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Everything posted by Coxy27

  1. There are 5. Steve Lansdown, Jon Lansdown, Rochard Gould (CEO), Doug Harman, and Gavin Marshall (CFO) Totally agree with your second paragraph.
  2. £150 million is not one tenth of one percent of £1.5 billion... It's 10%. Also 'available cash' is a loose and essentially meaningless term - Steve won't have £150m of available cash, far far from it. The comparison is irrelevant.
  3. I'll have you know I've had laser eye surgery! I don't think anyone's saying it's acceptable, merely that it is conceivable. From the referee's perspective - he's made an error in my opinion, but it could just be an honest one. Nothing about it would immediately say corruption to me. From the player's point of view - He's made an obvious (again, my opinion, and successful unfortunately) attempt to deceive the referee. This is a punishable offense in many Leagues and under many governing bodies (Bailey Wright received a ban whilst playing for us for deceiving the referee in an away match at Fulham. It resulted in Aboubakar Kamara being red carded). The player may well receive a ban. Acceptable - no Believable - yes Corrupt - Who knows, I doubt it. Just bad refereeing, something which we see all too often!
  4. Great for Wollacott! Amazing story that really. Also that penalty, I agree with someone else, I can see why the referee has given it... He was deceived by the dive from the player and presumably has had a bit of a guess at it. Before VAR that sort of thing was common. This is just a particularly bad example. Poor officiating but I wouldn't be rushing to scream corruption.
  5. Has anyone updated @Hampshire reds of the situation yet. @DaveF you promised he would be the first to know.
  6. They beat Hungary in both matches which we failed to do. Their back 5 last time out all play in Serie A. Torino, Salernitana, Roma, Empoli, Lazio. They've got some other Serie A players, one from La Liga, Broja from Southampton who's been decent in the prem recently. England should win comfortably, but it is fair to say they're no mugs imo. Nothing like in the same bracket as trash like San Marino, Andorra, Liechtenstein, etc.
  7. Nice one mate cheers, really appreciate that.
  8. Bloody Steveo isn't going to let a valuable asset who's working with his favourite sports team spare any time for little old us is he!
  9. That is the name of the league not the team he plays for, or any team for that matter! ? He plays for NK Istra 1961.
  10. To be fair, I think you were actually both wrong and it is 3 months. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7TH 2021 Joe Low has signed a new three-year deal with the club as he prepares to link up with Eastleigh on loan in the National League. I believe he played in a match for Eastleigh against Salisbury on August 7th - pre-season - so has been with them until now?
  11. I would be willing to bet we aren't one of the top 6 wage payers, overall. However he probably just meant we're competitive, and certainly should be challenging rather than what we are doing.
  12. Coxy27


    No reason to doubt OP or their source - but - it could be anything.
  13. I would have to disagree still - his pass completion must be awful. Never seems capable of retaining possession. Neither does anyone else mind.
  14. People say this every year recently, and it just doesn't happen.
  15. Coxy27


    Reppin' Backwell Primary - booyah
  16. Coxy27


    Probably that he's already got a job.
  17. Coxy27


    That's fair enough and probably the intention, but put yourself in the shoes of the player if he's read that.
  18. Coxy27


    Fair enough Dave - In my opinion this particular post was poor judgement.
  19. Coxy27


    I don't know what your almost 14000 other posts on this forum have been like, but I really hope they aren't as negative and spiteful as this. One of the saddest things I've seen on here for some time. I can't get my head around someone who thinks to post this less than an hour after our first home victory in bloody ages. Digging out a very young lad who's just made his debut. As others have said, I just hope the lad hasn't seen this.
  20. To do that, we would have to transfer to the Scottish League system.
  21. Has it been reported anywhere what sort of sentence he could face?
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