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Everything posted by 22A

  1. 7.45pm and......."Please stand by. We are experiencing technical difficulties".
  2. Now you're showing your age. But with the tunes you won't be saying Dottingham.
  3. Only 12 points off the play offs and we're only in February.
  4. That's where the 70's chant of "You're going in the river" originated. Meanwhile Sports 10 is now showing tonight's game; https://sports-10.com/nottingham-forest-v-bristol-city/ As both teams can forget League success this season, I suggest this could well be the last meaningful game for the losers, so hopefully, we'll see two teams both going for it.
  5. Nor is it on https://sports-10.com/ who've shown the last two City games.
  6. And so there is! Please look forward two more months and tell us which horse will win the Grand National. Give NW his due though. He stated the transfer window is shut so he'll just have work with what he's got.
  7. A similar question to this was asked nearly 20 years ago on this very forum. Many people stated they wouldn't like the Prem due to plastic fans, high prices kickoff times and days changing at short notice etc. The overall consensus was for City to be a consistently strong 2nd tier team with a good cup run every few years. Then came that play off final v Hull and everyone's opinion changed to We can do this".
  8. When Big Brother first aired, you the viewer could use the red button on your remote and choose from which of eight cameras you wanted to watch. Could we have that introduced for sports events?
  9. There were time v Leeds when it appeared (to me) City were playing 5 strung across the pen area,-3 no too forward of them and -2 waiting for the long pass to them.
  10. Their goal came from being faster than us. Their almost 2nd came from yet another misplaced pass.
  11. Half time thoughts. Is it my imagination or are the Leeds players, man for man, faster than ours? Why are so many City passes going astray? City do seem to have picked up for the last 10 mins of that first half.
  12. Sorry' I didn't realise it was a pro Leeds commentary.
  13. OK folks; sound & vision all up & running. https://sports-10.com/bristol-city-v-leeds-utd/
  14. For those who can't attend tonight and don't have Sky either; this appears to be working; https://sports-10.com/bristol-city-v-leeds-utd/ I'll click on it just before KO to confirm.
  15. https://www.motforum.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=46057 Bristol are a dirty team of cloggers and the fact it's been moved to a Friday night for SKY fiils me with non optimism. Hope I'm wrong! No change there then, Swannie. No doubt the referee will turn a blind eye once again. I watched them on TV a few days ago and commented on here that they were the dirtiest team I'd seen this season. I think it was v Wet Spam Disgraceful tactics
  16. I selected https://sports-10.com/ for the last two games. They give an option of all games taking place that afternoon or evening. Select which one you want and away you go. Pictures and sound and nothing to pay, all in this country too.
  17. The win was there, but too often the final pass through to a forward fell short. Just like the Forest game, it made interesting viewing for neutral. Some Coventry fans are not happy; https://www.skybluestalk.co.uk/threads/coventry-city-bristol-city-fc-match-thread-tuesday-30th-jan.156447/page-23 Take the point, but that wasn't great from us. At least we managed not to lose. Shitty game and no one put in a performance. Take it and move on. Need to be winning those sort of games if we're serious about playoffs. Bristol City are bang average. What a bloody awful game of football.
  18. EEK! The action keeps freezing. Is it the same for everyone, or just me?
  19. No; they're catching to prevent further falling down the leagues.
  20. Yep; https://sports-10.com/coventry-v-bristol-city/ they appear to have every City game lately. Or we'll break your neck!
  21. Now you're showing your age. Russell Osman was in midfield for that game.
  22. Any point in going? Coventry fans seem to think they'll win 2-0. https://www.skybluestalk.co.uk/threads/coventry-city-bristol-city-fc-match-thread-tuesday-30th-jan.156447/ We battered them at their place and managed to lose 1 nil. Missed chance after chance and they scored with their first attempt on target. We will put that right with a 2 nil win. Not an easy game at all, they are decent, but we are better and I do expect a narrow victory. 2-0 back to clean sheets for the first time in a while, Thomas and Wright to score. 2-0 3-0 if we play well Seems harsh to drop Palmer imo as he’s been consistently good of late. Want revenge for losing to that garbage Pearson side, but will be tough to get it.
  23. A bit of variety then; it's nearly 40 years since we last played Newport; 14 March 87, a 4-0 win to e the double over 'em that season.
  24. As Maidstone are 6th tier, today was the 7th round played as Maidstone entered at the2nd qualifying stage on 16th Sep A team in the Prem or Champs "only" has to win 6 games to lift the cup.
  25. That comment may be lost on the young 'uns, nearly 20 years ago now. The trouble between the large group of supporters started on Radcliffe Road, Nottingham, after Saturday's game. The nearby Amici wine bar was damaged inside and out during the incident. Three men from the Avon and Somerset area, aged 17, 41 and 44, have been arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and criminal damage
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