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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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1 hour ago, Blackbird1 said:

There should come a time when some should stop obsessing over them, to keep banging on about them shows they get under your skin. They are not our rivals, they used to be but not anymore, his sort of tribal post code thing seems to prevent us moving forward.

I admit though to find it entertaining in their demise, but the other part of me thinks there a lot of other good Bristol folk who are completely down over this, and I could never laugh in their faces over that. 

For the younger generations rovers are nothing and cant possibly get under our skin. They are a laughing stock and every now and then bring up some ridiculous notion that makes them better than us. 

Secondly I dont see how slating your rivals prevents us from moving forward ? 

Thirdly I belive the bristol folk you are referring to laughed in our faces after our demise that nearly led to being out of business. 

Finally why does it matter how much we take the piss out of them? 

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5 minutes ago, Gert Mare said:


When it comes to embarrassment the amount of gifts from Rovers is ******* endless!


It’s not our fault they’re so ridiculous.

Just when you think they can’t make bigger fools of themselves we now have the possibility (and it’s still only a possibility, LONG way to go) that they could get sent down on the pitch just before their manager gets sent down in Court.

I mean, FFS! ? this is potential GOLD!

Oh, but we lost to Birmingham at home in December so we can’t take the piss?


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42 minutes ago, Blackbird1 said:

Unabated, unchallenged , thought processes, yep that is what it is, would have hoped we have moved on from the seventies, Trumpton, Hollowhead, Mem,  et. all, God sake move on, we have a fine club, don't waste energy on that lot, seems like we actually are in awe of them.

In awe of:

Their subscription to Babestation

A ground with more tents than Billy Smart's Circus

Getting relegated to Non League

Not only that but getting relegated to Non League by a side playing in your own away strip

Appointing a Manager who could well be leaving them in a few months at Her Majesty's Pleasure

Being able to purchase fake drinks and out of date food in the concourse

An anthem that glorifies a "relationship" with an underage girl

Losing the Manager who had them in their highest league placing for years to Mansfield

Watching football with around 6,000 fans in the ground

A team who play in a Tesco Carrier Bag strip

I could go on but it will infuriate you even more..............

Bollocks to it, a club who have been promised a ground since 1965, the latest only weeks away from completion I believe........

A record signing of around £365K now known in the Oxford Dictionary as a "Tilson" (probably)

Wetting myself over a billionaire owner and then finding out it's actually a billionaire "family"....................Unlucky Da Shit

Yep, they're ******* brilliant and I'm jealous as ****.

When reading the above just consider for one second that not everyone takes life seriously 24/7 (to the benefit of their mental health in modern speak) and likes to have a bit of fun which, for many football supporters, includes a wind-up or two at their rivals expense from time to time. It's not hurting anyone, it's not one-sided and it occurs in every area of the country where you have football clubs in very close proximity. For Tarquin the University Student that has decided to support City or Rovers just to have a football club to support whilst they are in Bristol they probably don't see a rivalry. For those of us growing up in places like Bedminster, Ashton, Bemmy Down, Hartcliffe, Withywood, Shirehampton, Lawrence Weston, Southmead, Lockleaze, Knowle West, Horfield, Bishopston, Easton, Fishponds, Kingswood and many other areas in Bristol and the surrounding areas there most definitely is and always has been a rivalry. If it's not for you just ignore the thread rather than trying to force your views on people, saying we have "no right" to enjoy a bit of rivalry and acting like you have some sort of superior intelligence and/or moral fibre. It's not doing you any favours tbh.

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3 hours ago, Blackbird1 said:

They are a pox on Bristol, along with the Kill the Bill protesters, but our own form is pretty much diabolical too, losing at home 6 on the trot, Brum, Rotherham etc, IF we were in a postion to mock, fair enough, but we are not.

You are missing the point. Most fans visit the dustbin thread simply as a way of having a laugh and boy is there lots of material to choose from.

It's got nothing to do with obsession, far from it.

It is because they think they're a big club who take 40,000 to Wembley, that they're on a par with Norwich, have a rich owner, are moving into another new stadium next week & everybody likes them. The reality is polar opposite. Happiness for them is when we concede a goal or when we lose & absolutely nothing to do with anything positive they do themselves on the pitch such is the plight of their miserable existence.

