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Everything posted by spudski

  1. I don't follow it...and it doesn't bother me or scare me. Lived through 70s and 80s...seen it all fella.
  2. Hence why they have their faces covered.
  3. The twitter site Casual chaps...is dedicated to Football, Fighting and Fashion. That's what it says...
  4. spudski


    Thanks Dave...so as others have implied, profit will come from other uses of the arena, rather from the Flyers...which as you've suggested has a small following. Otherwise it would be a massive investment for a following under 1000.
  5. spudski


    I agree...we've lost way too much to Cardiff over the years. And it's such a ballache now to get in and out of within the time scales...oh hang on...I'll include Bristol in that. We really need to sort public transport out for late exits to suburban areas.
  6. spudski


    Well that's stumbled me...you watching Ricky Gervais??? That's like watching me on stage and you hitting dislike ????? joshing ?
  7. spudski


    This is why I asked...am I right in thinking the venue will create more money away from Basketball? I hope we can attract more bands playing gigs...as long as it sounds decent. Nothing worse than a venue that sounds awful.
  8. spudski


    Ahhhh right...I didn't realise it was also designed for gigs. Now that imo is a good thing...as long as the acoustics work... Cue Dolman stand PA ?
  9. spudski


    Thanks for the reply...it just crossed my mind as to if it was profitable compared to maybe other facilities that could be in that site.
  10. spudski


    Apart from a few who I've seen said they attend...how many go to watch basketball? Is it popular in Bristol? I played it for the school team back in the day, we had a teacher who was ex England who coached...but I've never watched it since. When living in Canada, Basketball, Baseball, Ice hockey, American football were pretty much 24/7 on TV...went to a few live hockey games in Kamloops, but jeez I find all those sports boring. Just interested...and as an SL investment...etc...
  11. Well we are doing something right...for the second week running we are top of XG in the championship. We were pretty much bottom for the last two seasons most weeks. Whilst XG isn't perfect...it does show some positives in a teams performance. https://twitter.com/secondtierpod/status/1698262897397202977?s=20
  12. I guess it's by comparison. 14% of 2billion isn't going to leave you living in hardship. Let's be honest. SLs spend isn't going to affect him as to whether he can feed his family, pay the mortgage, go on holiday etc. It's hobby money to him.
  13. However...the point being, it's no more of a problem to him financially running the club, as it is to the average fans spending yearly following the club. If you get my drift ? It's disposable income used on a hobby.
  14. That was my point...his spend on running this club is approx what the average fan spends yearly by comparison on following City.
  15. That'll be the second bottle of primitivo kicking in ???
  16. 1.72 billion net worth 240 million spent on City https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/bristol-city-bears-steve-lansdown-8458397
  17. Someone will probably be able to work this out properly, but looking at the reported SLs net worth and what he's spent on the club, it works out at approx 3.5% of his net worth. Back of the fag packet type working out, but approx. Put that into context to what the average fan spends every year by comparison.
  18. I haven't read all the thread, but one thing that's crossed my mind, is that NP says we have 17 players available for the first team squad. Weimann expected back in September some time...but the others injured are pretty much long term injuries. Conway maybe Oct/Nov. If that's the case...it's impossible to think we won't experience any more injuries to players before the next window in January. Flogging a small squad will lead to fatigue and more likelihood of injury. The Club are playing with fire imo.
  19. I know I'm in the minority, but I'd sell Vyner asap. I have a gut feeling last season was a one off.
  20. How I look at it...it is what it is. However...to make a Statement, us as fans should back NP and the team as much as possible. Backs to the wall mentality. Stick it up the owners arse so to speak. Silly state of affairs.
  21. The ' Values' page is rather ironic when considering the state of our new kit and stock image robin. Quote... Collaborative Working with you to achieve content we all are proud of Honest Honesty is better than sugar coated bullsh*t Ambitious Constantly striving to do things better than before, and paving the way in creative, solutions based thinking Proud of our ‘outside the box’ thinking, not doing things the easy way just because it’s worked before, but doing things a new way, the right way, to get the best outcome Progressive Finding creative solutions and challenging the ‘business as usual’ approach
  22. Yes...atmospheres were definitely better. As for the football...it's become diluted because we are saturated with it. You can watch it 24/7. Back then you couldn't. It was an occasion back then. Now it's just something we do. I've also spoken about it before...where sports becomes too perfect. Football at a higher levels is. It's the imperfections and mistakes that can make sport more exciting to watch for the spectator.
  23. spudski


    Funnily enough we had the number 1 stat for XG in the Championship this past week. Unheard of...
  24. Two days ago we said goodbye to Chris. You might like this...
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