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Everything posted by spudski

  1. Certainly could be. Hard to make out. Similar stature though. He also had white laces that day. http://www.khandallah.co.uk/Charlie_Roberts/1909_FA_CUP.html
  2. Here's the original image. You can expand it and get a clearer view. 71,406 in attendance.
  3. I can't remember that kit. But thanks for sharing ?
  4. 1973...Airtex shirt. Beautiful away kit. ?
  5. That actually happened when England played Italy in yellow and blue and we lost. Early 70s away.
  6. Did Stoke play in an away kit of yellow and blue in 1973? I know lots of teams did back then
  7. It wasn't the collar you had to worry about...it was the material. Serious nipple rub back in those days ?? That yellow and blue away kit is lovely though. Would love that as an away kit.
  8. ...50 years ago today. But what a cracking away kit. Would love that now. See film footage against Stoke in link.
  9. I'm surprised the Ox never gets a mention on here. Imo it's far better than Pasture for a steak. https://theoxbristol.com/
  10. If you listen to the clip...it sounds mid conversation about City...not a one off question. That's how it comes across to me. Either way...I find it very odd how conclusions can be made from the small clip like we've had on this thread. ?
  11. I wonder how many views will change when the full interview is released early this week, instead of judgements based on a few sentences. ?
  12. I rest my case with Politicians and Governments. The same thing...said experts run the country, people moan about their lot, yet still support it. Same can be said with our football club. Moan about the owner, his errors, the way the club's run and it's poor relationship with the public. Look at the forum...it's a moan fest. Look at the stadium on match day...it's full of the same people who moan supporting it, and an even bigger majority who don't give a damn and just take it as a given. They eat and drink the overpriced shit, buy and wear the overpriced crap called replica wear, pay the prices for tickets, put up with the parking...basically put up with it all..some moan...some just go with it regardless. As ' it is what it is'. Who's the idiots? If you can get away with it...they will. More fool those who moan about it all...but still support it. Happens in all walks of life. Hence the have's and have nots.
  13. I think if you live a millionaire lifestyle it's inevitable. Look at other organisations, businesses, politicians...clueless to the man on the street.
  14. ...good luck to the last. Nathan@thefinance-family.co.uk
  15. Look at the whole context of the interview. The Luton example was in reference to being able to achieve promotion without parachute payments.
  16. Do you really think SL believes it's just luck and consistency? Seriously? He's made numerous errors in judgement when recruiting managers and backroom staff. He knows that, we know that. He's now letting NP and Tinnion sort it out. And given them the best facilities to do so. In the past...under GJ we were one game from being promoted to the Prem. That would have been ' luck' imo. It's probably the worst thing that ever happened to this club under SLs tenure...giving a false sense to how it could be achieved. It's taken him years imo, to actually see the light.
  17. As we are doing now. The point SL is making. He's not saying we should be doing better, because Luton made it with ' lesser' players. He's pointing out it's possible with parachute payments and used Luton as an example.
  18. I don't think SL is comparing Luton's model with ours in that statement. He mentions before not being able to compete financially with parachute payments...then...' we have to wait for our moment ' like Luton had. How I see it, he's saying Luton were in a similar situation to us, as in no parachute payments, and that they got promoted ( with lesser players than ours). So he's pointing out, it is possible to get promoted without parachute payments, with a bit of luck and consistency.
  19. Thanks for the replies. Apologies to the person that responded to my post. I couldn't reply as it's been deleted ?
  20. ...that was started today? Someone quoted me, and I'm now getting I don't have permission to read it? ?
  21. I watched the videos put up by James this morning. He does some excellent analysis and videos. Always worth watching. I thought the video showing the poor pass to Conway from Matty James, where it led to losing possession and eventually them scoring was very telling. Often these actions are often overlooked when goals are scored. Matty James for me this season is my biggest concern. I said it would be at the end of last. He's now 32...whether he can still perform weekly at a level we need is debatable. He imo, is an important cog in our wheel. Fingers crossed he can.
  22. It's the new agenda. World Climate Crisis weather reporting. Just look at Germany FFS...??
  23. Yate Town playing against the Academy this morning at the HPC. It'll be interesting to see who's playing for City that won't be in today's match day squad.
  24. I think that comes with age and experience. Good man management like he says, you need to observe and watch, be viseable, but not always talking. When you do talk...as he says...you need clarity. If you are constantly talking, people get bored and your message gets diluted. When you do talk...people will know it's important, and will listen. You talk when you need to...not just for the sake of it. I made a joke on another thread inferring to how two former players would imo, struggled to have understood LJs coaching talk and methods. It's like chalk and cheese. This is why it's mentioned often that the players now have a clear plan on what they need to do and what's expected.
  25. Wonder why this got mentioned in conversation ? ?? Quote... By Pearson’s own admission, he has changed as a manager over time, if not as a person. He has not gone soft — there are still things (“blaggers” in particular) that get his “bullshit sensor pinging”.
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