They need to fast forward from where they are stuck in which is the 1970's and realise that football has moved on and once they start accepting the fact that they are a League 1 & 2 club at best and that Cheltenham, Forest Green  & Yeovil are their level then maybe you would start to see the dustbin thread start to wain.

In accepting their true level it would also be in their favour to foster relations with us so that our younger players can get valuable experience and they benefit from watching better players play for them rather than the nomadic journey men and young rejects they currently use.


They are no longer a rival, they are quite simply irrelevant. 

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This is my favourite thread on here . I despise Bristol Rovers football club. Especially after growing up in and going to school in kingswood in the 80s. A good few playground battles. And over the years there have been many incidents from them that enforces my dislike for them. Because they are so shit and we haven’t played them for so long in the league doesn’t stop me from despising them. But they are also now a funny little club I love to laugh at too. And how they deliver . I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual from them and if roles were reversed I would expect the same. Maybe it’s a age thing as our younger fan base haven’t experienced a Bristol derby in the league. But for me I will continue with my childish piss taking sometimes direct posts. Hope they go bust **** the gas. OTIB 

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3 hours ago, Blackbird1 said:

There should come a time when some should stop obsessing over them, to keep banging on about them shows they get under your skin. They are not our rivals, they used to be but not anymore, his sort of tribal post code thing seems to prevent us moving forward.

I admit though to find it entertaining in their demise, but the other part of me thinks there a lot of other good Bristol folk who are completely down over this, and I could never laugh in their faces over that. 


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4 hours ago, Blackbird1 said:

They are a pox on Bristol, along with the Kill the Bill protesters, but our own form is pretty much diabolical too, losing at home 6 on the trot, Brum, Rotherham etc, IF we were in a postion to mock, fair enough, but we are not.

At the end of the day it’s just banter and if you can’t take it you shouldn’t give it and city fans of a certain age took it for years. Some of it occasionally gets a little childish but that’s on both sides like the whole bottle of champagne for Colin Daniel and then Windass being invited to their social in return but on the whole it’s good natured banter on both sides that fills a void during the international break 

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There is just too much history between some of us on here and Rovers fans, which is why some on here just don’t get it.
I ain’t gonna bother listing the incidents as most will know what I am on about on here. Fact is they hate us and we (most of us) hate them more. 
They can **** off to Div 2 and stay there as far as I am concerned. That is where those stinking Horfield whores belong.
End off .....


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59 minutes ago, Blackbird1 said:


Anyway thanks for all the bites, best fun I have had for ages.



I know lockdown has curtailed most of our regular activities, but oh what a humdrum life you must lead if that's the best fun you've had in "ages",

I'm not seeing bites, I'm seeing a lot of people convincingly arguing with you why the schadenfreude against Rovers is all part and parcel of being City fans. 

Your point that "Rovers aren't our rivals any more" doesn't stand up. Just because they are in a different division than us, hatred for them doesn't wax and wane with their league position. When we were sweeping all before us in League One and they were losing to Bath in the FA Trophy and Braintree in the non-league we were as far apart as we've ever been and the "non-league" thread was absolute gold.

They'll always be our #1 enemy, and although t's unlikely things can change extremely quickly in terms of rival clubs' fortunes - I know it's going back a long way but in 1986 Oxford won the league cup while Swindon were in the Fourth Division. A few short years later Swindon overtook them. You never know what could happen unfortunately.

They've done a lot to justify our hatred for them too, from their 1982 escapades to trying to paint our fanbase as all hooligan devils incarnate, while they are complete saints. Just two examples off the top of my head. Just because they are crap at football doesn't mean they aren't objectionable.

When a Gashead accuses me of being obsessed with them, I am happy to own it. My response is along the lies of "Yep, guilty, I hate your putrid club." Doesn't mean I necessarily hate all individual Gasheads. A few of them I know, like and admire.

I suspect most City fans would disgaree with you. As Peter said, if you don't want to read anti-Gash stuff then avoid this thread. The whole point of it coming into being was so it could be concentrated into one place and not spread all over the forum. If your game is you think you are winding people up then crack on my friend but people replying to you does not = a successful fishing trip.




