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18 minutes ago, Chivs said:

South Stand. 

Still waiting for the football reason. 

Although a couple have mentioned they are happy with the football due to the cards Pearson has been dealt. 

I disagree but that's fine. 

I thought people were upset due to the football... my bad. 

Your bad what?

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2 hours ago, YorksRed said:

Been supporting the club nearly 50 years (yikes) and always thought that as a supporter you should generally “support” the club.  I’ve always tried to speak positively of the Lansdowns too for what they have done.  I am furious and appalled by this decision and the treatment of Nigel.

We finally, after many years, had a serious, experienced manager who talked sense, who had got on and changed the culture, trimmed costs, met the financial requirements, developed and sold on young players and clearly moved the whole club forward in all areas.  There was a clear plan for the first time that I could see for many years.

We are now a club without a CEO, without a strong and visible leader and now without a manager.  What a mess.

Nigel managed the club through a really difficult period, with huge constraints and didn’t complain at any stage.  I am very grateful for all he has done but am now also mourning what perhaps could have been.

Great post, thank you YorksRed

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Very ballsy decision that with quite a lot of fans supporting him. I’ll still be supporting the club though and paying to watch. Won’t be demonstrating either. Managers come and go. My hope is that we can find one that can encourage us to play some attractive football, maybe even pass to one another rather than lumping it up the field to 5’10 strikers. 

SL left us short this season. No doubt. Had to spend some of the Scott money on a central defender and a midfield player. So it’s a very tough decision, but football is a ruthless business. I remember the reaction when Brighton sacked Chris Hughton…

On we go - things might even improve. 

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14 minutes ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

What did you expect "for it" given the slashing of wages, cuts, shopping in L1 and 2, number of academy rookies playing in first X1, etc?

He didn't expect anything he joined the forum about 1hr ago. He is part of a huge group of new members in the last 48hrs, all of whom are pro SL and anti-NP. It just makes the whole thing more sickening, because it just shows the club knew we wanted NP to stay and are actively paying for damage limitation. Anonther sign they don't care what we want for our club. 

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1 hour ago, Dastardly and Muttley said:

Do you know what? I think I might be done with this club for a while.

I live an hour and a half away, in Maidenhead, and the distance usually makes things easier to rationalise.

But there’s nothing rational about this. What “recent results”? A 0-1 home defeat to an Ipswich side who’ve had the second best ever start to a Championship season, where we were probably worth a point?

A 2-0 away defeat when we only had 12 fit players and had to name 2 GKs on the bench?

Before that, we beat Coventry, Rotherham and Plymouth whilst losing to Leeds, Leicester and Stoke. Only the Stoke result can be considered as a surprise or disappointment.

I’ve felt we’ve put up a fight in every game this season, despite being able to name a full eleven of injured players.

The youngsters have been promoted in a way I’ve never seen before. The football clearly had a style and a plan, to be a high-pressing counter-attacking side. The wage bill had been cut. We’d performed well despite selling key players.

The board could really not ask for anything more from a manager and they’ve been itching to do this for weeks. It stinks.

I hope, for the club’s sake, there’s someone lined up and a decision is made in the next week or so. If there’s not one standout candidate, then at least a shortlist ready to go.

Eustace, Rowett, Beale and even Ainsworth should be brought in for an interview, then take your pick from there.

I fear they’ll make a run at Lansdown’s wet dream of Mark Robins. One last splash with him before SL sails into the distance.

I've ran out of reactions for today but you've summed up perfectly how I feel. 

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This is a disgraceful decision. I thought the statement by Jon Lansdown was embarrassing as well. Do they really think we should be close to promotion with a threadbare squad, low wage bill and with a policy of selling our best players? We all know full well that this is not a decision based on results, and I find it insulting that they have tried to say it was. It shows the utter contempt they have for the fanbase. For the first time in 40 years I dont want to watch my team and its because of the owner and not what is happening on the pitch. Im disgusted with how they are running our club. 

