into "their" stand.

Again ..

The former "Eastenders" must have priority on everything ... Could you point towards who has requested any priority in the South stand? South stand priority is a club decision formed by no obvious articulated lobby from fans.

They should have the pick of seats, whilst reserving the right to complain about cost ... Can you point to a cogent request to the FC beyond suggestions made by the ST&C regarding South stand pricing?

You are on the Fans Advisory Network and have the clubs ear. It should be hoped that you are more open minded, and "informed". Your advice could affect others.

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The former "Eastenders" must have priority on everything.

They should have the pick of seats, whilst reserving the right to complain about cost and make continual digs towards the club.

If you are lucky, then you should feel priviliaged to sit along side them, so stop your whining and be grateful that you may be allowed into "their" stand.

Bar BS3

For the third time.

As you are a form of fans representative on the Fans ADVISORY network you will have the clubs ear. As a courtesy to those your view could affect could you answer the following questions?

The former "Eastenders" must have priority on everything ... Could you point towards who has requested any priority in the South stand?

South stand priority is a club decision formed by no obvious articulated lobby from fans.

They should have the pick of seats, whilst reserving the right to complain about cost ... Can you point to a cogent request to the FC beyond suggestions made by the ST&C regarding South stand pricing?

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The former "Eastenders" must have priority on everything.

They should have the pick of seats, whilst reserving the right to complain about cost and make continual digs towards the club.

If you are lucky, then you should feel privileged to STAND along side them, so stop your whining and be grateful that you may be allowed into "their" stand.

So we are building a 6,000 seat stand for a minority of City supporters?

I have amended your post BS3 because everyone will have to stand in their end!

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So we are building a 6,000 seat stand for a minority of City supporters?

I have amended your post BS3 because everyone will have to stand in their end!

As you know the posters mind perhaps you could answer on the Fan Advisory Network members behalf?

The former "Eastenders" must have priority on everything ... Could you point towards who has requested any priority in the South stand?

South stand priority is a club decision formed by no obvious articulated lobby from fans.

They should have the pick of seats, whilst reserving the right to complain about cost ... Can you point to a cogent request to the FC beyond suggestions made by the ST&C regarding South stand pricing?

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WTMS - absolutely correct to press for these answers, but don't hold your breath.


There are some posters who make inaccurate and false statements in attempts to undermine and perpetuate propaganda - bcfcfinker and JM91 also spring to mind - but when pressed either refuse to answer the question or provide absurd response.

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WTMS - absolutely correct to press for these answers, but don't hold your breath.


There are some posters who make inaccurate and false statements in attempts to undermine and perpetuate propaganda - bcfcfinker and JM91 also spring to mind - but when pressed either refuse to answer the question or provide absurd response.


Given your signature, that did make me laugh.   :laughcont:

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Bar BS3

For the third time.

As you are a form of fans representative on the Fans ADVISORY network you will have the clubs ear. As a courtesy to those your view could affect could you answer the following questions?

The former "Eastenders" must have priority on everything ... Could you point towards who has requested any priority in the South stand?

South stand priority is a club decision formed by no obvious articulated lobby from fans.

They should have the pick of seats, whilst reserving the right to complain about cost ... Can you point to a cogent request to the FC beyond suggestions made by the ST&C regarding South stand pricing?

My comments were somewhat tongue in cheek, as I know that many people get a little bit disgruntled at the FACTS that the "Eastenders" get preferential treatment/rules to there in the ground.

They have been getting cheaper tickets. FACT.

They are "allowed" to stand, whilst others aren't. FACT.

They will get priority on choosing seats in the new South (not East) Stand. FACT.

All things that have been requested of the club. (Admittedly, "demanded" was putting it a bit strongly)

I know that it irks many people that despite these "privillages" they are often many of the most unreasonably vocal against the club and their efforts. Sometimes justifiably, but many times not so much so.

Rest assured that I never fight against the "Eastenders" at any club meetings. Why would I..? They do a lot of good and offer many positives to the club. (Well, some of them do..!)

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My comments were somewhat tongue in cheek, as I know that many people get a little bit disgruntled at the FACTS that the "Eastenders" get preferential treatment/rules to there in the ground.