Edited by WessexPest
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When talking to Gas mates (yep, I do have some) best way I've found for taking the piss is to tell them that Cardiff are our rivals now - tell them that they no longer matter. Occasionally ask them how they're doing, or who their manager is these days, pretending I don't know. Really frustrates them. Then drop in something along the lines of "when's your next derby match against Cheltenham?" and they really start frothing with anger - how could a Ted not know or cares about them anymore??! Bless 'em!


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29 minutes ago, GasDestroyer said:

There is just too much history between some of us on here and Rovers fans, which is why some on here just don’t get it.
I ain’t gonna bother listing the incidents as most will know what I am on about on here. Fact is they hate us and we (most of us) hate them more. 
They can **** off to Div 2 and stay there as far as I am concerned. That is where those stinking Horfield whores belong.
End off .....


well said that man

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1 hour ago, Blackbird1 said:

Of course..but these fixtures just don't happen anymore, and if as many do, want them to fold, they never will. Suppose I can take the laid back view over them, because I moved from Bristol when I was 16, but never lost the passion for City, never will. 

The rivalry at school was massive, but my sister married a gas head, and to be honest I used to go to Eastville with him and his mates, but never wanting a gas win. But he used to come with me to the Gate too, and those Wembley finals too, he always, he said wanted a City win. 

Those days at Eastville, and AG were massive local derbies, and I am glad I have those memories, some fantastic players, Harold Jarman, Alfie Biggs, Big John, brilliant.

Anyway thanks for all the bites, best fun I have had for ages.



If you've been away from Bristol since the age of 16, and saw the players you mention, you've obviously been away a long time, and haven't had to live and work with them. That almost certainly expalins your ambivalence.

I humbly suggest you retire from the thread and leave it to those of us who have to deal with the mutants on a daily basis.


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A point often overlooked is age. I would say older city fans have more genuine hate/dislike for Rovers as they remember actually seeing games vs City. Its very hard for a young fan to have that hate, as we havent played for so long. My son is 15 - he takes the piss out of the Gas because of the Mem and all the tin-pottery, but doesnt hate them because the rivalry isnt really there. He doesnt even see kids wearing the Tesco top anymore - its all city.

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3 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

Obviously closet gas. If you were old enough & remember how they (sorry you) conducted themselves (yourselves)  in 82 then you’d understand . 

The cr*p we went through in 1982, my school days putting up with a majority of gas 'friends'. Girlfriends who supported the Gas. Family who never went to watch the Gas but revelled in them beating us (w*nkers). 

This is all for them ?

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1 hour ago, LilRascal said:

 Then drop in something along the lines of "when's your next derby match against Cheltenham?" a


Next season Cheltenham (& FGR) could both be in a higher division than Rovers; think of their embarrassment.

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Getting the thread back on track.  We are fast approaching the 20th anniversary of the last Bristol league derby which was on the 3rd April 2001.  The 1-1 draw where Phillips saved the penalty in the last minute.  Who’d have thought as walked out of their hovel of a ground that there wouldn’t be another league derby for at least 20 years.

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Blackbird1 I hate those tosses with a passion because they are annoying xxxxx.

Look at the kit,look at ground,look at their fans,hollow head,the fake sheik.

,tick tock they r coming for us,the trumpton yrs,their stupid ####kin song.

Give me a reason to like the gits cuz I know they don’t like us.

My oldest mate (best man) is dopey gas **** .I txt him regularly.At the moment hourly they are that amusing.

Im 50 I know I shouldn’t care but that’s football ,it gets in your bones.

ftg ,ctid.

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Oh you are all are in love with him, aren't you!

As a Bristolian who remembers some cracking local derbies with the Gas at home and away. I'm a City supporter but that doesn't mean I want them to sink into the Fourth Tier. 

I'd rather they were in the same league as us, giving us an extra incentive to remain as Bristol's best.

So for me, I'd like to see them stuff Sunderland and their manager this evening.

Edited by cidered abroad
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7 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

Oh you are all are in love with him, aren't you!

As a Bristolian who remembers some cracking local derbies with the Gas at home and away. I'm a City supporter but that doesn't mean I want them to sink into the Fourth Tier. 

I'd rather they were in the same league as us, giving us an extra incentive to remain as Bristol's best.

So for me, I'd like to see them stuff Sunderland and their manager this evening.

