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Congratulations To David Lloyd (Merged)

Bristol Rob

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Marina, probably worth highlighting Dave was only posting on the Q&A section, which was pre moderated by mods. NOTHING was posted that was offensive or rude, my problem is he still views the forum so could still be active but sadly a vital two way comms has sadly been lost.

This is my opinion, when the Q&A stopped I assumed that was a directive from Bristol sport, but as mentioned above situations arose where wrong messages were coming out of the club, but since see better responses from Andrew Billingham and Martin Griffiths.

To say why not email etc, yes that is of use for personal problems but for bigger issues that affect a larger number this forum has to be the answer.

I know that there was reference to reviewing someone replying from the club on here, am hopeful that this could still happen. But sadly during a summer where there were lots of questions needing answering as indicated by people above there is clearly bride building needed

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MMR why compare us to the Gas, why not a comparison to Swansea or Bournemouth?

As for DL I have had the pleasure or otherwise of meeting him, in the hospitality area he was charm personified, a good ambassador for the club, outside of that he barely gave me the time of day when as an ordinary punter I approached him outside the ground on a match day, not a good liaison officer in my opinion, and there's seatgate, either very slack in performing a task he had been asked to do, or at worst took a guess cause he couldn't be bothered, how else do you explain 8 seats with obstructed views becoming 40?

I agree this forum could be populated by many non city fans, however, the thread that was monitored and indeed sifted for him to give replies was a very useful way of answering dare I say it ordinary fans questions.

It raised many serious issues and should be reinstated.

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Just been off sick and subjected myself to a daytime TV fest. I obviously missed the Doctors episodes with the good scripts!

Dave's idea of a good script is to get a Bristol City footballers name into Eastenders. ?
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It's a difficult one. There are 12000 ST holders- OTIB is actively used by maybe 5% of these so maybe they don't see OTIB as the most appropriate vehicle? I don't believe that BS want to be as accountable as many fans including me would like. Every decision from colour of kit to flavour of pie is debated in great detail and often with a great difference of opinion amongst the fans. Large business is rarely good at dialogue particularly when the service user is so disparate. But it's good to know you are trying to reopen channels and I hope you succeed.

They aren't a large business though are they, maybe 15,000 regular customers, with up to 3 times that at peak times (Wembley?).

Why close down any avenue of communication if your looking to increase your customer base?

The only reason I can think of is that some of the questions highlighted the inadequacy of the people leading the company.

If BS are to be successful they should engage with the fan base via all forms of media.

There have been occasions where they have listened, Bubble machines and Ultras being a couple, I believe those two examples were championed on this forum.

I agree there are many points of view, but we all want the same thing, success for the Football club.

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Seems a nice guy but I think his role is supporter liaison for Bristol Sport/Bristol City so is basically the personal communications method for the club/Bristol Sport. I don't think he is fans liaison officer to Bristol Sport and doesn't act on behalf of the fans, which is closer to what the supports trust do.


I find him quite Teflon as well - I think he would probably make a good politician.

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It's a difficult one. There are 12000 ST holders- OTIB is actively used by maybe 5% of these so maybe they don't see OTIB as the most appropriate vehicle? I don't believe that BS want to be as accountable as many fans including me would like. Every decision from colour of kit to flavour of pie is debated in great detail and often with a great difference of opinion amongst the fans. Large business is rarely good at dialogue particularly when the service user is so disparate. But it's good to know you are trying to reopen channels and I hope you succeed.

They aren't a large business though are they, maybe 15,000 regular customers, with up to 3 times that at peak times (Wembley?).

Why close down any avenue of communication if your looking to increase your customer base?

The only reason I can think of is that some of the questions highlighted the inadequacy of the people leading the company.

If BS are to be successful they should engage with the fan base via all forms of media.

There have been occasions where they have listened, Bubble machines and Ultras being a couple, I believe those two examples were championed on this forum.

I agree there are many points of view, but we all want the same thing, success for the Football club.


