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Everything posted by spudski

  1. Thanks for that Dave...I remember watching it at the time. As shown in the interview it's a complicated injury, that even the experts have difficulty agreeing on severity/ cure etc. Hopefully TC gets the right diagnosis and treatment. Nothing worse than a niggling injury that you never feel 100% with after recuperation.
  2. The ones I know who never recovered fully were higher up. Those nearer the knee faired better. But all of them said they never felt as they were before the injury.
  3. Neil Palmer. Isn't Scott Davidson involved as well? Some info here... https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/bristol-city-proudly-supports-new-former-players-association/
  4. If this is the case, I feel for TC. Not an easy injury to overcome. I know several people who have done this through Ski Racing. None of them ever got back to feeling fully back to normal.
  5. Sadly I can't comment as I was unable to watch the game. When commenting on such things, highlights don't show the bigger picture. On a whole though...I agree Zak has improved this season. I do think he could improve more with his reactions and physicality on occasion. What comes across as calm and collected when in control is fine...but sometimes all out reaction, and a throw yourself at it attitude is needed, even if it makes you look out of position and desperate. Baker and Kalas both did/do this when needed.
  6. Tbh...it's a stunning location. @Never to the dark side would love this.
  7. You think that's bad...I'll trump you with this one in Slovakia ???
  8. There are ' experts' that tell us how, what ,when, things will happen in a ground. Anti social behaviour, drugs, flares, alcohol, fighting, etc etc etc. Fans, the public...all have a voice and opinion on what's best or needed We read it every day on the forum. What we need is a free for all. Club sells tickets. One price. Sit or stand where you want. Create your own atmosphere. Let's see how the ' monkeys' can control themselves without rules and regulations. If it works...great. But if it doesn't...don't come complaining to those who put regs in place. Simple. Said somewhat tongue in cheek. But it has some relevance. You simply can't expect the general public to act socially...you've only got to witness that most evenings when people are under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
  9. I saw this video and thought of this thread. As fans we sometimes become detached of reality when it comes to supporting our team. And sometimes we say things, throw away comments, that when you put in perspective and compare to our own lives...it's worth stopping and thinking.
  10. Let it go ?? I'm only jealous...would have loved to have watched City play during the 50s and 60s. ?
  11. Exactly...great team spirit ?
  12. It seems an eternity ago. ? However...I don't think the focus on mistakes made by Refs in the Championship gets focussed on as much as VAR. ?
  13. Love this...everything about it...such a well taken goal. And just look at the lads celebrating afterwards... Scott in particular.
  14. Yes I saw that...Yate, Tiverton and Weston Well travelled young en
  15. Having watched him at Yate recently, he stood out as the best player...sadly the type of football being played pretty much bypassed the midfield, so he never really shone as someone capable of Championship football this season. The description further up of a Korey Smith type player, was not a bad idea. I was surprised however to see him develop so quickly since Yate. He was far ahead of Prince Henry imo whilst at Yate...but the way our academy works, I wouldn't be surprised if he turns up sooner rather than later.
  16. I can only see this worsening matters, as we've already seen VAR make massive errors. Imagine a ref explaining to the crowd the recent decision with Rashford. Just get rid of VAR full stop and change the offside and handball rules. It'll make life so much easier. Pre VAR...did we go on about the mistakes made by refs post game? Not as much as we do with the mistakes made by VAR. Bin it.
  17. I'm hoping so too...and if Tanner, Vyner Atkinson, Sykes, and Williams keep improving then hopefully it will like you say fast track
  18. I wonder how long it will be before we see Conway and Bell start together? They had a great partnership developing in the U21s. Such a shame Conway got injured...but again...someone's injury has allowed an opportunity quicker. I get so frustrated at our current situation. The thought of Pring, Benorous, Scott, Semenyo, Bell and Conway all playing fills me with excitement in the potential to take the next step. To be able to all develop together.
  19. I was pretty much going to say the exact same thing. Shocking tactics under Beadle. So glad he's gone. Much better now. I think it's gone under the radar but Yate have recently signed on loan Brandon Oputeri from City under 21s
  20. Perhaps they need to speak to some Boomers on how to go about it... ????
  21. I disagree with this point. It has nothing to do with age or when you were born. Back in the day we had standing. You could stand where you want. Now, apart from S82 it's seating. People have bought tickets to sit in A Block. That area will have a cross section of the population...young, old, families etc. Now you are going to get a bunch of lads moving in, that have no intention on sitting down. They are there to stand, sing, create an atmosphere and give it large to the opposition fans. They also copied tickets and tried to enter the ground for free. All this has done, is now increase stewarding and Police and more checks on entry. You can guarantee there will be disruption and they will want to stand. No way are they going to sit in their seats singing. So for anyone who was sat there before, their whole experience will be different. More stewards, more police, more checks, more disruption. I'm all for creating a great atmosphere. I'm all for banter etc. I'd love there to be standing all around the ground. However...look after your fellow fans, respect those who were there before.
  22. I'm not negative...I'm just being realistic. I see how the club operate. The only thing I want, is fellow fans to respect one another and don't take liberties. I'm all for banter between opposing fans. I'm just aware that it often escalates.
  23. We'll soon find out I'm sure. The club don't want anything of hostility. They don't want a hostile atmosphere. They prefer it as it is. They are obviously happy with the ' singing section and it being far away from the opposition fans. They want to promote a family club. With a ' family atmosphere '. That's how I see it.
  24. That's fine...we can agree to disagree. Were talking about BCFC remember. The Club, Police will step in someway or another. They'll inforce sitting down and make it impossible for those intent on standing and creating ' hostility' between fans.
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