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Which Team Do You Detest The Most?


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Guest Longford Red

I kind of still have a grudge against Stoke for robbing us in the Auto Windscreens Final (when they took the free kick before the ref blew his whistle and silly ref let it stand)

And also Cardiff for the reasons people have stated.

Not Louis Carey for being half asleep then!

I still have a dislike for Stoke though Dolly

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Pig Town, cos its such a shaeyte'ole.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadiff, for such nice Friendly :blink: charming :w00t: ani...sorry fans.

Watfart, cos its such a dump, and their fans are well errrrr nothing.

MK Dung, plastic town, no fans, c'mon AFC

Milwall................Pig Towns inbred city cousins, and sooooooooooooo polite with it :rolleyes:

don't have a problem wi Gas, don't live there so it aint an issue, never seen one up 'yer either :dunno:

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I can only assume most of you who put cardiff are too young to remember when City and Rovers were in the same league.The derby games between us were by far the most looked forward to of the season.Although the severnside derby was important-and usually loads of trouble-i don't remember those games being anywhere near the same intensity as the Bristol derby.I really hated Rovers in those days-especially as they often beat us.But now i kind of feel sorry for them-we've underperformed over the last few seasons,but they've been dreadful for years now.

I look forward to competative Bristol derbies in the future-they were great fun.

I would put cardiff first every time, hate 'em with a passion, and on top of that they are welsh, with supporters and a chairman that leaves a lot to be desired.. :englandsmile4wf:

I don't hate Rovers, I laugh at all my gas head mates when they lose, and when they got relegated, but whatever we say, they are Bristolian and English, which cardiff aint. :englandsmile4wf:

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Given that many of my mates are sags, how can I possibly have hatred for them? Also, though I used to detest Cardiff, I've changed my view in the last few years. Here's why:

It seems we at Bristol City are disliked by a fair few fans round the country for a couple of reasons. One is that we have a bit of a (unwarranted) hooligan reputation. Most here will agree this rep is completely unjustified and stems from a period in the 80's/early 90's when we had a fairly active firm. But as everyone on here knows, 99% of our fans are decent and there's been very little trouble for the past 8/10 years. Police stats have shown that, for example, even so called 'family club' Bristol Rovers have worse problems than us these days. Who d'a thunk it huh?! :ermm:

Second is that it seems a lot of fans see us as arrogant. Apparently we think we're a big club???? :laugh: Again this doesn't tally with the truth. You do get the occasional muppet that tries to claim we're still worthy of the premiership or whatever, but such views are laughed off by the majority of us. If anything it's the media and those within the game that repeatedly claim Bristol City are a 'massive club' - oh, and not forgetting every player or manager that joins us. Are they given a script to read or something? :dunno:

So, Cardiff City......they have a similar reputation as us, but far worse, particularly on the hooligan front. Yet of the people I know who've supported Cardiff long term, these guys are the same as you and me and every other proper football fan in this country. Decent, well behaved, yet passionate fans who are blighted by a reputation earned on their behalf by a few **** s. Like us, they're neither violent nor arrogant.

So no, I don't hate Rovers or Cardiff or any football club, I'll save that hatred for rapists, murderers, warmongers, etc... :@

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I funnily enough quite like Cardiff. Their supporters are passionate and loud and make Ninian Park an intimidating place. Reminds me very much of Ashton Gate in the late 60s and 70s. As previously posted, went there last Saturday v Derby and it was a good day out ... Millwall Cold Blow Lane era - now that was an evil place. Will never forget watching City win there 2-0 sometime between '73 and '75. Went in their home end and pretended to be a home fan - safest thing to do! The question actually sums up what is wrong with football fans 'which team do you detest?' It is that sort of attitude which creates the nastiness that exists between football fans. City would say CardifWhich Team Do You Detest The Most?f/Rovers/Swindon - Newcastle would say Sunderland - Birmingham would say Villa - it is all a bit dull and predictable. It is also the sort of pathetic attitude that has led to all-seater stadia, bussing in for games like Swansea, lack of beer on the terraces (terraces?), etc. if footie fans grew up a bit and were critical of posts like 'which team do you detest most?' and adopted a slightly more mature and sensible attitude then maybe the game we love would be a little more accomodating to our wishes ('Open the East End') - Yours Grumpy old Man

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Very bored at work!

Two questions

1) Which team do you hate the most?

2) Rovers or Cardiff?

1) I don't really hate any clubs, but there are those I like less than others. Dislike Man United and Chelsea, because they represent what to me is wrong with football. Also don't really like Boston United (should never have been allowed into the league), Blackpool (not entirely sure why, maybe Owen Oyston had something to do with it), MK Dons (obvious reasons) and Rushden & Diamonds. Having lived in Scotland I developed a thorough loathing of the Old Firm who represent everything unsavoury about the game north of the border.

Would like to point out that while I don't really like these clubs I don't necessarily dislike their fans or the teams themselves.

2) Rovers or Cardiff? Rovers are hilarious, without them we'd have nothing to talk about on here! Cardiff - nah! can't be doing with them.

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Guest The Codfather 0312
I funnily enough quite like Cardiff. Their supporters are passionate and loud and make Ninian Park an intimidating place. Reminds me very much of Ashton Gate in the late 60s and 70s. As previously posted, went there last Saturday v Derby and it was a good day out ... Millwall Cold Blow Lane era - now that was an evil place. Will never forget watching City win there 2-0 sometime between '73 and '75. Went in their home end and pretended to be a home fan - safest thing to do! The question actually sums up what is wrong with football fans 'which team do you detest?' It is that sort of attitude which creates the nastiness that exists between football fans. City would say CardifWhich Team Do You Detest The Most?f/Rovers/Swindon - Newcastle would say Sunderland - Birmingham would say Villa - it is all a bit dull and predictable. It is also the sort of pathetic attitude that has led to all-seater stadia, bussing in for games like Swansea, lack of beer on the terraces (terraces?), etc. if footie fans grew up a bit and were critical of posts like 'which team do you detest most?' and adopted a slightly more mature and sensible attitude then maybe the game we love would be a little more accomodating to our wishes ('Open the East End') - Yours Grumpy old Man

Ask a Cardiff fan who they detest the most and it wont be Rovers/Swindon it would be Swansea.

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Guest pentlandsl

Heartily dislike;




Man United


Don't really dislike the Gas, I miss the friendly rivalry of the recent derbies. Without our Gas friends who would we have for that Monday morning 'discussion', not forgetting our own closet City fan from the Mem, Dr F?

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