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Sc Now Has The Moody On!


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I'm pretty sure that, despite protestations to the contrary, last summers transfer business was predicated on Baldock leaving. Otherwise, given the fact he was probably on big, big wages, I would think that we would have struggled to comply with financial rules for league 1

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Unfortunately there seems to be a vocal minority that are incapable of debate.

They lose it, when they don't like what they are hearing.

Then they accuse people of agendas and start to make things up.

Before you know it....they read everything you post as negative, and how THEY want to read it....to fit their way of thinking.

All it does is stop people from posting, especially those who have something worth saying.

This forum really has become dumbed down because of it.

I know of a few people who would like to post, but don't because of the idiotic replies.

Anyway....this will stir a few replies....

Imho....if we don't sign anymore players between now and the end of August, and Bryan doesn't recover this month, I predict we will be second from bottom with 1 point. That's how bad I think things are right at this minute.

Of course I don't want that to happen and I want the team flying high and proving me wrong....but from what ive seen so far this pre season with team and club and manager, that's how I see it. Tough games through August....can only see us getting a point against Leeds.

Interesting, FWIW I think we'll win tonight off the back of Saturday and may even get a win vs Brentford with home advantage and as they struggle to find their rhythm with lots of new players and losing some important ones.

Apart from that though, it's going to be a tough month especially if Bryan is out for a while.

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Does this thread qualify as the most puerile, childish, half witted and generally laughable of the month.


Its a shame that people get quoted sometimes as I cant help myself reading the nonsense (I know I should be better than that) they talk that many many have long since put on ignore! Hence the same people having the same conversation on one side or the other slightly varied.


The pointless waste of time of confronting each other directly from behind a keyboard and staring cyber bitch slap match's where people are trying to out irony/twist each other is not only ridiculously ironic but counter productive and I recently gave advice not to do it for the sake of ones blood pressure. Mine is good thanks!


I respect that some don't see what  others do, that is the human condition, however a single post or series of posts in a thread does not make me feel there are agendas. However long-term posting in a certain way will make many feel that individuals have an agenda and as such the ignore button is available....I use it to good effect. More should try it! I'm certain SL SC KB et al would if they could be arsed to read some of the drivel.


Yesterday it was all about SL's business acumen, the bloke is a multi billionaire, so if there is somebody more wealthy with bigger business commitments on here (I doubt it) then please let me know and I'll read your thoughts with interest!

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I can't say I'm altogether surprised by the Gayle bid, assuming it's true...


Now hopefully if we can pull it off SC can get back to saying how wonderful SL is!

Your constant bitching at SC really is irritating, you made it quite clear from day 1 that you thoroughly dislike him


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