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Posts posted by spudski

  1. 13 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    It's futile, even thought it saves thousands of lives? Everything is a stall in life, that's just reality.

    I totally agree that the government need to get a handle on the obesity crisis in the country - but look at the fuss that was made around the sugar tax! What I'm saying is though we've needed something to have an impact now, which are the jabs.

    Maybe they do just buy us more time while we work out better, longer term solutions (OR decide we just don't bother any more!)

    Your point about being forced to eat a donut is interesting - literally no perhaps, but obesity does has a correlation with wealth. Due to lack of time, education, or willpower many people unfortunately choose the easiest route to get what they want - and it's incredibly difficult to change that. We all go through those periods in our lives There's a reason you see those people you mention gathered around spoons, and not around a fancy Clifton brasserie. It's an extremely complex issue!

    During and after the war, even with rations, people were healthier because they didn't eat shit. They ate natural food.

    You talk about Clifton brasserie...what's the fashionable food...peasant food. Food that the poor ate around the world. Food that was made at home from scraps.

    Food that was natural and grown. Picked, fished, killed. 

    70s came along...and shit food came along. Advertising telling us that's what we had to eat. It went downhill from then. Pot noodles etc 

    Funny...all the people you side with have time to sit all day eating and drinking shit all day in spoons, but don't have time to cook at home ? 

    Society has just followed advertising. Like lemmings.

    Yes it's a complex issue.

    But it's a very simple issue.

    People are easily led. Believe advertising, follow my leader.

    We live in a mental society, that will sit and watch, listen, reminisce about the better times?? when they could easily revert back to it, if they weren't so content to just keep watching ..and watching...and watching...until they are brainwashed. All in the name of some people getting very rich out of it.

    Have you seen how many of these rich 'stars', business people don't let their kids do social media or watch TV? There is a reason for that.

    They know the dangers that most of society has been swept up by and now think is normal. 



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  2. 2 minutes ago, Henry said:


    Why you following around disabled fat people around town to shame them? ******* weirdo.

    Id suggest you also google a picture of a triangle..

    I don't...such is the state of this country, the post office has three people working  on the tills...the queue outside goes past all these said places. I have to see and hear this lot at 10.30 in the morning. 

    And yep...these buildings create a triangle.

    I have to endure these fat people in scooters, doing the same everyday. Funny you'll support people abusing their bodies needlessly with no control, but moan about people pointing it out.

    You're the ******* wierdo mate for thinking that way. ??

    • Like 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

    Not really the point I was making but, (and this may surprise you), I actually agree with most of your post!

    My point was Every elderly or vulnerable people would need to "hide" from the rest of society.

    Hardly fair eh?

    Imo...if you are fit, healthy, young...let's go about our business as usual.

    If vulnerable...take precautions.

    No...it's not fair. Life isn't fair. We didn't ask for this. 

    But how is it fair that the majority of people have to change for a minority.

    Minority rule these days it seems.

    No need to hide from society...just be more cautious.

    They want us to work from home, buy online, not socialise. Wtf...really...think about the long term affects of that. This could go on forever.





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  4. 1 minute ago, IAmNick said:

    I swear some people are being wilfully ignorant at this point. This has been explained so many times.

    But many people are scared of the flu. We put millions and millions into developing vaccines each year, which millions and millions take. In a particularly bad year it can have a huge impact on our health services as you're not doubt aware.

    Flu is also a lot less contagious, so is less likely to overwhelm our healthcare services. Flu is also a lot better understood, so is less of a concern.

    Maybe I'm missing your point?

    So you are against authoritarian measures like showing a smartphone app to enter a football match or wear a mask.

    But you would perhaps support the government deciding what we eat, exercise and so on?

    The problem is that you are talking about problems that will take years, decades to fix. They're totally ingrained in every part of our society - we need solutions NOW.

    So in amongst all your complaining about society - the sheep, the obese, the unhealthy, are you willing to add something to society or change your own situation by getting the jab or showing the vaccine passport?

    The flu vaccines are developed each year on the main virus. In the meantime it mutates by the time you receive the next jab. It's futile, continually playing catch up.

    Yes...I'd rather the Government made a stand long term rather than short term. Everything I've said is true. We are a nation of fat, obese, unhealthy people, that develop health issues. Mainly down to diet, lack of exercise. 

    You can vaccine, booster as much as you like...it won't make any difference in the long run. People will catch it and won't be able to fight it because of underlying health issues brought on by themselves. No one forces you to eat another donut...but we could be forced to put something in our body, jab, some of us don't want, because many abuse themselves. Thanks for that.

    I've got a vaccine passport thank you. 


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  5. 9 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

    Bloody brilliant!

    Let's lock away every elderly/disabled/people with underlying health conditions, after all, should they actually want a life but get covid  it's their fault!

