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Memorial Gates sprayed again

Barrs Court Red

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6 minutes ago, nebristolred said:

Typical Rovers. Completely unable to see this for what it is over on their forum. Don't get me wrong if the roles were reversed I'd expect some of ours to generalise to the whole club undoubtedly, but I'd expect the vast majority not to. Over there they're just using it as a weapon against all City fans when every City fan is condemning it.

There seems to be 1 or 2 over there talking sense with regard to the kid on Twitter who made a stupid comment. The rest want him hung, drawn and quartered for posting two words on social media.

Do you really expect anything else? As a few have pointed they are hypocrites of the highest order, but there's no need to go into detail there.

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Blackpool had the same a few years back as did the one in Preston a good few years ago , nothing to do with football fans nor any decent human being , having visited many regions of France and Belgium and being involved at local levels with the Royal British Legion and a long term member of the Western Front Association I find it impossible to comprehend the benefit/satisfaction of vandalising something to remember the people who gave there yesterday for our today , but as I say its happened Im sure in all parts of the county and the pages of responses says a lot about the people of Bristol and there immediate response ...




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3 hours ago, sglosbcfc said:

I think we need a sense of perspective, they are not murderers, rapists, paedophiles they are almost certainly 15 year old lads, who have had too much Xmas Cider, not realized that the whole gate is a memorial and not just the plaque and done something really stupid that they thought at the time would be great banter. I think they should do some unpaid work for Rovers and City in the community as a punishment. I'm not excusing them for one minute by I don't think they are deserving of a lynch mob either.

Wise words.

Aizoon said "Christmas banged up is less than they deserve". Be interested to learn what he deems fitting punishment.

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1 minute ago, AzerbaijanApeman said:

Wise words.

Aizoon said "Christmas banged up is less than they deserve". Be interested to learn what he deems fitting punishment.

A months' youth detention sounds about right. They will, of course get a severe telling-off, which will do them no end of good.

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3 minutes ago, Aizoon said:

A months' youth detention sounds about right. They will, of course get a severe telling-off, which will do them no end of good.

For graffiti? Sounds draconian to me, especially if they do turn out to be daft young chavs. Sglosbcfc's suggestion sounds far more sensible.


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1 minute ago, AzerbaijanApeman said:

For graffiti? Sounds draconian to me, especially if they do turn out to be daft young chavs. Sglosbcfc's suggestion sounds far more sensible.


Not just graffiti, though, is it? It's defacing a war memorial - that's what upsets people, including me.

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As far as I'm concerned this is just as likely to be some twisted bitter Gashead from Kingswood, Lockleaze or Cadbury Heath as it is to be a brain-dead, ignorant city fan from Briz, KW or Hartcliffe, until I know otherwise I will hold my disdain in check, ultimately this idiot represents 0.0001 per cent of its clubs fanbase and is nothing but an embarrassment to the club he supposedly supports and the city we all proudly live in

I am more proud to be Bristolian than anything else and will defend this City till my dying breath but when I see incidents like this I truly despair and find it truly truly depressing

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6 minutes ago, Aizoon said:

Not just graffiti, though, is it? It's defacing a war memorial - that's what upsets people, including me.

Hardly the worst crime ever committed by football fans (or so-called fans) is it. Some of our lunkheads torched a stand at Twerton Park in the 1990s. This doesn't remotely compare.

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1 hour ago, nebristolred said:

Typical Rovers. Completely unable to see this for what it is over on their forum. Don't get me wrong if the roles were reversed I'd expect some of ours to generalise to the whole club undoubtedly, but I'd expect the vast majority not to. Over there they're just using it as a weapon against all City fans when every City fan is condemning it.

There seems to be 1 or 2 over there talking sense with regard to the kid on Twitter who made a stupid comment. The rest want him hung, drawn and quartered for posting two words on social media.

It wasn't just two words though, was it?



He should be ashamed.

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7 minutes ago, AzerbaijanApeman said:

Hardly the worst crime ever committed by football fans (or so-called fans) is it. Some of our lunkheads torched a stand at Twerton Park in the 1990s. This doesn't remotely compare.