BS has probably closer to 25000 regular customers - this will grow in line with the stadium and when Bristol Rugby get promoted. In my book that's a large amount of punters to keep happy.


I have no idea why Q&A's was shut down- I'm sure Phantom has said what he can and those who run OTIB are doing what they can- and you make a good point about Ultras/ bubble. 


One thing's for sure though - if he reads some of the posts about himself he is hardly likely to respond positively. There's tough love and then there's verging on the downright rude.

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In regards to flags within the Eastend it is fair to point out Dave L helped to increase the number of flags displayed and liaised with fans/club resulting in the Mural etc within the stand. Over seven years it was clear that despite his title Dave L was the clubs liaison, he was a club mouthpiece and was acting on instruction even if he did not agree with the decisions.

His role under BS is similar. It should be noted that some of the flags originally banned by Bristol Sport, and being privy to e mails and discussion as flag owners it was Bristol Sport are some of the same [ultra x1 & Loyal x1] flags Dave L helped to find space for in the Eastend. Not for the first time Mr Llyod was asked [?} to be towing the official line and double standard.

Dave L was also contacted regarding this - http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/WTMS/slideshow/Flags%20at%20AG?sort=3. A idea of a joint fans FC - BS red and white day was mooted. Mr Llyod was receptive and enthusiastic, but his enthusiasm it is fair to say was not shared by BS - FC employees [zero interest v sheds again!!], the idea stayed with fans v a wider event.

Dave L not taking part in the Q&A is myopic and also goes against a point highlighted by Mr Billingham in public that BS needed to work more on the BCFC brand. Liaising is work. Articulating Bristol Sports vision for its BCFC brand is work. Otib has 13000+ members and provides opportunity for Bristol Sport to increase it reach, increase engagement, be proactive and customer/fan centred, be creative and use fans as the resource and asset they are to improve what Bristol Sport now control = Working more on the BCFC brand.

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I like Dave, although have an issue with his lack of clout and the fact he doesn't represent the fans, he's more of a communication conduit.

This position smacks of a smooth marketing exercise where the words "our customers are important to us" and the like will be mantras peddled endlessly.

Smells more like faceless big business than anything else.

Hope I'm wrong.

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BS has probably closer to 25000 regular customers - this will grow in line with the stadium and when Bristol Rugby get promoted. In my book that's a large amount of punters to keep happy.

I have no idea why Q&A's was shut down- I'm sure Phantom has said what he can and those who run OTIB are doing what they can- and you make a good point about Ultras/ bubble.

One thing's for sure though - if he reads some of the posts about himself he is hardly likely to respond positively. There's tough love and then there's verging on the downright rude.

My employment role involves engaging with people who can be more than difficult, I have experienced more than the odd boo hoo word. That does not mean I have withdrawn from elements of my role, it means I take responsibility, look at what I do and attempt to improve my performance.

Being able to ask questions openly on a "moderated" non rude Q&A facility was an improvement that Mr Llyod decided was not for him. That can be considered downright rude as well.

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I don't blame DL at all for not continuing with the Q&A forum as it was abused - the same as the ask SL forum some years ago.

Some of the obsessives and drama queens on here would be having a field day with the lack of signings and stadium issues.

Its not his fault its closed down, its the fault of some of the nutters on here.

How was the Q&A abused when questions were moderated by people, including members of the Supporters club and trust?

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Being able to ask questions openly on a "moderated" non rude Q&A facility was an improvement that Mr Llyod decided was not for him. That can be considered downright rude as well.


Depends whether Mr "LLyod" made the decision or whether the decision was made for him and also what was said at the time between OTIB and DL. I can't answer that so it is purely speculation on your behalf.


And mine.

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Depends whether Mr "LLyod" made the decision or whether the decision was made for him and also what was said at the time between OTIB and DL. I can't answer that so it is purely speculation on your behalf.

And mine.

Dave L posted on otib he had decided to withdraw from the forum.