    Why? Because you and people like you don't give a rats ass about them obviously.

    Do have anyone in your life as described above? 

    What about the human rights of the people in the above groups?

    People like you make me ******* sick.

    This is going to piss a lot of people off...but be offended...sticks and stones. ?

    We all get it...all of us...those who are disabled through no fault of their own.

    I've lost my dad this year and about to lose my mum...both through cancer. This past two years has been hell dealing with hospitals and Drs, putting off normal procedures because of covid. Often people with covid with underlying health issues brought on by themselves. 

    I go to my local post office every day for work.

    I'll tell you what pisses me off...the amount of people, the same, in their motobility scooters, spilling out of them, waddling into Weatherspoons, drinking and eating shit, getting fatter, running to the vape shop when it rains, yes running, claiming from the post office on a Monday getting £10 out at a time from the till ? going in the betting shop... Continual drinking and eating shit. Getting fatter and Ill. Then expecting the vaccine to work and blaming the Government for incompetence. Sick of seeing a great number of people giving themselves health issues by living shit lives. I call it the triangle of doom...spoons, betting shop, vape shop, post office, tanning shop, doctors surgery...and if anyone is feeling active...a Gregg's 200 m away.

    Too many people in this country living like this, happy to, and not willing to change and help themselves. And all they do is blame everyone else for their problems.

    Watching Joe Wicks and Jamie Oliver on TV talking about how to keep healthy, whilst sat on their sofa eating a bucket of chicken and noshing a dominoes ?? wtf ..that's what we've become as a nation.

    No wonder so many die when they catch covid from underlying health issues brought on by themselves.

    Perhaps the Government should make it mandatory that we should eat healthier, exercise and get outdoors and breath fresh air...instead of smoking, getting pissed, eating shit, getting fat and ill, then complaining they've caught covid and hospitalised and can't breath.

    Not saying this is your situation...but for every personal situation, there is another one.

    What pisses me off the most is people that complain about everything and everyone, but aren't willing to change their own situation. Just take...add nothing to society, yet complain the most. ?



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  6. Deaths involving and due to Influenza and Pneumonia, England and Wales, deaths registered in 2020 and 2021.

    These are the summed totals for Week 1 2020 to week 53 (ending 1st January 2021):

    Deaths involving influenza and Pneumonia: 111,957 deaths

    Deaths due to Influenza and pneumonia: 20,523 deaths 

    Copy and pasted from Gov.uk

    I wonder as Harry is trying to find out, what the stats are for covid...

    Amazing we as a population aren't scared and in fear of Flu when 112,000 die WITH it.




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  7. Spread himself too thin...jack of all trades, master of none. 

    When asked about Bristol City...the reply is ...' well the men's team etc'.

    As every year goes by, he comes across as someone who had a great idea and belief, but made massive mistakes along the way. 

    Had more money than sense...decided he wanted to leave a legacy. Football, men's, womens, Basketball, Rugby, Lando ( although from horse's mouth, no money involved, just promotion for both ) car racing etc. Spread himself too thin...not focused on anything in particular.

    Tbh...it all comes across as a rich man's play thing, and is more involved with Botswana and wild animal welfare. No bad thing.

    Imo...it's a project that hasn't been fulfilled and leaving would be seen as failure. So it's a no win situation.

    Great being successful at other businesses, but surely he must sit down sometimes and contemplate where it's gone wrong. As a successful businessman you would. However...admitting failure, however hard you try, just doesn't come naturally to some people who are exceedingly successful at other ventures. Doing so would be seen as negative against the prospect of further business investments.


    • Like 5
  8. F1 has become a farce. Racing comes last.

    Pit stops, tyres, pit strategy, safety car, red flags, stewards etc etc..racing is now at a premium.

    Today's result was the equivalent of being 3 up, and the ref deciding it's going to penalties instead and VAR taking over.

    F1 has all the ingredients to be a great sport...spoilt by rules and regs.

    Let them friggin race, make cars suitable for racing and tracks that allow passing. It's not rocket science is it. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, The Bard said:

    The new variant clearly spreads quicker.  It also appears to be milder. If it was looking more severe we'd be ******.


    That will mean more cases but a lower percentage of these cases leading to serious illness.

    What we don't know is whether the total number of serious illness cases will increase. Depends on the exact percentages and numbers and will probably only become clear around Christmas.

    Any scientist or mathematician would be cautious in this scenario but the experts on OTIB know better


    Yes...go about your life and proceed with caution. Wear a mask if you want. Vaccine if you want. And if you have underlying health issues proceed with even more caution. We don't need the restrictions in place now though that don't make any sense. There is no need for a passport for a vaccine, and why be made to wear a mask in a supermarket when I can sing and dance elsewhere, drink in packed pub, go to the enclosed gym and breath heavily inside there. 

