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City Vs Rotherham - Worst fake(non) injury? (MERGED)


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What was going on there?

the ref was completely taken in by their players all night

the situation of holding up play for 7 minutes then getting up and running back on surely must  draw a warning at least


non of the players team mates or the bench was ever bothered, which suggests it was play acting



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Tbf, from my angle, Baker absolutely clattered him. Was on the corner that Flint or Wilbs was rugby tackled for a no call. Anyway find Baker and watch him hit the guy. Looked quite rough. Though if he could continue playing, no need to be down that long but at that point they were winning and that's when they really got "crafty" with time wasting. 

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7 minutes down for a suspected head injury, the ref should have taken the choice out of the players hands anyway, had that been an actual injury and something worse happened to him after the player could have been in serious danger.

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3 minutes ago, North London Red said:

I could be mistaken here but I don't think Rotherham had a sub warming up on the sidelines at any point during the time the player was 'apparently' out cold - surely if it was a genuine injury (and one that initially looked pretty serious) they'd have at least had a sub warming up?

Exactly. No one was interested from their own side

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My mate is one of the paramedics at the game who went on the pitch. Apparently there was zero wrong with Halford when he went on with the stretcher!!!

just reading the Rotherham forum, described as a crude challenge on Halford!!! The only crude thing tonight was their cynical way to set up and abuse anyone in red, feign injury at every opportunity, and follow their c:-t of a manager's plan to disrupt the game!!

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4 minutes ago, North London Red said:

I could be mistaken here but I don't think Rotherham had a sub warming up on the sidelines at any point during the time the player was 'apparently' out cold - surely if it was a genuine injury (and one that initially looked pretty serious) they'd have at least had a sub warming up?

Correct. Their was no sub warming up. Warnock and his cronies knew exactly what the plan was. It really was ******* disgraceful. Then again, this is what we should expect from the man that whilst at Sheff U ordered his players to get sent off so that a game could be called off as they were losing...he really is an absolute cretin. His fan club on here are a bit quiet tonight, mind...

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1 minute ago, hodge said:

7 minutes down for a suspected head injury, the ref should have taken the choice out of the players hands anyway, had that been an actual injury and something worse happened to him after the player could have been in serious danger.

No blame to the ref for that at all. I thought he had a really bad injury until he got up and was moving normally within seconds. Clearly not a serious head injury. The ref did the right thing (for once).

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35 minutes ago, JoeAman08 said:

Tbf, from my angle, Baker absolutely clattered him. Was on the corner that Flint or Wilbs was rugby tackled for a no call. Anyway find Baker and watch him hit the guy. Looked quite rough. Though if he could continue playing, no need to be down that long but at that point they were winning and that's when they really got "crafty" with time wasting. 

Yep it was obviously play acting but not sure how it gave them any advantage through wasting time when 7 minutes were added on due to the incident. It certainly disrupted play though which seemed to be the aim.

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28 minutes ago, MichaelRobartes said:

No blame to the ref for that at all. I thought he had a really bad injury until he got up and was moving normally within seconds. Clearly not a serious head injury. The ref did the right thing (for once).

I agree that the Ref has to take advice from the medics he allows onto the pitch. but in this case, where it was clear to everyone in the stadium upon the miraculous recovery, that it was part of Warnocks game plan, the player should have been booked at the very least for Ungentlemanly Conduct. The whole of the medical staff who were clearly in on the act, or so incompentant they really should not be working, should also be charged with bringing the game into disrepute along with Colin himself. Utterly, utterly disgusted with their tactics.

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The only reason the medical staff were summoned was because a head injury was suspected. The fact that he was treated for 7 mins and then came back on with a bandage on his arm was truly laughable and all part of Colin's game plan. 

It worked.

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As a doctor who deals with major trauma, not for 1 minute did I think that he was seriously injured. Watched him from the South Stand & clear it was play acting. Halford kept moving his legs. When there really is a spinal injury people lie very still as they either can't move them from spinal cord damage or it hurts too much to move. Watch any rugby player with a neck injury & they stay very still.

Absolutely clear that the Rotherham bench weren't bothered as they knew it wasn't a real injury. What is also really disgusting is that he was allowed straight back on. Should have been kept off for 7 minutes at least. That would stop this cheating. Because that was what it was.

Rotherham were the dirtiest & most cynical team we have faced all season. What else do you expect from Warnock?!

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Best raise from the dead display at Ashton Gate since Billy Graham :P

Can't comment on whether Baker was involved, but on the previous set piece, they were both having a right go at each other.

Oh, and what a surprise Halford did it again following a Matthews challenge in second half.  In absolute agony, then all ok.  All a bit Keyser Soze for me. Then again Colin is the 'usual suspect'!


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If someone is down for that amount of time with a "head injury" the ref should insist he is subbed so he can be checked for concussion.  If he had raised this, I expect the Lazarus like resurrection might have happened earlier.

The fact the guy played the entire rest of the game,  demonstrates just how serious the injury was.

I always used to think Trevor Kettle was the worst ref I had seen at the Gate in recent years,  but Gavin Ward must surely run him close. Most bad refs lose the plot at various crucial times in the game, but Ward was never in control from her kick-off - a fact Rotherham exploited.

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It was clear from very early on that the referee couldn't control the game & Rotherham exploited that time & time again. Do referees still get assessed at every match? If so Conference North on Saturday Mr Ward. Although quite why the likes of Notth Ferriby Utd should have to put up with you either is another question. Why do they "demote" rubbish referees? Surely just don't assign them a match for a few weeks might focus minds better than taking it out on a couple of lower teams...

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