Indeed. Which is why arson can carry a life sentence.

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2 hours ago, Collis1 said:

FML - the over reaction on this is ridiculous. The amount of people getting on their high horse...

It wasn't exactly a calculated insult to the dead was it? I dont think the perpetrators wanted to deface war memorials.

As someone said they are probably 15 year old kids who just need to learn a lesson.

People calling for life bans need to take a look at themselves...

You mean to say they accidentally went out armed with a can of red spray paint and accidentally sprayed it all over the war memorial? I can see now how it was an honest mistake. Bless 'em. 


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2 hours ago, Collis1 said:

FML - the over reaction on this is ridiculous. The amount of people getting on their high horse...

It wasn't exactly a calculated insult to the dead was it? I dont think the perpetrators wanted to deface war memorials.

As someone said they are probably 15 year old kids who just need to learn a lesson.

People calling for life bans need to take a look at themselves...

Agree entirely with this, a few OTT reactions on this thread. Kids do stupid things. No one has been hurt, and nothing a bit of high pressure water can't sort out. 

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7 minutes ago, Threshing Red said:

I am pretty saddened by this act of vandalism on a war memorial. They are just shameless idiots. How to disgrace our club...

I am just as saddened by those on here desperately trying to play it down. The ferals responsible should be locked up.

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4 hours ago, Miahdennehy said:

That makes it sound as if your 'youth firm' have sections named after Elton John and Banksy! Please tell me that's not true.

I don't think so as above, but The One Direction Division maybe!!

they rhythmically dance through opposing firms! 

Seriously no one who supports this club is not bloody angry at this particularly on Christmas Eve!

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2 hours ago, ten minutes of rough said:

Disagree, 'we' are all culpable, the amount of hysteria posted on here at Rovers, Pulis, Holloway etc, is it any wonder some less intelligent 'supporters' feel that this sort of thing is justified?

So yes we are all carry the burden I am afraid, with the possible exception of me and a few, that believe that you can have differences and passion without resorting to some of the brutal comments that are a constant feature on here.

So yes the Royal, 'we' is appropriate here. Try asking SL if he agrees? I think he would. 



There are many of us who believe you can have differences and passion without resorting to brutal comments - not just you and "a few". Even those comments that could be described as "brutal" in no way excuse a criminal act.

I refuse to accept any culpability for what has happened just because I happen to support the same football team as those that committed the crime. I am sure many others would agree with me.

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I don't think the dead really care about it. It's just a piece of stone. Ever spoken to a person who fought in a war? They don't have much to say about it. It's not something to be proud of or even remembered. They'd rather forget all about it. Our obsession with 'memorials' is a bit morbid if you ask me. I think it's a shame that people care more about the dead than the living. A third of all kids in this country live in poverty, with 80,000 of them homeless this Christmas.

That is what you really should be angry about.



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2 hours ago, ten minutes of rough said:

Disagree, 'we' are all culpable, the amount of hysteria posted on here at Rovers, Pulis, Holloway etc, is it any wonder some less intelligent 'supporters' feel that this sort of thing is justified?

So yes we are all carry the burden I am afraid, with the possible exception of me and a few, that believe that you can have differences and passion without resorting to some of the brutal comments that are a constant feature on here.

So yes the Royal, 'we' is appropriate here. Try asking SL if he agrees? I think he would. 



Oh come on there is a world of difference between banter and vandalising a war memorial.

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2 minutes ago, clerk said:

I don't think the dead really care about it. It's just a piece of stone. Ever spoken to a person who fought in a war? They don't have much to say about it. It's not something to be proud of or even remembered. They'd rather forget all about it. Our obsession with 'memorials' is a bit morbid if you ask me. I think it's a shame that people care more about the dead than the living. A third of all kids in this country live in poverty, with 80,000 of them homeless this Christmas.

That is what you really should be angry about.



What a truly stupid comment.

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Some on each forum resorting to type, most being sensible. This really really should not turn in to a City v Rovers 'thing', in my view. Whoever did it is an idiot. I suppose a young chav may not have clicked what they sprayed was actually a memorial, but even so. Not a time for point scoring. 