They have been getting cheaper tickets. FACT.

They are "allowed" to stand, whilst others aren't. FACT.

They will get priority on choosing seats in the new South (not East) Stand. FACT.

All things that have been requested of the club. (Admittedly, "demanded" was putting it a bit strongly)

I know that it irks many people that despite these "privillages" they are often many of the most unreasonably vocal against the club and their efforts. Sometimes justifiably, but many times not so much so.

Rest assured that I never fight against the "Eastenders" at any club meetings. Why would I..? They do a lot of good and offer many positives to the club. (Well, some of them do..!)

You are a fans representative who has posted falsehoods on otib.

Could you answer the specific questions please?

Did fans make these requests at the last consultation in the DEH or to Mr Billigham Saturday?

The reason this forum had a Q&A and Saturdays meeting was so well attended is because fellow fans have so little faith in the Fans Parliament - Fans Advisory Network when individuals such as yourself have so little interest in the views of others.

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The reason this forum had a Q&A and Saturdays meeting was so well attended is because fellow fans have so little faith in the Fans Parliament - Fans Advisory Network when individuals such as yourself have so little interest in the views of others.


I would hazard a guess the reason saturdays meeting was "well attended" was more to do with it being held in a city pub a couple of hours before a game

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I would hazard a guess the reason saturdays meeting was "well attended" was more to do with it being held in a city pub a couple of hours before a game

The venue itself was suggested by the Supporters Trust.

Those present and regulars of the Three Lions would not hazard such a guess. The pub was full by 12.30 because fans had requested supporters to turn up to leave Mr Billigham in no doubt of the strength of feeling amongst a section of support.

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Those present and regulars of the Three Lions would not hazard such a guess. The pub was full by 12.3 because fans had requested supporters to turn up to leave Mr Billigham in no doubt of the strength of feeling amongst a section of support.


So it was a "manufactured" busy then? :shifty:

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The venue itself was suggested by the Supporters Trust.

Those present and regulars of the Three Lions would not hazard such a guess. The pub was full by 12.30 because fans had requested supporters to turn up to leave Mr Billigham in no doubt of the strength of feeling amongst a section of support.


The pub was full because City were at home, the same reason The Rising Sun was full at that time on Saturday.


That meeting could have been held at any venue in BS3 on Saturday and it would have been full.

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The pub was full because City were at home, the same reason The Rising Sun was full at that time on Saturday.

That meeting could have been held at any venue in BS3 on Saturday and it would have been full.

With respect that is totally untrue.

The banner on the front of the pub, the microphone being set up, the banned flags in the bag, the people present would not have been found at any other venue at 12.30.

Those who are veterans of meetings of the past will have noted the meeting was not exactly cordial.

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With respect that is totally untrue.

The banner on the front of the pub, the microphone being set up, the banned flags in the bag, the people present would not have been found at any other venue at 12.30.

Those who are veterans of meetings of the past will have noted the meeting was not exactly cordial.


But the pub would have still been full, meeting or no meeting. You're making it sound like it was full because of the meeting, but the truth is, no matter what pub they'd used, it would have been full.


The Lions regulars may not have attended a meeting at The Sun or The Robins, but by the same token, I'm sure there were punters in the other 2 pubs that would like a say on what goes on that didn't attend The Lions.

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Just a thought about the standing issue...

Would those who prefer standing be prepared to pay the difference between the normal match day price and the potential lost revenue from having a block of seats reduced in capacity by (up to) 10%?

Probably only two or three quid a game extra based on a block of 1500 seats being cut back to a 1350 block of seats and a match day price of about twenty five quid.

(Please note I did the sums in my head, so apologies if the numbers don't add up!).

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Just a thought about the standing issue...

Would those who prefer standing be prepared to pay the difference between the normal match day price and the potential lost revenue from having a block of seats reduced in capacity by (up to) 10%?

Probably only two or three quid a game extra based on a block of 1500 seats being cut back to a 1350 block of seats and a match day price of about twenty five quid.

(Please note I did the sums in my head, so apologies if the numbers don't add up!).

next year yes I wouldn't mind due to the lowered capacity, the following no.
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But the pub would have still been full, meeting or no meeting. You're making it sound like it was full because of the meeting, but the truth is, no matter what pub they'd used, it would have been full.

