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No flint today

The Humble Realist

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I don't think it is 'nailed on' that he'll go or anything, but I am convinced there is fire under this smoke, based off the type of people who've been talking to me about it I.e. those you don't give a tinker's cuss about Bristol City, nor trade in gossip.

This next week should be interesting, to say the least.

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36 minutes ago, The Humble Realist said:

Don't think it's 'proof'...but surely it's a bit suspicious given the spectulation? 

If you are suspicious by nature perhaps.;)

I take Glyn Riley's point though, i.e.Flint and Hegeler effectively swapped games, as it is based on fact rather than speculation.

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23 minutes ago, Sergio Georgini said:

Well it's been confirmed he's starting against Cheltenham so panic over.

I hope so; would rather we kept him.

But Tomlin was official just 'injured' until his move was pretty much done, so I'm not sure it means much.

17 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

Only because Leeds want another chance to look at him before they commit

Baulking at the price apparently


The thing is; we may think having a long contract bumps the price, but worth keeping in mind we bought Mags for a relatively paltry sum compared to those mentioned for Flint.

I think if (which it very much is) we let him go, it'll be because he expressed an interest in doing so, and we'll get a lot less than some people have suggested he's worth.

He's worth a fair wedge to us; others may view his cost as less steep, even if they want him.

5 minutes ago, chinapig said:

Neatly shows how you can draw the same inference from opposite facts. Subtle. :cool::clapping:

I think we've seen enough smoke and mirrors when it comes to transfers (both in our favour and to our detriment) that being 'assured' anything by the club one way or the other means very little.

I suspect Flint may have not played at Yeovil at all were Hegeler not injured; had that occurred, much of the chat dismissing his absence yesterday would look like wishful thinking.

I think we'll know this week whether the clubs involved have done enough to sell Flint on them, and we're being offered what we'd want for him.

May you live in interesting times, as the age old curse goes...

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11 minutes ago, samo II said:

I hope so; would rather we kept him.

But Tomlin was official just 'injured' until his move was pretty much done, so I'm not sure it means much.

The thing is; we may think having a long contract bumps the price, but worth keeping in mind we bought Mags for a relatively paltry sum compared to those mentioned for Flint.

I think if (which it very much is) we let him go, it'll be because he expressed an interest in doing so, and we'll get a lot less than some people have suggested he's worth.

He's worth a fair wedge to us; others may view his cost as less steep, even if they want him.

I think we've seen enough smoke and mirrors when it comes to transfers (both in our favour and to our detriment) that being 'assured' anything by the club one way or the other means very little.

I suspect Flint may have not played at Yeovil at all were Hegeler not injured; had that occurred, much of the chat dismissing his absence yesterday would look like wishful thinking.

I think we'll know this week whether the clubs involved have done enough to sell Flint on them, and we're being offered what we'd want for him.

May you live in interesting times, as the age old curse goes...

But my point was that Bob had skilfully shown how you can take both the fact that Flint plays in a game or that he doesn't as evidence to support a conclusion that has already been reached.

We already knew that Flint wasn't due to play at Yeovil, which immediately led to people to conclude he was a goner. As indeed did somebody deciding he looked a bit grumpy when he got off the coach.:facepalm:

Then he played when Hegeler dropped out so he was staying but once he fairly predictably dropped out yesterday to give Hegeler the game he had missed that was again proof he is off.

He may yet go, though not on the cheap I'm sure, but until now we have just had conspiracy thinking, including the usual assertion that the club is lying,  presented as evidence.

For me Occam's razor always applies:


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So this thread has established:

- that Flint not playing in a friendly means he's leaving 

- that Flint playing in a friendly means he's leaving 

- that Flint should play every friendly, even though that may mean he's leaving and if he is, other CBs won't get sufficient match practice 

- that Flint playing v Yeovil was because Hegeler was injured and not because Hegeler is leaving 

- that Hegeler playing in Tenerife was because he isn't injured or leaving but because Flint is leaving 

- that Flint is playing v Cheltenham because he is or isn't leaving and because he didn't play in Tenerife 

- that Hegeler isn't playing v Cheltenham because he played in Tenerife and didn't play in Yeovil and nothing to do with him leaving 

- that Flint needs to play with Wright more, but he won't be v Cheltenham 

- that Flint should be kept in a cupboard 

- that no one has suggested that Flint should be wrapped in cotton wool.

That's all clear then.





