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Chelsea Fans In Paris - Disgrace


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I'm living in 2015, a period of history which hopefully will be looked back upon in twenty years time as that of the hypersensitive due to an over-steer of political correctness.


Hopefully by then, the collective consciousness will have evolved a sense of context and appreciation of intention to match its moral indignation and understand that in 2015, without context and appreciation of intention, more social disharmony was caused by the hypersensitive than the accused ever caused.   


I saw it as about as acceptably inoffensive banter as I see between work mates continually taking the piss out of each other in any way they can.  They know, like those Leicester fans, that no offence was intended.  


May I ask: are you actually offended by us being referred to as carrot munching, yocals?


No, I am offended when we are NOT referred to as carrot munching yocals 

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May I ask: are you actually offended by us being referred to as carrot munching, yocals?


No, but I would be if for years I, and many others like me, had been treated as a second class citizen just because of my accent and where I come from and it was being used as a term of abuse by the people using it automatically assuming their superiority over me.

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Yes this seems to be swept under the carpet in this PC age.. There doesn't seem to be much outcry when a white person is subject to racist abuse.


All forms of racism are deplorable and unacceptable whichever race you maybe.

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No, but I would be if for years I, and many others like me, had been treated as a second class citizen just because of my accent and where I come from and it was being used as a term of abuse by the people using it automatically assuming their superiority over me.


Ummm.. we are lets be honest.


The rest of the country views us as backward inbred yokels, our accent is constantly mocked but why be offended?


Personally I don't care and am proud of my Gloucestershire heritage :)

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It just struck me, Chelsea have changed their arrangements.

Only a few years ago when they were away in Europe, fans could not purchase JUST a match ticket and make their own way there & back.

Instead you had to buy a complete package; travel with the Supporters Club on their coach, train, plane etc, stay in the hotel chosen buy the club and travel from hotel to ground in one mass. After the game back to the hotel and leave the next morning.

It now appears many fans have been able to make their own way to & from Paris.

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The way he was shoved off the carriage was more than just "no room here mate" in my opinion. But as I said, that could just be because the Chelsea fans are ******* rather than racists- until they opened their mouths of course

Sorry fellla I think you love playing the race card, before the idiots sang the dopey song, it was **** all to do with race. it was to do with a man, not a black, yelloow, white or ******* green man, but A MAN trying to forcefully trying to barge in front a group of lads,  Be in England or any other country the result would have been the same.

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Jesus with the way some of you are portraying and playing down the incident I wonder if you've even watched the same video I have.

If I'm on a crowded train I don't let someone know they cant get on/there's no room by waving my fists at them and shoving them repeatedly halfway across the platform for example.

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should not have tried pushing passed a load of lads, try another f*/king carraige

Why shouldn't he exactly? He was someone who wanted to get on the train to go home from work like he does every day. Why shouldn't he try on get on where some "lads" were, I didn't realise being a "lad" afforded you such privileges?

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The chanting was an after thought

To a white Frenchman they would have probably given him the enger-land treatment

Not saying any of this is right, just think whoever had of tried to get on that carriage would have been abused, male or female and whatever race or religion

That chant has obviously been used before by the same group of lads,it was spontaneous and rolled off there tongues.

We all know Chelsea have a big right wing/racist following,they are scum imo.

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Sorry fellla I think you love playing the race card, before the idiots sang the dopey song, it was **** all to do with race. it was to do with a man, not a black, yelloow, white or ******* green man, but A MAN trying to forcefully trying to barge in front a group of lads, Be in England or any other country the result would have been the same.


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I see that Chelsea are inviting the guy over to watch a game from the directors' box. Maybe they will do the full monty to show how much the club is against racism: stadium tour, meet the captain etc.

It might add insult to injury if said captain then made a move on his ex-girlfriend....
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should not have tried pushing passed a load of lads, try another f*/king carraige


You must be on a fishing trip mate (I hope), If you watch the video a woman gets off the train easily ( in fact the Chelsea fans lear after her before the black guy tries to board).

He exchanges words with them (which may have been "excuse me") and was then shoved back repeatedly by two a**holes who would not step aside. The final scene shows that the carriage had sufficient space for more passengers, and indeed a black woman exited the train (some time after it stopped, maybe intimidated).

These were no more than racist thugs and not  too young to know any different.

If they were my kids I would be ashamed of their upbringing and be onto the police without hesitation!

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You must be on a fishing trip mate (I hope), If you watch the video a woman gets off the train easily ( in fact the Chelsea fans lear after her before the black guy tries to board).

