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Is there a future for Lee Johnson? (Merged, again and again)


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12 minutes ago, reddogkev said:

My question is two-fold, will LJ survive at City?  And if so, is he going to improve as a consequence of this terrible season?

I don't want to comment on whether this is the right approach, but it seems LJ has got the job for the rest of the season, otherwise he would've already been dismissed.  If we stay up this season, which I still believe to be the case - but by the skin of our teeth - will LJ be a better manager next season?

Clearly, there are a vast number of fans disillusioned and pi**ed off with LJ's tenure, so to those fans, if we do stay up and show signs of improvement, will LJ be able to win your confidence?

And yes, this is another Lee Johnson thread,  but let's be honest - he is the main talking point of the club at present.


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LJ has to go...., having made it to Leeds and back I have not been to a more frustrating game this season...... In the name of god go now! He has not got a clue... he leaves million pound players either on loan or back in Bristol... has a defence that has more leaks than the Iraqi navy... and continues to chop and change as if he is testing out his tactics for an evening on Football Manager. He has spent heavily but is not getting any consistency out of the players. He has 2 coaches - WTF are they doing... the defence coach should be shot at dawn.... Some of our defending has been shocking and the lack of any pattern to our play is heartbreaking. The players have no fluidity because I suspect any "natural play" is being coached out of them.

SC was screwed over by this club, he knew what he needed, was not given it and then hung out to dry when our League One side struggled... we now have a large squad and more resources but are we better off - No.  LJ does not know how to utilise the players and it is resulting in this nonsense. We must have played 3 formations last night... We needed a group of 16 or 17 core players and within this having 3 or 4 players of genuine quality. Instead, LJ is using the players almost as his version of the lottery and there is no consistency of selection. Magnusson being left out is a disgrace.

LJ is being given the tools and he simply is not performing. It is not a blip - 1 win in 17 tells you its a horror show.  Any other manager would have been sacked. Reality is that LJ was never the man for this club and his record was modest at best... he was picked for non-footballing reasons because he is a yes man and would work with this structure we now have in place. Is it delivering a better quality of football - No. Are we better as a team - No. 

SL and MA have been blinded by his "David Brent" management speak....He aint good enough, look at the results... He should have done after the Cardiff game...and we are stumbling back towards League 1..... JOHNSON OUT! And as for SL, his decision making leaves alot to be desired - what success you have delivered - could you be the first chairman to take down both a Rugby Club and a Football Club... Great work.....

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Will he be a better manager next season? That's the key question I'd put to anyone who thinks he should stay. Will he gain 5 years experience of his trade in a close season? Certainly not.

The championship is a high standard of football. For me, to manage at this level, you need to have proven yourself and need more managerial experience than he seems to have. If he dropped down a division (not with us) and did 5 years or so at that level and achieved things, he may then be ready for the championship. When we first appointed him, I thought possibly right man, probably too soon. I still feel the same now   

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I had hopes that he'd deliver the sort of intelligent tactical approach he's very good at discussing in interviews. Indeed I was looking forward to seeing it in operation. He talks a good game and I bought it. Sadly for all his good intentions he seems unable to deliver and appears incapable of setting a side up to effectively compete at this level...by which I mean competing for long enough to actually win matches as opposed to offering brief glimpses of what might be. I've lost faith in him. 

However, I think we're stuck with him, in which case will he get better? I'd hope so, but to win admirers I feel he'll have to comfortably avoid relegation and make next season one in which the fine words are reflected in performances on the pitch which deliver results. At the moment I think that's beyond him...happy to be proved wrong.

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Nobody survives do they; vast majority are sacked and he will almost certainly be no different. I suppose your question is more for the here and now though. So for that who knows; since he has lasted this long, seemingly against all of the normal odds, then it is anybody's guess. I remember SL saying to the media that SOD was 'not very good' so what that makes LJ, who has spent millions compared to a few farthings spent by SOD, is open to conjecture and long discussion into the night in pubs the length and breadth of the west country and beyond.

All I can see from afar is that we are experiencing the worst meltdown in our history; let us not try and wrap it any other way because that is a fact. The caveat being in the shortest space of time. And so keeping a man at the helm through this turmoil can only mean one thing; someone, possibly the owner although I could not possibly comment, has placed a 50 million bet on Lee Johnson remaining in the job until at least the end of the season come what may. No doubt the bet has been spread across 50 different companies in 10 different countries and the winnings, let us say even at 2-1, will more than pay for the stadium re-build, slump in season ticket sales and for the sweeteners to fans who have to stomach league 1 football next season.