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6 minutes ago, firstdivision said:

Very ballsy decision that with quite a lot of fans supporting him. I’ll still be supporting the club though and paying to watch. Won’t be demonstrating either. Managers come and go. My hope is that we can find one that can encourage us to play some attractive football, maybe even pass to one another rather than lumping it up the field to 5’10 strikers. 

SL left us short this season. No doubt. Had to spend some of the Scott money on a central defender and a midfield player. So it’s a very tough decision, but football is a ruthless business. I remember the reaction when Brighton sacked Chris Hughton…

On we go - things might even improve. 

How does the story end? Better, the same or worse than now? SL is not courting popularity but deep down I still believe he wants things to be better. I will continue to support the club hoping for a better future.

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2 hours ago, Bazooka Joe said:

Slimy bstards get rid of Pearson, before injured players return and he gets the team back to winning ways.

They think they're so clever.


They probably wanted to get it done quickly, in case we beat Wednedsay next Saturday.  This now confirms they’ve had their slimy finger on the trigger for a while, just waiting for a chance to pull it.

A feeling of Cott’s about this sacking, but far worse this time imho

We need to brace ourselves for a return to the yes man now I reckon, though in the mood I’m in, I couldn’t give a shit who the clowns appoint.


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Just now, Lorenzos Only Goal said:

What's worse is Euell had gone along with Rene as well.  Both massively positive impact on the club....

We can only assume there is a new manager announcement next week. I can't see Flemming lasting that long.

With Rennie gone, what does that mean to all our injured players? I assume we have physio's but ... 🤷🏻‍♂️

The loss of Rennie too is devastating 

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1 minute ago, Lorenzos Only Goal said:

What's worse is Euell had gone along with Rene as well.  Both massively positive impact on the club....

We can only assume there is a new manager announcement next week. I can't see Flemming lasting that long.

I’m struggling with this one.  Why didn’t he follow Nige if he’s been told he’s got no chance? Makes me a bit worried!  

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1 minute ago, sugarwray said:

SL is not courting popularity but deep down I still believe he wants things to be better.

I don’t. I think he wants things to be his way and that’s all that matters. Narcissist who wants to be loved and think he deserves it by spending some of Hargreaves his vast wealth on us. 

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Gutted for you guys - Pearson is a top manager and as an outsider, I felt he brought stability with steady consistent progress whilst also bringing through youth players and doing that whilst having to sell some key players.

At Stoke we did similar sacking Michael O' Neil and appointing Alex Neil.

Not sure who you will go for now, but you must be one of the most attractive clubs in the league to manage outside the relegated premier League teams.


Seen mentions of Rowett (could get you to the play offs but be prepared for lots of draws and seriously dull football) and Nathan Jones (High octane football but he should be sectioned).


Eustace would be a good manager to go for, but other than him are there many out there right now?


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1 minute ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Thanks mate. 

To be honest it's been a bit of a burden carrying around the Nige info for a couple of weeks. It's not nice hearing about his plight and then reading people's positive opinions of him on here.

That's why I'll nearly always share information I receive. I guess it's partly cathartic on my part, but I also think this kind of info should be public in the interests of the wider fanbase. 

We deserve to know what's going on at OUR club.

Haha, don't know how you keep your info to yourself, i'd be singing like a canary after a few ciders if i had your info 

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As many have said, this decision was made some time ago. It’s the only plausible reason NP was not backed financially in the summer following the sell of Scott. They didn’t want him spending the money set aside for the next guy, not that I expect that to be much!

I was gutted when Gary Johnson left even though he had clearly run its course. Cotts was screwed over that transfer window believing deals were lined up only to have the rugged pulled from underneath him. This one leave the most bitter taste by far. It’s not often so many of the fan base are still fully supportive of a manager and the board chose to fire them.