Wall is now cleaned, and cost our club a few quid. Hopefully the nut job that did it gets caught and some serious restorative justice gets carried out - some time down the Legion might not go amiss.


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3 hours ago, ten minutes of rough said:

Disagree, 'we' are all culpable, the amount of hysteria posted on here at Rovers, Pulis, Holloway etc, is it any wonder some less intelligent 'supporters' feel that this sort of thing is justified?

So yes we are all carry the burden I am afraid, with the possible exception of me and a few, that believe that you can have differences and passion without resorting to some of the brutal comments that are a constant feature on here.

So yes the Royal, 'we' is appropriate here. Try asking SL if he agrees? I think he would. 



Good one TMOR, you nearly had me there you WUM 

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51 minutes ago, clerk said:

I don't think the dead really care about it. It's just a piece of stone. Ever spoken to a person who fought in a war? They don't have much to say about it. It's not something to be proud of or even remembered. They'd rather forget all about it. Our obsession with 'memorials' is a bit morbid if you ask me. I think it's a shame that people care more about the dead than the living. A third of all kids in this country live in poverty, with 80,000 of them homeless this Christmas.

That is what you really should be angry about.



you should they gave there lives so you could not give a toss

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1 hour ago, clerk said:

I don't think the dead really care about it. It's just a piece of stone. Ever spoken to a person who fought in a war? They don't have much to say about it. It's not something to be proud of or even remembered. They'd rather forget all about it. Our obsession with 'memorials' is a bit morbid if you ask me. I think it's a shame that people care more about the dead than the living. A third of all kids in this country live in poverty, with 80,000 of them homeless this Christmas.

That is what you really should be angry about.



No, the dead don't care. Their relatives who are still alive do, though !

It is important to them that their relatives and friends who did give their lives are not forgotten; and that their sacrifice was not in vain.

This is the reason we have war memorials; and they should be treated with respect.

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1 hour ago, nebristolred said:

I can't view that image. I was under the impression that is simply said 'who cares?'.

He said "F****** leave it there what a joke".

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1 hour ago, clerk said:

I don't think the dead really care about it. It's just a piece of stone. Ever spoken to a person who fought in a war? They don't have much to say about it. It's not something to be proud of or even remembered. They'd rather forget all about it. Our obsession with 'memorials' is a bit morbid if you ask me. I think it's a shame that people care more about the dead than the living. A third of all kids in this country live in poverty, with 80,000 of them homeless this Christmas.

That is what you really should be angry about.



I do care about homelessness and poverty very deeply, it does make me angry when I listen to politicians finding excuses to make some things worse. However the two things mentioned are mutually exclusive as you know!

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36 minutes ago, Just Red said:

How does it miss the point? The wording on the gates say the ground is also a memorial. Higgs wants to demolish that memorial.

Leaving aside your thoughts about selling the Mem to Sainsburys (or anyone for that matter) the original plans were given the thumbs up by the Royal British Legion.

This was vandalism. To make matters worse it's on the only part of the stadium that absolutely everyone agrees is a War Memorial, the gates. It's disgusting.

Sadly I imagine this was probably the work of one or a couple of thick little shits wanting attention, which they've now got. Bastards, I really hope they're caught.

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5 hours ago, 054123 said:


Only marginally worse then desicrating the whole memorial with a giant sainsburys.

This is awful and i have gladly donated, but only out of respect for the site.

The filthy money grabbing gypsies who would sell it for a few pieces of silver should consider the glass house they live in before they throw stones.

You have clearly never seen the plans for the supermarket. 

The memorial will not only remain in place, but will actually be enhanced. Still, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. Whatever makes you feel better about  City fans taking a can of paint to a war memorial.

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8 minutes ago, Tiger said:

You have clearly never seen the plans for the supermarket. 

The memorial will not only remain in place, but will actually be enhanced. Still, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. Whatever makes you feel better about  City fans taking a can of paint to a war memorial.

I would argue that the ground actually enhances the gates.

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15 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

Leaving aside your thoughts about selling the Mem to Sainsburys (or anyone for that matter) the original plans were given the thumbs up by the Royal British Legion.