He exchanges words with them (which may have been "excuse me") and was then shoved back repeatedly by two a**holes who would not step aside. The final scene shows that the carriage had sufficient space for more passengers, and indeed a black woman exited the train (some time after it stopped, maybe intimidated).

These were no more than racist thugs and not  too young to know any different.

If they were my kids I would be ashamed of their upbringing and be onto the police without hesitation!

I never fish, just say what I see and you would openly ring the police and get your son/daughter arrested for singing a stupid song, and that is WHAT MADE IT RACIST, glad you are not my dad.

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You must be on a fishing trip mate (I hope), If you watch the video a woman gets off the train easily ( in fact the Chelsea fans lear after her before the black guy tries to board).

He exchanges words with them (which may have been "excuse me") and was then shoved back repeatedly by two a**holes who would not step aside. The final scene shows that the carriage had sufficient space for more passengers, and indeed a black woman exited the train (some time after it stopped, maybe intimidated).

These were no more than racist thugs and not too young to know any different.

If they were my kids I would be ashamed of their upbringing and be onto the police without hesitation!

You missed out the words "cowardly" and "bullies" in your description of them. Incredibly easy to act the hard man with 20 mates behind you, but I daresay some of them would fill their pants at the prospect of going 1 on 1 with someone.

Have a number of friends who are Chelsea fans, none of whom I know to be racist *****, but equally , going to ganes with them, I have had the joy of seeing and hearing racist chants, sieg heil salutes and people hawking British Bulldog. Most clubs have a greater or lesser number of these types, including us. It just seems Chelsea are higher up the list.

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I never fish, just say what I see and you would openly ring the police and get your son/daughter arrested for singing a stupid song, and that is WHAT MADE IT RACIST, glad you are not my dad.


You obviously see yourself as a bit of a 'lad' and want to try and stick up for the Chelsea fans but you really are embarrassing yourself now.

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Before Sonofabitch took over Hellski, I used to go to the Bridge one weekend with a serving member of the RAF, and theyd come to the Gate the following week. I stood in their infamous Shed and there was absolutely shit loads of racist abuse pouring out all game, far far worse than the Gate was at the time, loads of the sieg heiling ***** infested their club. most Hellski fans aint racist but I suspect their right wing support is higher than most clubs.


The old cliche about hooligan fand being chavs is out of date...look at those arrested in France 98, antiques dealers, stockbrokers, soldiers, brickies.


The disease of racism, and by modern standards unacceptable behaviour at grounds, ie was acceptable in the past, but is not anymore is the second biggest issue in football after the obscene amounts of money flowing in to the topo elements on national football in our case the Premiershite. All too many people hanker back to bygone days...those bygone days led to Hysel and all the other games disrupted by violence, racism, and stupidity..


Hope these bastards if guilty are banned for life...totally unacceptable behaviour...*********

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No, but I would be if for years I, and many others like me, had been treated as a second class citizen just because of my accent and where I come from and it was being used as a term of abuse by the people using it automatically assuming their superiority over me.

This is the response people generally use an I understand it.


To keep bringing it up almost perpetuates racism, no?


The last time the East End sang 'curry songs' (the exact lyric and tune of which I have actually forgotten - fairly sure it wasn't 'poppadom' though!), was because that was the apparent target for a bit of banter/piss taking (read: engagement with fans of the opposition for the purpose of a vociferous 'atmosphere' ).


It was Dave L, not the Leicester fans, who made the issue of it and that was my point.  Much like flag gate - no fascism/racism - just an over reaction from the ignorant.


Hope the authorities take seriously the issue of racism but hope that they don't continue to misguide their efforts on the innocent.

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hope that they don't continue to misguide their efforts on the innocent.

This will have effects all over the country, in many different ways.

5 ignorant, cowardly, thick as pig shit Chelsea fans racially abuse someone and the rest of the supporting country suffers.

For example, now all chelsea fans are all 'racist scum'. Adrian Durham of TalkSport is getting black supporters to ring in pushing and pushing until he can find an unknown example of racism inside Stamford Bridge, whether true or not, to kick off about.

Football fans reputation is tarnished thanks to 5 or 6 *******, and the authorities will become even more tighter in what is acceptable and what isn't because of the media storm that has occurred after this incident, they will be worried that their club will get that sort of negative publicity and try and stamp out chants that aren't intended to cause serious offence, such as the ones you are reffering to against Leicester, which by the way I agree is NOTHING like this incident.

It affects the whole football league ladder and football fans reputation just because of some deluded set of thick *****.

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