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2 hours ago, Olé said:

Christ there have been some dire times at this club in the 30 years I have been watching (appreciate others have done so for much longer and through much tougher i.e. early eighties) but at least in my time I don't recall a moment I have ever felt more disillusioned or detached from the club than hearing this news. We knew it might be coming but part of me didn't want to believe the Lansdown's would be so ridiculous.

This is not a footballing decision however they dress this up. We've been competitive in all of the games we've played this season and anyone who spends any amount of time watching can see what is developing. I'm one of those people who finds it quite awkward to be outright dismissive of SL given the investment he has made in the club, but at this point he is no better than all the other lunatics or overseas owners.

This is a scandalous decision which appears to be at odds with the vast majority of supporters - in which case he clearly no longer cares about who he represents, so perhaps it's time to sell up and move on.

This is the perfect post to sum up how I feel upon hearing the news. I've been supporting this club for 35 years, this year they've just reached an all-time level of stupidity!

I've been very understanding about the wage cap we seem to have implemented, I have defended that decision to try and get the club running without the constant financial support of Steve Lansdown and I have said numerous times that I think the players finally had a manager they were willing to fight for. Yesterday we put out a team that was severely lacking and yet every one of them fought very hard and did their best, we lost the game 2-0 in a manner where with a bit of luck we could have got a point despite having a stupid level of injuries. I don't remember the last time we put out such a weak team and still looked like we wanted to play, that was down to Nigel Pearson and the respect the players have for him.

I read the statement:


“Nigel is highly respected by the staff and players and has been very supportive of the academy structure and our women’s team. We all wanted Nigel to achieve our ambition to be promoted but, with our recent results, feel that now is the time to make a change to give the club the best possible chance of success.”

This statement is just utter sh*t! "The best possible chance of success"?! I genuinely wish I could ask the Bristol City board, "Who wants to take on a job where the club appears to have a wage cap that is maxed out, refused to fund further signings, has one of the most injury-ravaged squads in the league where the players genuinely liked the previous manager?". I just can't fathom any manager with a good reputation and experience looking at this job and saying "I want that job", I also can't see any up and coming manager wanting the job either as he'll have to start with no ability to make chances to the starting line up because we have so many players out it practically picks itself! We could literally hire anyone and the only impact they can offer right now is to be encouraging to players who have just lost a manager they enjoy playing for.

I am not one for knee-jerk reactions so I've had a sit and think about the situation and tried to look at it with reason but I just don't see any positives in this decision, it's the wrong time, the fans finally were backing a manager even in the hard times and they've even done it after losing to Cardiff, essentially giving a rival club the chance to piss off our fans, it's a bad decision on so many levels that I've genuinely considered just giving football a break for a long time.

I feel like the people running this club don't like having a manager with a spine and who is willing to tell them that they know best, we obviously want a yes man and therein is the issue, the fans will never all get behind a yes man, they may find someone that splits the fans with some liking him and some not but being as so many of our fans already resent Lansdown this just further creates that distance and resentment.

Whoever comes in to replace Nigel is just going to be stepping into a poisoned position where they are destined to fail, I genuinely feel sorry for them and this no longer feels like the club I grew up loving, it doesn't have any real connection to it's fans and for the one thing that was giving many fans hope has just been taken away from them.

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6 minutes ago, nonameface said:

Gutted for you guys - Pearson is a top manager and as an outsider, I felt he brought stability with steady consistent progress whilst also bringing through youth players and doing that whilst having to sell some key players.

At Stoke we did similar sacking Michael O' Neil and appointing Alex Neil.

Not sure who you will go for now, but you must be one of the most attractive clubs in the league to manage outside the relegated premier League teams.


Seen mentions of Rowett (could get you to the play offs but be prepared for lots of draws and seriously dull football) and Nathan Jones (High octane football but he should be sectioned).


Eustace would be a good manager to go for, but other than him are there many out there right now?


It’ll be a yes man . Lansdown doesn’t like managers with opinions 

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