This was vandalism. To make matters worse it's on the only part of the stadium that absolutely everyone agrees is a War Memorial, the gates. It's disgusting.

Sadly I imagine this was probably the work of one or a couple of thick little shits wanting attention, which they've now got. Bastards, I really hope they're caught.

I think the point I'm trying to make is by Higgs and Co wanting to demolish the ground that's an act of 'legal' vandalism and I'd put Higgs and Co in the same bracket as these disgusting morons.

 Legally the ground isn't a memorial but it's clear that was the intention for it to me. Isn't there some paper work that mysteriously went missing?

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I'd rather just say thank you to those condemning those responsible and leave it like that until we know more. 


Even bigger thanks to those who dipped into their own pockets at this time of year when money is often tight. 


Solidarity is good and let's see how it progresses from here. 

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1 hour ago, Just Red said:

I think the point I'm trying to make is by Higgs and Co wanting to demolish the ground that's an act of 'legal' vandalism and I'd put Higgs and Co in the same bracket as these disgusting morons.

 Legally the ground isn't a memorial but it's clear that was the intention for it to me. Isn't there some paper work that mysteriously went missing?

Please stop now. You're embarrassing yourself and all of us. 

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10 hours ago, Miahdennehy said:

Well when I saw the correct spelling I did think the same :)

But do you know what,  let's say for the sake of argument that you're right and it was Rovers fans, all that would prove was that they were dicks, pretty much in the same way that if it was the- ahem - CSF then they would look dicks too. It doesn't really matter who did it , because they wouldn't represent the views of the massive majority of the fans of 'their' club. The simplest thing is just to get it cleaned up and we can all agree whoever did it were a bunch of *******.

We all agree,whoever's done this are w....rs..............

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1 hour ago, Tiger said:

You have clearly never seen the plans for the supermarket. 

The memorial will not only remain in place, but will actually be enhanced. Still, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. Whatever makes you feel better about  City fans taking a can of paint to a war memorial.

Steady Tiger..we are,as a group of fans totally disgusted by this...our only remedy is to see these idiots named,hoping they feel shame,and to see the damage repaired... Relatives of Rovers and City fans died during the first war,and subsequent conflicts come to that-we are equals in our emotions here....

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This whole incident has just left a bitter taste in my mouth to be honest. I hate the way Rovers fans have jumped on this as a tool to brandish and generalise City fans as scum.

Correct me if I'm wrong (To be fair I probably am) but those gates have absolutely nothing to do with Bristol Rovers football club, as I understand it they are a memorial to the magnificent people who gave their lives in the war which would definitely include supporters from both clubs. This should be as much an insult to City fans as it is to Rovers fans. After looking at the Rovers forum the outrage at this vile act of vandalism is very quickly replaced by JOY for many at the news that it's been shown on Sky,Bbc,Itv etc. The vile club that is Bristol City is being shown for the whole country to see HOORAY!!! The whole thing has just been turned into another massive points scoring exercise by many Rovers fans.

Whoever did this has insulted families of war dead all over Bristol, City families, Rovers families and more than likely their own relatives who lost their lives in the war and the stupid ***** are to ignorant to realise it

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23 minutes ago, PaulieBS5 said:

No City fans would stoop this low; Probably Gas seeking attention...

Oh come on, it's true that no decent City fan would stoop this low but let's face it our club along with every club does have a minority that unfortunately will

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20 minutes ago, Alf said:

Intelligent bunch Bristol City supporters.

Alf, I'd like to compliment you on your contribution to the thread.  But I can't. You've posted a five-word phrase (not even a sentence) that requires punctuation part-way through, otherwise it's meaning is ambiguous.

Needless to say, you failed on that one. Ironic. 


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Firstly Merry Christmas one and all.

I think we should be able to all agree regardless of The Sainsburys factor, this was pure vandalism by someone/some people who clearly have no idea

As for criticism of Rovers selling it to Sainsburys. If that is your point of view you are entitled to it, however I would point out the ground has been private property for donkeys years and long since change from the original intent to a degree.