I agree, I don't want them in the fourth tier either. I would love to see the famous blue and white quarters playing on the Downs!

Oh yeah!!!!

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43 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

Oh you are all are in love with him, aren't you!

As a Bristolian who remembers some cracking local derbies with the Gas at home and away. I'm a City supporter but that doesn't mean I want them to sink into the Fourth Tier. 

I'd rather they were in the same league as us, giving us an extra incentive to remain as Bristol's best.

So for me, I'd like to see them stuff Sunderland and their manager this evening.

There is absolutely no chance of them stuffing Sunderland this evening, the game is on Saturday..

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3 hours ago, Blackbird1 said:

Of course..but these fixtures just don't happen anymore, and if as many do, want them to fold, they never will. Suppose I can take the laid back view over them, because I moved from Bristol when I was 16, but never lost the passion for City, never will. 

The rivalry at school was massive, but my sister married a gas head, and to be honest I used to go to Eastville with him and his mates, but never wanting a gas win. But he used to come with me to the Gate too, and those Wembley finals too, he always, he said wanted a City win. 

Those days at Eastville, and AG were massive local derbies, and I am glad I have those memories, some fantastic players, Harold Jarman, Alfie Biggs, Big John, brilliant.

Anyway thanks for all the bites, best fun I have had for ages.



So basically you are a Sag

Enjoy your bites fewer and enjoy the relegation party

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3 hours ago, GasDestroyer said:

There is just too much history between some of us on here and Rovers fans, which is why some on here just don’t get it.
I ain’t gonna bother listing the incidents as most will know what I am on about on here. Fact is they hate us and we (most of us) hate them more. 
They can **** off to Div 2 and stay there as far as I am concerned. That is where those stinking Horfield whores belong.
End off .....


Far too generous, I’d rather they disappeared, with no Phoenix.........

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55 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

Oh you are all are in love with him, aren't you!

As a Bristolian who remembers some cracking local derbies with the Gas at home and away. I'm a City supporter but that doesn't mean I want them to sink into the Fourth Tier. 

I'd rather they were in the same league as us, giving us an extra incentive to remain as Bristol's best.

So for me, I'd like to see them stuff Sunderland and their manager this evening.

Assuming you are living abroad, that would explain a lot. You don't have to live near   the rancorous toads !

I get when you live across the water for a while you yearn for everything and anything "Bristol" .  Well, you're welcome to them ,lock ,stock and stinking barrel !

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1 hour ago, Hampshire Red said:

Some of you may read this nervous thatJohnson  is coming back to the club where even his bad runs are less embarrassing the run DH/NP have now overseen of 6 home defeats on the bounce?

No, he is coming with a tream he is quickly transforming and moulding into a winning side in a way no recent Sunderland manager has been able to do.

Unity for once, I hope on this forum that we really hope he gets a big win at the Memorial Tip. Like last night, i will have a glass for any away goal in an away win - and i rarely raise a toast to Swindle.

Anyone think Rovers will go as bottom team?

Anyone think they will swap places with the better (F.G) Rovers of the West Country?


Isn’t there a Lee Johnson forum you can post on ?

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59 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

I agree, I don't want them in the fourth tier either. I would love to see the famous blue and white quarters playing on the Downs!

Oh yeah!!!!

You want them on the Downs? What have the Downs League teams done to deserve this? No, no and thrice no. They should go to Dartmoor 

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28 minutes ago, pongo88 said:

You want them on the Downs? What have the Downs League teams done to deserve this? No, no and thrice no. They should go to Dartmoor 

‘Ere. We don’t want them. 

Send them to Siberia.

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7 hours ago, pongo88 said:

This is probably the most sensible thing said about Wael on the forum. He’s got some money but absolutely no business brains. Owning the Rovers is just some Walter Mitty fantasy for him 

I just watched 8 minutes of Joey Barton's post match interview from last night (it is partly an obsession, partly a love of comedy). During the interview when he bemoans, amongst other things, Trevor Kettle's lack of fitness, he mentions that Bristol Rovers have foundations in sand, maybe that is part of the fake sheik's legacy. It is fairly early on in the interview so you won't have to waste a full eight minutes of your life to hear it for yourself...