I mean, what other logical explanation could there be?

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8 minutes ago, havanatopia said:

Nobody survives do they; vast majority are sacked and he will almost certainly be no different. I suppose your question is more for the here and now though. So for that who knows; since he has lasted this long, seemingly against all of the normal odds, then it is anybody's guess. I remember SL saying to the media that SOD was 'not very good' so what that makes LJ, who has spent millions compared to a few farthings spent by SOD, is open to conjecture and long discussion into the night in pubs the length and breadth of the west country and beyond.

All I can see from afar is that we are experiencing the worst meltdown in our history; let us not try and wrap it any other way because that is a fact. And so keeping a man at the helm through this turmoil can only mean one thing; someone, possibly the owner although I could not possibly comment, has placed a 50 million bet on Lee Johnson remaining in the job until at least the end of the season come what may. No doubt the bet has been spread across 50 different companies in 10 different countries and the winnings, let us say even at 2-1, will more than pay for the stadium re-build, slump in season ticket sales and for the sweeteners to fans who have to stomach league 1 football next season.

I mean, what other logical explanation could there be?

Hav, answers on a postage stamp as we dont do logic at AG :mf_sleep:

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Let me start with. We are awful. 

Now Lee must be aware of this as are SL, MA, The completely superfluous board of directors, @AdamB the players, staff, the supporters etc

As the board of directors are quite clearly not allowed to do anything that reflects the fact they are in fact the board of directors except perhaps some day to day running duties the responsibility lay in two places. No not Pembo or Holden or any amount of other staff members some may want to implicate, the buck slows at LJ and finally stops at SL. 

LJ has been given everything he could want within reason and given a strategy to implement. Unfortunately he has been unable to implement that strategy which has resulted in players taking the blame for on field melt downs to deflect from the manager in recent days

SL is a proud man and will back his guy (he always has and before the SC apologists scream he did back him with big money bids after they worked a few things out) and for that he should be applauded. It takes guts to fight for something you believe in the face of huge opposition. 

LJ was appointed not because he was the cheap option as so many keep saying(how can anyone accuse SL of being cheap, millions spent on the ground and players) but because he was a known quantity that fulfilled SLs vision of a young track suit new generation manager with fresh thinking. Exactly like NcInnes!

It's not turned out well so far has it. We are in exactly the position we were when LJ took over and we were on the up after Pembo got hold of the team. We are on the decline!

This is the time for LJ to say thanks for the chance Steve but maybe it was to early. The issue is and will be the frighteningly long contract that LJ has

thanks Lee but anyone coming in or (within the club) that takes over deserves the chance you had (given to you by the post SC staff) you have ran out of steam. It is time!



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1 minute ago, Alwaystomorrow said:

Keep it simple. The man is a bullshitter. Full stop. He has been a bullshitter since day one.

talks a good game, but no idea in the real world.

he needs to go now or it will be too late.


why can't SL see it? The fans can.

because it would be hard to justify over the sunday lunch with GJ :whistle:

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I agree that the board answer to the owner and have no autonomy so I have no idea what their function actually is. However this isn't any different to other clubs - can you imagine any board sacking a manager and then telling the owner? It may be the correct way to run things but it just doesn't happen. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Why does he like freezing players out without due cause is a big concern to me.

Magnusson, O'Neil, Reid to name 3- what gives. I think we will survive whether we sack him or not,  but this is something that fills me with little confidence. 


Patterson was flavour of the month for a few games......now


A Head Coach who has some serious man management deficiencies






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34 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Probably didn't warrant another thread but in answer to the first question - who knows

second question - yes. I think it would be impossible not to improve as a manager if he does manage to turn it around. He'll learn lots from it.

I don't think he learnt from his disastrous run at Barnsley, or it wouldn't have happened again ! 

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Not even the most loyal of supporter can enjoy this ride. Our last manager was stubborn but in his defence he had a squad from a lower league to work with unlike like the current manager. Clearly things are not clicking, we have the players, we have the owner, the stadium but maybe we have not the correct conductor to bring out the best in us. Sorry to say but the truth is in the results and that is the only statistic that's going to matter in 15 games time!