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2 hours ago, cheshire_red said:


According to reports it appears Flint and Wright will only get one game together before the start of the season. Not ideal for the most crucial pairing in the team who have not played together for 3 months. Sorry if that is too simple for some to understand.

But to be fair we know what they can do together. Getting everyone else ready and seeing how they play together I would say is more important.

Perhaps he does have the idea that Flint is off and needs/wants to see how the others play without him. My original point was that it's very rare to have one player play every single pre season game.

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2 hours ago, eric04 said:

You honestly think Flint wouldn't have started these games if there was uncertainty? My point is, there's clearly more going on than the party line of "we've had no bids so he's going nowhere" 


He may well be off, and i don't think it would be as big a loss as everyone thinks it would be.

I don't like Johnson and don't rate him as a manager/coach, so please don't think I'm trying to defend him.

It's still not uncommon for players to sit out pre season games though.

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22 minutes ago, eardun said:

So this thread has established:

- that Flint not playing in a friendly means he's leaving 

- that Flint playing in a friendly means he's leaving 

- that Flint should play every friendly, even though that may mean he's leaving and if he is, other CBs won't get sufficient match practice 

- that Flint playing v Yeovil was because Hegeler was injured and not because Hegeler is leaving 

- that Hegeler playing in Tenerife was because he isn't injured or leaving but because Flint is leaving 

- that Flint is playing v Cheltenham because he is or isn't leaving and because he didn't play in Tenerife 

- that Hegeler isn't playing v Cheltenham because he played in Tenerife and didn't play in Yeovil and nothing to do with him leaving 

- that Flint needs to play with Wright more, but he won't be v Cheltenham 

- that Flint should be kept in a cupboard 

- that no one has suggested that Flint should be wrapped in cotton wool.

That's all clear then.


Sarcasm alert for BobBobSuperBob! :) ;)


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22 minutes ago, chinapig said:

But my point was that Bob had skilfully shown how you can take both the fact that Flint plays in a game or that he doesn't as evidence to support a conclusion that has already been reached.

We already knew that Flint wasn't due to play at Yeovil, which immediately led to people to conclude he was a goner. As indeed did somebody deciding he looked a bit grumpy when he got off the coach.:facepalm:

Then he played when Hegeler dropped out so he was staying but once he fairly predictably dropped out yesterday to give Hegeler the game he had missed that was again proof he is off.

He may yet go, though not on the cheap I'm sure, but until now we have just had conspiracy thinking, including the usual assertion that the club is lying,  presented as evidence.

For me Occam's razor always applies:


In the line of what you're saying, and continue to apply other philosophical razors on this scenario, it seems some are suggesting Hitchen's Razor is at work regards Flint's leaving (dismissing a claim made seemingly without evidence without the need to evidence the dismissal), while I'm inclined say this probably all leans closer to Alder's razor, in so much to say that debating whether Flint will stay or go at this stage is pointless, as no one here can tangibly prove any position.

I think the issue with Occam in this scenario is the deliberate absence of clarity present in transfer dealings by design; in a situation where an absence of information may be intentional, assumption is no one's friend.

It really is anyone's guess right now to be fair; I'm just less confident then a week ago based on how accurate the person I know who is close to Leeds has been before - nothing more than that.

Nice to have a lively discussion either way! 

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53 minutes ago, eardun said:

So this thread has established:

- that Flint not playing in a friendly means he's leaving 

- that Flint playing in a friendly means he's leaving 

- that Flint should play every friendly, even though that may mean he's leaving and if he is, other CBs won't get sufficient match practice 

- that Flint playing v Yeovil was because Hegeler was injured and not because Hegeler is leaving 

- that Hegeler playing in Tenerife was because he isn't injured or leaving but because Flint is leaving 

- that Flint is playing v Cheltenham because he is or isn't leaving and because he didn't play in Tenerife 

- that Hegeler isn't playing v Cheltenham because he played in Tenerife and didn't play in Yeovil and nothing to do with him leaving 

- that Flint needs to play with Wright more, but he won't be v Cheltenham 

- that Flint should be kept in a cupboard 

- that no one has suggested that Flint should be wrapped in cotton wool.

That's all clear then.





That's it in a nutshell I think, baffles me why people can't grasp such simple concepts.

Though the only established fact is that Dolly has Flint locked in her cupboard. But even that doesn't mean he won't move. Possibly to the shed.

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1 minute ago, chinapig said:

That's it in a nutshell I think, baffles me why people can't grasp such simple concepts.