Edit: 3:05 "Everything that we build is built on sand"


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If you were like me, a schoolkid in the 80s, you would be celebrating this thread not having a go at it.  10 years of putting up with those Gas lot crowing is enough to make me love seeing them suffer.

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They were lucky to bounce back out of the conference first time.
Half of my life weve been above them now. Couldnt care less about them, especially when friends of mine who are gasheads seem more concerned by our results than their own. 
When they try to take the piss out of us when they are where they are i say sod em and hopefully they fall again and again!!

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I've said before on this thread growing up in Winterbourne and Frampton in the early 80's was not a good time. How I loved that Martyn Hirst winner. We were back. It was crap in 1990 but God did his hamstring.

They've got a real personality complex with us now and then, I couldn't give a shit about them and hope they end up on the downs leagues.

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12 minutes ago, nickolas said:

They were lucky to bounce back out of the conference first time.
Half of my life weve been above them now. Couldnt care less about them, especially when friends of mine who are gasheads seem more concerned by our results than their own. 
When they try to take the piss out of us when they are where they are i say sod em and hopefully they fall again and again!!

The fact that there are Fewers who have produced children who have subsequently produced their own children since they were last above us in the league just about sums it up..........

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It’s interesting and funny reading this thread. My first City game was 2001ish, I think I just missed out on witnessing a league derby... I’m now 26. Pretty tragic really!

I don’t necessarily hate them, they’re so far behind us in every aspect I possibly couldn’t. 

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Doubt whether those from North Bristol of the 70’s are greatly different, in that probably have more Bristol Gassy friends than City. Indeed, I was best man to a Gashead and vice versa, and he remains one of my best friends to this day. While most of them were ‘standard’ fans, knew some of their absolute nutters well too. Given that, it was a bit alarming when I was persuaded to ball boy at Eastvile (once) with a couple of the normal Gassys, after playing a football match with them nearby (on the basis I would have to walk 8 miles home rather than get a lift). I’ve felt unclean ever since btw. 

I’d be absolutely delighted if they crashed out of the League, but would prefer them in the National League South than out of existence.

Hang on. No. Having re-read that, I’d love it for them to be out of existence.

Don’t think those who didn’t experience the 70’s rivalries can understand the ‘relationship’ those of my generation have with the Sags.

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3 hours ago, CotswoldRed said:

The cr*p we went through in 1982, my school days putting up with a majority of gas 'friends'. Girlfriends who supported the Gas. Family who never went to watch the Gas but revelled in them beating us (w*nkers). 

This is all for them ?

.... goading and belittling us.

Yes, same in this family. A beloved aunt, no longer with us, but she did like to decry the club in Bristol that had actually reached the top level, and contested an FA Cup final, made it to League Cup semi finals.

All this whilst not having set foot in Eastville (never mind Trumpton) since about 1959.

Also, used to work with a bloke at Aztec West that "used to go" down Eastville but long since stopped, but he didn't let this get in the way of him spouting off about us. And the bloke next door to him cleaning his car in the rain, I seem to remember. 

And I am now remembering a quite recent work encounter with what might be termed a "millennial" Fewer young chap, in which we struck up a conversation whilst waiting for an electrician to turn up, and on learning he was from Fishponds or some such, I enquired as to his allegiance, to which he answered "Rovers." I probed further, confident in my years of experience, my sharp wit and the current status imbalance and 18 years and all that, looking for some "sport" while we waited, only for him to reveal "I, er, don't actually go."

Oh, right. Where's that leccy to? I pondered, and that was that.

This city is a funny old place. If Big Nige manages to work the longed-for but unlikely miracle here, then a lot of people that are Rovers but don't watch Rovers are going to be upset, but not so upset that they aren't in the clamour for tickets to see Liverpool, Man Utd and all their other "Premiership teams" at AG.

Edited by Moments of Pleasure
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45 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

It’s interesting and funny reading this thread. My first City game was 2001ish, I think I just missed out on witnessing a league derby... I’m now 26. Pretty tragic really!

I don’t necessarily hate them, they’re so far behind us in every aspect I possibly couldn’t. 

I think this is the natural order of things.

I'm in my 40s and have reason to, as pretty much most of us who lived through that 80s-early 90s period probably do.

