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Flare Thrown On The Pitch


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Cant see this posted anywhere else, but sorry if it is. Basically whoever threw that flare onto the pitch when we scored is a ########, and if you are reading this mate, think about your fellow supporters and piss off to Italy where roma fans are into that kind of thing, not Bristol City mate!!!!

We are top of the league!!!! :clapping:

that's a bit harsh, yet another otib over reaction.

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I hope the idiot who thought it was clever to bring it into the ground gets found on video by the Charlton CCTV and the details are passed to the City to deal with this person accordingly

i hope this fellow supporter does not get any punishment for whatsoever for this,no harm done yet

a select few are on the bandwagon before it's even moved...........very disappointed in the attitude

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Why not just hang him? :noexpression:

better still let all the grumpy sods having a moan over a poxy flare

1. shove a rocket up his arse,

2. a flare in each ear,

3. throw him on a bonfire and finally

4. hang draw and quarter the charred remains and parade the bits

on poles while walking around the streets of bristol to set an example of him.

don't throw the flares or anything onto the pitches or the forum will be clogged up again :noexpression:

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Thought the flare incident was great!

Hopefully they'll be some in the east end against Watford, that would look fantastic!

As i've said before, thank god the moaners on here represent less than 1% of city's fan base. Imagine how sh!t football would be if they were the average fan. It doesn't bare thinking about!

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I hope the management issue a statement regarding the use of flares which are banned in this country we could get into trouble for it,its a shame thats it,if we start throwing them in the E/E there coud be a debate on closing it again,I am suprised they have not removed this one from the forum,and please can the club issue a statement on the future use of Flares and to consequences to the club and fans

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