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Aden Flint Is Having A Party ...


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I think the songs kind of police themselves, certain bits of songs I've not sang in the past but join in with the body of the song, like I said it's opinion and choice. On the whole football songs tend to be a bit near the edge, that's the nature of them. Simple and with a bit of humour works best.

I don't think anyone really thinks that Aden Flint is having a drugs party, it's so unlikely that it gets sung about for some reason. If the song is well recieved it will stay around for a while, if not it will fade naturally like many others have done in the past. Sounds like the bits that contain the drugs/alcohol references are being dropped anyway.

One of the best chants from the old, old Eastend was the 'you're gonna ride in a Bristol Ambulance' which could be now seen as threatening violence, but back then it was just a humorous chant, well on the whole it was!

Edit: and if any kids aren't aware of the dangers of drugs and alcohol by now where have they been? I'm sure the kids people are concerned about have far more knowledge about this stuff than I did as a kid, and I managed to grow up just fine (in my opinion) anyway.

Who could forget the gentle melodies of "hit him on the ead,

Hit him on the ead with a baseball bat " ?

Or the meandering

"You 're going in the river"

The wistful "you're gonna get your f. Ucking head kicked in"

Ah ,fond memories of a simpler time .

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Your attempt had too many syllables though.

I bet you're fuming that our song is "Drink Up Thy Cider" as some of the bad men may sing the words about beating up Rovers fans......

As I have said its not that I dont like it because its offensive, I don't like it because its just a very shit and embarrassing song!

I think whoever came up with it must literally have been on coke at the time.

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Your attempt had too many syllables though.

I bet you're fuming that our song is "Drink Up Thy Cider" as some of the bad men may sing the words about beating up Rovers fans......

As I have said its not that I dont like it because its offensive, I don't like it because its just a very shit and embarrassing song!

I think whoever came up with it must literally have been on coke at the time.

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As I have said its not that I dont like it because its offensive, I don't like it because its just a very shit and embarrassing song!

I think whoever came up with it must literally have been on coke at the time.


I'll wager right now that FKAI has so many more life experiences and anecdotes than anyone else on this forum, maybe even all collectively. I'm so sure because he sounds like a right facking laugh.

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What is this world coming to, the guys and gals in block e are just trying to add a bit of support to the team and have a laugh with it!

It doesn't offend me and it's not as if those singing it are condoning it, why are people so obsessed with being over the top when it comes to PC!

Next thing you'll be suggesting will be to change the following lyrics to something more non PC!

Darrell Clarkes mother is a HORSE!

Lighten up people and enjoy yourselves!

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I'll wager right now that FKAI has so many more life experiences and anecdotes than anyone else on this forum, maybe even all collectively. I'm so sure because he sounds like a right facking laugh.

You must know me so well. If I say I like the song can I join the cool kids at the back, who most likely dabble a bit in recreational activities by the looks of them

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You must know me so well. If I say I like the song can I join the cool kids at the back, who most likely dabble a bit in recreational activities by the looks of them


Don't just join in. Own it.

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I wonder what professional athlete Aden Flint thinks of his song?

If people wanna sing it, it's just a bit of fun, like all football songs, as Red M and Dolly have said.

Why I don't is the "vodka and charlie" bit which sounds rather "Jeremy Kyle".

Might as well sing about "going down the sosh" or "having a stand-up row with your missus outside your house".

I change the line to "bring a bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 82" of course, although it's tough to make that scan. ;-)

Wimbledon sing:

We drink champaign, we snort cocain, we've got wombles in out lives

You've got shit jobs, you shag your dogs and your wife is on the game

Plus two or three other verses re fararies, Bacardi and Readers wives.

Far classier :)

As for me, I would never actually say to my Dad **** off, bollox, you're a****. Unless he ever told me to be a R*vers fan, which he has pain stakenly pointed out over the years was never going to be allowed to happen. 1-0 him. Were I a proper rebel, I would now be a gas head.

I digress.

It's the constant foul language I feel more sensitive about, ironically. Wouldn't take my niece and nephew in the wrong stand for them.

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As for me, I would never actually say to my Dad **** off, bollox, you're a ****.


Never say never, it sounds as though if you ever wind up at one of Aden Flint's house parties you may be so off your nut you don't know what you're saying to whom.

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Never say never, it sounds as though if you ever wind up at one of Aden Flint's house parties you may be so off your nut you don't know what you're saying to whom.

Funny you should pick up on that, the only time I c worded in front of my parents was when I was 'off my nut'.

When's Aden's big bash btw?

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Not offended by it, but wouldn't sing it as find it pretty sad. 


Did someone invent the song thinking drugs are cool?


Drugs are bad, mmmmkay. 


You obviously mean those "other" drugs....    the "untaxed ones"....  although one of the highly taxed ones is pretty much banned from everywhere including all football stadia anyway...regardless of roof on a stand or not..........


And it is perfectly Ok to go out and cause as much trouble to our Police & Hospitals as you like while imbibing the other taxed drugs.........

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Interesting. So the one that causes far more deaths, burden on the healthcare system, violence, tears families apart is the "cool" one?


The other one used by everyone from Mick Jagger to Winston Churchill is not cool and a bit "sad"?


You must be one cool cat.

Come on KITR.

How biased do you want your post to be?


Jagger and Churchill also drink.

Drugs also kill.

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I feel the way to settle this once and for all would be a new song for Aden Flint.

To appease the hypocrites no mention of banned substances but alcohol is fine; to appease the druggys to the tune of White Rabbit - Jefferson Aeroplane.

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Interesting. So the one that causes far more deaths, burden on the healthcare system, violence, tears families apart is the "cool" one?


The other one used by everyone from Mick Jagger to Winston Churchill is not cool and a bit "sad"?


You must be one cool cat.


Guess both are used to excess aren't they, to bad effect. 


Not sure I know anyway who uses the perfectly safe one, I must be in with the wrong crowd(s). 

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He's having a big bash, bring a bottle of Wolf Blass!

Preferably the special reserve...

Had to wiki that to understand the reference. You sophisticate, you! Maybe from the posh seats, they should be blasting out 'oh Blasso!, oh Blasso!' in honour of Adriano :)

The non-football debate here is that alcohol is far and away the biggest drug related issue the country has. Yet City's anthem is "Drink up thy Zider , drink up thy Zider, for tonight we'll merry be. We'll all go down the R*vers, to do the bastards over, there's still more Zider in the jug".

'Irony' has become a much over used and misunderstood word but applies here.

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'You're going home in a Bristol Ambulance', was the later, and very much toned down version of, 'You're going to get your ******* heads kicked in' RedM.


I'm afraid neither was a humourous chant at all, that was in the 70's and it most certainly WAS threatening violence.

I'm well aware of the heads kicked in chant too. 70's is a bit before my time, by the time I was in the Eastend on the whole it was more of a chant which was said but not acted on in the way it once was. And now I never hear it at all. How football evolves, as heard in a terrace song I suppose.

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