I also find it intresting the other way around, never to have known (hopefully you never will!) a time when they were competive and often got the better of us and everything you had to endure because of that. What they did when we nearly vanished was a tad before my time in memory but the legacy of that is never forgotten. I've only ever known them as a scabby little club with some of the most bitter and pathetic football supporters i have ever met.

Perhaps other supporters in your bracket are actually better off as you get to just sit back and enjoy the freak show without any of the pain of years gone by.

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1 hour ago, nickolas said:

They were lucky to bounce back out of the conference first time.
Half of my life we've been above them now. Couldn't care less about them, especially when friends of mine who are gasheads seem more concerned by our results than their own. 
When they try to take the piss out of us when they are where they are i say sod em and hopefully they fall again and again!!

Very lucky !

That Conference Final at "Wembly" they certainly rode it !

Puddy (?!) the keeper should have been sent off after 10 mins.

They then brought on their decent (ageing) keeper Mildenhall for the penalties.

How would have it panned out if they needed to bring him on for 80 mins + 30 mins, and then the penalties, whilst playing with 10 men ?

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i think buying matty taylor was the best thing we ever did to hurt rovers, they had got promoted twice and were around the play offs in january when we bought him . he had scored about 15 goals and with 4 months left in the season could have helped them into the play offs.

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31 minutes ago, The Gasbuster said:

Very lucky !

That Conference Final at "Wembly" they certainly rode it !

Puddy (?!) the keeper should have been sent off after 10 mins.

They then brought on their decent (ageing) keeper Mildenhall for the penalties.

How would have it panned out if they needed to bring him on for 80 mins + 30 mins, and then the penalties, whilst playing with 10 men ?

Exactly this!! Non league ref bottled the obvious red card as it was early in the game. 
The certainly wouldve had a harder time with ten men. 
I almost think they’d have never come back if they hadnt had come up first time. 

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3 hours ago, BRIAN WILSON said:

Another Greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat comment on Asschat

'The Mem will be a decent ground in L2 and we'll also have decent training facilities, assuming Wael continues to back us we should also be decent payers.'




3 hours ago, 22A said:

They wish; St Albans Cityimage.png.ae5f676c0d259c4f09d659664a4079bf.png

More like this level; image.png.1e3b18f9ffb10e0f712805d2e3d1bc47.png

Just to be fair I have picked out a few teams that are mid table and likely to still be in league 2 next season, just to show the competition.

This is Colchester United. Bradfird City and their friends Mansfield.




I mean, none of them are a patch on the mem. ;)

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9 hours ago, Eddie Hitler said:

That's semantics really.

The biggest demand for tickets in a season would come in a game where we were playing the Rovers.  That would be the most important game of the season for us.

We have competitors within the Championship but there is only one genuine rivalry for City and it isn't with Cardiff, Swindon, or Plymouth.


just to backup your reasoning here @Eddie Hitler I've just looked up the first round attendance figures for the 2013 Tinpot Trophy, Southern Section (South-West Group).

Exeter 0-2 Wycombe.                           1654

Cheltenham 3-3 Plymouth.                  1236

Torquay 0-0 Portsmouth.                     1951

Bristol City 2-1 Bristol Nomarks.        17888


You've nailed it my friend.  ?

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4 hours ago, slartibartfast said:

Assuming you are living abroad, that would explain a lot. You don't have to live near   the rancorous toads !

I get when you live across the water for a while you yearn for everything and anything "Bristol" .  Well, you're welcome to them ,lock ,stock and stinking barrel !

My forum name was initiated when I lived in Portugal. I moved back to Bristol in 2013.

My initial post was a reply to Hampshire Red @Hampshire Redwho appears to be stuck up Lee Johnson's rectum, or is chairman of his fan club. The LJ whose continual purchase of players has given us a grossly oversize playing staff with many of them clearly not good enough for top end of Championship.

As for BRFC, as a youngster growing up in post war Bristol, I often went to watch Rovers because apart from City it was the only way to watch a game every other Saturday. Dad also, as a Welsh man, took me to Cardiff and because we had relatives there Leicester City. Also to City away games. So like many of my era, I loved watching football to see so many of the stars of the day.

I had coaching from City and Rovers players as a teenager. I've always supported City but I respect players and fans from all other teams. And I genuinely believe that if BRFC were in the same league as us, we'd get two humdinger derby games and make our club more determined to finish above them every year.

