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Kid in the Riot

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Everything posted by Kid in the Riot

  1. Difficult to put into words how much I hate this club at the moment.
  2. His transfer fee probably paid itself back with that goal against Palace. He scored a good one up at Carrow Road too which I was right behind.
  3. Problem is you aren't exactly a reliable, unbiased source of information on this because GJ humiliated you. Of course there were some players that had an axe to grind with GJ, like Cole Skuse because LJ started ahead of him, but generally GJ built a squad with great team spirit which was often more than the sum of its parts.
  4. Trundle smacks of a Steve Lansdown vanity signing.
  5. Yes, and at points where England were closer to achieving success, particularly the Rashford pen. There have been big "moments" for England in tournaments in the past and Southgate has had a couple of big ones too, which with a bit more luck could've ended very differently.
  6. Wow that's tenuous Using the same logic "if Rashford scores his penalty" and "if Kane scores his penalty", right? Fine margins.
  7. That's because they hate each other though. I quite like Belgians, especially their chocolate.
  8. And bear in mind since the introduction of the Nations League they carry even less significance.
  9. Nope. Me too. Funny watching people get worked up over an England friendly on here mind
  10. You could well be right on Murphy. But this did remind me that we have of course had an Irish Bond before - Pierce Brosnan.
  11. Taunton are playing on: March 29 April 1 April 3 April 6 April 9 April 13 April 17 April 20 And they've still got to fit in a rearranged game against Slough in there
  12. Can't agree that Gary was an "awful" man manager. You don't squeeze what he did out of a limited group of players, taking them to the top end of the Championship if your man management skills are poor. His methods were old school and I agree had a ceiling, much in the same way someone like Cotterill did. If we're looking at who maximised the potential of their careers, then let's not forget Gary made the most of his, but there's a reason Lee Trundle certainly didn't.
  13. SL has never liked the local media and the scrutiny it brings. He turned up for Geoff's last show out of respect, my guess is he probably did not want to do it at all. Since Geoff has gone he hasn't done an interview for RB, and I'd guess he never will again.
  14. There's still plenty of money to be made for SL in the Sporting Village and associated housing development that means he doesn't have to be pushed into a quick sale. I think he still has enough interest in City, both emotional and financial, that he'll stick with it for the time being.
  15. When has this ever happened though? My first City games were 94/95 against Tranmere and Derby County. Crowds of about 8,000 rattling around a more than half empty stadium. I don't recall the atmosphere being vociferous or intimidating.
  16. Strong argument that the best players in La Liga and Bundesliga are both English. Not sure we've ever been able to say that before. Plus a plethora of English talent in the Premier League. Us and France will have the two best squads in the tournament this summer.
  17. His job title hasn't changed, Dave. But his role i.e. what he actually does and is responsible for has evidently changed since the departures of Gould/Alexander/Nige. Because in at least two of those three, you are losing experienced men with gravitas that can speak on behalf of the club. Now we have Tins and Jon! And Tins certainly can't be relied upon to perform a similar spokesperson role to that of a Gould or Nige. Plus, the loss of those men means Jon is naturally expected to be more about the place to help fill the vacuum. I think Richard Latham is right, Jon probably had one foot in Bermuda and now he's been called back by Steve to deal with a shitstorm. That's the point I'm making.
  18. A worthwhile listen but Richard Latham's views are pretty outdated, particularly regards "marquee" signings and his aversion to DoFs. His most interesting comment was when he hinted that Jon doesn't really want to be in his current role. Agree with that. Jon would much prefer there to be a DoF or CEO that could take the limelight/heat away from him. Which makes the decision by his Dad to plunge him back into such an important, public-facing role all the more bizarre and frankly irresponsible.
  19. They're definitely still big success stories that we can claim, I'd just say the academy assisted their development rather than "produced" them as such.
  20. Still think it's dubious to credit the academy with Semenyo, Scott and Pring. All were in it for a short time but they're hardly academy "produced".
  21. Listening to the game tonight, going well for Bears. 24-7 up to an understrength top of the table Saints. Still life in this season yet if they can go on a run. Edit: bollox try Saints
  22. How about the presentation of this Jerusalem artichoke too? Stunning.
  23. Really good thanks. Could not fault it at all, in fact. Group of 6 of us and enjoyed excellent service throughout the meal. Delicious Jersey rock oysters (with the Picpoul again!) Followed by the scallops in a beautiful buttery Source. The best course for me probably was the ox cheek, that was perfectly tender (pic below). Then finished with the chocolate mousse which lived up to the hype! Also has sides of the hispi cabbage and the aligot, the latter of which is unlike anything I've had before really. Maybe my only complaint is that by the end I was stuffed, an inevitable consequence of so much rich and hearty food. Along with a fair bit of vin... All the food was beautifully presented too, which isn't always the case with traditional cooking. When a place appears on a show called "Remarkable Places to Eat" you kind of fear the worst, but whilst "remarkable" is a very high bar to reach, it was certainly an excellent venue showcasing some very talented chefs and high quality ingredients.
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