Dont forget also your friends/cousins Bristol Rugby have already sold part of the fields for housing

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On ‎24‎/‎12‎/‎2015 at 13:03, View from the Dolman said:

Like this post on the Rovers forum:

" I thought for a moment or two about the kind of people who would do this sort of thing, and then I thought about the 'Christmas day in the trenches' attitude of all those City fans who pitched in to raise funds for one of our own, Jamie Cooper, after he was wounded in Iraq. I'd rather think about those people for a lot longer, because however little City mean to me (minus fifty on a scale of 1-10) I think that most of their fans are decent enough people to deplore this kind of thing and I won't give in to the divisiveness that it's intended to foster. Our heroes did not give their lives so that we could take up fighting among ourselves instead once the war was won. Certainly not at this time of year. Merry Christmas to everyone, Blue and red, unless you're the kind of attention-seeking moron that thinks defacing a memorial to those who died to give your mummy and daddy the freedom to buy you bright red spray paint makes you look clever."

Can't believe no one has commented upon amazing this post?

Sums it up perfectly and no one has put it better.

Forget the morons who did this, the sentiments of the Gashead poster are no doubt agreed by 100% of us, unfortunately not all of us (me included) have the eloquence to voice our feelings so well

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1 hour ago, zippycar said:

Can't believe no one has commented upon amazing this post?

Sums it up perfectly and no one has put it better.

Forget the morons who did this, the sentiments of the Gashead poster are no doubt agreed by 100% of us, unfortunately not all of us (me included) have the eloquence to voice our feelings so well

Agreed, that poster hit the nail on the head.

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Thought it worth repeating this post on the Rovers forum:

" I thought for a moment or two about the kind of people who would do this sort of thing, and then I thought about the 'Christmas day in the trenches' attitude of all those City fans who pitched in to raise funds for one of our own, Jamie Cooper, after he was wounded in Iraq. I'd rather think about those people for a lot longer, because however little City mean to me (minus fifty on a scale of 1-10) I think that most of their fans are decent enough people to deplore this kind of thing and I won't give in to the divisiveness that it's intended to foster. Our heroes did not give their lives so that we could take up fighting among ourselves instead once the war was won. Certainly not at this time of year. Merry Christmas to everyone, Blue and red, unless you're the kind of attention-seeking moron that thinks defacing a memorial to those who died to give your mummy and daddy the freedom to buy you bright red spray paint makes you look clever."


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3 minutes ago, Redtucks said:

Thought it worth repeating this post on the Rovers forum:

" I thought for a moment or two about the kind of people who would do this sort of thing, and then I thought about the 'Christmas day in the trenches' attitude of all those City fans who pitched in to raise funds for one of our own, Jamie Cooper, after he was wounded in Iraq. I'd rather think about those people for a lot longer, because however little City mean to me (minus fifty on a scale of 1-10) I think that most of their fans are decent enough people to deplore this kind of thing and I won't give in to the divisiveness that it's intended to foster. Our heroes did not give their lives so that we could take up fighting among ourselves instead once the war was won. Certainly not at this time of year. Merry Christmas to everyone, Blue and red, unless you're the kind of attention-seeking moron that thinks defacing a memorial to those who died to give your mummy and daddy the freedom to buy you bright red spray paint makes you look clever."


One good post out of a very few on there tho,they are moaning that somebody put on here that maybe it was gas and we are clutching at straws,bit like city were in the away end when they started punching horses,either way it was wrong 

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1 hour ago, Redtucks said:

Thought it worth repeating this post on the Rovers forum:

" I thought for a moment or two about the kind of people who would do this sort of thing, and then I thought about the 'Christmas day in the trenches' attitude of all those City fans who pitched in to raise funds for one of our own, Jamie Cooper, after he was wounded in Iraq. I'd rather think about those people for a lot longer, because however little City mean to me (minus fifty on a scale of 1-10) I think that most of their fans are decent enough people to deplore this kind of thing and I won't give in to the divisiveness that it's intended to foster. Our heroes did not give their lives so that we could take up fighting among ourselves instead once the war was won. Certainly not at this time of year. Merry Christmas to everyone, Blue and red, unless you're the kind of attention-seeking moron that thinks defacing a memorial to those who died to give your mummy and daddy the freedom to buy you bright red spray paint makes you look clever."