The Lions regulars may not have attended a meeting at The Sun or The Robins, but by the same token, I'm sure there were punters in the other 2 pubs that would like a say on what goes on that didn't attend The Lions.

Anybody could have attended.

The Three Lions is an obvious choice as it is part Bristol City museum and the culture / heritage on the walls was referred to within questions to Mr Billigham. That was an intent.

The Landlord is a personal friend who has frequently been a significant donator to fans initiatives. The Lions like too many pubs matchday is often not full at 12.30, that is truth. The pub was full because of the meeting.

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With respect that is totally untrue.

The banner on the front of the pub, the microphone being set up, the banned flags in the bag, the people present would not have been found at any other venue at 12.30.

Those who are veterans of meetings of the past will have noted the meeting was not exactly cordial.


So, following months of propoganda (no need for your usual 'facts' request, that's just my opinion), fans were press ganged into a pub, told to "leave Mr Billinghamin no doubt of the strength of feeling amongst a section of support" and the meeting was, as you admit, "not exactly cordial"


It comes across to me as a rather odd strategy for a minority to try and get what they want

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So, following months of propoganda (no need for your usual 'facts' request, that's just my opinion), fans were press ganged into a pub, told to "leave Mr Billinghamin no doubt of the strength of feeling amongst a section of support" and the meeting was, as you admit, "not exactly cordial"

It comes across to me as a rather odd strategy for a minority to try and get what they want

No at short notice more fans turned up to a BS3 pub than attend FAN meetings, ST meetings , some of the redevelopment consultations to share their concern with Andrew Billihgham about what is happening at what was their club.

The unease, resentment, disillusion being displayed despite the teams position and appearance at Wembley from fans unknown to those who have attended meetings over years was surprising. No press gangs needed.

Strategy .. No people are not sheep. They say what the feel and did.

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I haven't read the entire thread but felt it was not necessary to make a few comments from a long time supporter from the late 60's but now overseas exile, to help provide context.


Our club has struggled to establish itself in any meaningful way since relegation in 1980. The subsequent 1982 meltdown and the years of torment that have followed (with the very occasional bright point) have taken their toll on many of us and in some ways bound those of us who have stood on packed and empty terraces home and away more tightly together. In many respects those of us who were around when we nearly lost our club are so scarred by the experience that change is a difficult concept. 


This can be coupled with the many threads that have appeared on this forum attacking the majority shareholder his family/board members, the concept of Bristol Sport and decisions that are made by the board of the club, which I have no doubt they (the board) feel are in the best interests of BCFC. 


My personal opinion is that the more vociferous support need an end...This would be ideally the East End, but I am sure there may be rules that dictate this be in another area. I will keep my fingers crossed


Flags will come and go. Yes the Idea of BCFC Ultra's being banned is difficult to come to terms with, however BCFC have to consider things that in days gone by would not even register on the radar of a football club or it's supporters and the position of the Officers of the Company is a consideration whether supporters like it or not!


in the third millennium we have to come to terms with the fact Bristol City FC is a brand. As is MUFC. LFC. MCFC. CFC. If we ever want to compete in some way with these clubs then that is something we all need to get used to. We can put our collective heads in the sand and remain a footballing backwater, but in my experience if you are not moving forward you are moving backward....And I like being top of the league!


Bristol Sport is a concept based upon Barcelona that as many will know acts as the 'national' team of Catalonia and provides a focus for an entire region. I don't feel the replication of that vision as a bad thing and is a concept that simply does no exist in this country. As such I support the focus and vision of Bristol Sport. Lets face it, if you are going to copy a Football Club/Sports Club Barcelona is a pretty good place to start.


I 100% agree with DM BCFC needs to be inclusive of everyone. The Football Club do need to understand traditions of its long-term supporters who will be the ones standing/sitting on terraces when times are bad and they need to take very good care of those hard core fans. However the club needs to find new hard core supporters in the modern age and as much is it annoys me that they have not suffered for their club like I have (that last comment was tongue in cheek) the times we live in have changed and so have expectations. 



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