    People think you are the most selfish person if I walk around supermarket with no mask...but I can be sat next to said person in packed pub, enclosed sharing drinks etc. It's mental.

    • Like 1
  10. 47 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I know various people - including some on these boards - who work as doctors and nurses in hospitals. I think I'll listen to them on whether hospitals are currently being over-run, rather than someone on the internet who has no idea what is happening in hospitals but feels the need to pretend otherwise.

    Most people with underlying health conditions - diabetics included - don't get hospitalised if they get the flu. Especially as the flu jab massively drops the side effects. But, even without vaccination, flu doesn't hospitalise anywhere the numbers that COVID does.


    If you don't know something, admit you don't know it. Making inaccurate statements that you hope to be true is very easy for everyone else to see through. You're welcome to your opinion on all this but please don't invent facts. 

    I'm not...your comment of ' I know people' doesn't hold. So do I...and all of them disagree. If people on front line disagree, what hope do we have. 

    My father was in Southmead at the height of restrictions with Brain Tumor. When I went to visit, the place was virtually empty. Never seen a hospital so quiet. So we all have different experiences. 

    The one thing that's obvious, is that we've all become divided, all become 'experts' depending on who we listen to, all have made our own decisions based on those we listen too.

    Fact is...we are becoming less human. Don't mix is the mantra...avoid people. If that isn't going to screw us up long term then I don't know what is.

    On a side note...anyone thinking Scientists, experts don't have an angle then they are severely naive. All are paid by organisations, Governments, Pharmaceutical industries etc that have people that make vast amounts of money from this scenario. There is no reason they want to this situation to conclude, it's in their benefit. It's the same as when we have wars...people die, but a lot of people who aren't affected by the war make Billions from them.

    We live in a world of agenda and lies. And it's Joe public that bares the brunt of it.

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  11. 15 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

    I think the experts from this country should decide how this mutation affects us.

    Once and if they do agree its mild then restrictions can be relaxed.

    If they conclude it's similar or worse then they can be tightened.

    As for Boris, the buffoon should never have been anywhere near number 10. Whose fault is that? Anyone who voted for Jeremy bloody Corbyn as Labour leader who was unelectable, but thats a different debate!

    The virus doesn't choose to be different from country to country. We are all humans. It affects us the same way. The ' experts' do agree it's mild.

    Seriously this is not about health and spreading anymore. 

    The government listen to the experts, then put in rules that don't make any sense.

    It's totally symbolic. 

    You've got world leaders mixing, putting on masks for the cameras, then taking them off when meeting others, shaking hands and hugging.

    Why anyone else can't see this amazes me.

    These Governments, world leaders listen to the experts and scientists first hand. They get all the info. Yet they don't abide by the rules they set for us.

    As human beings, you would do as advised by the Scientists. You wouldn't ignore it. So why are the Government going about their lives like there is nothing to worry about...they aren't in fear of getting ill. What do they know that we don't. They would comply whole heartedly if otherwise for their own health.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

    No, I don't listen to politicians but I do listen to scientists and other health experts.

    Boris, definitely not. Chris Witty, Patrick Valance, Jenny Harries, Jonathan Van Tam etc, absolutely yes!

    There is a difference, or do you think they say what they are told to say?

    The Scientist in South Africa who warned about the mutation, said it's mild. Others have followed. Even on the mainstream news this morning, the _ expert' said there has been no hospitalisation due to the variant.

    We are having to abide by rules that just take the piss. Masks in cinemas, theatre etc, yet take them off to sing your head off at church :laugh: Go to pub, restaurant or gym...no masks.

    If this was about not spreading it then those rules wouldn't apply. It's a joke. 


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  13. 5 hours ago, Colombo Robin said:

    Cut the BS, Harry. You left the politics section since you were repeatedly getting hammered in debates and needed a break. You clearly havent used the time to work on your skills. Exactly the same as before, you act all nonchalant and then someone says something you disagree with, it gets under your skin and you parade yourself as billy big bollox and then when that doesnt work resort to insults or cheap shots. I thought you couldnt get much lower when you had a cheap dig at someones income level when it became clear you were losing a debate but posting a swastika on a thread about covid. Grow up

    Luckily there are enough of us "buffoons" rolling up our sleeves so hospitals aren't overrun. We all respect your decision to not attend the footy.  All we ask is don't be a dick about it


    Hospitals aren't being overrun. This variant has very mild symptoms. You get it and recover at home. 

    The people vulnerable are those with underlying health issues like diabetes. They'd be hospitalised like most years if they caught the flu.

    There is no reason to bring in more restrictions. 

    Two years now...new mutations, new boosters, it just goes on and on. 

    Are you willing to go through the rest of your life living this way? Because it's not going away...ever. It will mutate every year, just like the flu. There will be new vaccines every year, just like flu.