As Joe Jordan said that's probably one decent comment out of 1000 hateful comments from the blue few.

To be fair I couldn't care less what the blue few are saying really, our club handled an extremely difficult situation in the perfect way, donations, getting someone down to clean off the graffiti within an hour.

It's the same way Rovers had to deal with their incident with Jason Brown last year in a quick, commendable way.

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Really moronic & also a bit embarrassing for Bristol Sport as the gates actually commentate Bristol Rugby players who gave their lives during the Great War. The Memorial Gates have nothing to do with Rovers except that they bought the ground. And as listed monuments they will stay intact even if Sainsburys ever bought the ground. 

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Just now, Dr Balls said:

Really moronic & also a bit embarrassing for Bristol Sport as the gates actually commentate Bristol Rugby players who gave their lives during the Great War. The Memorial Gates have nothing to do with Rovers except that they bought the ground. And as listed monuments they will stay intact even if Sainsburys ever bought the ground. 


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On 12/24/2015 at 07:48, Alf said:

Intelligent bunch Bristol City supporters.

This is a message for the few Rovers fans on gaschat (and one or two on here like the one sabove) that have made hateful comments about our entire fanbase, and have brandished all of us as scum:

You poisonous people are are nearly as moronic as the original perpetrators who defaced the gate and need to get the hatred out of your veins.

Perhaps you'd like to consider the following:

1) It was probably around 4-5 people of a fanbase averaging around 14-15k. That's 0.03% of our fanbase.
2) Why should these morons be representative of our club? Would you want the people who attacked a group of Swindon fans in the Inn on the Green to be representative of you?
3) You may notice the hate that's going on in our country at the moment where people are showing hatred towards the entire islamic faith because of the actions of a few people. Dangerous habit to get into, wouldn't you say?
4) Have you failed to notice the donation that kind people on this forum have made to cleaning up the mess or is this something you want to overlook?

Both sets of fans should be coming together to condemn this incident and reaffirm that there is no place for it in football... We should not be fighting each other over it. That's exactly what the vandals would have wanted im sure.

Well done to the majority of gasheads for not tarring us all with the same brush and well done to any City fan that has condemned the act and donated to get things sorted. Merry christmas all, and no time for haters.

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On 12/24/2015 at 19:59, Just Red said:

Now this is very terrible. But I do have to remind people that the ground is also a memorial and Rovers are quite happy to demolish that memorial to build a Sainsburys.

Also can we be sure this was actuallyCity fans? Wouldnt put it past the sags to do it themselves to make it look like our fans have done it.

Can I just say that any fund might be additionally directed to paying for CCTV cameras? I suspect if this is a second time it will continue happening. Don't be surprised if it happens shortly after the clean up; there is no reforming some characters until they are made to pay from their pocket, community service and even a custodial sentence. I would much rather donate knowing a secure CCTV camera will be installed. Perhaps Dolls you can discuss this with the Community Trust and BCFC and then it sends a much more powerful message to BRFC that we, Bristol City particularly, want these culprits caught.

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5 hours ago, Dr Balls said:

Really moronic & also a bit embarrassing for Bristol Sport as the gates actually commentate Bristol Rugby players who gave their lives during the Great War. The Memorial Gates have nothing to do with Rovers except that they bought the ground. And as listed monuments they will stay intact even if Sainsburys ever bought the ground. 

Hate spellchecker. Should be commemorate not commentate!!

And I still stand by the comment that these are Bristol Rugby's gates. If The Memorial Ground were ever sold off & built on there is an argument that the gates should go wherever the rugby club is now based & plays. I guess the morons who defaced them never thought of that!

And I agree with Kim Il Sung. We need to get past the blind hatred. Not good for society general or for this city of ours, which whether red or blue, most of us realise is a fantastic & unique place. Maybe the lack of any meaningful success at a higher level means that we are both constantly in this goldfish bowl where we end up comparing ourselves to each other. It's not healthy!