Though the only established fact is that Dolly has Flint locked in her cupboard. But even that doesn't mean he won't move. Possibly to the shed.

If Dolly has him locked in her cupboard, the she will definitely want him to move - just not out of the cupboard!

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33 minutes ago, samo II said:

In the line of what you're saying, and continue to apply other philosophical razors on this scenario, it seems some are suggesting Hitchen's Razor is at work regards Flint's leaving (dismissing a claim made seemingly without evidence without the need to evidence the dismissal), while I'm inclined say this probably all leans closer to Alder's razor, in so much to say that debating whether Flint will stay or go at this stage is pointless, as no one here can tangibly prove any position.

I think the issue with Occam in this scenario is the deliberate absence of clarity present in transfer dealings by design; in a situation where an absence of information may be intentional, assumption is no one's friend.

It really is anyone's guess right now to be fair; I'm just less confident then a week ago based on how accurate the person I know who is close to Leeds has been before - nothing more than that.

Nice to have a lively discussion either way! 

If Flint stays , the after all this speculation  the club will have had a very close shave - likely to be  Gillete's razor.

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5 hours ago, Septic Peg said:

Well I've just watched Scotty's snaps from last night and it was obviously an end of tour party (Frankie on the Bombay sapphire, Marlon walking around with 2 bottles in his hand, Gus is a closet party animal! Some of the staff have managed to get dodgy specs to match Eros!) and Mr Flint was there enjoying himself so I can only assume he was rested yesterday for the friendlies in the week against tougher opposition. 

I saw all that too, and now that you have mentioned it I expected someone on here to suggest it was obviously Flinty's leaving do.

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39 minutes ago, samo II said:

In the line of what you're saying, and continue to apply other philosophical razors on this scenario, it seems some are suggesting Hitchen's Razor is at work regards Flint's leaving (dismissing a claim made seemingly without evidence without the need to evidence the dismissal), while I'm inclined say this probably all leans closer to Alder's razor, in so much to say that debating whether Flint will stay or go at this stage is pointless, as no one here can tangibly prove any position.

I think the issue with Occam in this scenario is the deliberate absence of clarity present in transfer dealings by design; in a situation where an absence of information may be intentional, assumption is no one's friend.

It really is anyone's guess right now to be fair; I'm just less confident then a week ago based on how accurate the person I know who is close to Leeds has been before - nothing more than that.

Nice to have a lively discussion either way! 

So does that mean that when Flint is locked in Dolly's cupboard he maybe simultaneously alive and dead?

That could liven up transfer negotiations. :blink:


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33 minutes ago, RumRed said:

So does that mean that when Flint is locked in Dolly's cupboard he maybe simultaneously alive and dead?

That could liven up transfer negotiations. :blink:


That's Schrodinger's Cat. Or in this case, Dolly's Flinty.

39 minutes ago, RedM said:

I saw all that too, and now that you have mentioned it I expected someone on here to suggest it was obviously Flinty's leaving do.

Me too. As I typed it I thought someone would say the same. It was obvious it wasn't.

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3 minutes ago, Dollymarie said:

I can post a picture of the cupboard? It's in BS13, @Septic Peg can vouch for where I live :)  

But suppose it`s actually a space/time portal with an equivalent one in the house of the Leeds equivalent of you. Have you been right to the back and seen whether you do emerge into a frozen world ruled by an evil queen? If it does, that would be Yorkshire. 

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7 minutes ago, Dollymarie said:

I can post a picture of the cupboard? It's in BS13, @Septic Peg can vouch for where I live :)  

I can indeed. I can also confirm it is not a time travelling Tardis or teleportal to Leeds. It is also guarded 24/7 by a couple of ferocious felines on the off chance Andrea Radrizzani calls in for a brew and tries to undo the chain whilst Dolly is using the ladies.

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40 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

But suppose it`s actually a space/time portal with an equivalent one in the house of the Leeds equivalent of you. Have you been right to the back and seen whether you do emerge into a frozen world ruled by an evil queen? If it does, that would be Yorkshire. 

Well it had a suitcase in and out of it a week ago and nothing fell into a portal. The only thing at the back of it is the underside of the stairs to the flat upstairs!  

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3 hours ago, RumRed said:

So does that mean that when Flint is locked in Dolly's cupboard he maybe simultaneously alive and dead?

That could liven up transfer negotiations. :blink:

E=M C Flint

2 hours ago, Red Right Hand said:

Hegeler`s cat?

Love it.

Though more of a Magnússon's Paradox, I'd suggest. ;)

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