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Sorry but this is simply not true, every question that appeared had to be approved by one of the OTIB admin, not once was anything offensive posted

Or did we recieve any complaints at the time. We are as baffled as the rest of you and everything was done to encourage the Q&A section to be used as we could see the benefit to all.

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Yes- but whose decision was it in reality? I doubt very much that an employed ( and DL was/is part time) fan liaison officer can make unilateral decisions about such things.

Dave L made a post outlining why he was withdrawing from otib. He provided his own reasoning. This did occur.

I made light reference to his reasoning i.e abuse. This was not speculation.

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I don't blame DL at all for not continuing with the Q&A forum as it was abused

The admin / mods of Otib are disagreeing with your statement.

However if they are all mistaken the Q&A was created via agreement with David Lloyd that it was moderated. If this alleged abuse did occur once, or twice it must have been by accident where Moderators were less than diligent. A simple moderation issue that could have been rectified easily via discussion, instead of a BS/BCFC supporter liaison removing himself from the largest on line prescience associated with Bristol City.

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The admin / mods of Otib are disagreeing with your statement.

However if they are all mistaken the Q&A was created via agreement with David Lloyd that it was moderated. If this alleged abuse did occur once, or twice it must have been by accident where Moderators were less than diligent. A simple moderation issue that could have been rectified easily via discussion, instead of a BS/BCFC supporter liaison removing himself from the largest on line prescience associated with Bristol City.

I'm sorry but I'm standing firm here. Nothing remotely abusive was posted in the Q&A, infact I thought people used it really well. The only thing I personally moderated were repeated questions where the answer was given previously. If I thought the question was slightly different or not fully answered I would let a question be asked again, and I can vouch that the other mods/admins acted in the same way.

I am so confident abuse didn't happen in the Q&A as when we heard about it we searched through all the posts and found nothing, and as I stated we recieved no reports.

I thought the Q&A was useful as I said. Now all we (mods/admins and forum users) are doing is answering questions over and over and trying to help eachother mainly from experience or guesswork, nothing official. I believe DaveL communicates by email, but it must be a right pain getting 50 emails all asking about turnstile access for example when a single post in the Q&A section would have surficed.

That's my thoughts anyway.

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I'm sorry but I'm standing firm here. Nothing remotely abusive was posted in the Q&A, infact I thought people used it really well. The only thing I personally moderated were repeated questions where the answer was given previously. If I thought the question was slightly different or not fully answered I would let a question be asked again, and I can vouch that the other mods/admins acted in the same way.

I am so confident abuse didn't happen in the Q&A as when we heard about it we searched through all the posts and found nothing, and as I stated we recieved no reports.

I thought the Q&A was useful as I said. Now all we (mods/admins and forum users) are doing is answering questions over and over and trying to help eachother mainly from experience or guesswork, nothing official. I believe DaveL communicates by email, but it must be a right pain getting 50 emails all asking about turnstile access for example when a single post in the Q&A section would have surficed.

That's my thoughts anyway.

What M said. I have also asked on more than one occasion for any abuse posted to be highlighted to us. No one ever came back to me/the other mods

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I'm sorry but I'm standing firm here. Nothing remotely abusive was posted in the Q&A, infact I thought people used it really well. The only thing I personally moderated were repeated questions where the answer was given previously. If I thought the question was slightly different or not fully answered I would let a question be asked again, and I can vouch that the other mods/admins acted in the same way.

I am so confident abuse didn't happen in the Q&A as when we heard about it we searched through all the posts and found nothing, and as I stated we recieved no reports.

I thought the Q&A was useful as I said. Now all we (mods/admins and forum users) are doing is answering questions over and over and trying to help eachother mainly from experience or guesswork, nothing official. I believe DaveL communicates by email, but it must be a right pain getting 50 emails all asking about turnstile access for example when a single post in the Q&A section would have surficed.

That's my thoughts anyway.

Nothing abusive was posted ... It is not doubted.

So that leaves the nature of questions ... Repeated questions were moderated.

Questions were being replied to quickly, often quicker than e mails to Dave L are.

Quick, easy, open all pros.

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