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Just now, BobBobSuperBob said:


Patterson was flavour of the month for a few games......now


A Head Coach who has some serious man management deficiencies






Well remembered- Engvall signed and has played what, a handful of games. Patterson where is he. Freezing out and eventual sale of O'Donnell after a few errors which I thought was harsh and premature.Ekstrand signed, played very few mins and got released

His man management seems flawed to say the least...

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2 minutes ago, Nomad said:

I agree that the board answer to the owner and have no autonomy so I have no idea what their function actually is. However this isn't any different to other clubs - can you imagine any board sacking a manager and then telling the owner? It may be the correct way to run things but it just doesn't happen. 

We don't have a franchise system here in the UK. Clubs in the main don't have owners jusT a lucky few. Some clubs are quoted on the stock exchange and thus the board answers to the shareholders. 

The board running a club or business on behalf of its shareholders is almost the very definition of capitalism. The difference is here, that does not occur that often, is that SL chooses not to be on the board due to his status in Jersey, but then completely undermines his representative on the board Jon by taking control personally. 

SL needs to be on the board or be a shareholder make a choice. The shareholders get their say at the shareholder meeting they do not get to dictate policy. SL knows this but chooses to ignore it!


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33 minutes ago, MarkRed! said:

LJ has to go...., having made it to Leeds and back I have not been to a more frustrating game this season...... In the name of god go now! He has not got a clue... he leaves million pound players either on loan or back in Bristol... has a defence that has more leaks than the Iraqi navy... and continues to chop and change as if he is testing out his tactics for an evening on Football Manager. He has spent heavily but is not getting any consistency out of the players. He has 2 coaches - WTF are they doing... the defence coach should be shot at dawn.... Some of our defending has been shocking and the lack of any pattern to our play is heartbreaking. The players have no fluidity because I suspect any "natural play" is being coached out of them.

SC was screwed over by this club, he knew what he needed, was not given it and then hung out to dry when our League One side struggled... we now have a large squad and more resources but are we better off - No.  LJ does not know how to utilise the players and it is resulting in this nonsense. We must have played 3 formations last night... We needed a group of 16 or 17 core players and within this having 3 or 4 players of genuine quality. Instead, LJ is using the players almost as his version of the lottery and there is no consistency of selection. Magnusson being left out is a disgrace.

LJ is being given the tools and he simply is not performing. It is not a blip - 1 win in 17 tells you its a horror show.  Any other manager would have been sacked. Reality is that LJ was never the man for this club and his record was modest at best... he was picked for non-footballing reasons because he is a yes man and would work with this structure we now have in place. Is it delivering a better quality of football - No. Are we better as a team - No. 

SL and MA have been blinded by his "David Brent" management speak....He aint good enough, look at the results... He should have done after the Cardiff game...and we are stumbling back towards League 1..... JOHNSON OUT! And as for SL, his decision making leaves alot to be desired - what success you have delivered - could you be the first chairman to take down both a Rugby Club and a Football Club... Great work.....

Agree 100%! I don't remember Steve Cotterill being given any leeway(no pun intended) when we started losing a few games, despite City winning trophies, the league and moving to the Championship. Who knows what he could have done given the same chances and budget that LJ has had. I like Lee Johnson, he seems like a nice enough guy, but come on Mr Lansdown, it ain't working!!

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1 hour ago, reddogkev said:

My question is two-fold, will LJ survive at City?  And if so, is he going to improve as a consequence of this terrible season?

I don't want to comment on whether this is the right approach, but it seems LJ has got the job for the rest of the season, otherwise he would've already been dismissed.  If we stay up this season, which I still believe to be the case - but by the skin of our teeth - will LJ be a better manager next season?

Clearly, there are a vast number of fans disillusioned and pi**ed off with LJ's tenure, so to those fans, if we do stay up and show signs of improvement, will LJ be able to win your confidence?

And yes, this is another Lee Johnson thread,  but let's be honest - he is the main talking point of the club at present.

Yes we will stay up and if he hasn't learnt lessons this season then he won't last long next season. I still back him but once he's had his 3rd transfer window in the summer if we don't improve next season then there can be no excuses

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3 minutes ago, INCRED said:

Yes we will stay up and if he hasn't learnt lessons this season then he won't last long next season. I still back him but once he's had his 3rd transfer window in the summer if we don't improve next season then there can be no excuses

Ok Steve. Thanks for that.

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