    Politicians lie to us everyday...funnily we are outraged the most because of a few parties. We should be outraged everyday at their lies.

    Oddly we know they lie, manipulate media, pay people etc etc. It's been the way of Governments for ever.

    Yet the population believe every word coming out of their mouths on this issue. Without question..just follow. 

    How divided we all have become. 



    • Like 6
  14. Can anyone else remember the stall in the Late 70s, just before the old ticket office, that sold lots of shirts and paraphernalia from the newish formed American League, where lots of older Pros went to play? NASL. I remember wanting a California Surf shirt :laugh: 

    Sold lots of other clubs kits too, as well as badges, pendants, cloth patches, scarf's etc etc 

    I do remember getting an autographed photo of George Best from it.




  15. On 03/12/2021 at 12:27, Red-Robbo said:


    No bus goes past my house - and in fact, no service to Bristol goes through my village at all.

    Nonetheless, I've decided to use the bus to get to Saturday games.  The time to get to Bristol is about the same as driving, and I don't have the arse-ache of finding a parking space. Plus I have the righteous glow of being eco-friendly- my Greta Thunberg seal of approval.  :laughcont: 

    Seriously, it's mainly the parking that persuaded me to use this mode, but it does have some upsides. I am able to get more pints in now, but the extra walking (I disembark at Temple Meads) means I exercise off most of those beer calories.

    I'd encourage everyone who can to take the option of public transport and walking, but I do realise that for many fans, for reasons of age, infirmity and disability, this just isn't practical. The Council should give serious thought to these people. It's discriminatory to deny access and parking to all but the worst-case Blue Badge holders. I'm happy with a 45 minute stroll to the Gate in all weathers. If I was 20 years older, it wouldn't be an option. 

    Problem with public transport is... you've got to share it with the public.

    Last time I used the bus, some bloke got on next to me with a rotisserie chicken and proceeded to eat it like an apple. Some girl nearer the front then started to talk on the phone loudly about her gynaecology appointment with the Dr. Some wanted the window open...others didn't. I'm sat at the back burning from the engine. Other times Drunks, shouting, fights, just not a nice experience. 

    Catch 22

    • Haha 2
  16. Reason it worked for us yesterday, is because we took the lead.

    Derby tried to pull us forward to create gaps. We stood fast.

    It would have bee a different story if we were losing or looking for a goal.

    The facts are...if you are out of possession you are having to work physically and mentally harder.

    Said before...it's no coincidence we've conceded many times at the end of games. Players are physically and mentally tired.

    We did well out of possession yesterday, but it massively helped being a goal up.

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  17. 3 hours ago, billywedlock said:

    About 2 maybe 2.5  years ago, I was in a location where Ashton was. He was dealing with someone and I was sat behind. All he talked about was himself and how he was signing this player and that player. He talked about it being "my club" and how brilliant he was in the transfer market. When he left, the person who was dealing with him, a friend actually asked "Does he own Bristol City ?" and then " He is so full of sh1T". Now if that person in 30 minutes got his number how could our billionaire businessman owner not in 4 years. He will destroy Ipswich.  

    I had a similar occasion. Sat next to him in the coffee shop. Like you say, it was all about him. And for some odd reason he was putting on a cockney accent. Absolutely full of shit.  

    • Haha 2
  18. 12 hours ago, pongo88 said:

    It’s true that a lot of players from the past were unfit by today’s standards but that doesn’t mean they would be unfit now. The training regime and diet today would make them better players.  The entire City team that reached Division 1 with Alan Dicks was unfit by today’s standards, partly because they spent as much time in the pub as they did at the training ground. If they were playing now they would be better players. (I’d rather have an unfit Paul Cheesley than a “fit” Chris Martin). It’s wrong to compare then with now. If you do, you arrive at crazy conclusions. Stanley Mathews who played about 700 league games and over 50 games for England did so at basically walking pace. He couldn’t do that now, but  that doesn’t mean that now he would have spent his career in the lower leagues. He was an exceptionally gifted player, so he would have adapted his game to suit modern requirements. 


    11 hours ago, bpexile said:

    I'm thinking Tomlin is a good example of huge ability but not fitness, although I think attitude was his greatest downfall.

    Genetics have a lot to do with what fitness level you can achieve, keep and be constant. Then you have to have the right attitude.

    My point in all my posts in this thread has been about Britton not being genetically able to get to the fitness level required, regardless of good training and attitude.

    The same can be said of former players mentioned in the thread. How many skillful players have we seen over the years that aren't natural athletes, have the fat gene, or other physical negatives..Molby, Gascoigne, Tomlin etc etc 

    Over the years watching, it's noted how many players that are extremely skillful naturally aren't physically gifted. It's a common theme.



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