A good enough reply to your sarcasm? @slartibartfast

Edited by cidered abroad
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I hate them with a passion (as they do with us) and will always enjoy even the slightest footballing related mishap they have to suffer (which thankfully are plentiful and often).

Unfortunately the truer the Rovers fan, the more abhorrent their behaviour is, and this often culminates in an out-pouring of bitter, irrational, City related jealousy.

Rejoice in this thread and make the most of it. They are our biggest rivals and always will be. Make no bones, if it was the other way round it would be unbearable. All of us with long enough memories will agree, and thats the way it should be.

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1 hour ago, cidered abroad said:

My forum name was initiated when I lived in Portugal. I moved back to Bristol in 2013.

My initial post was a reply to Hampshire Red @Hampshire Redwho appears to be stuck up Lee Johnson's rectum, or is chairman of his fan club. The LJ whose continual purchase of players has given us a grossly oversize playing staff with many of them clearly not good enough for top end of Championship.

As for BRFC, as a youngster growing up in post war Bristol, I often went to watch Rovers because apart from City it was the only way to watch a game every other Saturday. Dad also, as a Welsh man, took me to Cardiff and because we had relatives there Leicester City. Also to City away games. So like many of my era, I loved watching football to see so many of the stars of the day.

I had coaching from City and Rovers players as a teenager. I've always supported City but I respect players and fans from all other teams. And I genuinely believe that if BRFC were in the same league as us, we'd get two humdinger derby games and make our club more determined to finish above them every year.

A good enough reply to your sarcasm? @slartibartfast

Sarcasm ? Where was I sarcastic ? I may have been ill informed about your location, but I meant every word of my dislike for the few. As for rip roaring derbys, been there ,done that, going back to the mid sixties. We have nothing to prove to them ,the only thing we can do is lose!

I also went to Eastville to watch "them" occasionally, and with my dad (who also was Welsh) to watch Cardiff (Toshack, Clark et al) and the old Arms Park      Re LJ couldn't agree more .

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5 hours ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

.... goading and belittling us.

Yes, same in this family. A beloved aunt, no longer with us, but she did like to decry the club in Bristol that had actually reached the top level, and contested an FA Cup final, made it to League Cup semi finals.

All this whilst not having set foot in Eastville (never mind Trumpton) since about 1959.

Also, used to work with a bloke at Aztec West that "used to go" down Eastville but long since stopped, but he didn't let this get in the way of him spouting off about us. And the bloke next door to him cleaning his car in the rain, I seem to remember. 

And I am now remembering a quite recent work encounter with what might be termed a "millennial" Fewer young chap, in which we struck up a conversation whilst waiting for an electrician to turn up, and on learning he was from Fishponds or some such, I enquired as to his allegiance, to which he answered "Rovers." I probed further, confident in my years of experience, my sharp wit and the current status imbalance and 18 years and all that, looking for some "sport" while we waited, only for him to reveal "I, er, don't actually go."

Oh, right. Where's that leccy to? I pondered, and that was that.

This city is a funny old place. If Big Nige manages to work the longed-for but unlikely miracle here, then a lot of people that are Rovers but don't watch Rovers are going to be upset, but not so upset that they aren't in the clamour for tickets to see Liverpool, Man Utd and all their other "Premiership teams" at AG.


Haha! That last anecdote sums them up.

I had a similar experience when Mrs R and I were house-hunting.  

We went to one place and the male of the house was watching football on telly. "Who do you support?" I asked him. "Oh, er, Bristol Rovers," he replied, a bit sheepishly.

The missus shot me a steely look as she quite liked this property and didn't want me fuhucking up any deal. She needn't have worried. The homeowner took my silence as some sort of invitation to explain and he stammered out: "Well, I, um, er, I say Rovers, but really Liverpool is my team. I just used to like Rovers when I was a kid. I don't even know who manages them these days.."     :laughcont:

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22 minutes ago, Gert Mare said:

I can relate to this.

Honestly, it was incessant during the 80's.

Before that time I hadn't been particularly bothered about Rovers. They hid under their rocks during the late 70's but crawled out when the wheels started to come off at Ashton Gate.