I can understand if the blue few look jealously at our new stands & stadium in the making given the current fiasco with their new stadium or not. But our focus should be on our own club, supporting the team & staying in the Championship. That is what I would rather we were talking about right now rather than the stupidity of a handful halfwits.

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5 hours ago, Kim_il_sung said:

This is a message for the few Rovers fans on gaschat (and one or two on here like the one sabove) that have made hateful comments about our entire fanbase, and have brandished all of us as scum:

You poisonous people are are nearly as moronic as the original perpetrators who defaced the gate and need to get the hatred out of your veins.

Perhaps you'd like to consider the following:

1) It was probably around 4-5 people of a fanbase averaging around 14-15k. That's 0.03% of our fanbase.
2) Why should these morons be representative of our club? Would you want the people who attacked a group of Swindon fans in the Inn on the Green to be representative of you?
3) You may notice the hate that's going on in our country at the moment where people are showing hatred towards the entire islamic faith because of the actions of a few people. Dangerous habit to get into, wouldn't you say?
4) Have you failed to notice the donation that kind people on this forum have made to cleaning up the mess or is this something you want to overlook?

Both sets of fans should be coming together to condemn this incident and reaffirm that there is no place for it in football... We should not be fighting each other over it. That's exactly what the vandals would have wanted im sure.

Well done to the majority of gasheads for not tarring us all with the same brush and well done to any City fan that has condemned the act and donated to get things sorted. Merry christmas all, and no time for haters.

Good on you, Kim. But knowing their form, we really shouldn't give a shit what they think of us.

They will always use situations like this to stick the knife in, but I don't recall their first thought when receiving planning permission to either redevelop the Memorial Stadium or sell it to Sainsburys being towards the future of the Memorial Gates. In fact if it got one single mention I'd be surprised.

Theh are myopic hypocrites and reading some of their comments made me laugh like a hyena, as it serves as a reminder of how bitter they are towards us. 

I've never heard one gashead apologise for booing and chanting during Des Williams' minute silence and yet now they want to get really, really, really angry about the desecration of Memorial Gates that they didn't give a second thought to when they sold the place, until it was graffitied by City 'fans' and the their love, affection and respect for those gates then knows no boundaries.

They're bigger ***** than the idiots who graffitied the gates.

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33 minutes ago, redfred said:

Good on you, Kim. But knowing their form, we really shouldn't give a shit what they think of us.

They will always use situations like this to stick the knife in, but I don't recall their first thought when receiving planning permission to either redevelop the Memorial Stadium or sell it to Sainsburys being towards the future of the Memorial Gates. In fact if it got one single mention I'd be surprised.

Theh are myopic hypocrites and reading some of their comments made me laugh like a hyena, as it serves as a reminder of how bitter they are towards us. 

I've never heard one gashead apologise for booing and chanting during Des Williams' minute silence and yet now they want to get really, really, really angry about the desecration of Memorial Gates that they didn't give a second thought to when they sold the place, until it was graffitied by City 'fans' and the their love, affection and respect for those gates then knows no boundaries.

They're bigger ***** than the idiots who graffitied the gates.

To be fair Ian Holloway was on tv immediately after the match condemning the Rovers fans who ruined the minute silence for Des Williams. He said Mr Williams was a gentleman and that he was embarrassed of the idiots that ruined the silence. 

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24 minutes ago, sglosbcfc said:

To be fair Ian Holloway was on tv immediately after the match condemning the Rovers fans who ruined the minute silence for Des Williams. He said Mr Williams was a gentleman and that he was embarrassed of the idiots that ruined the silence. 

Despite only a year before singing 'the only good shitheads are the one that's dead'.

Nevertheless, I've personally yet to meet a regretful gashead over that incident. And it's been talked about many times.

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16 minutes ago, havanatopia said:

There are football fans and there are amoebas. Lets get the classification right before we start mixing things up.

This is why those defacing walls and fighting always do so in packs or groups of amoebic dysentery; an amoeba cannot do this alone, by definition.


I really don't get what Shola and Sammi have got to do with this? You're just confusing things now.

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