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Woodsy's big day match day thread...


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Jokes aside I hope to be in attendance at AG very soon and would be happy to buy you a couple of beers in BS3.

Good luck for the future mate. 

Cheers Tone. God knows when I'll be there next, but I'll certainly take you up on the offer next time we're both in the area!

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Graham Rowntree more like !!  How did you pick up a looker like that or did you just chat up her guide dog ?

Paul O'Connell is the one I get refered to the most, I should think he'd dwarf me in real life!

Have to laugh coz little babber on the left looks like she's blowing a big raspberry at the camera

Poor Gracie was fed up of smiling by this point, there were a handful of people pulling funny faces at her behind the camera - I love this one!

WHAT ? The Bride and the Kids  ?

Now, that did make I larf!

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Cheers Tone. God knows when I'll be there next, but I'll certainly take you up on the offer next time we're both in the area!

look forward to the opportunity. Keep in touch and LET'S DO IT !!  We can talk about everyone else's mental problems as well and have a good laugh, sorry I meant find a solution

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Blimey - I am honoured to have my own thread on here! 

Can I just confirm the bloke in the pic isn't me, although he looks more like Max Branding than I do @Super

Mrs Woodsy did say 'yes, yes, yes' I can happily report. In true newly wed style, the good lady is watching Dexter, whilst I listen to the football....and I've got a pass for the England game tomorrow night too. Not only got married on international weekend, as the girls are back at school we're going to do the honeymoon in May, after the season is finished

Upstairs for thinking, downstairs for dancing  - she's a good 'un!

Nice one Woodsy, congrats to you both !

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