I didn't understand why they wanted to ram their dislike of City down my throat, but in later years a good mate of mine who is unfortunately a Gashead revealed the problem from his and his mates perspective and for me it highlighted quite clearly why the problem is actually theirs and not ours......

When we got promoted to Division One it was all about Bristol City, not just City but the prospect of having the best players and teams in the land coming to Bristol on a regular basis. Suddenly all of the newspaper main headlines were about City, the local TV sports reporting was City first, the main sports news and match of the day brought even more attention to Bristol City and for Rovers fans it felt like they were being bombarded by City related interest. They felt aggrieved by this as there were two teams in Bristol and they felt like they were being forgotten about. Even when they had a great result they were always pushed down the pecking order in terms of coverage and reporting. They saw it as a 'bias' towards Bristol City and became frustrated, annoyed, envious and jealous and took it out on the City fan base. In reality, it's no different from hearing about the Premier League nowadays and rarely hearing about either of our local clubs because there isn't a wider interest. It is why they always feel hard done by and why they continuously play the victim. So when the bubble eventually burst and we crashed down the leagues they reveled in our demise. At last we could begin to feel like they had felt, insignificant to the world of football.

This underlying bitterness and resentment has continued to fester throughout the years and every so often it rises to the surface. It happens if they win and we lose, it happens when something good happens for us (like the arrival of SL and the rebuild of AG and the club's infrastructure), or when we are in the spotlight (like the Carabao Cup run). Times like these are when they become extremely agitated. If they win promotion they're suddenly "Coming for Bristol City". They can't just be content with their own success and leave it at that.

Only a few weeks ago they picked up a win on the same day that City lost and immediately took to social media "Singing The Blues". They just can't help themselves. They compare everything to City as their yardstick. It really is very sad, but my god, doesn't it make them an easy target to wind up and rip the piss out of?!!!



I've always found them to be bitter *****.

The only ambition their fans have is to be one place above us and have a stadium with one seat more capacity.

Sadly for them, I think over the years that's rubbed off on the BOD/Chairmen there and instead of being realistic in their ambitions, they've set their goals as being competitive with us. Wherever we are in the league is the extent of their ambition. 

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I remember having to go to school the day after that dicking we got in 1990 - they all came out of the closet that day to make anyone of a City persuasion's life a misery for months on end so for that alone **** em.

Is there an odder-behaved fanbase in the whole of the Football League?  

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6 minutes ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:

I remember having to go to school the day after that dicking we got in 1990 - they all came out of the closet that day to make anyone of a City persuasion's life a misery for months on end so for that alone **** em.

Is there an odder-behaved fanbase in the whole of the Football League?  

My mate wore out his VHS player after he kept putting it on every time I went round his house.

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I still don't understand why they don't just make the Mem into a decent 12,000 seat stadium... If they had just done one end every few years it would have been all done now.


If they should need the extra seats (prob top half of Championship for a sustained period) look to expand.


They have what they need, and had / have the money... They just can't be happy with what would be appropriate and want unrealistic / unobtainable grand builds.... Really sad.... They should look to FGR, Yeovil and not us... There is no shame in it.

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26 minutes ago, Fiale said:

I still don't understand why they don't just make the Mem into a decent 12,000 seat stadium... If they had just done one end every few years it would have been all done now.


If they should need the extra seats (prob top half of Championship for a sustained period) look to expand.


They have what they need, and had / have the money... They just can't be happy with what would be appropriate and want unrealistic / unobtainable grand builds.... Really sad.... They should look to FGR, Yeovil and not us... There is no shame in it.

They look at Bristol and split it down the middle. Therefore in their eyes they are potentially massive. Only 20k watch City and that means 440,000 potential Gasheads to pack out their super stadium with student accommodation, running track and a Lidl. ?

Edited by Gert Mare
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On 24/03/2021 at 10:10, Blackbird1 said:

They are a pox on Bristol, along with the Kill the Bill protesters, but our own form is pretty much diabolical too, losing at home 6 on the trot, Brum, Rotherham etc, IF we were in a postion to mock, fair enough, but we are not.

How long since they were last above us? What league are we in? Absolutely in a position to mock

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3 hours ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:

Is there an odder-behaved fanbase in the whole of the Football League?  

The season Notts County dropped out of the League there was nothing but glee and abuse on the Forest fans forum.

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